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Those scalpers weren’t buying from Sony.

You walked away from ps5s forever because a multinational corporation didn’t cater to you personally?


It already has been successful for them for many years, starting with horizon zero dawn and god of war many years ago and that brought them console buys before later porting the sequels to pc for the same purpose.

This isn’t some new strategy for them, just a continuation of something that has already been successful.

Here’s an example from 2022: reddit.com/…/anyone_else_buying_a_ps5_solely_for_…

These types of posts are common with the spiderman, god of war, horizon series to name a few.


The contempt x10, the fact Cohen did time in prison for the other side of this thing, the attacks on the judge’s daughter and family, staff, intimidation of jurors and witnesses…


July is gonna be interesting when all you doubters walk back your claims. The judge is hyper aware of the contempt x10, the fact Cohen did time in prison for the other side of this thing, the attacks on the judge’s daughter and family, staff, intimidation of jurors and witnesses…

Don’t take it from me www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0fYRCjdMsE&t=146s


This is an absolutely absurd out of touch take. High quality games by indie devs is more common then ever, we are seeing a resurgence of story driven games that have ZERO MTX.

I got some news for ya pal, “gaming” is not Ubisoft and EA. For example, Sony’s exclusives: horizon, spider man, god of war, the last of us, uncharted, and that is ONLY SONY.

In the milsim genre there is a HUGE renaissance of games like ground branch, grayzone, six days in fallujah, etc. this is the case for many genres right now and has been for years at this point.

You are quite literally judging the ENTIRE fucking industry on a few big name studios and the shit they push out.

Putting that aside for a moment, even then, your take doesnt reflect reality. Sony is one of the biggest right now studio wise in console games and they’ve been bridging the gap to PC for years now.


In a shift from previous strategies, Sony has revealed a new focus for the PlayStation 5 that prioritizes increasing the amount of time users spend playing on the console, rather than solely concentrating on the quantity of game sales. This strategic change reflects an evolving consumer behavior observed during the era of the PS4, aiming to boost profitability through enhanced engagement within the PlayStation ecosystem

If anything, the big dogs are walking away from mtx and sales numbers and focusing on what makes good games that bring people back.



The man who heads PlayStation Productions and product at PlayStation Studios believes that the future of gaming will be about “immersive narratives.” In fact, Asad Qizilbash thinks developers will focus on emotional storytelling over visual fidelity in the future.

Which takes down your other stance about how it’s only about graphics these days. Again it’s not just the big dogs, have you seriously NOT seen the insane amount of extremely popular games that use retro styles? Years and years old like hotline Miami, or brand new like animal well, etc. it never stopped.

Video game dunkey’s BigMode studio is yet another great example of these concepts and priorities reaching popularity and approval

almost everything today is a rehash

You are simply telling on yourself here. We get it, you are not connected to where gaming is today, whether that be due to nostalgia or perhaps a hyper focus on a specific niche, but to judge the state of the entire goddamn industry based on that?

Bottom line: make ann effort to actually play some well received and highly regarded games just from the past five years and you’ll understand why your take is hollow.


I quit playing years ago because I got sick of the repetitive seasonal game mode loop to get that ounce of story drip-fed week by week.

Is that still the case?

Fades, (edited )

I had the same question but I can’t find the goddamn answer anywhere. Journalism these days is a fucking pathetic joke.

The (piece of shit) article only says

“The team at Intercept Games will be laid off as of June 28th so a great group will be out and about looking for their new roles. As will I,” he said.

The future of Intercept Games has been uncertain for some time amid ongoing restructuring at owner Take-Two Interactive.

I looked up the history:

Kerbal Space Program 2 was announced back in 2019with Star Theory Games (formerly Uber Entertainment) at the helm, taking over the franchise from the original developer Squad under Take-Two’s ownership of the IP. Some tumult occurred in 2020 when Take-Two reconsidered a move to acquire Star Theory, instead setting up Intercept Games and hiring a bunch of the team from Star Theory to this new studio. Delays followed, with the game pushed back first to 2022, then 2023, and then eventually resulting in an early access release in February 2023.

So I don’t goddamn know.


It has ALWAYS been this way, the Republican fascists are just extra desperate to hurt Biden and to get back for the whole insurrection disqualifying the wannabe mango Mussolini


Expecting things today to play out like they did in the past just seems extremely naive now.

It’s a little ironic given that statement of yours is itself naive.

Much of the gov policy enforcement is good faith-based, which is obviously terrible, but what do you suggest though? Do you think the Republicans will go along with adjusting rules to be specific and enforced? They survive in-part due to these flimsy definitions and policies enforced by good faith.

