@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar



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@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Not so sure about that. When you consider time spans.

Currently we can emulate the majority of early games consoles. So theoretically with time and Moors law any hardware will be emulate able in a few decades. With enough information.

The advantage of open source software. Is it can be used with the original binaries to reverse engineer the instruction set even if the original manufacturer wishes to hide it. So with will and effort even the most complex hardware will be able to be emulated on future much faster hardware.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

The direct numerics of moors law may not be definite.

But the principal it defines is. In the future computers will have much more power then they do now.

The reason modern GPUs use things like shaders etc is to allow them to archive massive manipulation of data in more efficient ways specific for the task desired.

Honestly this is why I mention time scale as the main thing that will make this possible. How modern gpus or other specialised processers do the task is less important then what the game code is asking the gpu to achieve.

The idea that at a unknown future date. The CPU GPUs or what ever future tech we have. will never be able to run fast enough to read current cpu or gpu instruction sets. And generate the effect defined using future techniques is not viable as an argument. The only questions are how long and is anyone going to have the motivation to reverse engineer the large but finite instruction sets used by secretive hardware corps today.

Surgeons believe we are about to enter a new era where diseases can be treated before children are born (www.bbc.com)

Prenatal screening for neurological conditions has progressed in leaps and bounds over the past couple of decades. Technology including genetic analysis, neuroimaging, and high-resolution foetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are allowing doctors to peer into the nervous systems of developing foetuses and already diagnose them...

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar


At least in poverty stricken nations. Oh and the US. But most of the rest of the world is a little different.

Sure in the early days of developments wealth helps in all nations. But it just tends to be a matter of time before new medical tech makes it to all the population in most 1st world nations.

The US is really pretty unique being one of the wealthiest nations but not having universal health care.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Blasphemy quick stone the unbelievers.

Kidding of course. Have to admit I agree. I’ve used Linux since the late 1990s. So long long before it was usable by most folks standards.

I started because my university had HPUX machines that we needed to submit work on. So wanted a unix like enviroment at home I could work on. This was a tim when linux was basically slackers on 50plus floppy disks. Xwindows needed configuring for every monitor. Honestly by current standards usability was non existant compared to windows.

But honestly I spent so much time on the system. And watched it improve. To the point I find windows an utter pain in the arse now. And will avoid it under all circumstances.

But the idea of convincing folks who have no interest. Where the hell do folks find the time.

The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning. (lemmy.world)

Whenever AI is mentioned lots of people in the Linux space immediately react negatively. Creators like TheLinuxExperiment on YouTube always feel the need to add a disclaimer that “some people think AI is problematic” or something along those lines if an AI topic is discussed. I get that AI has many problems but at the same...

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Dammed impressive. How evil AI is managing to post defending itself.

I for one will be happy to bow to our new AI overlord.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Honestly what we have now is AI. As in it is not intelligent just trys to mimic it.

Digital Intelegence if we ever achive it would be a more accurate name.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Honestly Humanity has been pretty arrogant. Took 100s of years before we recognised birds use tools. Mainly because everytime it was seen. Some other excuse was seen for why the bird was sticking a stick into a tree. Science was so sure mankind was unique it was unwilling to see reality.

But honestly if you think that is bad. Do some research into why European explorers thought Europe represented the most advanced civilisation. African cities raised to the ground rather then face the idea they may have been their before us.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

I sorta agree.

Unfortunately modern science is slow to change ideas it has accepted in the past.

Neil Degrass Tyson did an interesting talk on the % of religion in science. Based in the US. And it basically indicated that the higher you get. The lower the odds you belie in religiose ideals.

But the levels were pretty high until the top. And still not 0 then.

I personally think (opinion not fact) this has left us with a community. That hesitates to challenge science on religion alone. IE we don’t see ideas thrown out when it is clear religion was involved in forming them. But instead only when clear evidence refutes them.

In my less the humble opinion. This leaves science with a few old wives nuns tails. That are still followed 400years after the 1689 acceptance of the scientific method.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Not OP. But curios on the subject. I use debian bookworm with an older Nvidia 1050.

