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Chicken lips and hooves.


And if we crossbreed chickens with turtles, they might become ninjas or something worse.


My employer has hired a few PhD’s for entry level engineering positions, and then they always end up fired because they are too incompetent to do it.

“I have a PhD”. Yeah, but you can’t even do this basic shit and your doctorate is in nothing we care about, but you knew some people.


You can, but then it switches from learning to discover something. Expanding human knowledge is cool, but then reality sets in with funding, getting published, and having to kiss ass to rich idiots who think they are just as smart as you.


They replaced their management, who were mostly engineers with MBA’s, to business majors with MBA’s who worship Jack Welch. The IQ in the room plummeted as the ghost of Welch demanded sacrifices for short term gains so they might one day get their golden parachute.


“Made in the USA” can be sewing on the label in a factory that hires >50 people.


Just fire more of those stupid engineers and scientists and run some more AI on it. Us business majors know best!


Is that the same one who is a draft dodging little bitch and raped his ex wife so much that the state of NY changes their spousal rape laws?


Felonious Trump and the Order of the Adderral.


Drive people who are not voting for Trump to the polls. It’s easy to do and just requires taking a day off work.


Imagine voting against your own interests to “pwn the libs”.


Also precludes him from military funeral honors, which means anything he does get is invalid.

It means a lot to us that deployed that a draft dodging bitch like Trump would lose that entitlement. Oh, and if you vote for Trump, You support a draft dodging bitch so fuck you.


No matter your gender, the ridges of your brow and scars across your body shall never change. For Glory!


A lot of people forget what the 90’s was like. You could call someone a f** and people just laughed. It was part of the high school insult compendium.

Anti-gay was strong. People laughed openly at Matthew Shepard getting killed. “Shouldn’t have came onto them! I would beat up a (gay) should they ever come onto me!” I remember kids getting violently beaten in the gym locker room for being meat gazers, and the school just told the victim how this needs to stay quiet or else everyone will know your little son is gay. I went to a fairly large high school in a slightly blue city, and this was just how it was. There was no acceptance of trans because no one dared come out as trans, they saw how gay people were treated.

I am glad the zeitgeist has shifted and people can be themselves. As one of those old millennials, I honestly don’t understand trans, but I want them to be who they are and be happy. Cannot imagine being in a body where your gender feels wrong, it sounds like a daily pain. If you are reading this and are trans, there are cis people who accept you for who you are and would listen to everything you need to say.


I have noticed the loudest, most obnoxious supporters have grabbed the microphone and are screaming. But, the middle of the road folks seem to have abandoned him.

Don’t rest on your laurels. We need to drive as many people as possible to vote for the Democratic Party to the polls this November. I don’t give a fuck about you if you vote traitor GOP. Kiss my ass and stay home, you do nothing but make the world worse.


I have known of people getting dishonorable discharges for simply looking at classified information they were not supposed to, careers over due to misunderstanding or picking a document up after an accident.

If someone other than Trump had all these documents they would be gone from the earth. We would never hear from them again as the FBI went through their life to figure out who else was involved and how they got away with boxes of these documents.


Superpatrioteagle50caljesus dot com only has the best news.

Tune in tomorrow for how we explain how NASA spies on your poop!


Yeah, but you didn’t read this particular article posted on a random website by a guy who said he totally knows, and that makes him more qualified than all of us here.


You mean like the crime of selling classified documents for money?


You still never shared what website you get your information and news from.


I was in for ten years, and a battle buddy of mine was telling me about a soldier in his platoon who got the other than honorable discharge over classified stuff.

Here is what happened: car accident on post, stuff is all over the intersection. The guy is an E5, already deployed once, is by all means upper crust for a career. One of the people in the accident was the G2. The E5 sees there are classified documents. Calls it in, but decides to help out and scoops them all up into a neat little pile and secures them in his vehicle. He then sits in his vehicle so they are secure.

This is entirely against what he should have done as there was no risk the documents would have blown away. The only reason he didn’t get prison time was due to having an ArCom for Valor. But he is gone and his army career was over at that point for mishandling - simply mishandling - classified documents.

Trump has fucking pallets of them, and “oh gosh, what do we do? UwU it’s sooo tricky!!”


Which is…?



I think the big thing was him being alone in the car with all of it.

I don’t know what to do in that situation to be honest, but it’s probably a “secure the scene and make sure no one goes in or out” type of deal.


Swamps are useful, with a lot of biological diversity.

