@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



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@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I think, you need to read a lot of history as to why Hamas exists and why they attacked Israel.

Your comment is full of ignorance or perhaps you are just an Israel-supporter that leaves out the entire history.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You need history to understand what is happening right now. Doesn’t matter how long ago it was, history will always be relevant.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Biden does not care at all for the people of Gaza, that’s very clear with the money/ weapons he sends to Israel.

EDIT: you can keep downvoting since it doesn’t mean much on Lemmy. However, it is true. If he actually cared about the lives of the Palestinian people, he wouldn’t send so much to Israel due to the very fact, he knows that it will be used for the genocide on Palestinian people.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No, he does not care at all. Biden said lots of times, he fully supports Israel. When someone says that while the particular state is committing genocide - the person truly does not care about the lives of the people who are being brutally murdered.

At some point the geopolitics and internal US politics needs to setback and you need to take a hard look and think about the more than 33 000 lives that have been taken away.

This is not about “doing anything he wants just because, he’s president”. Despite the fact Biden cannot do ‘everything he wants’ - he certainly has a great influence of what happens (he’s president after all). The US refused to agree to a ceasefire multiple times.

He could for example put pressure on not giving the money to Israel until ceasefire happens and pressure to not give any weapons and such if they (Israel) decide to continue.

Also this is just me probably nitpicking but why can’t you write without rude words?

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Because that is what US doctrine has been since Israel’s inception. and Biden is not in a position to change that?

Sure that might be the US doctrine but he can start the change, he has the influence to do so. From what I last read the support from US citizens has dropped significantly Approval has dropped from 50% to 36% since November

Thats, unfortunately, not how politics works, Biden cant just say “fuck everyone else, im going to do something” and honestly thats probably a good thing as it also reigns in people like Trump to an extent.

You currently pretend as if Biden has zero influence as a President. Biden can put a lot of pressure onto it and perhaps it might budge. I never mentioned at all that he would be going ‘’I’m going to do something!’’. That’s not possible of course, but he can use his Presidency to put pressure on the money and weapon aid to Israel.

Yes he has a lot of influence, but he also doesnt even have a functional majority in either the house or the senate, and even if he did, there are outspoken zionists amongst the democratic party in both houses and the DNC, theres also zionists (including christian zionists) among the party’s biggest donors. Then theres the military industrial complex and the people who have large investments in those companies as well. All of those people have vested interests in supporting Israel and put a lot of pressure on Biden to support Israel. If Biden unilaterally went against Israel he wouldnt get very far going against all those people.

True indeed; he will have many obstacles but if he truly cared about the lives that are getting murdered on a daily basis, he would. However, he could use his influence to put pressure on the situation but at the moment, he’s just going with the flow.

And this is just my opinion speaking but he, himself has an interest in Israel as well and therefore does not care about the Palestinians lives. I mean do we remember this? Joe Biden says if Israel didn’t exist, the US would have to invent one to protect US interests

And even if he someone did manage to go against them, those donors and supporters would likely flip to Trump who has basically come out saying he supports wiping Gaza off the map. oh and not to mention the media, who has been doing their best to sell the pro-Israel narrative would absolutely cannibalise Biden. So, even if he could go against all of the zionist influences, he is basically looking at a trolley problem, does he stop aid to Israel (which wouldnt even stop the genocide due to Israels large stockpiles of weapons) and basically gift the election to Trump, which among the plethora of other problems that would cause, would make things in Gaza far far worse.

This is speculation and perhaps you might be right. Can’t say much.

Oh and thats not even mentioning how important to the US economy and military doctrine their relationship with Israel is. They need good relations with Israel and to keep them armed so that they stay the dominant power in the middle east and willing to defend US capital and political interests in the region.

I know this, that’s why I referred to the one video of Biden. Therefore Biden does not really care about the Palestinian lives, everything to protect the US power in the middle east. Does not matter how many lives will get brutally taken away. As long as the US stays in power (right?). This is why it is such a double standard when US president is criticizing other countries about human rights when US presidents do not even care about human rights themselves and this is exactly why I keep repeating ‘’Biden does not care about the Palestinian lives’’

Israel hosts massive stocks of US weapons, the biggest outside of the US itself, as well as early warning radars, military bases and provides a port for the US 6th fleet.

And these stocks will one day cease to exist and without US providing more and more money and weapons, they will have certainly some problems (sooner or later).

When you add all of that up, can you see why Biden cant just start burning brides both internationally, within the US and even within his own party?

Yes and No. He can’t just ‘’burn bridges’’ immediately but he can do it slowly. At least take a hard stance on ‘’do not commit genocide’’ & ‘’do not do what Nazi Germany did to your people’’.

