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At this point he should just shut up. If Putins tells someone to not do something it is very likely that it is the exact thing they ought to do.


Ohh wait. It is not about the children? Colour me surprised. It is nearly as if it is used as a pretense to strip away our rights 🤔. Just wait for the next big terrorist attack. Then we will get our rights taken away under another pretense 👍

As long as there are powerful people, they will always use their power to life a live of “rules for thee but not for me”.


Preference. It is preference. It always was and it probably will be fir the foreseeable future. There are perks or arguments for either but imo you are either a PC-type or Console-type (subject to change over time lfc).


Oh yeah totally forgot to add this as an option. I should have put it like: Those are different things with different aspects to like/dislike about each.


Do we still have good news? One? Two? None?

I should stop doomscrolling for today but my commute is taking ages again…


Going to fight against Nazi Germany for comparison of porportional counter attacks is really dumb when the Nazis killed more civilians than all their enemies during WWII combined. And it is not like the russians did not kill those in retaliation aswell, it was just impossible to catch up (we are going to ignore what Stalin did outside of fighting germany for this comment). Comparing a power capable of subjugating nearly a whole continent in the span of some months (all while planning and executing the murder of millions of civilians) with hamas got to be a bad joke.


This dude really thinks he is smart doesn’t he. Half of america just wants an asshole, thats all.


The only reason, and sadly the reason why they will get away with this for some more time for sure, is that the U.S. has pledged unconditional support. The whole west has to now tip toe around the fact that they very much watch a nation commit genocide without sanctioning the shit out of them. Germany has it easy cause we can always say “as former nazis we can not do anything but crawl up isreals butt”.


Yeah thats why you make sure to NOT talk about your feelings like this “concerned” person. If you have problems in a relationship, it is important to talk to anyone but your partner. Best thing to do is, get some advice from complete strangers who do not know you or your partner and have very limited and skewed information. This way you will surely get the right answers! /s


I wish for more money but every bit counts.


How many people need to die in order for the isreali government being satisfied? It is a rethorcial question as it should be clear by now that the answer is “all in Gaza”. It is quite the speedrun to become one of the most despised countries.


It plays into the hands of the jackasses that still pretend that the election was stolen from Trump through illegal votes.


Never played it but i am happy for the fans. I wish this would have been possible with Tera 😭


Any place killing off their own people is a shit hole. You might fight me, but probably wont change my mind.


This thread is a dumpster fire. Can someone explain to me why i should be concerned about the tracking of payments that as an average person will not happen outside of buying huge stuff like a car? While no one is forced to answer me i would like you to refrain from vague statements like “this is attacking your privacy”, because i am interested in how. If you think its obvious feel free to ignore.

I think the biggest point that i could see being a problem is the crypto stuff because i once made a anonymous donation via monero (that because i was concerned but the target needed privacy). It was about 30€ or something. Would that be illegal under the new guidelines? And if so, why would i care, since it is supposed to be anonymous.


I think this is actually a very good example, thank you.

People from europe sometimes come a long as assholes (“wE aRe NoT iN tHe ShItTy UsA”) while ignoring that political stability is not guaranteed. Neither is democracy. Sitting here germany i look very nervously at the many countries shifting to the right and getting more authoritarian.

I pray to all gods that the times we live in wont be very interesting for historians to come…


Yeah i have heard about crypto being used to get cheaper medication, but i had forgotten, so thanks for taking your time and sharing this example.

I wish you the best health possible, better and cheaper medications and people that make your life better


How was this moron elected in the first place and why dont i get a shot at it. Cant be worse, really


True. Real world relationships however are hard to obtain and hard to maintain. So many people, especially those that are deemed “not normal”, due to looks or behavior, are giving up on that and instead give in to these easy surrogates. It is sad, but not like society presents any solutions.


Whats their fucking deal? Puberty blockers rule.

(yeah i know, it is transphobia)

I wish we could all have taken puberty blockers safely. That shit comes way to early and in the middle of school. My plan: Finish school-> hitting puberty while doing pretty much nothing but coping with that -> getting job-education. Maybe this way less people would end up in jobs they utterly despise.


