@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



Account abandoned due to dbzer0 members disparaging me for sharing my experiences and trying to provide interesting leftist OC


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@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You made me realize that I don’t think I’ve seen this happen since coming to Lemmy last June. It was a real problem on reddit.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’ve noticed the same!

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Robert Pattinson? It sure looks like him!

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks of him as the “Twilight guy.” That’s all I could think about when I watched The Lighthouse.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Jowling Kowling Rowling

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The Lighthouse was so wacky that I couldn’t really take it seriously.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

working at the Encrusted Shellfish

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Thanks for the tip. I’ll be sure not to post any!

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Liberals be like “I’m gonna drive my pronouns to the Taylor Swift concert to buy more abortions” 😂😂

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I realize most people who would visit 196 certainly know this, but I still feel compelled to point out that anarchism is entirely incompatible with capitalism.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

They think abortion should be restricted by private for-profit entities. If anything, that’s even worse.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

They want a state to forbid it if it suits them. You don’t actually believe that they’re anarchists, do you?

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ok then you must believe that Nazis were socialists and that North Korea is a democracy. Everyone knows that if it’s in the name, it must be true! And fascists like ancaps are famous for being honest and forthright, historically speaking

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You don’t understand what you’re talking about. I see in another comment you think that anarchism is “doing whatever you want” or some ignorant childish shit like that.

You know what I think? I think you actually do know what anarchism is and that you’re just an ancap-defending troll and fascist who came here to start shit. You’re not wanted here, and I’m reporting you for trolling and uncivil behavior on the grounds that you’ve had multiple people patiently explain to you why you’re wrong, and you continue to fling shit like the reactionary primate you are.

Go fuck yourself.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Then I’m left with no choice but to depict myself as the gigachad

I was hoping to avoid such extreme measures

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Which do you not understand: anarchism or communism? Communism is a stateless, classless society. It does not require a state, and it is perfectly compatible with anarchism. In fact, within any form of anarchism you’d find communism.

Anarchism is no state and no hierarchies. In any form, it seeks horizontality and mutual aid. It is absolutely unhinged to think that’s compatible in any way with capitalism.

Jfc the media has really succeeded in deluding people about what anarchism is, haven’t they? The surprising thing is I’d expect that on, say, Facebook or 4chan or Stormfront, but I thought 196 was more … leftist

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Good point. I always browse by new, so I forgot that that’s a thing.

I guess that explains why posts seem to start with some productive discussion, but then tend to get derailed over time. It gets exhausting having to explain the very basics over and over again, but maybe I need more patience. I too grew up propagandized, and thankfully I’ve had some people help me learn.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

People grossly misunderstanding both anarchism and communism: nothing new under the sun lol

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

What is the 196 sub?

Shitposting community that is expressly LGBT+ affirming and trends leftist (see stickied posts, for example)

Why is the bad guy depicted as a Chad?

Good question lol. Maybe because the person who doesn’t look like a male stereotype is the reasonable person in this post?

Do we get a poem?

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Communism does not require a state. What part of “a stateless, classless society” are you failing to grasp?

Even state authoritarian communist nations at least ostensibly seek a stateless, classless society. That’s the whole fucking point.

And you don’t need a state for those other things either. Do you think anarchists just throw shit at the wall and hope for the best? There are functioning anarchist communities which have no state. If they did, then they wouldn’t be anarchist.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Whoever is making the decisions about distribution and factory management is effectively a state at that point

This is objectively false. You can do all these things and not have a state. See: theanarchistlibrary.org/…/peter-gelderloos-anarch…

You’ll need a military to keep your neighboring countries from taking all your stuff/people/land, and you’ll need some kind of police force to keep those few assholes you have internally from just kidnapping people or stealing everything that isn’t nailed down whatever

As you have pointed out here, the state will always be the enemy of progress, will stand in the way of and disrupt every attempt at creating a more equitable society (which must exist apart from a state, since a state will always trend toward fascism, without exception).

For this reason, most anarchists start practicing our ideals immediately and do not await a revolution. We try to educate people and inform them. We work imperfectly within desperately broken and inequitable systems to introduce more equity and justice.

Want to see an example of this in action? Look up the Zapatistas.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Thank you!

I’m just a cheap knockoff

I refuse to accept this

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Well of course, there would be no nation ideally, so the concept of a national scale is a bit incompatible in a way, isn’t it? As you pointed out in another comment, the existence of nations only threatens progress and equity! They can and do disrupt any such attempt. I mean, look what happened to the Spanish anarchists, and what the US has done every time a remotely leftist movement has taken hold in Latin America.

I don’t agree with the Marxist-Leninists, but even for them the end goal is (at least in theory) to advance to statelessness and classlessness. We anarchists don’t agree that such a thing can be achieved via a state. A state will never offload its power. Its whole shtick is coercion and control, and it will hold onto that at all costs.


Very few anarchists would use this term. The concept of a utopia is rather antithetical to anarchism, by most people’s assessment. “Utopia” implies a perfect society with no room to progress. I doubt such a thing is possible, and I think it might be rather harmful to imagine we’ve arrived at perfection. It would stifle progress, now wouldn’t it?

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oh look, the “capitalism is human nature” folk have arrived!

Thoroughly debunked propaganda. Blocked.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Every great movement in history was started by optimists ;)

But hey, calling the anarchist an “optimist” is progress in itself! “Optimist” wasn’t the word they used for people like Emma Goldman.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

“Now I am become chad, winner of arguments” -Facebones, father of the Terachad, after winning the first argument

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That’s your opinion, and that’s all addressed by anarchist theory. It seems to me you’re just shooting from the hip and parroting anti-anarchist propaganda you’ve been fed all of your life.

Edit: Blocked because “anarchism is incompatible with anarchism” is some of the most utterly baffling pseudo-intellectual horseshit it’s been my displeasure to read. I need to wash my eyes after seeing those words on the screen.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Unfortunately, it’s just another in a long line of people who completely misunderstand anarchist theory and instead argue with a figment of their own imagination, based on years of propaganda.

On one hand, I should have more patience to educate people like that citing books and real-life examples. On the other hand, after a post’s been up for nearly a day, I get fucking exhausted with explaining to yet another person why they are completely off base. I come online to escape the people like that who I’m surrounded by in my backwards-ass red state. If they’re really interested in knowing why they’re wrong, they can reference my other comments. But I don’t have time for them.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Amen 🙏

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I searched lemmyverse.net but didn’t find one.

There’s !christianmemes, but the last post was months ago.

Create it! You can steal my meme for the first post!

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Better to be a smart feller

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I do understand, but it’s still not worth killing yourself or others

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I opened a private window out of morbid curiosity, and every account that took offense at your link is an account that I block, so I feel like I’m on the right track.

I feel like people’s reaction to being told certain language is ableist is a good litmus test for how open-minded they are to accepting new ideas.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Such a great game, but I really suck at fighting games, too

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That was my reaction as well upon seeing this post lmao

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