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They accomplished the majority of it by simply showing up. They didn’t need their guns or elaborate criminal conspiracies, they just applied for positions of power (however minor) and used that power to push their agenda and support their dogshit friends doing the same.

Meanwhile, progressivism on the internet has been taken over nihilistic neckbeards that just sit back and watch it all happen, making worthless promises about how if it gets too bad, their for-profit firearms will bail them out.

We used to get arrested.


What progressives? There’s about 3 of them in politics. They don’t have the power to stand in the way of anything because they’re hopelessly outnumbered by “neoliberalism but you can have crumbs and social things”.

People like you need to wake up. You’re not going to get “slow progress” out of the lesser of two evils, you’re going to get a negligbly slower slide into fascism. There is no protecting your comfortable bubble at this point.

Who do you think I am?


Making things illegal absolutely stops criminals. It doesn’t stop all criminals, but that’s never been the expectation. If you want to dismiss laws on the basis of not being 100% effective, there’s not a single law you support.

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

I’m not under any obligation to prove it to you until you supply the “evidence” you’re mentioning. In the domain of rhetoric, “laws don’t dissuade criminals” people sounds dumb as fuck and goes against the way we’ve run societies for thousands of years.

I’ve witnessed laws – which frequently go hand in hand with your “socially frowned upon” acts – change peoples behaviour, from drink driving to your own littering example.

Every crime is a calculation of risk and reward. The internet makes things lower risk, but there are absolutely laws that work. They’re why the web isn’t riddled with child pornography and why online drug marketplaces have to exist behind 10 layers of bullshit.

You’re advocating that the risk should be nonexistent and that victims have no avenues for justice.


If you don’t want segregation, vote Republican but if you do want segregation, also vote Republican.


Straw purchasing isn’t an issue in most countries. Buying a weapon may include background checks, psychological evaluation, safety training, being a member at a range or club for 6+ months or even military service. It doesn’t end there either, with many countries requiring registration of purchased firearms with heavy fines if you’re unable to produce the weapon when asked.

Luckily for cartels and criminals, Americas gun laws are dogshit. With private sales, you don’t even need to pass a background check in some places. Straw purchasing isn’t just viable, it’s the fastest, easiest, lowest risk way to secure practically any semi-automatic weapon you want.

But no matter how serious or widespread those failures are, the pro-gun community staunchly opposes addressing them, backed by lobby groups who are keenly aware their profits would be quartered if gun regulations worked.


Why would they bother to disarm you? They make billions of dollars a year selling you guns and you’re no threat to them at all, physically or politically.


You should really make a token effort to read the article before trying to be a smug fuck about it.


Aren’t you forgetting something? Every gun owner is a super cool action hero and if anyone tries to break into their house they’ll be all “blam blam blam” and they’ll be able to turn on their wives again.


The answer has been given over and over again but it doesn’t meet the pro-gun communities deliberately impossible standards. Why bother answering it yet again?

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

What made you think I cared? I’ve never advocated making gun owners public knowledge, I’m just laughing because gun owners insist their guns can keep them safe from criminals but shrivel up at the idea of those criminals knowing where they live and targeting them specifically.

As always with the pro-gun community, consequences are other people.


You really need to get your feelings out about this don’t you? The world must no your opinion, even the people who aren’t actually advocating it.

Anyway, your feelings are bullshit. The pro-gun community routinely opposes safe storage laws and are happy to leave guns in glove compartments and closets. Not that the black market is required to arm criminals, given how easy it is to pass a background check, straw purchase or buy privately but again, the pro-gun community opposes reforms to combat all of that.

So whatever the fuck “The consequences are the people’s who commit the crime, not the gun owning populace as a whole who has not? Yes” is supposed to mean, it’s clear that you’re only upset that you would be in danger, since you put other people in danger all the time.

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

Safe storage penalizes victims for being stolen from

Good. If you didn’t take reasonable steps to secure your firearms, your negligence armed criminals. Guns are already an exception to “dangerous things must be properly secured” thanks to crybaby gun owners.