I do not have this weakness. My computer is somewhat of a waifu already and once we have sex robots i want them to answer my request with “Yes daddy” and “I would love to, daddy”. Cringe all you want, the future is ours.


This right here. Some motherfuckers here really going around pretending that precise language is bad because logic is unemotional? Not sure when emotional language ever helped bringing our fellings across to the another person. Quite ironic.

Of coure just blurting out “**** fallacy” to anyone in a conversqtion is fruitless.


I mean you already show impulse control. Just keep that energy up. If you one day cave in try again to not spend more money for as long as you manage.

I am collecting anime figurines.

Send help


Tilting you windows is a nice option that i rarely use. Most if the time its STOẞLÜFTEN as we germans like to say (opening the windows wide up to really let in all the fresh air).


It is only useful if you have a bunch of stuff sitting in front of you window and you are able to tilt another window on the other side of the house but its really not that big of a deal.


Very much this. As a person thats single for ever i also flinch when i get touched unexpectedly.


People in this thread really pretending they have kids in order to get upset about implied nudity. It does not get more american does it? Some chick showing lots of boobie sure seems to be the same like a girl getting banged by big dick to many here.

Also if you actually think that some nudity will wreck your kid but watching gta does not i am not sure why anyone bothers arguing with you.


If you think this is protistution your comment sure might make sense. Have fun.


Not sure why you bring that topic. People injecting this topic everywere unbidden are a little bit concerning to me and should do some soul searching.


Have you considered that the people raging about a thing and the people enjoying the same thing might be different people?


I would say so too but my problem was not my best buddies being gay in general or even flirting with me but the awkwardness of having to straight up reject them. It is not bad to have this as a second hand experience in a game but i can see how people do not like it. I suffered through the awkward feeling of telling Gale off but i wish there was a more clear friendship route to begin with. Again, i dont mind flirting or my friend being homosexual and attracted to me. I just wish i could give hints that this is one sided like i would irl. Not sure in what way the mod did it and i see why it might be taken down but also its not like this mod will vanish because of it.


Ok, yes i wrote that not in a good way but it seems you missed my point. My point was that me being friendly was taken as me wanting to bang. That happens irl and it happens in this game. Just because this happens irl does not mean i have to enjoy them ingame. I simply hate awkward situations and while i might be able to dodge them irl i can dodge them in my games which would not make me an anyphobe. There were 4 Characters that hit on me and only one romance i was interested in. Indeed i have felt the same level of awkwardness no matter the sex of the character i rejected.


I sure cant judge whether rejection by the same sex is worse but that has little to do with that i dont like to have to reject people so why would i lile it when a game i enjoy, with characters that i care about simulate these unpleasent parts of life. Its like saying a game that induces diarreah is just simulating real life (i know this is a very bad comparrison). I dont care about the sex of the person i reject, i simply hate letting people i care about down. And i dont like this part about the game, shame on me.


Ohh yes a mod that eliminates all awkward rejection moments would have been exactly what i want. In the end i want to say that this game has been nothing but awesome even though it forced me to disappoint my companions from time to time.


Sure. Somehow i only had to reject one of my female companions and that felt shitty too even though i wasnt that big of a friend. Must be my homophobia kicking in.


Actual thanks btw because yesterday was a pretty shitty day and being labeled as a homophobe really was just the cherry on the shit cake. Seeing that atleast some people understand what i meant puts me at ease.


I honestly would contest the price for the ryzen because sure thats how much you pay for a new one but at the same time there are ryzens (am5 sadly) out there that have a lower power consumption, same or better performance at the same price. Another contention would be the hard drives. I would personally never use second hand storage, mostly because i am a paranoid fuck wit, but for me a used drive is at most worth half a new one as soon as someone puts their filthy data on it. But yeah the 4080 is still pretty expensive.


Wow this looks sexy af. I only have a bought one that is simply not dying on me. Seeing this beauty makes me want to do one too but damn, i dont think i am able to put in all that hard work.


Problem is, i sink my disposable income mainly into anime-merch, so far without regrets.

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