It’s odd though, you took my comment and changed it entirely but that’s okay though.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Jeez. No matter how Pro-Palestinian you are - keep your hands off people. This person should be send to prison without any possibility to be released.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I might just be entirely wrong… like really, really wrong and if so correct me. But didn’t A certain someone say something similar about people with a certain religion in Germany back in the days?

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Israel is a good international neighbor. Iran funds terrorist groups all over the world.

From all your comments, we can conclude you’re an heavy Israel supporter (perhaps Zionist?).

You keep writing things like “terrorist groups’’, '’7th October’’, and the most ironic one ‘’ Israel is a good international neighbor. Iran funds terrorist groups all over the world’’. Do you even realize; Israel funded Hamas.

You seem to purposefully dismiss/ not mention how Israel even became an actual state. Not only that, Israel being a good neighbor? Such a joke - They refuse to listen to anything what Biden asks and/ or says. They use the WW2, holocaust and the star as if that allows them to commit all the atrocities (genocide) they are currently doing.

Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the horrifying things Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

The entire 7th October and ‘’self-defense’’ is such a lame excuse at this point. More than 33 000 normal Palestinians have been brutally murdered by Israel. Iran only attacked Israel because Israel attacked their consulate/ embassy (and killed someone).

Israel is currently doing:

  • Stealing land (illegal settlements, driving Palestinian people away from their homes)
  • Ethnic cleansing (removing Palestinians from their homeland)
  • Genocide (murdering Palestinians because, they’re Palestinian people)
  • Calling Palestinians rats, animals and more cruel things
  • Wanting to erase the entire Palestinian race (Israel officials said this themselves)
  • Lying to the world (decapitated babies & calendar story)
  • They think they are “superior” than Palestinian people
  • They think and say that Palestinian people are, the “inferior” race
  • Apartheid
  • Sent Palestinian people jail/ prison for no reason (even kids)
  • Beat Palestinian people for no reason or provoke to “get a reason”

Who’s the actual terrorist here?

Sources of my claims

  1. aljazeera.com/…/6-months-of-devastation-in-gaza-w…
  2. moroccoworldnews.com/…/israel-defense-minister-ca…
  3. timesofisrael.com/far-right-minister-says-nuking-…
  4. reuters.com/…/israels-un-delegates-criticised-wea…
  5. timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-…
  6. timesofisrael.com/only-15-of-israelis-want-netany…

EDIT: Also majority of the normal civilians in Israel does not even want their current prime minister anymore. Only 15% of the Israeli’s want him, the rest (85%) want him gone.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

My very first question to you; where are all your sources of those claims you make?

Israel is only a threat to those who attack it, and Palestinian Arab nationalists have been trying to murder Jews for the last hundred years for merely existing in the Levant and legally buying land there. Were it not for this, a one-state solution would have been workable, borders would have never been drawn by the UN, and Israel never would have formed as it did, in mutual self-defense.

Who started to kill the Jews back in WW2? It was not the Arab countries but Nazi-Germany, an European country. Back in WW2, The Palestinian people openly accepted the Jewish people to live among them and somewhere along the way Britain thought it do be a good idea to give away the land to them.

The Arabs (especially Palestinian people) are being violent because Israel violently stole their land. An occupier cannot become its owner. It’s a mere fact if Israel did not do all the atrocities from 1948 up until now (ongoing) – Hamas would not have existed.

No doubt many atrocities occurred during the nakba, there were Jewish terrorist groups who drove out peaceful villages, while this does not justify them, let us not forget they were formed in response to slaughters of Jews. Violence causes violence. Some people will do terrible things for safety. Many of the Arabs who left did so in order to fight against Israel. Those who stayed and were not driven out are now faring relatively well. Better than many of their Arab neighbors under their own leadership.

You keep specifying ‘’Jews’’ as if that was the only reason the Palestinian people were fighting back. No, it never mattered that these people were Jews. It was because the Palestinian people were brutally murdered and driven out of their own homeland. So again, stop pretending as if this is because of them being Jewish.

‘’Those who stayed and were not driven out are now faring relatively well’’ – Another ignorant statement. The Palestinian people have a horrible life in the occupied places. Apartheid regime, two different laws. One for Israeli, one for Palestinians and the worst one is for the Palestinian. Palestinians get provoked, beat up and unfair sent to prison.

I believe Israel should exist right where it does because it’s the only home the people who live there know. I guess that means I am a Zionist because I oppose genocide via destruction of Israel and think it’s a bad idea to let the people who have been trying to murder them for 100 years elect their leaders.

Since you are currently speaking personally, so will I. Yes, I do believe you are a Zionist and you do not care about the Palestinian lives.

Israel can exist but not where they are now and the way they made the state. They made the state by driving away native people, murdering thousands along the way and now pretend as if they (Israel) themselves are the victims. They themselves (Israel) created this whole mess in the first place.