Oh and don’t waste your breath with a “B-B-B-But LockPickingLawyer opened this gun safe with his flaccid cock” because that’s not even close to an insurmountable problem.

a tax to stop those dirty poors from having guns

You’re using poor people as a human shield. You’ve never advocated giving people guns as a form of welfare and realistically a gun is one of the last things those “dirty poors” need.

You’re a simp for a multi-billion industry that funds the very worst Republicans and puts profits before lives. You don’t have a leg to stand on.

glove compartments are necessary

Sounds like we know where you leave your gun. It’s grossly negligent and absolutely your fault. Either leave your gun at home (where I’m guessing it’s just as poorly secured) or don’t go to places that don’t want you.

Well it is if they’ve been charged with something. Oh so “no criminal record,” shocker Illegal

Laws that are a complete failure, which the pro-gun community opposes all changes to, including better enforcement.

Illegal if you’re a prohibited possessor

Consequences for other people. The “responsible gun owner” making the private sale gets away with selling a gun to a dangerous person. If we only charged underage people for buying alcohol (and not the person who supplied them), there would be zero expectation of those laws working.

And even with all that, publishing a list is still stupid

Yet again, not actually a thing I advocated, just something I mocked your reaction to. Let’s hope for your families sake you’re not so easily confused when you hear a bump in the night.

I put nobody in danger

Another worthless promise from a gun owner. Whatever minimal vetting you’ve been through is demonstrably not enough to ensure gun owners aren’t a danger. You cleared the same low bar as the people shooting at children who rang their doorbell or used their driveway to turn around.

If we reduce you to a statistic, it’s even more bullshitty. Every person in your household is at a greater risk of domestic homicide and suicide.

it’s your stupid ideas on guns

Are you still throwing a tantrum about an idea I didn’t suggest or supoort, or are you just assuming all of my opinions based on what the gun lobby have told you I believe?

Your laws have failed America. It’s 20 years past when “responsible gun owners” should have actually taken some responsibility.

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

Way to victim blame

“This woman scratched and bit me while I was raping her, so I’m the real victim”

I remember you now. You’re not worth my time and it doesn’t look like there’s anyone left in the thread who is. I didn’t read most of your comment but laughed when I saw you’ve lifted my insults to use as your own. Looks like you have made space for me in your head.


Didn’t read.

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

When the birth control pill was first released, people opposed it by claiming that women would just take trains of lovers while their husband was at work, since there was no longer the risk of pregnancy.

That was 64 years and many of those people became politicians and church leaders or passed their shitty views down to their shitty children.

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

Them banging people doesn’t upset them, only that their wives and daughters might do the same.


The sales mean more to them than someone else’s children.


Who cares what you’ve seen? Nobody is interested in the pinkie promises of the pro-gun community – they want actual regulations with actual enforcement but every step of the way, corporate interests and useful idiots are there to block them.

Background checks are optional. Gun safety is optional. This is what the pro-gun community insists on time and time again.

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

Semantic bullshit designed to drag out the conversation instead of addressing the problem. Nobody has gloves in their glove compartment but everybody knows what the glove compartment is.

Multiple attempts have been made to close this loophole and have been blocked by the pro-gun community, rendering background checks optional – if you don’t want your background checked, buy privately.

If you want to make effective regulations, then you need to understand what regulations already exist, how guns work, and how loopholes are exploited.

There is no gun control legislation that the pro-gun crowd will support. It doesn’t matter how minor, or how perfectly written.

Otherwise, you get another AWB that bans a bunch of cosmetic features that really don’t matter.

No problem, we’ll just ban all sales of semi-automatic weapons and firearms under a certain length (such as revolvers). After 20+ years, it’s clear the pro-gun crowd has no solution.


I just have to wait. One day, the millions of school children that Republicans, gun owners and the gun lobby sold out will have to send their own children to school.


If you put them in a room full of neo-nazis, they could explain it just fine. They only have trouble explaining it on television, where they need to pretend they’re not racist authoritarians.


While I hope this is the case, she may have simply been backed into a corner on a promise she couldn’t deliver.


The Republican culture war being waged against the LGBT+ community should make it completely clear that your skin color or brand of religious nonsense doesn’t make you immune to bigotry.


The far-right is not the Democrats fault and I don’t know why you’re bragging about selling out your community.


