
They were only paid for the first hour.

Oh, he doesn’t actually pay anyone.


How do people stand to listen to this moron? He rambles on and on about nonsense, pulling buzzwords and patronizing his followers.

His followers really are that stupid though.


There was a contest to win a dinner with Trump.

Somehow, none of his supporters ever actually got to visit him at the White House.

No one despises Trump’s people more than Donnie.


He keeps railing against immigrants, yet also keeps marrying them.

ripcord, avatar

He doesn’t mean white immigrants. He means the, uh, BAD ones.


While this is all good to see/hear/read about, what have you…

VOTE ANYWAY. Because those clowns that walked away from his rambling are going to be despise having walked away.

Don’t take this as a loss of interest. I wouldn’t put it past these assholes to have planned this type of shit.

VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT. And know that many do.


They definitely didn’t plan walking out. It’s hard to keep a secret even with intelligent people and these folk are dumb as rocks. Doesn’t change anything, people should vote anyway; it always matters.


Yes, please, go vote. This election is a great opportunity to win a landslide victory and shift American politics further left.


Jesus just listening to him ramble nonsense makes me want to shoot myself in the head. What a fucking retard

psvrh, avatar

I highly encourage you to listen to translations of Hitler’s rallies, because they’re the same kind of nonsense.

Thteven, avatar

Yup, nazis were fuckin idiots too.


Hey excitingly new progressives who won’t vote - here’s one reason why you should. Because not voting is what gets you nazis.



I mean, you’d probably find a substantial number of people at that rally that still think it’s ok to use this word in 2024.


I would never call a retarded person a retard. Just regular people who are acting like retards


It’s cold and he’s been speaking 90 minutes.

This about sums it up. They’re all still going to vote for him. They know he’s a rambling senior citizen without scruples or even a plan, and they will support him regardless because they are as stupid as he is.


Yeah seriously. As much as I would love to think his fans were walking out on him, that is not the case.

Are there no ethical standards for journalism?


Ethi-what for whatsthatnow?


There’s no profit in ethical standards.


Are there no ethical standards for journalism?



The article states pretty explicitly that this is not unusual. Twice. That line they quoted is a direct line from the article:

Trump is still speaking in Wildwood but much of the crowd has left. It’s cold and he’s been speaking 90 minutes. This whole area was full of people when Trump started," Anderson wrote.

And again:

“You can clearly see that people are leaving while [Trump is] rambling incoherently,” Masterson wrote in another post. “This happens at a lot of rallies, cultists show up thinking he will say something new and profound. Then they get bored and walkout.”

The whole premise of the article is stated right up front. Trump claimed an audience of 100,000, but the evidence shows that audience didn’t hang around for him, undercutting the claim.

Feels like before you complain about journalism ethics you should at least commit to actually reading the articles so you know what you’re complaining about.


just wanted to add, according to the article the location can fit about 20000 people. 100000 lol - even the police lies less about crowd sizes at demonstrations, a factor of 5 is brazen.


I think the headline and first few sentences of the article are purposely misleading. They bank on their audiences only reading the headline or a portion of the article in order to make people jump to conclusions, instead of putting the conclusion or main point in the headline.

Be real; what is the first thing you think of when you read that headline? I think most people would assume people are walking out because he said or did something to make them walk out. Not because of the weather. It’s really news worthy that people left a rally because it was cold? C’mon now.

Yes- it’s on audiences to critically think about what they read, but journalism like this certainly doesn’t help. And they know this.

Obviously subjective, but to me that is unethical journalism.


it’s newsweek.


Are there no ethical standards for journalism?

Are you just getting caught up? This ship sadly sailed a while ago. More importantly, Newsweek got you to click, so from their perspective the job is done.


The point of the article is to challenge Trump’s claims about the audience size during his speech, not to suggest he’s losing support. Mostly just to catch him in more lies.


Waste of energy. He’s been lying about his popularity for quite a long time now.


Both the headline and the first sentence imply that people are walking out on Trump while he’s speaking, as though that is a significant, coordinated event. The overestimated crowd figures are a secondary point in the article, probably because that also isn’t news. Future biographers and historians will have “Trump exaggerated the size of [something]” as autocomplete.


Or, they are as hate-filled as he is. Or both…

tsonfeir, avatar

1:25, calls OJ Simpson a great guy.


Doesn’t he know that his most loyal followers are racist? That’s a demographic awareness issue on his part.


Based on his Hannibal Lecter comments, I think he’s more afraid of losing the mass murderer demographic.


That is absolutely a possibility, considering how that man’s brain works.

tsonfeir, avatar

I imagine his brain works like paparazzi photos. Pop pop flash flash, blinding light, screaming, pop pop!


That’s the Provigil working.

tsonfeir, avatar

Or the cannibal vote…

randomaside, avatar

They don’t care. They are lazy cowards who will give up everyone’s rights for a false sense of safety. Trump can say whatever he wants because they don’t take anything he says seriously. The more active among them are convinced that Trump is a “tool” to get what they want. Little do they know they are the ones being used.

hanrahan, avatar

They don’t care. They are lazy cowards who will give up everyone’s rights for a false sense of safety.

Thats how it is for most of humanity, from Hitler, through Putin, to Trump, same playbook to appeal to the 80%

“Susan Sontag was asked what she had learned from the Holocaust, and she said that 10% of any population is cruel, no matter what, and that 10% is merciful, no matter what, and that the remaining 80% could be moved in either direction” —Kurt Vonnegut

tsonfeir, avatar

OJ Simpson isn’t black. He’s a white black man. He’s the black guy the white people love. He’s not a N… if you catch my drift.

Apparently playing football and murdering your wife is the key to the racist heart.


They hate women more than they hate black people


They hate them both more than the other.


Like a hate oroboros

hanrahan, avatar…/yes-55-percent-of-white-women-vote…

Yes, 55 Percent of White Women Voted for Trump. No, I’m Not Surprised.

It’s time to stop coddling white women when they bolster white supremacy, and to push for concrete acts of solidarity


A black man that murdered a white woman is being praised by Trump and his supporters. I guess it shows that they’ll praise anything he tells them to. Or it shows that they hate women more than they hate black people

tsonfeir, (edited ) avatar

I think it’s the latter.


Two t’s

tsonfeir, avatar


hanrahan, avatar

White women are his majority…/yes-55-percent-of-white-women-vote…

Whatever he’s saying resonates with them

It’s time to stop coddling white women when they bolster white supremacy, and to push for concrete acts of solidarity

tsonfeir, avatar

According to exit polls


Well he murdered a white woman who was known to sleep with a black man, so racist box checked

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