‘’Oppose genocide’’? What’s that suppose to mean? You are okay with Israel committing genocide on the Palestinian people but when Hamas, a group literally a creation of Israel actions – that fight to get their homeland back – then you’re suddenly ‘’against genocide’’? Such a joke. Not only that, Hamas is not the one committing genocide, it is Israel who is.

Being a good neighbor does not mean you don’t defend yourself when attacked, nor does it mean yielding to the United States necessarily. In this context, it means that unlike Iran, Israel isn’t a threat to worldwide peace and stability, does not represent islamist conquest, does not fund terror groups worldwide and is not trying to undo the enlightenment. Israel is a modern Western country that just wants safety for its people. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone.

Keep pretending as if Israel is the victim. Israel is basically a threat to the whole world, this whole 6 months – proves they do not care about what happens to any country except themselves. They do not care about international laws. They are a risk for the world, since they are willing to draw in other countries into this mess.

You also keep pretending as if this is a Jews vs Islam thing. Which it is not. This is about Israel thinking they are the ‘’superior’’ race than Palestinians, purposefully murdering innocent civilians (committing genocide) and stealing land (ethnic cleansing).

Collateral damage happens in war, and those figures are from Hamas and are not credible. Recent analysis of them indicates they are probably doctored.

This is not ‘’collateral damage’’. Collateral damage means it’s accidental but what Israel does is on purpose. You claim Hamas words are not trustable but, I bet it when Israel gives its numbers – You immediately trust them. While it has been proven Israel is the one continuously lying to the entire world.

Genocide requires an intent to destroy, and Israel has been clear they intend to destroy Hamas not Palestine/ Palestinians. Collateral damage is not genocide.

From all my sources above, we can conclude; Israel intends to destroy all of the Palestinian people.

It’s unsurprising that there is public animosity against Palestinians, given the violence they have been inflicting upon Israel for the last century. It’s terrible that some Israelis might call them rats and other dehumanizing names, but using that to vilify Israel as a whole seems inappropriate, I’m sure Palestinians also dehumanize Israelis but that’s not really relevant to this discussion or a valid cause for national violence.

I think, you have been watching the wrong news. The folk are all against Israel at the moment except Zionists. Presidents are the one who are helping Israel. It is unsurprising that there’s so much hatred towards the Israeli state – given they have been murdering, humiliating and provoking Palestinian people since 1948.

Some right-wing politicians in Israel have said some pretty horrible things, even called for war crimes, but they do not represent Israel as a whole, nor are they directing the war. Meanwhile, Hamas has been pretty unambiguously calling for genocide against Israel and Jews even in their own charter. October 7th itself was an act of genocide. I support Israel because I oppose genocide.

Israel has been literally murdering Palestinians people since 1948, what do you expect Palestinians to do? Sit, wait and die? The act of October happens when you do all the atrocities for 7 decades.

Stop pretending as if Israel is the victim. 1948 up until 2024 (ongoing) – they have been doing the most inhuman things to Palestinian people. Of course at some point, people will fight back.

Who’s the terrorist here? Hamas. Obviously.

I cannot take you seriously anymore. You have proven, you are an Zionist and dismiss the lives of the Palestinian people. Thank you for showing the world what kind of human being you are. All the atrocities Israel has done since 1948 and you are saying this.

This is my last comment to you since, I now know – I’m dealing with a Zionist. Zionists are not worth my energy, time and effort. I will just block you, I do not want to see Zionists comments.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

May I ask the name(s) of these extension(s)? Currently having this issue and that’s why I mainly use MPV to load my music playlist on.

Got tracked down for my school reunion

Today I was contacted by someone at work. She graduated school with me and our 20 year reunion was coming up. Why did she contact me at work? It was the only way they were able to track me down. I was included in promotional material by name. She told me I "was the hardest to track down"and I had to smile....

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Call me pessimistic, but I do think:

  • Privacy is an illusion.
  • Control is an illusion (a reference to Mr. Robot).

Certainly, we can do a lot to have more privacy, but it is an illusion to think that we have complete control over it. Especially with social media, jobs, and today’s technology.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It seems like my comment has upset you or at least agitated you, if that’s not the case – it’s the impression you gave me.

I never said that we should ‘’not do everything we can’’; of course, we should. But that certainly does not mean we control everything. No matter how hard you try and how well you manage to maintain both privacy and control, at some point there will be a ‘’leak’’. Not by you but perhaps by your job, your family, friends or acquaintance. There are to many external things to have 100% control.

In today’s era, both privacy and control are truly mere illusions because you can maintain your privacy and believe you are in control, yet somewhere along the way, you leave a trail behind, especially with technology. I’m not sure why you brought ‘’morality’’ into the discussion of privacy and control – because that’s a whole other argument. This post and my comments were merely about these two.

