

Game dev and Linux user

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Of all the things to take from windows, this is one of the better ones. Especially if it gets more info in the future. For less tech-literate users, a screen like this is a lot better than a hard to read dump to a terminal.


I’ve heard that some trans women get “phantom periods” after hrt, like the hormonal cycle still happens even if the parts aren’t there.


Hopefully HDR can get crossed off that list soon


It looks like it works in KDE 6, albeit a bit janky. Might be worth seeing if it works now, and if not come back in a year or so. wiki.archlinux.org/title/HDR_monitor_support


Wanderstop. The creator of The Stanley Parable and The Beginners Guide, the writer of Gone Home and Tacoma, the composter of Minecraft, and published by Annapurna. There’s no way it won’t be amazing.


Yeah Annapurna have had an amazing track record as an indie publisher. Only game of theirs that really disappointed me is 12 Minutes.




Convicted felon and “Home Alone 2” guest star Donald Trump


I can’t tell if this is a joke, real, or misinformation.


It’s fucking disgusting to wish for people to die. Especially when many Russians are drafted and possibly arrested if they disagree with the government.

You can support Ukraine without being a warmongering asshole. War isn’t something to cheer on.


I want Ukraine to win, and ideally I want Russia to not be controlled by a war hungry fascist. And I understand that in the absence of the second thing happening, the best outcome involves Russians dying. But I don’t derive any joy from that.


That’s not what I said.


Yeah he committed 34 felonies and has a plan to systematically criminalize anyone who isn’t a cis white male, but I saw a faked video of Biden sitting down when there was no chair so really they’re both the same.


Also local elections can be decided by one vote and can be just as important.


Yeah devs get to set the limit. (Source: am a dev w/ a game on steam)


No reason really, there’s just no point to set a super high limit if your save file is a 5kb text file.

Also valve does review the game and might not like an absurdly high limit, but I don’t know if they actually care or not.


I basically only buy from locally owned restaurants now because there’s really no difference. Basically the same price, and pretty much everywhere lets you order online or get some form of delivery, so it’s not any less convenient. And the food’s better.


I’ve actually moved away from vlc. It’s had some weird issues with videos that MPV doesn’t have. Plus, MPV has a much simpler interface which I like. I’ve also learned how to use ffmpeg to convert media so I don’t need that functionality from vlc anymore.

It’s still a great program though, especially for windows where there’s not many better options.

The Indie Chat & Recommendation Thread (cdn.imgchest.com)

“Inspired” by the Square-Enix putting their foot in their mouth thread, I thought it’d be interesting to make a little thread about indie games. People always talk about wanting to try different, cheaper titles, but with how hard it is to get good gaming news and the state of advertisement/marketing, word of mouth tends to...


Distance is a criminally underrated racing platformer cyberpunk horror game. Worth it for the campaign alone IMO but there’s also multiplayer, a level editor with workshop support, two bonus campaigns, car customization, and a track generator.


Depends on the person. I tend to use “guys” and “dudes” as gender neutral and nobody’s ever corrected me, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.


I mean I kind of get the metaphor and appreciate the idea of being the kind of leader that people can feel comfortable around, but there’s got to be better ways of expressing that.


Idk, I feel like this is kind of reductive. I honestly more feel bad for troops and veterans. Recruitment takes advantage of people without much money or direction in life, promising things like a free college education, employment, and benefits for them and their family. Lots of people who join just don’t have many other options. I opt to blame the system, not the people the system takes advantage of.


It’s more likely than you think

T-Mobile's Forced Arbitration

In an effort to increase my privacy, I decided to buy a Pixel phone second hand to use with GrapheneOS. Due to some miscommunications, the phone ended up being carrier locked with T-Mobile. GrapheneOS’s own website advises against buying carrier locked phones in order to avoid the hassle of carrier unlocking it....


Yeah, for some reason complaining on social media is the best way to actually get useful support.


Their ai makes up shit and they hail it as a technological innovation, it’s only fair to make shit up about the ai.


Reaper. Great usability and decent Linux support out of the box (looking at you, davinci resolve). Generous free trial and a cheap one-time payment for a license. LMMS has served me well and is fine for basic stuff, but reaper is a whole other level, both in features and usability. I’ve heard good things about ardour too but have yet to give it a try.


