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I find it funny that the same people who are against government regulations and giving more power to the state are the ones voting for this. They also seem to be so poorly informed that they think it’ll stop anyone from watching this content lol.


I’m not sure which game this comment is in context of, but steam reviews showcase the issues pretty clearly. For example, I went on the steam reviews for MTGA at one point for fun and saw a comment complaining about there not being enough white male masculine looking avatars. I’m not sure how Gideon Jura (literally the definition, even in cards, of a masculine white guy) and Garruk are not masculine enough for this person lol.

Most likely, from how the comment read, they were complaining about the female portraits and portraits with non-white characters. I’m assuming they missed the NB character portrait (Niko Aris) since they didn’t specifically call them out.

I also remember back when Horizon: Zero Dawn came out there were a lot of people complaining about a female MC. Personally, that was one of my favorite parts of the game since it gave a non-traditional perspective of the story in my opinion. Maybe some people disagree, and that’s fine, but giving a game a poor review just because the MC is female is honestly just a dishonest review of the game.

You are not entitled to my money.

I don’t think the article claimed anyone was, at least from my read of it. It’s your loss if you refuse to enjoy games over such a petty reason though.

It’s also honestly just childish to give a game you haven’t played a bad review for having a more diverse cast. The main character is literally on the box art - if it bothers you, then the game is clearly not for you. It’s like me reviewing an otome game poorly because I don’t like otome games.


My Framework 16 hasn’t run out of battery… ever? I don’t use it often since I mostly use my desktop, but every time I have for the past couple months or so, the battery has been above 50%.

Without gaming, I could almost certainly last a whole day without charging it. I’m not sure I could really ask for more than.

Not sure how the 13 is on battery, but I’d imagine the battery is a bit smaller due to the size difference.


All they’d have to do for me to buy premium is make a plan without YT music that costs less. It’s not that hard. I will never use YT music, and that has nothing to do with the quality of the service or whatever - I’m not interested in music streaming services at all.


This sounds like a nightmare for production lines. Items on belts just randomly turning into spoilage? I hate thinking about how this will break so many common factory setups, and I like this change just as much for that same reason. Just filtering out spoilage at the end of a belt won’t be enough for some designs, especially when 3+ ingredients are involved in the recipe (so two input belts). It’ll be interesting to come up with new designs that can filter the inputs mid-belt to remove the spoilage, since it’s inevitable if your inputs come faster than you can process them.

Can’t wait to see the update.


Not quite a “gaming PC” since, at least if they’re using something like Nvidia’s Hopper GPUs (or relying on another service that does), they’re not designed for gaming (and in the price range of $10k-$100kish), buuut if you ignore the finer details then fundamentally it’s basically like that. They’d send the image to their “very expensive gaming PC server” where the inferencing would be done.


On the flip side, nobody can be expected to keep their website up for 4000 years. Hosting costs money and time, and at some point, the thing you’re hosting will fall out of relevance enough to no longer be worth the cost.

This is why archiving is important. Hopefully most of the content that was lost was archived at some point. Getting a good chunk of that content onto long term storage would do future generations a favor (even if it’s just a bunch of tape storage locked away in a warehouse or something).


The sooner, the better. It’s so painful when I use Google these days. Why is it that smaller people can do seemingly obvious features like custom user-controlled site rankings, but the big players are completely incapable of that?


I know Kagi does, but aside from that I wouldn’t be surprised if SearXNG does too.


Not just marketing, that’s the term it’s always been called. Plug a bunch of parameters into a non-deterministic model and you’ve got an AI, at least by what seems to be the common definition of the term.


Do they give up the copyright, or license it to the website? They still created the content, and I don’t have a Twitter account, but after briefly reading the ToS, it says they license it to Twitter (which is pretty standard from the other services I use that I’ve read the ToS for).


This is a guess since I’m not a lawyer, but since users license their content to Twitter when posting it, Bright Data might have to prove fair use. I don’t think that question has been answered yet in relation to AI model training, but search engines have been doing this for decades for what it’s worth, so I don’t know.


I think Steve makes a great case against Asus in the ROG vs ROC debate. In fact, it raises the question of who is stealing from who here. Clearly Asus took the ROG name from roc. They had to have started with the ROG acronym and went backwards because, let’s be real, who would have thought “Republic of Gamers” was a good name if they weren’t forced into using that acronym from the beginning? The ROC branding is clearly a reference to the same bird, just taken more literally.

