
sounds like an election is coming up


We are reaching peak irony

Suavevillain, avatar

Yeah with state violence from the Police which he will continue increasing funding for. “Restoring the soul of America.” 🙄

krzschlss, avatar

Well, the police heard those voices and did their god given freedom lovin’ right to do the most American thing ever and use weapons on ‘em.


you tellin me biden sent those nypd pigs in?

krzschlss, avatar

The system he’s currently at the most prestigious position sent those. He presides over this police state. If he and his clique can’t control those pigs, than he’s incapable of running a nation without harming its own populace.

FenrirIII, avatar

ITT: The usual people who don’t understand geopolitics and how American interests work.


Oh, someone that has the power and means to change things should really listen to them, Joe. Right? I wonder who that might be.

Also, didn’t he just send one more billion worth of weapons to the ethnostate?

Fades, (edited )

First off, I am 100% with Bernie in that any further shipments to Israel must have been made conditional. Obviously that has not happened, which yes, is infuriating, but you’re painting him as red as the fuckin devil here.

You’re eager to mention that he has not stopped sending arms to israel, yet amongst the other nations, Biden’s US has done the most for providing aid in Gaza by FAR, they just finished a new pier purely for a safer and more consistent vector for delivering said aid to Gazan people who desperately need it.

but things are not that simple……/no-us-pier-aid-un-gaza-two-days-aft…

Aid deliveries began arriving at a U.S.-built pier on Friday as Israel comes under growing global pressure to allow more supplies into the besieged coastal enclave. The U.N. agreed to assist in coordinating aid distribution from the floating pier, but has remained adamant that deliveries by land are the best way to combat the crisis. The U.N. said that 10 truckloads of food aid - transported from the pier site by U.N. contractors - were received on Friday at a World Food Programme warehouse in Deir El Balah in Gaza.

But on Saturday, only five truckloads made it to the warehouse after 11 others were cleaned out by Palestinians during the journey through an area that a U.N. official said has been hard to access with humanitarian aid. “They’ve not seen trucks for a while,” a U.N. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters. “They just basically mounted on the trucks and helped themselves to some of the food parcels.” The U.N. did not receive any aid from the pier on Sunday or Monday. “We need to make sure that the necessary security and logistical arrangements are in place before we proceed,” said the U.N. official.

Aid offloaded at the pier comes via a maritime corridor from Cyprus, where it is first inspected by Israel. The pier operation is estimated to cost $320 million and involve 1,000 U.S. service members. U.S. officials have said the pier would initially handle 90 trucks a day, but that number could go to 150 trucks. The U.N. has said at least 500 trucks a day are needed to enter Gaza.

What is Biden supposed to do here?

The U.N. agreed to assist in coordinating aid distribution from the floating pier, but has remained adamant that deliveries by land are the best way to combat the crisis.

By land, from the other side, we have israeli zionist bastards blocking aid into Gaza:…/israel-gaza-aid-west-bank-settlers-…

Right-wing Israeli protesters blocked trucks carrying food supplies that were headed into Gaza on Monday in the latest disruption to humanitarian relief for the war-torn Palestinian territory. The trucks were attacked by an Israel group called “Tsav 9” at the Tarqumiya checkpoint, a border crossing from the Israeli-occupied West Bank into Israel, west of the city of Hebron.

“Most of them were settlers. They also live there, they are settlers in the settlements in the area,” she said. “The common theme among all of them is that they are from the right wing Zionist groups. The religious nationalist stream, as we call it.”

Biden should absolutely continue to be pressed for not enforcing conditions on further arms, but we are still seriously trying to help the people in Gaza right now and have been for some time.


‘voices should be heard, just not by me’


Dude when they are actually being silenced though ??? Fuck dude can we appreciate having a president that at least fucking pretends to respect different opinions?

Don’t stop being critical and always push for better. But damn please do not forget the drastic difference between this peaceful rhetoric vs having your president declare citizens unpatriotic or an enemy, liars, or whatever for disagreeing with him.


But damn please do not forget the drastic difference between this peaceful rhetoric vs having your president declare citizens unpatriotic or an enemy, liars, or whatever for disagreeing with him.

Biden’s supporters on lemmy are doing their best to compensate for this particular oversight on his part.