Though, I did not expect my comment to get this much attention. It’s just my personal opinion, you can agree and disagree.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

“Ukraine condemns Iran’s attack on Israel using ‘Shahed’ drones and missiles,” Zelenskyy wrote on X, drawing a parallel between Tehran’s tactics and those employed by Moscow against Ukraine.

Did he also condemn when Israel attacked Iran’s embassy? (Genuine question). Because if not that’s kind of… hypocrite.

But I get it where he’s coming from. Anything to get on the good side of US to get enough support, to be able to keep fighting against Russia.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Condemning Iran because of attacking back but when Israel does it - it suppose to be okay?

Double standards.

Most (if not all) are hypocrites and cannot talk about “human rights” anymore. None of these presidents care about human rights. They only care when it is in their own benefit.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I honestly did not know that, thank you. Can’t keep up with all the news while life goes on.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ah, I see a Redditor infiltrated with their random comments. Hi there.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t understand what you mean and I honestly don’t care. It unfortunately seems, I’ll have to block you.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Since you’re writing uneducated nonsense and I’ll just bluntly assume you’re an Israel supporter. Here’s a copy-paste of my previous comments.

Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Now Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the actions Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 39-40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

From this we can conclude that Hamas did not start this but Israel did and that Hamas is fighting back.

Israel is currently doing:

  • Stealing land
  • Ethnic cleansing
  • Genocide
  • Calling Palestinians rats, animals and more cruel things
  • Wanting to erase the entire Palestinian race
  • Lying to the world
  • They think they are “superior” than Palestinian people
  • They think and say that Palestinian people are, the “inferior” race
  • Apartheid
  • Sent Palestinian people jail/ prison for no reason (even kids)
  • Beat Palestinian people for no reason or provoke to “get a reason”

Who’s the actual terrorist here?

I condemn both Israel and Hamas but if Israel had not stolen the land and murdered people from 1948 up until now. They (Hamas) would not even exist today. Hamas has become so violent, hateful and such because the world is just watching and doing nothing while Palestinians are getting murdered and humiliated on a daily basis.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Seems you’re of the mind that Israel has no right to exist.

Israel has a right to exist but not in the way they exist now. They exist through murdering, humiliating, apartheid, stealing land and genocide. If back in the day they politely asked the Palestinian people there to live together in peace. That would be an acceptable reason and right to exist.

So no, I don’t think Israel has a right to exist on the way they made the state. Because that means, Palestinians have no right anymore to their own land that was stolen.

It is and stays Palestinian land and the Palestinians have right to it. An occupier cannot become its owner. Never.

You’re describing a warzone. Maybe tell your buddies in Hamas to stop using cities as human shields, oh wait they want the highest June of civilian casualties as possible because other than taking hostages, human shields are is their last cowardly leverage. Even Japan surrendered and they were an actual country.

Got any trustable source for your claims of “human shields” and “highest civilian casualties”?

I always find it ironic how Israel supporters claim a lot but zero evidence to back it up and make things immensely personal. It seems Israel supporters cannot discuss without being emotional.

Not only that, it is Israel who has been murdering more than 30 000 civilians and not Hamas.

Also majority of the Israeli people don’t even want the Likud party anymore and they don’t believe in this “war”. This isn’t a war, this is a genocide. A military backed by US Vs a normal group that calls themselves Hamas.

Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds | Reuters

Israel’s war on Gaza – six relentless months of death and destruction | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So instead of giving actual answer with trustable sources; you come back with more claims without sources.

I cannot take you serious at all.

You can continue commenting but I refuse to comment back.

EDIT: hm. I still decided to respond back.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m not talking about “controversial”, I’m talking about actual trustable sources. Wikipedia isn’t really trustable as almost anyone can edit it.

Here’s Wikipedia’s own page about who can edit their stuff; Wikipedia is a wiki, meaning anyone can edit nearly any[1] page and improve articles immediately. You do not need to register to do this, and anyone who has edited is known as a Wikipedian or editor. Small edits add up, and every editor can be proud to have made Wikipedia better for all.

Anyway; it is clear as day - you’re an Israeli supporter and do not care about Palestinian lives. You (unfortunately) ignore all the atrocities Israel has done from 1948 up to 2024 (ongoing) and only blame Hamas.

So I don’t think there’s any valuable reason to continue discussing with you.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Then where’s your trustable source?

You claim things without trustable sources. That’s “trust me bro”.

Never mind, I can’t believe, I have been dealing with you for the day. I’ll just block you.

EDIT: up until now you have not provided any trustable source of your 3 claims:

  • Human shield
  • Highest casualties
  • The tunnels

You might be right, you might be wrong. But how can anyone trust you without any actual trustable sources? (cannot).

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yeah, they’re trying to spin this on Hamas while Israel is the very one not allowing food trucks and human aid for the Palestinians.