The Win11 ads has me looking at good Linux distros now. I didn’t buy a (discounted) $200 license so i can look at ads.

Advice - Getting started with LLMs

I’m new to the field of large language models (LLMs) and I’m really interested in learning how to train and use my own models for qualitative analysis. However, I’m not sure where to start or what resources would be most helpful for a complete beginner. Could anyone provide some guidance and advice on the best way to get...


I managed to get ollama running through Docker easily. It’s by far the least painful of the options I tried, and I just make requests to the API it exposes. You can also give it GPU resources through Docker if you want to, and there’s a CLI tool for a quick chat interface if you want to play with that. I can get LLAMA 3 (8B) running on my 3070 without issues.

Training a LLM is very difficult and expensive. I don’t think it’s a good place for anyone to start. Many of the popular models (LLAMA, GPT, etc) are astronomically expensive to train and require and ungodly number of resources.


“Thieves break into a car in SF” is somehow less surprising than “the grass is green in SF”.


This seems super useful! Personally speaking, I’d also love to see more effort done in general to simplify consuming and producing the JSON-LD (and ActivityStreams vocab) used by these federated services as well, as it’s been something I’ve been trying to tackle myself for a while now (turns out it’s really hard to do in a statically typed, non-dynamic language, from my experience).


See, it’s democratic as long as people vote for their candidate of choice. Only one candidate? Well, you voted for them at least.

Also, I’m curious why this hasn’t been an issue in the past. Is it Ohio changing the deadline, or the DNC being moved later in the year?


It had me at the start. About halfway through, I realized it was written by someone who needs to seek mental help.

I hadn’t heard of Gab AI before, and now I know never to use it.


You don’t need a LLM to see if the output was the exact, non-cyphered system prompt (you can do a simple text similarity check). For cyphers, you may be able to use the prompt/history embeddings to see how similar it is to a set of known kinds of attacks, but it probably won’t be even close to perfect.

Breakthrough promises secure and private quantum computing at home (www.physics.ox.ac.uk)

The full power of next-generation quantum computing could soon be harnessed by millions of individuals and companies thanks to a breakthrough by scientists at Oxford’s Department of Physics guaranteeing security and privacy. The advance promises to unlock the transformative potential of cloud-based quantum computing and is...


Hasn’t nuclear fusion been out for a while? I thought the sun did that for us.

I also doubt quantum computing would make its way into the consumer market in any practical form for a long time. To begin with, there needs to be a demand for it, and as far as I can tell, there’s not really any application the average consumer uses that can benefit from quantum computing. A fission power plant, on the other hand…

Baldur's Gate 3 actors reveal the darker side of success fuelled by AI voice cloning (www.eurogamer.net)

The cat is out of the bag and despite many years of warning before this and similar technology became widely available, nobody was really prepared for it - and everyone is solely acting in their own best interests (or what they think their best interests to be). I think the biggest failure is that despite there being warnings...


From the quotes in the article, I have to agree with drawing that line. On the one hand, making a non-profit mod using AI-generated voices has no opportunity cost to the actors since they wouldn’t have been hired for that anyway. On the other hand, and this is why I am leaning against training AI voices off people at all without permission, it can cause actual harm to the actor to hear themselves saying things they would otherwise be offended by and wouldn’t ever say in reality. In other words, the AI voices can directly harm people (and already have, according to the article at least).


Everyone here is saying not to use Discord, but what are they expecting the server admins to do after moving off Discord when Nintendo’s lawyers send them a letter? Like sure, hate Discord, but the problem here clearly lies with Nintendo.


I agree there are probably better options out there, but scrolling through the comments, I had seen a lot of discussion about Discord and not nearly as much on Nintendo. I was hoping to stir up more discussion on Nintendo’s involvement.

Discord’s reaction may be unreasonable, but it isn’t ridiculous to see them bend over for Nintendo when they’re faced with hosting a smaller community (relatively speaking) or becoming a target of Nintendo’s lawyers. Had they been on another platform (self-hosted or not), Nintendo would have likely persued them all the same. Also, as far as I’m aware, the developers themselves believe that they are within the law. The issue comes from Nintendo disregarding the law and harassing them anyway.