I currently tend to use gnome. As I have multi res monitors. Mainly due to vision issues. 2x32inch 2k 1x28inch 4k and a 24inch 1k

Dose any desktop allow stable fractional scaling for each monitor independently. Its been a good few years since I looked into it. But in the past it was unstable.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Thanks ill lookninto that sometime soon.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

’s possible that he doesn’t serve any time

The things you mention. And more importantly the fact that crimes like this rarely involve jail on a first offence.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

As gnome shell and ubuntu. Have nio such good faith agreement.

And thisbis just a process ubuntu has to reduce its own work load.

Who really cares. Ubuntu can include and reject any software they choose.

Ubuntu users can also add and take what ever risks they choose.

And gnomeshell can choose to change there releases and software as they choose.

This os the cost of free as in speach software. If you are need 3rd parties to make your software work. You have to accept they have the same freedoms you insist on.

Personally i prefer that and the option to use older versions if thing go wrong. Then a privrate for profit ccompany making the same choices with less freedom for me.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

You can. Most things have gui options.

But you quickly learn for somethings. The terminal is just easier.

If you ignore odd stuff. Most everyday stuff to maintain the system is available in a controlled panal like program. It varies based on distribution and windows manager. But the basic setup is there for most things.

Its when you want to do something creative it gets more complex. While most commands have gui apps. Most online guidance will just find the terminal an easy way to guide you.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Yep lots of the right wing in the world. Assume they are the only nation with immigration restrictions.

It seems to be a natural assumption from the its us against the world attitude.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

The big difference here. Someone who has held the highest position in the US. Still believes he has no legal limits when it comes to his actions on US citizens.

And is attempting to get voted in on promises based on that idea.

“If the president dose it. Its not illegal”

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

It could be inherited from a common ancestor.

Or it could just have likely evolved multiple times in different primate branches.

As we have absolutely no way to document how early it first happened in our own branch. To assume it is linked is just more attempts to try and indicate the human branch is special. Use of tools has been seen in many many branches. We don’t assume that came from a joint ancestor that crawled out of the water. Or before.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Sorta why the FSF was formed.

Because thses lucences working effects folks other then yourself.

So best for all OS developers and users to work together.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Is it anymore the case with other licences though.

Obscurity is no security at all. If you have no ability to fight to keep tour copy right or patient. People will copy it open or closed.

Even direct machine code can be copied a reverse engineered fairly simply.

So non of this is purely a open source permissive licence issue. Its a big corperations acting like fudal lords issue.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

You can copy binary code. Just as easy as source code.

It is only when running on a different architecture it gets a bit more complex.

And give the binary is directly translatable by software. Not hugely more complex for any company of the size you are unwilling to fight in court over open source code.

Sorry but no you are wrong. Hading the source in no way makes code harder to copy. Its how most of us hacked into games in the 1990s.

After all binary code is just simpler instruction set that takes very very minimal effort to convert into assembly language. And can be read by many even without that effort.

Its hardly a secret encrypted format. (Unless you are also designing your own hardware and not letting anyone see that. )

Whom Should You Vote For? Don't be just a 'political hobbyist' (billhulet.substack.com)

“My experience is that most of the people who get really upset about the current leadership of our nations tend to be folks who haven’t spent much time either as an activist or as someone working for a candidate. What happens instead is they immerse themselves in on-line news and commentary.”

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

OK so this sounds like you are surprised. That most people upset haven’t done something a relatively small % of the public have done.

And I am unsure why you think the point has any value. Political candidates represent a tiny % of the population. If each one had hundreds of people working with them. It would still be a tiny % of society…

Add to that that the vast majority of society actually has a life they need to work earn raise families. Honestly the largest percentage of society just dose not have the time or energy to protest or take part in politics.

They still have a right to complain that the people they are paying to do the job. To do it to a standard or in a way they don’t like.

Have you ever milked a cow. Do you still feel annoyed and complain when someone sells you off milk.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

I think a diary farmer. Managing the health wellbeing vs cost profit. Dealing with economic and environmental rules.

Would indicate the biggest difference is. The cows do not get to express a choice.

Where as in society the means of production and the customer all have input.

@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Of course based on that definition. Fiat currency is the same. Just without the complex number.

I am really not a huge fan of crypto. But honestly all modern (post gold standard) money. Is entirly based on users confidence in the nations backing it. The proof of work used for bit coin. Really is no more a matter of faith in folks dumb enough to buy it from you later.

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