The thing with pushing stuff and it moving really fast was actually a bug in the steam release. It finally got fixed last November for the 25th anniversary update.


Half-Life and Portal had a huge impact on my life. In high school I was in the source modding community, so I’m probably too familiar with valve’s engines and games. I made a few mods, the most well known being hl2 classic, and it kinda got me into game development.

But needless to say, it’s a fantastic series. I had a chance to play alyx and it was nuts. It’s crazy how influential this series and its technology is on gaming as a whole.

And a fun fact: quake had a feature where level designers could make a light flicker with a pattern of brightnesses. There were some premade patterns you could select as well. These made it into the goldsrc engine, then source, then source 2 - so Alyx, Quake, HL1, HL2, Portal, Portal 2, and more have lights that flicker in the exact same way.


How is the name ableist?


huh, I’ve never heard that term before. Idk if that makes the name ableist though, since it clearly means something else, unlike the switch from master to main for git, where that name was used in the same way as the offensive context. Also the word “gimp” has another more well-known meaning… which I guess isn’t that much better. Yeah idk maybe they should change the name lol.

How can I use a local LLM on Linux to generate a long story?

I’m interested in automatically generating lengthy, coherent stories of 10,000+ words from a single prompt using an open source local large language model (LLM) on low-spec hardware like a laptop without GPU and with i5-8250U, 16GB DDR4-2400MHz. I came across the “Awesome-Story-Generation” repository which lists relevant...


You can get a really cool, coherent story of any length you want by writing one or hiring a writer.

Interactive Loading Screens - High Hell

Developing interactivity is effort and an investment. Most developers put up a simple loading screen, maybe some text like rotating tips, and a loading indicator. Until 2015 a patent on interactive loading screens may have made developers and publishers cautious and decide against developing interactivity....


They’re not interactive but Spec Ops: The Line’s loading screens stick out to be. They start out as pretty standard tips and lore info, but then starts giving you stuff like the definition of ptsd, a fun fact about increasing suicide rates in the military, or just telling you you’re not a good person. Occasionally the normal loading screen is entirely replaced with a ghostly image.


I use a switch pro controller regularly on mint, so it should work. I believe support got merged into the kernel a while back.

If not, joycond also works (although it’s a bit janky in my experience): github.com/DanielOgorchock/joycond


Do not listen to the polls. Vote no matter what.


Smh can’t even use a game engine without getting into politics.


The war is already happening regardless of what the us does. Would you rather we just sit back and let Russia destroy ukraine?


This was literally a talk this year at sigbovik twitch.tv/videos/2111841043 (skip to around 1hr 57 min)


/bin, since that will include any basic programs (bash, ls, cd, etc.).


Someone already gave an answer, but the reason it’s done that way is because on Linux, generally programs don’t install themselves - a package manager installs them. Windows (outside of the windows store) just trusts programs to install themselves, and include their own uninstaller.


Mint would probably work for you. Some stuff is outdated, but it has flatpak which is a package manager with more up to date apps. If you’re willing to put in the time though, I’d recommend trying some of the more common distros out (Mint, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora). You can use a liveusb to test them without installing.

Steam is available anywhere so that’s not a problem.

Discord officially only has a .deb package, so that’s only for Debian based distros (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint). There are other options for almost all distros though - I personally use Webcord

Fl studio might be tricky - supposedly it runs through wine but you might have to do a bit of work. I’ve personally used Reaper and I works great.


These have both saved my ass on numerous occasions. Btrfs especially is pretty amazing.


Pretty sure, I got it locally on a college campus from someone upgrading their gaming PC

julianh, (edited )

I vaguely know rtkit handles thread/process priority… could there be any possible issues if I disable it?

Edit: actually have a more important question: how do I disable rtkit? It seems to just start up regardless of what I do.


Yeah the fan blades are in place, I’ve stress tested it… Don’t see how this is related to the issue at hand though.


Looks like freesync was the issue - I turned off the setting in my monitor and the issue hasn’t reoccurred. Thanks for figuring that out!

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