Is the expectation that Discord will risk spending potentially millions in court with Nintendo to protect a single community? From their perspective, it’s easy to see why they’d just bend over.

Discord’s response was extreme, and that is inexcusable. I’m not trying to defend them here. The core problem here though is Nintendo harassing these developers to try to stop these projects. They could have easily been kicked out by any other platform, or sent a C&D if they tried to self-host one.


You can blame both corporations

I don’t remember saying otherwise. I just found it odd that everyone was talking about Discord (at the time of posting), and there was very little discussion around Nintendo’s involvement in encouraging (and participating in) such toxic behavior.

without allowing any sort of measure.

This is what I find unacceptable in Discord’s case. Options should have been given to the devs/server admins.


To add, from what I understand at least, Kagi does build its own index for accessing smaller sites. To some extent, results are also served by a custom index, meaning some percentage of results do not come from [your disliked companies] and instead come directly from Kagi. It doesn’t seem like a significant percentage of results come from that index, but it supposedly is still >0%.

Personally I mostly use Kagi for the ability to put Reddit on the bottom of the results, MDN to the top, and otherwise prioritize sites in ways that I want but which I know are purely based on my own opinions. It works well for my usecase, and I don’t have to scroll through a bunch of sponsored links before finding my search results. Also, the recent integration with Wolfram|Alpha has been convenient with a couple of searches, like one where I needed the prime factors of some numbers.


people like me don’t want him to work with a guy with a history of oppressing our rights

Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but what search do you use that relies on a more ethical index? I don’t use SearXNG, but as far as I can tell, even something like that relies on other indices, like Google, Bing, and Brave (which seems to be configurable). Are you suggesting you use a different index that comes from a more ethical company, or do you just not like Vlad’s response?


Be careful relying on LLMs for “searching”. I’m speaking from experience here - getting actually accurate results from the current generation of LLMs, even with RAG, is difficult. You might get accurate results most of the time (even 80% or more), but it can be difficult to identify the inaccurate results due to the confidence models present their output with when hallucinating.

Also, if your LLM isn’t doing retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), then it isn’t actually a search and won’t find results more recent than the data it was trained off of.


You can also get the APK from their GH. Great app, doesn’t solve the family support problem though, and I’m not sure that it works on Apple devices.


I’d imagine doing this for a simple website project only for npm to tell me there are over 2000 packages installed. Donating even $1 to each of them would be unsustainable (as myself, for a company that’s another story). I think what we need is a more scalable way of supporting these projects. For example, should is_even get the same amount of support as zod?


I couldn’t finish Starfield, but had fun up until the point they added the fantasy mechanic to it. For a game I got for free, it was worth every cent. I might have been upset if I got it full price though.


I suspect the main reason so many establishment politicians are terrified of it is because of how it suggest content.

I’m not convinced the politicians even have a clue what the app is, let alone how it serves content. To me, it seems like they really just want to keep data out of the hands of the CCP. The bill itself doesn’t state that TikTok is banned - only that ByteDance needs to divest it to keep operating it in the US.

The Impact of Direct File—by the Numbers (economicsecurityproject.org)

Direct File is the Internal Revenue Service’s revolutionary new project to provide free, simplified, public online tax filing for the first time in U.S. history. […] This report is the first to estimate the total financial benefits of the Direct File program for American taxpayers. It finds that, at maturity in five years,...


Free federal? Even if your state doesn’t have income tax? Now that sounds quite nice.


If thousands of people contribute to it, even if it is insider trading, can it be reasonably investigated and prosecuted?

But more seriously, not a lawyer, but no I don’t think so. The users don’t know any non-public business information about future Reddit business decisions (i would assume) and compete fairly with other potential shareholders. It’s not like other shareholders couldn’t do the same thing, after all.


I didn’t write a Discord bot, I wrote a chat-accessible service used by tens of thousands of users. It’s funny how wording things differently helps on your resume.


I don’t know what it is about Teslas, but everytime my wife and I get in one, we start feeling carsick after a while. It’s only with Teslas too.

Still, as much as I’d never buy a Tesla, it is a functional car for the most part, and worst case you turn on the hazards and pull over (if the car doesn’t actively try to kill you). A brain implant sounds like an absurdly horrible idea. What’s the best outcome of one of these anyway? Ads playing in your thoughts?