It is also not Hamas who’s killing thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians.

It seems they’re now trying to spin everything on Hamas while when looking back on history - it is clear as day.

EDIT: for the people that are downvoting me; you can keep downvoting but history does not lie and you cannot bend it to your liking. Israel literally has been murdering Palestinian civilians since 1948 up until today. They never have been ‘easy’ for allowing human aid, food trucks for Palestinians.

History does not lie. It never will.

Note: used the word “easy” due to the lack of a better word (or perhaps there’s but I don’t know it).

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So people bought the game and they’re still taking it away? Glad I pirate games nowadays. Screw then for fucking over their customers.

If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Fearing retaliation, the US urged Iran to avoid escalation and attacks on US targets.

How about urging Israel to stop their genocide, ceasefire and let human aid, food trucks and all that into Gaza. How about stopping Israel from invading Rafah and murdering thousands of people again.

13,000 Palestinians reportedly missing in the Gaza Strip (euromedmonitor.org)

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor estimates that over 13,000 Palestinians are either missing under debris, buried in indiscriminate mass graves, or forcibly disappeared in Israeli prisons and detention facilities, where some have even been killed. The circumstances surrounding the deaths of these prisoners and detainees have not yet...

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

People ignore this dude, just check his comment history. Obvious Israel support and a possible Zionist.

Best thing to do is block him.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You know what would be a bad thing? Letting Israel government and their IDF have their way and keep murdering more and more innocent people. A ceasefire is definitely needed.

They (Israel government) currently have murdered around 33 000 – 35 000 Palestinian people already. Hamas is a literal creation by Israel, Israel has done so much horrifying things from 1948 up to 1987 that a group of normal people made Hamas and become violent.

Want Hamas to stop existing? Then let Israel stop their ethnic cleansing, genocide and at least give half of the land back (that was and stays Palestinian land).

An occupier cannot become its owner.

Israeli troops shoot and kill a Palestinian shepherd reading the Quran on his land (www.haaretz.com)

Three soldiers pounce on a shepherd sitting outside his sheep pen. They knock him over and then one of them shoots him to death at point-blank range. Fakher Jaber, a father of four, was suspected of involvement in an incident that probably never happened...

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The IDF, US and other Zionists will claim it was out of self-defense.

When are other countries going to step up and do something about this horrifying genocide.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So when articles be like

  • Genocide is currently happening in Gaza by Israeli government.
  • The people woke up, milked the cows and got shot by the IDF

Both are not good, so which one? While both are true and can be backed up by evidence.

Because no matter how an article is written, it seems people always complain about something.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Not the one you asked but I believe in Germany. Not sure though.

At least they certainly condemn and are* against the boycot movement:

  1. Germany rules BDS movement ‘anti-Semitic

Edit: changed “we” to “are”

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

What about the PC version?

Though this is really unfortunate for the Xbox users.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

She was accused of incitement on social media, a charge that has frequently been filed against Palestinians since war broke out in Gaza on 7 October.

As English isn’t my native language, I’m not sure what this means. I don’t understand what Israel accuses her off, seems like nothing. And they are helding her basically hostage for nothing, as if they’re trying to kill her newborn baby.

Since they know this:

prematurely born baby is solely reliant on her mother’s breast milk for nutrition

You do think, even if she had done something, they would at least give her the ability to feed her newborn child.

Israel government and their so called ‘‘most moral military in the world’’. Yeah, right. They have proven the entire world that they’re exactly like Nazi-Germany. The have become the exact ideology and state they feared and hated.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Just screw them. As long as people can read it’s that’s what matters.

Though I’m always a bit conflicted about upvote/ liking. I usually upvote something that, I like. But I don’t like this, I truly hate reading this kind of stuff. It’s horrifying and I wish it would stop.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I think you need a lesson of history, so I will mix two of my older comments here:

Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Now Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the actions Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 39-40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

From this we can conclude that Hamas did not start this but Israel did and that Hamas is fighting back.

Israel is currently doing:

  • Stealing land
  • Ethnic cleansing
  • Genocide
  • Calling Palestinians rats, animals and more cruel things
  • Wanting to erase the entire Palestinian race
  • Lying to the world
  • They think they are “superior” than Palestinian people
  • They think and say that Palestinian people are, the “inferior” race
  • Apartheid
  • Sent Palestinian people jail/ prison for no reason (even kids)
  • Beat Palestinian people for no reason or provoke to “get a reason”

Does these things ring a bell? I’m sure it does because the Nazis were doing the same thing.

There’s an image which shows the very similarities between Nazis and Israel government.

EDIT: correcting words & adding more info.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

We can and should go back in time to understand what’s happening in today’s era. If you never learn about history, you’ll never understand what is happening today.

