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Israeli gov PsyOps is about as subtle as Russia — as subtle as a punch in the face.

I was detained at a US airport and asked about Israel and Gaza for 2 hours. Why? | Ilan Pappé (www.theguardian.com)

I was held for two hours. The first round of questions was about my views on Hamas. Then the agents wished to know whether I thought Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip amount to genocide and what I think of the slogan “Palestine should be free from the river to the sea”. I said yes, I do think Israel is committing...


Specifically more beach front property!!


“Palestinians are not people, therefore it’s not murder” - Bibi

‘Only Hamas can defend us’: Israeli raids and Fatah failures boost support in West Bank (www.theguardian.com)

Khalil, a shy 21-year-old whose name has been changed, was arrested in a pre-dawn raid last October for his allegiance to Hamas. But when Israeli forces smashed through the door of his family home, they didn’t tell him why they were detaining him. He was imprisoned for six months without charge, in conditions he described as...


The Israeli government / far right / zionists WANT the Palestinian people as oppressed and radicalized as possible — to guarantee a future pipeline of terrorism so they can use it to gain global sympathy, support, and justification for killing 10-1000x and accelerating both their genocide and land reclamation.

The goal hasn’t changed in 80 years. The Nakba never ended, and will not end until the entire developed world codemns and sanctions Israel — especially in depriving them of all weaponry and military support.


Reminder that colonialism is still alive and well.


If Russia succeeds in Ukraine, China will have a roadmap on how to proceed with Taiwan. They’re in a much better position, considering the west spent the last 3 decades making itself dependent on Chinese manufacturing and industry.


So, only a fraction of the trillion+ in subsidies that goes to fossil fuel corporations each year? Impossible!

Chinese police were allowed into Australia to speak with a woman. They breached protocol and escorted her back to China (www.abc.net.au)

Chinese police hunting international corruption targets were allowed into Australia by the federal police and subsequently escorted a woman back to China for trial, in a major breach of Chinese-Australian police protocols....


Yeah, it’s not like western governments, “intelligence” agencies or police would ever beat protesters, persecute political dissidents, murder civilians, torture suspects in designated black sites, ally with dictatorships who torture and murder journalists with bone saws, overthrow democratically elected governments, or engage in any behavior that is horrifically anti-democratic or anti-human rights.

That time when the west was historically great was a lie. We were only better than fascism or communism, but our ruling class, the politicians they own, and their corporations have always engaged in horrific shit. Ours just hide behind the media and a liability shield of a dozen LLC’s, or do it hidden behind closed doors — unless you’re a palestinian, protester, communist, or a dozen other groups who are okay to oppress publicly at any given time.


It would be Whataboutism if I defended the accusations against China or Russia. I explicitly said we were better — just only better than the bottom of the barrel — and the whole point of my comment was to refute the right-wing nationalist fantasy that we were historically “strong”, “great” or “righteous”; a time that never existed in reality.

I suggest you learn what maketh a logical fallacy.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

Should … Should we tell OP that nobody understands all of any moderately large codebase, especially the sub-dependencies … or that even the thousands of developers who wrote most of that code don’t understand how their own code works anymore?

I could read the same book every year and I still won’t remember most of the minor events on my deathbed. Doesn’t mean I won’t remember the key components that make up the story — coding is like that, except the minor events and key components can be rewritten or removed by someone else whenever you go to read them next.


Can’t elect competent accomplished geniuses because they’re young, but can elect near-death dementia patients.

Not saying AOC’s a genius, just that there are no qualifiers where a young person can lead the generation that will have to live with their consequences.


The best argument for conscription is that, like politics or the police, the psychology predisposed to choosing it is not necessarily the most beneficial to be involved with it.

If you could choose to serve only in natural disaster relief, humanitarian, or aid operations it would make it significantly less conflicting.

Ultimately the requirement to be involved with, and potentially murder, in anti-democratic or anti-humanitarian operations, and acts of aggression, that could have been decided entirely by self-serving corporate or political interests makes conscription a dealbreaker.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

Braver than most western journalists, who regurgitate the corporatocracies narrative and manufacture consent on their behalf.

Hopefully she’s given a good job and granted asylum somewhere in the west ASAP, so she can go on with her life.

EDIT: Gotcha! What kind of smooth brain do you have to be to consider my above statements logically inconsistent, ironic, or hypocritical?

