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I’m more concerned with Ken Paxton. That slimy little piss baby weaseled his way out of impeachment and criminal indictment and now is on a shameless tour of relentless vengeance to punish those who dared call him out.

Trump may want to do what Kenny boy is doing, but I don’t think he’s got the mental acumen to do it.

Of greater concern is that Trump is but a puss filled festering visual symptom of the more capable villains using his cult of personality to make his wishes come true at their more localized levels.

Donald Trump posts $175 million in civil fraud case, halting collection of massive judgment (

The bond Trump is posting with the court now is essentially a placeholder, meant to guarantee payment if the judgment is upheld. If that happens, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee will have to pay the state the whole sum, which grows with daily interest....


No money even changed hands. The insurance company basically wrote a promissory note that they pinky promise swear to pay if the appeal fails and trump doesn’t pay.

This fucking guy will NEVER suffer a single consequence and we’ll all suffer for it.

Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. (

Ignoring the lack of updates if the game is buggy, games back then were also more focused on quality and make gamers replay the game with unlockable features based on skills, not money. I can’t count the number of times I played Metal Gear Solid games over and over to unlock new features playing the hardest difficulty and with...


Some games really needed manuals to play. That’s what text files were for.


The boss level puts you up against the eighties gravity bong.


They’re pollinated by the majestic lot lizard.


I like that if you squint really hard, you could almost flip that map upside down and get a reasonable cultural map of the United States.


For all of my many, many poor decisions in relationships over the years, this would not have been a problem with any of the women I dated. They would’ve all had a good laugh about it.

A Filipino villager is nailed to a cross for the 35th time on Good Friday to pray for world peace (

A Filipino villager has been nailed to a wooden cross for the 35th time to reenact Jesus Christ’s suffering in a brutal Good Friday tradition he said he would devote to pray for peace in Ukraine, Gaza and the disputed South China Sea....


He should be more like Peter who refused to imitate Jesus and was thus crucified upside down.


Ten of the last twelve incoming calls on my phone were scam numbers. I haven’t had the ringer or vibrate turned on for my phone for months so I never notice them. My phone does a pretty good job of blocking them and an outstanding job blocking spam texts


Willy Wonka is furiously amending his payment contract with the oompa loompas right about now.

Won’t somebody think of the chocolate factory and its shareholders?


The way Texas operates, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if some legislator’s cousin owned a chain of otherwise failing adult video stores

The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions (

Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant....


I’ve been working for three decades. In that time, we’ve had some legitimate financial crises such as 9/11, 2008, and COVID.

Those aside, what I’ve mainly witnessed is people who fail in business or lose their job via incompetence never say, “Man, I should’ve hired a legitimate bookkeeper and stopped using my corporate card to cut rails in the strip club bathroom,” or, “Man, maybe I should’ve shown up to work more than twice a month and maybe I shouldn’t have slapped the receptionist on the ass when I did show up.”

No. It’s always, “My business failed and I lost my job because of the economy”

“The economy” is some great catch all bogeyman scapegoat that has very little basis in meaning when used in daily conversation, especially as it pertains to personal finance.

We can talk about corporatocracies or consolidation of wealth or two tier justice because those things are real and should be addressed, but they are rarely what people are referring to when they blame “the economy.”


What happens when they learn their cars have automatic transmission?


I made a functioning slot machine in Excel while bored at work. Got flummoxed at how to keep a running total of wins and losses though.


I truly underestimated how deep the movement that’s using Trump’s cult of personality for its own means runs.

We’re so very fucked.


Step one: Proclaim that immigrants are taking American jobs

Step two: Exploit that sweet, sweet exception carved out of the thirteenth amendment and enslave the immigrants


Can you imagine sending your eighteen year old son to play football for this guy? Must’ve been quite interesting if your eighteen year old son also happened to have an abundance of melanin.


Harris oversaw more than 1,900 marijuana convictions in San Francisco, previously unreported records from the DA’s office show. Her prosecutors appear to have convicted people on marijuana charges at a higher rate than under her predecessor, based on data about marijuana arrests in the city.

As the political winds blow with her I guess. At least it’s a positive change.


What? Next thing you’re gonna tell me is that sex on the beach doesn’t involve any sand!


Stromboli at 4 kegs.

Super sketch building and parking lot.

Red vinyl booths and decor not updated since Elvis was a teenager truck driver.

Bartenders who’ve seen the hard times.

Open 24/7




High likelihood of hepatitis A, B, C and as of yet unknown variants

And the best fucking stromboli this side of the Gambino family

Also, your first stop out of the Vegas airport should always be for early morning drinks at the Double Down Saloon. I’ll let you figure out that that gem of a property on your own.


I’m not entirely sure I said anything about paying for drinks in Vegas. I’ve never paid for a drink in either fine high class establishment I described.


I haven’t won the lottery, and no one in my life sees or hears from me already.


Why should we pay those dues when we’re not even receiving any intergalactic highway funding?


I read your post and can’t help but notice that you haven’t tried a steady diet of calamari.

But seriously, I’ve never read or heard about anything like that, and it sounds like utter hell. I hope you’re able to find relief soon.


How much of a price increase comes with this apology?