In your point of view; we should never look back on what Nazi Germany did because we cannot go back in time.

Hypothetical question to you; If you were living in peace with your family in your house and suddenly 5 people come. They beat you up, murder few of your family members and put you in the bathroom for 10 years.

You manage to escape and out of rage kill you someone. You suddenly get called out for being the aggressor and the ones that started it are now victimized.

How would that make you feel? Because that’s what is happening now.

I don’t know why they refused that back then however, I can understand it. It was and is the Palestinian land. It was stolen in 1948.

Why “share the land” when it was theirs all along and never asked peacefully to share the land for the people back then?

You’re turning this around as if Palestinians are the wrong one for wanting to live in peace in their own land

EDIT: I would also like to add

  • Israel has been refusing to make a two-state solution.
  • Israel has been doing all the atrocities for 75 years.
  • Israel has been having Apartheid, illegal settlements and two separate laws for Israeli and Palestinian people.
  • Israel has the control over the open air prison against Palestinian people
  • Israel has been sending men, women and children to prison unfairly.
  • Israel keep provoking Palestinians
  • Israel wants to drop an atomic bomb on Palestinian people.

Now tell me who’s the aggressor, how would you make peace and a two-state solution with the Israeli government.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I didn’t say we should Ignore history. History is absolutely pertinent. When I’m talking about turning back the clock, I’m referring to the Peel commission as well as the establishment of the Jewish state. We can’t undo the process that occurred, just like we can’t undo the settlement of the Americas by western people that displaced the Native Americans. We need concrete, actionable plan that can bring the Israelis to the table. Dwelling on the actions of just the Israeli side is unproductive and will not yield any results. Just like the Marshall plan was effective with post WW2 Germany, action needs to happen towards reformation and peace building -Not reverting to playing the blame game.

Then I understood that incorrectly. It is true we cannot undo the process but we do have to understand what happened to also understand Hamas perspective (and the normal Palestinian civilians).

I, personally, was not dwelling on it. I was giving an argument and a bit of history, the first commentor pretended as if it started somewhere around the ~2000. Which is not true.

This is not true. Israel has accepted two state solution proposals multiple times, but each time the Palestinians walked away (1947, 1968).

Yes and again my question to that; Why would they agree to it? The land was unfairly ‘given away’ to the Jewish people back then. The Palestinians themselves had no say in it. The land was theirs (and still is!) and it was suddenly given away by another country (I think it was Britain?).

That’s like someone forcefully entering your home and claim ‘’this will now be our house’’. It does not work like that and it should not.

“Israel has been doing all the atrocities for 75 years”: I’m not sure what this is intended to say. Are you saying PLO, Hamas are without any blood on their hands? Palestinians have been committing acts of violence without exception, including in Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt. Also one of the reasons these three --also Arab nations-- have had fraught relations with the Palestinians.

I mean by this that for more than 7 decades Israel has been doing immensely awful things (the things I listed before). No, I’m not saying Hamas and the other groups never had blood on their hands, they do.

But realize Hamas did not exist until 1987. Before that Israel already had shed much blood already. Israel had been doing bad things for 39-40 years before Hamas become an actual group. Hamas is a literal creation of Israel’s actions.

Certainly Palestinian have done their fair share of violence but many people from many countries as well.

“Israel keeps provoking Palestinians”: I agree the settlements are the driver behind a lot of the violence. The settlements need to be demolished and returned to the Palestinian people without exception. But to speak in such absolute terms betrays a lot of history and dilutes your point or any effort towards a peace process.

Israel has made the possibility of peace between Israeli’s and Palestinians not possible anymore and they (Israel Government) do not even want peace. They want the land and the Palestinians gone (erased) and this can be proven on how the entire Likud party behaves and speaks. I say that in absolute terms because it is true. Israel (government) keep provoking Palestinian people, there so many writing and video evidence of it.

“Israel wants to drop an atomic bomb”: again, the statement of some individuals is not representative of an entire government or people. But Israel’s right wing government is absolutely exploiting the Oct 7 attack in order to exert maximum casualties in Gaza. Netanyahu needs to be replaced asap.

This is not just ‘’some individual’’. This was said by the far-right Israeli Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister, Amichai Eliyahu. So yes, it can be representative. Also Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called Palestinian people ‘’rats’’. Would you say the very Defense Minister of Israel is not an ‘’representative’’?

There’s enough evidence.

EDIT: Correction of a specific date “1948” to “1987”

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The history is not relevant to any current peace plan. Besides, if you dig deep enough, the inhabitants if the earliest recorded history were Judaic and spoke Hebrew.

The history will always be relevant for a peace plan. You cannot leave out 75 years of oppression, apartheid, murdering, racism, illegal settlements, unfair laws, unfair prison time and hate.