Look how difficult it was just to get these exceptions passed. How the fuck are we going to fix any of that with a literal do-nothing house? Furthermore, what little bandwidth that does exist is undoubtedly being spent shoring up the loose threads that nearly snapped on and around J6.




what a goddamn joke, she has literally NO qualifications to be a judge let alone a judge for one of the most important cases in the history of the fuckin country.

Absolutely pathetic, everybody in the goddamn law profession should be ashamed. Nothing but clowns


Dianne Feinstein

no surprise here, the geriatric was probably half awake thinking she was home watching tv


FUCK THE POPE, the old geriatric fuck.


wow he’s so great, he let’s LGBTQ people exist in the church’s vicinity.

Fades, (edited )

FUCK Hungary, kick them the fuck out already goddamn.


Haha, you right, my brain went to nato


The people who need to see this will instead shut their eyes and cry gEnOcIdE jOe!!!


They’re sick of hearing and talking about Trump, so they don’t want to talk about this stuff. They would rather film themselves crying about gEnOcIdE jOe on tiktok to make them feel better about themselves.

Single issue voters hurt everyone.


The only split is whether you’re willing to give Biden yet one more pass on our latest imperial atrocity or whether you’ve finally reached your limit.

when you boil everything down to black and white, the nuance is gone along with any wisdom you started out with. Shame that’s all you got, can’t even hold an intelligent discussion without you leaping for the hyperbole.

For instance, what country is doing more than the US to bring aid to Gaza?


Well said! MAGA can literally do ANYTHING and it’s cool, including fucking their own voters.

Democrats must be Jesus fucking Christ on earth or else the whole party is fucked and there’s no point in voting. They trot out bullshit like two bad choices, no point in voting, etc. as their fallback.

‘we shouldn’t have to settle!!!’ welcome to reality bud.

The biggest shock for me is that these morons clearly have big opinions but feel their best move is to silence themselves and not vote, ensuring that the least bad choice is that much more vulnerable to the real bad choice. Undoubtedly a lot of these anti-vote people are russian trolls and the like, voter disenfranchisement is big fuckin business now just like it was in 2016.

Single issue voters kill us all


Oh I know exactly where you can find them! Just visit lemmy.world/c/politicalmemes community, they post there 24/7


What the fuck is this abuser talk? Nowhere did they say anything about deserving it, you are projecting your emotions here.

What they DID say was it’d be difficult to not say I told you so, as in, I told you your choices would lead here. ‘You fucked up and now we’re here’ is a far cry from ‘you deserved it’.


You’re telling on yourself here bud, I think you need to go back to history class. You can’t just throw away all nuance by framing a strawman. It is absolutely not black and white like that and there is absolutely a lot more at play then just money or authoritarianism, namely history.


Meanwhile the US is the only reason Gaza is getting any real aid at this point given all the other bullshit by both Hamas and the Zionist trash.

But go ahead and look at the things you like and pretend everything else isn’t happening


No it is not the nature of voting, it is not a binary thing at all. Again all you do is remove all nuance which destroys the discussion

You’re also proving my point, Israeli Zionists fucked aid and the US is the ONLY ONES doing ANYTHING to ensure aid gets there at our own cost. Meanwhile Egypt and neighboring countries simply put up barbed wire and close crossings.

ALL those aids you listed you admit are no longer happening, only the US is now making it happen, but that’s not convenient to your position is it?

Are you SERIOUSLY comparing the US to Nazi goddamn Germany right now? You are beyond a discussion based on reality. Won’t waste anymore time on you. Shame.


this is what fascists do

Donald fucking trump attempted to flood his own computer surveillance room to destroy evidence too

Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden (www.theguardian.com)

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....


Economy health does not equate to cheap fuckin groceries and gas.

The goddamn monopolies are fleecing us because they can, that’s not the economy’s fault, you’re just literally taking their lies/excuses as fact.

Your comment screams naivety. You may think you want a bad one but the rest of us know we don’t.