None of the wests failings prevent it from currently enabling a freer and objectively better quality of life for the vast majority. She does not face persecution in the west. In China she has, and will continue to; especially under the social credit system.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

Gotcha! What kind of smooth brain do you have to be to consider my above statements logically inconsistent, ironic, or hypocritical?

None of the wests failings prevent it from currently enabling a freer and objectively better quality of life for the vast majority. She does not face persecution in the west. In China she has, and will continue to; especially under the social credit system.


The masterminds are the < 0.1% capitalists who have corrupted the entire system, financed the GQP into mainstreaming fascism, and financed the Democrats into the only alternative — ineffectual neoliberal lapdogs.

Corporations are literally dictatorships where money is speech, and the structure of the entire corporate world is authoritarian — sitting right alongside fascism and the polar opposite to democracy (and worker co-ops). Never forget, Nazi Germany was a Christian Capitalist dictatorship. The 0.1%, and their corporations, were more than happy to finance and partner with Hitler, right through the Holocaust — no different to the way they’ve financed and partnered with Russia, Saudi Arabia, the CCP, and countless other authoritarian criminals, right through the genocide of the Uyghurs and Palestinians. The thing they hated most about communism was that they couldn’t buy it out, and weren’t the top dogs controlling the capital.

Trump and every corrupt politician is just a vassel of capitalism doing what capitalism does when it isn’t kept on an extremely tight leash — capital and power accumulation at any cost. After all, the only force more powerful than too-big-to-fail corporations is a government for, and by, the people.


All of these comments about CCP subsidies and flooding the market with cheap goods are hilarious, considering fossil fuels have received several trillion (with a capital T) in subsidies every year for generations, and the fact that most of the products you buy are already manufactured in China.

If we didn’t want this to happen our governments should have invested in clean tech R&D and industries decades ago, and prevented “globalization” from offshoring everything to China. This is our governments and corporations fault… They’ve already had their cake, now they want to eat it too.


1/5th is low, and doesn’t appear very different to the general female population.

This really just highlights the underlying problem and why our “efforts” are destined to amount to little more than shuffling deck chairs on the titanic — humans are selfish, and most of us are not willing to make major sacrifices to avert disaster; hell, most struggle to accept minor inconveniences.


I was referring to the general female population not having kids for any reason.

A quick search resulted in articles indicating that the average for the 21st century is somewhere between 1/6 - 1/9 around the developed world. One would expect the people most aware of how fucked the future will be would be dramatically less likely to expose their own children to that — not 20-80% less likely.


Or better yet, adopt!


This just speaks to how much of a failed state the USA is — that the only option left of ((batshit insane fascist dictatorship)) is a neoliberal geriatric career politician, owned by corporations and the 0.1%, who supports a genocidal nationalist ethnostate.


Conservatives want to be ruled by a king. That’s why the ruling class created political conservatism post-revolution.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

Oh he’s guilty as sin. The problem is that the entire “free world” is actually just corporatocracies ruled by the top < 0.1% of wealthy individuals, their corporations, and lobby groups — each masquerading as “democracies” but 90-99% of their policy, legislation, and regulation is auctioned off to the highest bidder(s).


We live in corporatocracies masquerading as “democracies”


They’ve committed the worst crime imaginable — threatening the future profits of the corporatocracy!

Why every TOTP app default uses SHA-1 hash encryption?

I use Aegis as my 2fa. Today on new token creation I observed that there’s hash function set to SHA-1, later checked all my tokens and the result is same type of encryption used for all. So I have edited all my tokens to SHA-256 as a result my totp doesn’t authenticate. Do I have to rescan my tokens for updating to SHA-256...

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

I think this question might be missing the point of TOTP and protection it provides. The reason 256/512 is used to encrypt data and passwords is to prevent the possibility of brute force and other attacks (e.g. using other data breaches). This doesn’t really matter with TOTP. They can’t reverse engineer a TOTP password out of you. They can’t use your info from prior breaches to gleen what your TOTP might be anywhere else. It’s not something where “cracking” the hash is likely to be attempted, as an attacker would still have to capture the generated codes and time of input in some way, then brute force hashes until they generate one that produces the correct codes at x time. Why would they ever do that when it would be a thousand times easier to compromise a device or TOTP app, and scrape the hashes directly from it; negating any need to brute force?