Do you have any trustable sources for your particular claim? It’s widely known that Palestinians and the Jewish people lived among each other in peace back in the day. Not only that, the Palestinian people openly accepted the Jewish people to live with them due to WW2 – This is widely known as well.

Why do you give a complete pass for Hamas’s strategy of intentional war crimes and terrorism?

If that’s all you managed to understand from what has been written by me then, I’m not sure whether it is worth it to discuss further. But for the sake of it, I will respond to this. So first and foremost, I do not give a pass to Hamas for their crimes and terrorism. I condemn both Hamas and Israel for murdering innocent civilians.

However once again, my point, Hamas is a literal creation of Israel crimes from 1948 up to 1987. I mean what do you expect the Palestinians who decided to join Hamas to do?

Do realize the people who joined Hamas lost everything they ever cared for because of Israel actions. They lost their land, homes, family, friends and freedom. You can expect at some point that people will do something back.

If Israel never stole the land in 1948, displaced 750 000 people, murdered many and everything else that I have said before. Hamas would not have existed and they would not have done what they have done.

My question to you; Why is it ‘’strategy of intentional war crimes and terrorism’’ when Hamas does it but when Israel, an actual (illegal) state displaces 750 000 people, murder many people (men, women and children), laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (ethnic cleansing) and currently doing genocide – Why is this (suddenly) not terrorism and war crimes?

I have not once seen from you in your current comment to me about Israel horrifying actions.

You really can’t tell the difference between a country with a Democratic government that actually punishes war crimes, and an ungovernable hellhole ruled by criminals who reward war crimes?

I’m sorry but Israel is democratic? No. They are not in reality.

Yes, on paper they are democratic but in reality they definitely are not. Israel does not have a true democracy. They have unfair laws and rules against Palestinian people. They have two separate laws, one for Israeli’s and one for Palestinian people. The Palestinian people can and are usually sent to prison based on nothing (there’s many evidence of it, so I’d say search for it).

Israel does not punish war crimes, they commit them! – Israel became an actual state by doing war crimes.

They only ‘’punish war crimes’’ when it is against them and not in favor of the Likud party.

If everything that has been happening from 1948 up to today (2024) and you do not see that as actual terrorism, hell-ruled by criminals who reward war crimes (as you call it) then I do not understand you.

Not only that, majority of the Israeli people want their Prime Minister gone but he refuses to:

‘’A poll published in January found that only 15 percent of Israelis wanted him to remain in office after the war. And, in another recent poll, by Israel’s Channel 13, most Israelis said they did not trust Mr. Netanyahu’s handling of the war. Support for his right-wing Likud party has likewise cratered. And yet, Mr. Netanyahu remains in power, largely unchallenged.’’

Source: nytimes.com/…/netanyahu-protests-legacy-war.html

EDIT/ Note: Since you made it a bit more personal, I’ll say this:

I, personally, blame Israel for creating such a horror in the world that a group like Hamas was created.

EDIT 2: I would also like you to read this regard Israel’s so called ‘‘democracy’’:


@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So what I get from you is:

  • You make things personal for no reason.
  • No sources of your particular claims.
  • You seem to not have actual knowledge on how Hamas formed and their reasoning.
  • You dismiss every reason of Hamas existence and just victimize Israel and blame Hamas (probably because you might not have knowledge, I will give you the edge on that).

Since you do not give any sources of your claims, dismiss Palestinian lives, dismiss Hamas reasons of existing and victimize Israel when there’s clear evidence that Israel has been commiting crimes for 7 decades. I won’t comment to you any further. It seems to be a waste of time, energy and effort.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

And you still hear some people scream “self defense”, such a bullshit.

I still cannot believe that presidents are just staring at the horrifying shit that’s been happening and letting it happen.

They don’t give a flying care about humanity.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This worries me that, this whole thing will escalate even more (and more) and then many more innocent civilians will be brutally murdered for no reason.

Thousands Protest Against Gov't, for Hostage Deal Across Israel; Protesters Light Fires on Tel Aviv Road (www.haaretz.com)

Israeli official: Israel agreed to American ratio proposal for terrorist and hostage exchange, Hamas has yet to answer ■ Hamas: 19 killed, 23 wounded from IDF tank fire while ‘waiting for humanitarian aid’ ■ Anti-gov’t protests, rallies calling for the release of the hostages are taking place across Israel ■ UN chief...

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Do you have a news article of it? Would like to read a bit more.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Let’s go back on how Israel became Israel and their entire regime. Murder (of men, women and children) and displacing 750 000 Palestinian people. Apartheid, racism. Illegal settlements.

Lying to the world about almost everything and not to forget how they speak about Palestinian people (calling them rats, animals and so on). Also to mention they are saying to drop an atomic bomb on Palestinian people (Gaza).

But that’s all “okay”, right? In your eyes.