He doesn’t even pretend to respect different opinions, the public was wanting some form of universal health Care. He said he would veto it, citizens were saying defund the police. His answer was increased funding by over a hundred times, A very large majority of his own party was calling for a ceasefire. His solution is increased funding and increased weapons. When we try to push for better liberals try to silence us. It’s leftists that are having to do the jobs that liberals wont do for their own party. If liberals spent half as much time holding their politicians accountable as they do punching left we wouldn’t have someone like Trump on his ballot and we wouldn’t have someone like Biden on the ballot. Biden and his party passing resolutions equating anti-zionism to anti-Semitism is calling anti-zionist protesters undemocratic, unpatriotic. And then he tries to lie and gaslight the public by saying that he has seen pictures of be-headed babies when the White House had a back track and say there were no pictures of beheaded babies, but he has had a long long history of habitually lying. Exactly like he did in his speech at Morehouse.


Dude when they are actually being silenced though ???

When zionists and cops beat the shit out of them and throw them off campus, mostly.


Oh Biden is responsible for that? Not the school leadership who called the thirsty-for-violence pigs?


He said. Shortly after, Biden sat down at his desk and approved another sale of $10 billion worth of arms to Israel.


Heard by whom, Joe?


“Their voices should be heard. I’m not going to listen to them, or do anything about what they’re saying, but they should be heard”


“Student voices should be heard. I mean, I’m not going to do anything different, but pretending to care is a core value of the Democratic Party.”


Biden: pro-Gaza protesters should be heard!

NüPrOgrEsSiVes: Shut up, fascist!!



Joe “The Muppet” Biden what??


And blocked! This is easy.


Good luck building your Lemmy echo chamber ✌️✌️


They do it everywhere they go, it allows them to live in a fantasy world. Otherwise they would see they also support right wing fascists


It’s possible they just think you’re an ass and your opinion isn’t even worth reading.


BlueMAGA runs deep


Most of the campus protests were non-violent, why did the cops come in?

Maybe if you need to arrest the troublemakers but anything else is not cool man.


If the school requests they disband or vacate, and the students fail to comply, they can be charged with trespassing. I’m not defending the actions of the college or the police. I’m just stating that the school defines acceptable conduct on its grounds. Even state schools have conduct policies.

Also, the President does not control the police. They report to the mayor. If the President dispatched the National Guard, like Trump did to the protesters in Portland and DC, then you could blame Biden.


The Biden administration may not be directly responsible, but just like Trump, his endorsement of racism and fascism emboldens the racists and fascists to act more openly.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

What Trump did by having protesters shot with rubber bullets by the National Guard in DC and driving tanks through Portland was certainly fascist. How has Biden been fascist to protesters?


I never said Biden was a fascist, though I am saying that now. Biden is a corporo-fascist, just like nearly every US politician.

What I said was that he endorses fascism, i.e. a fascist state, i.e. Israel.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

So you’re saying the police were dispatched because Israel is fascist, and Biden supports Israel, therefore Biden supports fascism, and that empowers the local police.

Reaching like that, you should stretch before you pull something.


Yeah, that’s the Association fallacy


No, I said exactly what I mean. Go back and reread my comments, 'cause I’m not repeating myself again.

This might be helpful for you.


By definition a liberal is not a fascist.

You don’t even know what you are talking about.


Biden is a fascist in liberal face


But he isn’t. You just think he is because you think everyone that disagrees with you is a fascist.


Germans or Italians of 1942 probably didn’t think their government was fascist either.


False equivalency: the weapon of the terminally outraged.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


What helps me sleep at night is not buying into the manufactured outrage of teenaged idealists that won’t listen to reason.


Because there is no reason to voting for a right-wing fascist like Biden


Okay. Provide the name of a candidate that can beat Trump. Noting more than a name. No excuses, no bullshit.

I want you to type out- in letters, the name of a person currently running, that can win against Trump. With no “If” statements and no “but what about” statements.

A name.

Just a name.

Currently running

Qualified as a candidate.

Anything less is admitting you have no clue what you’re talking about.


It’s not up to us to name candidates to run against Trump. It was Democrats responsibility to hold their politicians accountable so that people like Trump are not a possibility. Instead, Democrats stood by and watched their own party keep most of Trump’s regressive policies


Thanks for playing. You can show yourself out.


It’s that same dismissive smug attitude that will help your party and your candidate lose


I dismissed you. You’re done here.


Nice try someone’s. Got to hold you and your politicians accountable


Okay… bye bye now.


No, I think you should look up the differences between fascists and liberals.

Biden is the most liberal who ever liberalled.


He is the liberal version of trump, He’s done several of the same things that Trump has done that liberals cried out about but are now silent on those same actions.


Please list the several things.


Get out of here with your ‘reason’ and ‘facts’!


It’s really insane that the police get called on US citizens peacefully protesting against a genocide in a foreign country.

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