I’m more or less in the situation you describe, but I don’t find rice and beans to be particularly stressful.

Part of that is that I do cheat with canned beans instead of making them from dry.

But rice is pretty much get home, start rice, go pee, get out of work clothes, curse my existence, and boom, rice is done.

I’m not in the financial situation you describe. I can afford better food. But better food does take effort that I don’t want to put in after twelve to fourteen hour days. I’m way too tired to be bothered with chopping and prepping. In slower times of the year, I’ll do that in Sunday for the whole week, but in these busier times, I can’t even get to that.


As to the gorilla killing you quickly:

Not that it’s a direct comparison, but have you ever seen the video of the baboon ripping a gazelle to pieces from the back end up without a care in the world that the thing is still entirely alive and aware?

(Do not look that up if you’re at all squeamish)


Ladies and gentlemen! Your political candidates!


Hello there. I’m a mid twenties man living in current day, working part time in a home improvement store, and I live alone in a ten bedroom apartment in midtown Manhattan with my meticulously groomed pure bred dog, have twelve pack abs, perfectly coiffed hair, and am rewarded with the equally beautiful woman for criminally stalking her throughout the movie and ultimately forcing myself upon her.

Movies are ridiculous. Ridiculous sells tickets or streams or whatever makes movies money these days.


This is our version of ancient Romans using lead based makeup


I grew up with our friend leaded gasoline. Please pardon my ever increasing dementia.


That was pretty much my legit setup in my last rent house. I’m so so glad I finally got out of there.


Some clarification on those electric bills.

Texas has deregulated electric, so every X years we have to go shopping for a new contract.

The vast majority of those contracts set a fixed price per kilowatt hour.

The people who got shafted during that ice storm had signed up with a thing called griddy which was selling electricity at wholesale in exchange for a subscription fee. Unlike most customers with fixed rates, griddy customers had variable rates based on the wholesale spot price at the time of usage.

My car radio used to be inundated with ads for griddy subscriptions. I’m pretty sure they went away entirely after February 2021.

Two points on this:

  1. I haven’t followed up, but initially the Texas state government pretty much ruled fuck the consumers who got caught up in this. Don’t know how that ultimately played out.
  2. None of what I’ve just written absolves Texas of their shitty grid management. I went to bed on Tuesday night during that storm with an in house temperature of 28 degrees, quietly resigned to the possibility that I might not wake up. I didn’t have water for two weeks after the pipes burst because plumbing parts were in such short supply and those that were available were jacked up many hundreds of percent in price.

To this day, any freezing weather frightens me. Fuck Texas and everything about it.

But those statements of enormous electric bills are slightly overstated and spun for narrative quite a bit.


I shoulda used the poop knife


I heard it was a special attachment for the Hitachi massage wand


Was full of shit. Past tense.


Fans often ask celebrities to autograph weird things. Even so Alex Borstein was pretty startled when someone approached her at a recent event brandishing a plunger. “I was like, ‘That doesn’t look new, and I’m not going to sign that!’” Borstein told me with a raspy laugh, sounding a lot like her Marvelous Mrs. Maisel character, Susie Myerson.


I LOVE strokin’ off!


Fellow accountant here.

I’m getting $500 back this year. Sometimes I owe that much and offset with additional HSA contributions.

I don’t sweat it much beyond that. Just make sure I’m safe harbored and reconcile in February.

Unless we’re talking tens of thousands of dollars variance, the “free government loan” is entirely immaterial for most people, especially when savings accounts were paying a fraction of one percent interest and investments would either ring up ridiculous fees or require lot purchases far beyond the excess withholding.

I’m drinking beer this afternoon and don’t know if there’s a point to what I just said.


This is the burrito picking lawyer and what I have for you today is delicious!


If that show is still a thing, I’d like to see a similar question that includes measures of time such as mooches and heads of lettuce.


This was an exceptionally difficult game from the very first scene. You were particularly hard pressed to even make it off earth if you hadn’t read the book.

After that, it didn’t necessarily coincide with the book, so you had to put yourself into a Douglas Adams mindset for the duration, and that was no easy task.

I think I may have gotten through roughly a third of it before moving on to other games.

Zork was the other game I never did particularly well with. I think I got a little further in it than hitchhikers though.


I had one two and three but don’t recall playing the latter two. By then I’d moved on to the greatest game released in the mid-eighties - Autoduel.

Then it was on to the original Bard’s Tale.

I played both of those to completion then figured out how to cheat on both by finding character stats with a sector editor.


Wow. I used to use a sector editor on floppy disks to cheat on games way back in the eighties by looking for player stats and abilities and whatnot. I had no idea that modern day cheating would be so similar to the rudimentary stuff I was doing nearly forty years ago.


The mechanics of that game were more like a very fast choose your own adventure than the traditional move joystick left, spaceship go left mechanics.

Because the graphics were coming off a laser disk, they didn’t generate on the spot. There were predetermined outcomes to every move.

When people figured this out, information started to collect in the magazines, and the game became beatable.


Judaism fascinates me with their rules. From an outsiders perspective, it’s like a constant game of cat and mouse with God trying to find loopholes in their laws.

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