Not to forget, Hamas was only created in 1987 because of Israel’s action from 1948 up to 1987. That’s 39-40 years later.

EDIT: some corrections like “there” to “their”

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Be semi-happy, at least its shows what kind of people the mods are. They approve Israeli’s hateful Shit but don’t approve the opposite.

Says much more about the mods themselves than about the other people.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Since when is it an insult to call people what they are? They are doing the nearly the same thing - if not the exact same thing.

Israel is doing:

  • Stealing land
  • Ethnic cleansing
  • Genocide
  • Calling Palestinians rats, animals and more cruel things
  • Wanting to erase the entire Palestinian race
  • Lying to the world
  • They think they are “superior” than Palestinian people
  • They think and say that Palestinian people are, they “inferior” race
  • Apartheid
  • Sent Palestinian people jail/ prison for no reason (even kids)
  • Beat Palestinian people for no reason or provoke to “get a reason”

Does these things ring a bell? I’m sure it does because the Nazis were doing the same thing.

There’s an image which shows the very similarities between Nazis and Israel government. Certainly, I’m not allowed to show it because you will delete it.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s perhaps not helpful. I can also come up with reasons why Palestinians could be called nazis. Literally the only difference is that they’re not winning. So if Israel is 1939s nazis, Palestine is 1945s nazis. But how does calling them nazis exactly help?

First of all you are currently calling all the Palestinian people Nazis and not just Hamas. Do realize the Palestinian people just want to live. They want to have rights, normal live circumstances, a home, a land and they want to be with their family. All of that the Israeli Government took away from them, brutally.

Claiming that the only difference between them is ‘’that they are not winning’’ is such an ignorant statement.

So Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding village and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and good. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Now Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the actions Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 39-40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

Racism, Apartheid, illegal settlements, unfair laws for the Palestinian people and sending people to jail/ prison for the smallest thing or no reason at all. Beating Palestinian people for no reason or provoking the Palestinian people to beat them. It got worse by the day, week, months, years and decades.

From this we can also conclude that Hamas did not start this but Israel did and that Hamas is fighting back. Just like the Nazis started the war and The Resistance were fighting back.

They (Hamas) started out by truly just wanting their homeland, homes and rights back. Israel did not allow it and went in brutal. You know what they say right? ‘’If peaceful revolution is not allowed, violent revolution is inevitable’’.

Israel did not allow it and thus Hamas started to get more violent and violent. Obviously they would, right? Everyone would fight for their rights.

Calling Hamas or Palestinian people ‘’Nazis’’ is like calling The Resistance from WW2 the bad people. They are basically doing the same thing. Want their homeland and homes back, wanting to live in peace with actual human rights. Why calling The Resistance ‘’Freedom fighters’’ but Hamas ‘’Nazis’’?

There’s also the mere fact if Israel did not stole the land in 1948, displaced 750 000, murdered many of the Palestinian people – Hamas would not even exist in today’s era.

Also realize that the majority of the Palestinians in Gaza are women and children. They are not men that want to ‘’erase’’ Israeli people, they just want to live. However with what Israel is doing, you can be certain hatred will grow within the Palestinian children and for that is only Israel to blame.

I would like to know why you would call the Palestinian people ‘’Nazis’’ and not just Hamas but I do also like to know why you would call Hamas ‘’Nazis’’. Because the only reason Hamas has grown such an immense hatred towards the Israeli people is because what Israel has done for over 75 years to them.

People often blame Hamas for the hatred and murdering on Israeli people but forget that if Israel never done these things, Hamas would not have existed nor would’ve done these things.

Hypothetical question to you: What would you have done if a group of people came to your house, murdered some family members (if not all) and threw you in the bathroom for 10 years. You finally managed to escape and you see them?

If you decide to beat them up or perhaps even kill some of these people and suddenly you are considered the bad person, you are considered the ‘’insane’’ one. They are suddenly the victim and you are the bad one for doing such a thing.

This is a dumbed-down version of what’s currently happening.

I condemn both Israel and Hamas but, I do understand Hamas perspective. They want their land, homes and rights back. No matter the cost. The world presidents seem not to give a flying care and thus they will have to do everything to make people care.

How does it help calling the Israeli Government, Nazis? Simple because that’s what they are. The tick on all the similarity boxes. By calling them out for it, some people will do research and find the similarities. Also it proves that, they turned into the exact ideology they hate.

EDIT: Had to change something because the format was not right.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This was my very first thought and question too. I’m so hoping it does.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

“The soldiers stood watching, and after the settler attack ended, the soldiers began to search houses across the village, raiding several houses and taking shifts throughout the night and then left at 3:00 in the morning", they added”

What did their prime minster say - The most moral military in the world.

Yeah right… and the World “leaders” are just standing there staring at the shit that’s been happening.

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