Well I guess I’m adding that to my list of reasons never to buy a Tesla. Can’t say I was ever considering one before though.


Looks like they’re using fat margins instead of max-width and nobody thought to use media queries to reduce them on mobile…

Edit: I should add the page renders fine on my phone, FF android. I’m not sure what’s going on in the screenshot, maybe desktop view?


Removing filter variants of inserters sounds super nice. It always felt odd to me that filters were a part of a completely different type of inserter, and needing to carry both non-filter and filter variants of inserters took up a lot of inventory space it felt like.


You can move it to the top in the settings though…? They moved it to the bottom by default because most people have their thumbs close to the bottom of the screen, so they don’t need to reach all the way to the top to get to the URL bar or change tabs.


I doubt it’s the case, but if they remastered the PS2 R&C games and sold them as a collection on PC, my wallet would hate me.


If everyone who would buy a digital product pirates it instead, then it’s clear that they have been harmed by the piracy. This whole “own” vs “rent” vs etc argument is completely tangental as is the definition of “steal”, unless pedantry is the purpose of this post. It’s clear that piracy can be harmful.

“But they lost nothing physical” is an extremely shallow argument that ignores that not everything with value is physical. If I copy your idea as-is and make a product out of it before you, you can always come up with new ideas, right? It’s not like you lost something physical. Clearly you haven’t been harmed, right?

If someone who wouldn’t purchase a digital product pirates it, then it’s less obvious whether the creator got harmed by it. Also, to be clear, the discussion over digital ownership is still important.


This post seems to be largely about the value of product ownership and the harm that DRM brings to the end user, and does a great job at making that point. However, the title seems to have caused a different discussion to spawn in the comments about whether piracy of digital content is justified. This is just a casual reminder to read the article before replying in the comments.


If you pirate a movie, they haven’t lost anything.

Surely the sale of that copy of the movie has value? Otherwise if everyone pirates the movie, then they lose nothing and have no incentive to enforce that people purchase it before watching it.

There are a lot of ways to justify pirating digital content. Pretending as though digital content has no value is not one of them, unless you really and truly believe that creators of digital content deserve no compensation.


To be clear, I’m not against piracy as a whole, but at its core if a potential buyer pirates something, then that is an opportunistic loss, and thus there exists a value to what was pirated (or rather the sale of it).

digital content pricing is skeuomorphic (sp?) at best and absolute bullshit at worst.

There are a number of ways to price digital content. You could price it based on cost of production split among an estimated number of sales plus a premium, or based on what others in the industry price it at. Regardless, to the creator of that digital content, each sale of that content has value, and while the copy itself might not, the transaction does.

Each instance of piracy does not mean one lost sale.

I “demoed” Minecraft before buying it, and you can bet I recommended it to others as well. There are plenty of instances where piracy can be a good thing, however I was never trying to state otherwise. In my original response, I had called out that piracy by people who would not otherwise purchase a product was less clear. There are also people who “pirate” content they’ve already purchased, and those who pirate like I did to demo a product before buying it later. In your case, you also have a justification for it when it comes to music. However, the point was that piracy can be harmful (as is shown by my extreme example of everyone pirating something), and therefore the sale of the content being pirated has value. They aren’t charging just because they feel like it, they’re charging because they’re selling a product, and the product had a cost to produce, even if it was mostly just an initial cost.

The debate around digital product ownership is an important one, and if you’re voting with your wallet by pirating the content, then by all means I won’t stop you. However, the idea that you aren’t “stealing” because you pirated digital content rather than purchasing a license to it is a distraction from the real problems of digital ownership that the article covers extremely well, most of which stem from lack of control over your copy of the product. Using piracy to try to effect change makes sense, but only because that piracy can harm the creators/distributors. If it didn’t harm them, then they wouldn’t care about the piracy and wouldn’t be interested in changing.

Anyway, if you got this far, I appreciate your time.



Case and point? If they’re not being compensated, they have no obligations to anyone. “Free testing” isn’t compensation unless they plan to monetize it later using improvements from that testing.


I swear I’ve seen an ad on it before, but I may be misremembering. Either way, I haven’t seen the text in ages anyway, so it doesn’t bug me much.

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