Goddamn people will upvote anything


We get it, you don’t actually understand what economy means


No, we cry about the FBI’s standard verbiage for raids (the same used for MAL raid) and frame it as a literal assassination plot to muddy the waters after Trump’s lawyer told the Supreme Court that Trump could kill rivals with seal team 6 and also at the NRA speech recently in which Trump talked about executing Biden

Oh I almost forgot, Newsweek will post about how this is bad for Biden and platform all of trumps lies in the meantime

Ahh shit… yeah same thing again


Who cares about being caught with it? He was literally handing it out as a pay to play situation. That Aussie billionaire paid bank and got top fucking secret US nuclear arsenal information and that dude blabbed to others immediately, even on the car ride leaving MAL.




anything I don’t personally agree with must be weak lies

Fades, (edited )

Nowhere did you provide actual proof but you sure are confident you’re right lmao

I got the largest fuckin bridge to sell ya


the stock market is a fucking pathetic joke, just like our legal system


Jeff Yass and his corrupt hedge fund, for one.


Jeff Yass’ hedgefund is playing a big role in this


Good, this is a situation in which both sides are both truly disgusting and vile, using people as pawns, shields, etc.


you tellin me biden sent those nypd pigs in?

Fades, (edited )

First off, I am 100% with Bernie in that any further shipments to Israel must have been made conditional. Obviously that has not happened, which yes, is infuriating, but you’re painting him as red as the fuckin devil here.

You’re eager to mention that he has not stopped sending arms to israel, yet amongst the other nations, Biden’s US has done the most for providing aid in Gaza by FAR, they just finished a new pier purely for a safer and more consistent vector for delivering said aid to Gazan people who desperately need it.

but things are not that simple…


Aid deliveries began arriving at a U.S.-built pier on Friday as Israel comes under growing global pressure to allow more supplies into the besieged coastal enclave. The U.N. agreed to assist in coordinating aid distribution from the floating pier, but has remained adamant that deliveries by land are the best way to combat the crisis. The U.N. said that 10 truckloads of food aid - transported from the pier site by U.N. contractors - were received on Friday at a World Food Programme warehouse in Deir El Balah in Gaza.

But on Saturday, only five truckloads made it to the warehouse after 11 others were cleaned out by Palestinians during the journey through an area that a U.N. official said has been hard to access with humanitarian aid. “They’ve not seen trucks for a while,” a U.N. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters. “They just basically mounted on the trucks and helped themselves to some of the food parcels.” The U.N. did not receive any aid from the pier on Sunday or Monday. “We need to make sure that the necessary security and logistical arrangements are in place before we proceed,” said the U.N. official.

Aid offloaded at the pier comes via a maritime corridor from Cyprus, where it is first inspected by Israel. The pier operation is estimated to cost $320 million and involve 1,000 U.S. service members. U.S. officials have said the pier would initially handle 90 trucks a day, but that number could go to 150 trucks. The U.N. has said at least 500 trucks a day are needed to enter Gaza.

What is Biden supposed to do here?

The U.N. agreed to assist in coordinating aid distribution from the floating pier, but has remained adamant that deliveries by land are the best way to combat the crisis.

By land, from the other side, we have israeli zionist bastards blocking aid into Gaza:


Right-wing Israeli protesters blocked trucks carrying food supplies that were headed into Gaza on Monday in the latest disruption to humanitarian relief for the war-torn Palestinian territory. The trucks were attacked by an Israel group called “Tsav 9” at the Tarqumiya checkpoint, a border crossing from the Israeli-occupied West Bank into Israel, west of the city of Hebron.

“Most of them were settlers. They also live there, they are settlers in the settlements in the area,” she said. “The common theme among all of them is that they are from the right wing Zionist groups. The religious nationalist stream, as we call it.”

Biden should absolutely continue to be pressed for not enforcing conditions on further arms, but we are still seriously trying to help the people in Gaza right now and have been for some time.


Oh Biden is responsible for that? Not the school leadership who called the thirsty-for-violence pigs?

Marvel Rivals Apologizes Following Alpha Banning Controversy (gamerant.com)

​​​​​​With such a broad scope on what counts as “disparagement,” this has caused quite a stir among the community, with some players being banned without realizing the terms of this contract. The developers released a statement addressing these terms, with NetEase saying it is aware of the “inappropriate and...


That’s what you get when you go with a company like netease or tencent


Yes it’s dumb but it’s not like Sony is forcing some bullshit like origin/uplay stand alone clients.

Having to link a free account to play PS exclusives is a small price (less than 5 mins of your time once) to pay.

Sony has been moving exclusives to PC to essentially hook people on franchises to encourage them to buy PlayStation shit, this is just another step along those lines and if that’s what it takes to get amazing PS exclusive games like horizon, spiderman, god of war, etc. on PC, yeah I think that’s a pill we can all swallow.

Or do you prefer exclusives to die on their given platform?


Can’t have a healthy business without insane overcompensation of the c-suite and friends

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