“Thanks for pushing normal people to the far-right” is an overt strategy passed around 4chan and far-right chat channels, intended to both discourage the left from defending their views and create the idea that being bigoted is something “normal people” support.


This situation doesn’t exist outside your imagination.


Okay Gamer.


Sure. “It happened to a friend”.


You’re really bad at staying mask on.


Shocking nobody.


Whatever happened to “you do you, I do me”?

Literally the sentence before that one was you being critical of pride parades, so I guess you mean “You do you (but only with my rubber stamp of approval)”


If you don’t know the difference between a pocket knife and a sword, you’re probably not in any position to call anyone a laughing stock.

But it doesn’t matter anyway, because the only way anyone is going to believe the UK is the “laughing stock of the world” is if they’ve never spoken to any of the people who make up that world.

It’s the USA and has been for decades, peaking with Republicans like George Bush and Donald Trump. It’s not even a close contest.


It may not be, because no amount of money is ever enough for a wealthy neoliberal. You could pay $200 in pure profit for a game and there will still be slimy executives saying “We could make that $201 if we showed them ads and $202 if we sold their data”

Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins (www.thedailybeast.com)

A conservative plan for Donald Trump’s potential transition into the presidency calls for dozens of prisoners to be executed, according to HuffPost. An 887-page plan by Project 2025, led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, says that if elected, Trump should make a concerted effort to execute the remaining 40...


I’m not saying we take to the streets with weapons

Then you’re doing nothing but shilling for the gun lobby, who immediately donate millions to the worst Republicans.

If you’re going to advocate guns, you should be willing to tell people what to use them for.


What a joke you are. Are we actually supposed to pretend your guns are more than cosplay props when you’re not even willing to risk being banned from anonymous social media to advocate your cause?

Well I’m not scared of being banned, so take your guns and your pro-gun astroturfing and fuck off.


Nobody is forcing you to live and you don’t need to take millions of people with you like a psychopath.


Oh fuck, I didnt realize Nostradamus was here calculating every possible future for billions of people. Of course World War 3 must be the best thing for all of them.


Why would for-profit media companies do something like that? It’s dangerous, expensive and brings in less money than clickbait about celebrities.


Since the discussion is about bullying and threatening people because you don’t think they should have autonomy over their gender expression, at worst it’s the second most fragile shit you’ve heard.


Whatever helps you cope.

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

I guess that 4% market share is because it’s just so good. The Linux community couldn’t even pull that off without a multi-billion dollar corporation helping them with software compatibility and stability.

Feel free to keep making fun of Windows though – I haven’t made an operating system part of my personality so it doesn’t upset me in the slightest.


4%? Linux has 6.3%+ on the desktop

Don’t worry, I’m sure those statistics are just “bait” and it’s actually 99%

Then on mobile, Linux has 72%.

So it has far more traction when the “bait” things I mentioned don’t apply? Fuck, who’d have thought?

Well you clearly have made your OS part of your personality, because here you are vehemently defending it and shitting on other OSes.

Vehemently defending it by saying nothing positive about it. The only reason I kept talking is because you were such a fuckwit in your reply.

I’m not really sure why you’re so insecure about it that you need to come here and tell us, though.

You don’t think there’s some kind of clue in the post when I wished it was in a better state?


It’s also where the kind of jank I mentioned doesn’t apply.


Oh, I get it now. You just find tiny threads and pull them as melodramatically as you can. It’s a hallmark of manipulative partners and untreated BPD that I should he seen sooner.

Minor criticism is turned into “this person must be a troll trying to bait us into anger” and even something you yourself described as “defending indirectly” became “vehemently defending” and of course I was in a “frenzied rage”, probably because I used the word “fuck”.

Then if that doesn’t work, resort to the usual lazy tricks. Take figurative speech literally, accuse people of logical fallacies that don’t apply, do a little bit of mind reading and then declare yourself the winner.

If I was actually a troll, I couldn’t have asked for a better reaction. You’re the worst ambassador for Linux I’ve ever seen.


I genuinely can’t tell if you’re autistic, have abysmal reading comprehension or are pretending to be stupid but either way, I’m not engaging further.

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