Trump and the people that follow/vote for him are more like used pieces of toilet paper.


Hitler at least had the courage to serve his country in WW1. Trump is a draft dodging bitch.

'Confused' Judge Cannon needed concept explained 'slowly' to her in court by lawyers: NYT (www.rawstory.com)

As part of an analysis of how U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, reports from her courtroom show a judge who is both “prickly” and" insecure" and often has trouble understanding what lawyers from both sides try to explain to her....


Even if she is disbarred, it won’t matter. She will still be a federal judge.

Impeachment is the only way to correct this shitshow. She isn’t qualified to work at McDonald’s.


You didn’t say the words right! The Army of Darkness will return.


“Think of how fast the stock prices will rise!” - Lockheed


Fortunately for Germany, their Boomer era people decided “fuck you Nazi scum” and they had a reckoning which saw most of them displaced from government and held liable for their crimes as Nazi.

And now the Boomers in the USA help elect Nazi Republicans to office.


6x6 support beam? Something real nice.


My dad did this. Was almost 70k in unsecured debt at the time of his death. I gave most everything away except his fishing stuff. He had so much shit.

Only one credit card company said “it’s good you are taking over the payments”. Told her I never agreed to that, just informing you of his death, and if they contact me again my Saul level lawyer is going to enjoy that lawsuit. Never heard from them.

Don’t ever assume the debt of someone else.


Timothy McVeigh’s manifesto for why he blew up Oklahoma City government building reads like middle of the road conservative ideology at this point.



Republicans are confirmed Decepticons.


Yeah, one passes food stamp reform and the other literally wants to murder all minorities and race traitors.

But to you they are the same, right? Good thing people like you are here to help explain why voting straight Republican is such a better choice!


It’s ok, baby sealion. We all know who you vote for and what you really stand for.


It’s so cute you say that, sweet summer child. I hope you find your way back to Reddit and hang out with the like minded MAGA folk. I wish you the best!


I got a job at Subway when leaving the army, mostly out of boredom. Told them the only day I cannot come in is Thursdays, that’s when I go into the VA for my deployment issues. Put that is writing, got hired. They also had something like this where you have to always be on call. They called my on Thursday in the middle of a counseling session, so on Friday I was fired.

Turns out, the FAFO is strong with this one. The VA asked if I put it in writing, “Yes, here is the email”. Several weeks later the fine leveraged against the owner was so high she had to sell the business. She called me, asking when I am coming back in (I could tell it was being recorded, could hear the static) and I laughed and told her you can’t record me, and you fired me, then hung up.

Turns out shitcanning veterans who just got back from a deployment during the height of “we all love Murica!” gets you zero sympathy from anyone.


After meeting many a middle manager, I can say with absolute certainty that they would write something like this.


I am fine now. This was a while ago. But thank you for the concern, it is appreciated. I dropped my apron on the floor when leaving and did a “well…bye”.

The manager said to pick it up.

“I don’t work here”


Have a buddy that switch to chemical from mech, and he likes talking a lot of shit in college.

Now he helps design food processes in factories. Said it’s hell, he got to look at the peanut butter and chocolate for Herseys and he can’t stick his fingers in the vat. The horror.


They let them have all the rejects. It’s a brown paper bag filled with ugly chocolates. He said how they taste better because most of the time they are not homogenous. Might get a big yummy blob of peanut butter or something.


Supply side Jesus recommends carpet bombings. Get with the times!


I doubt it. This is one chucklefuck not paying attention. He killed a bunch of people and should never see the light of day again.

It’s not like this was a tragic accident of sliding on ice, swerving to avoid a car, or any number of things. This human decided to barrel through a stop sign and murder children. Whatever he gets isn’t enough.


Make some Pavlova. Kids discovered it after watching Bluey. Stuff is amazing if you make it correctly, it’s like a giant fluffy marshmallow with whipped crème and fruit on top.

Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war' (kyivindependent.com)

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukraine’s partners “are afraid of Russia losing the war” and would like Kyiv “to win in such a way that Russia does not lose,” Zelensky said in a meeting with journalists attended by the Kyiv Independent....


You are entirely wrong. Russian doctrine with nuclear weapons has cases in which nuclear weapons would be detonated as area deniability. You nuke an ingress route, it will keep infantry and tanks from being able to attack in that direction.

They also had doctrine about losing land and essentially turning it into a Carthage situation and making it completely unlivable.


It always amazes me that my ROE in a fucking combat zone was more strict than what police have against American citizens.

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