Note: I am not a cryptographer and have not implemented a TOTP server, so I could be completely wrong.

TL;DR 256/512 wouldn’t necessarily increase the security of TOTP at all.

EXCLUSIVE: “You Have Been Warned”: Republican Senators Threaten the ICC Prosecutor over Possible Israel Arrest Warrants (zeteo.com)

A group of influential Republican senators has sent a letter to International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan, warning him not to issue international arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, and threatening him with “severe sanctions” if he does so....

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

Note that the American domestic fascist party also supports a (foreign) jewish nationalist ethnostate (zionism), despite being the main group promoting antisemitism domestically.

It’s almost like authoritarians and fascists are defined by their authoritarianism and fascism — authoritarians of a feather, genocide together — instead of their religion, race, or ethnicity…


It all makes sense when you realize that when they said “democracy” and “justice system”, what they really meant was “corporate dictatorship”.

“It’s a big club, and YOU ain’t in it!”


It turns out America doesn’t just negotiate with terrorists; it in fact completely abandons any illusion of democracy, or a justice system, under the threat of terrorism — as long as it’s an oligarch from the private elite boys club.



If you keep doing the shit we’ve supported you doing for the last 7 months, that could in fact ruffle some metaphorical feathers.

“Not really though, fellow corporatocracy. Fuck the proles. Pay me and I’ll help you genocide coz I’m a career sociopath. Whoop whoop!!”

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

If we didn’t live in corporatocracies masquerading as “democracies” the execs and managers who pulled that shit would be serving life in prison.

Edit: Note that Nestle did this so the mothers would stop producing milk and their babies survival would become dependent on Nestle — pure unadulterated psychopathy!


Democracy IS best. We arguably don’t have it because capitalism is pay to play and money equals speech = the orgs and individuals with the most money have the most influence over politics and government; so much so that wealth essentially controls policy — note that despite the USA being one of the most obvious and egregious examples, the problem is not isolated in any way shape or form.

If there were hard limits on individual wealth, every business was a co-op owned by the workers, and their influence on society was properly regulated, maybe we would have much more egalitarian democracies, but individuals and orgs will always strive to corrupt the system for their own power/wealth advantage (incl under any other system e.g. socialism).

Hopes of Gaza ceasefire rise as Hamas delegation arrives in Cairo (www.theguardian.com)

Egyptian and US mediators have reported signs of compromise in recent days and Egyptian state news channel Al-Qahera said on Saturday that a consensus had been reached in the indirect talks over many of the disputed points but gave no further details. However, many analysts remain pessimistic after five months of stop-start...


Whoever represents a country is whoever has military control over the land and population inhabiting that country. Very rarely is there any other option (e.g. exiled leader).

Also, the UN is mostly a tool of the 5 veto-wielding members of the security council, who’ve done nothing to prevent Israel’s genocide — They are incapable of representing, and don’t deserve to represent, the Palestinian people.


Unpopular opinion: if you require disenfranchised voters to stave off a fascist dictatorship then you’re already a failed state and are only kicking the can down the road.


They don’t think that far ahead

“Everyone I disagree with is stupid and wrong”

I considered America a failed state 25 years ago, based on nothing but the last century of modern history, from textbooks — before 9/11, 20 years and trillions of dollars bombing the middle east to ((surrender)), the GFC, surveillance capitalism, citizens united, the rise of Trump and unadulterated fascism, etc, etc.

Guess what the last 25 years has taught me? A majority of humanity are entirely incapable of seeing beyond what’s directly and immediately in front of them! But sure… The people who saw this happening in slow motion, decades ago, are the problem! Whatever helps you sleep at night is all that matters.


It’s proven to damage the brain, cause mental illness, and increase aggession and overall criminal behavior, so… Yes!


To even question this is fucking stupid. He didn’t even agree with the results of the election he won!

Are people this amnesiac? Are microplastics destroying our brains?


Not false in the slightest, from what I understand about Japanese culture and economics.

Japan is one of, if not, the most genetically homogeneous countries on Earth.


This is Americas corporatocracy hard at work trying to make the belief in a nationalist ethnostate (aka zionism) synonymous with the jewish religious and ethnic group.

Won’t be long till they’re arresting jewish anti-zionists for antisemitism.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

That’s a declaration of war on democracy and civil liberties



Who needs Muhammed when the Taliban are lining up to suck capitalisms dick?


The fine is $1000, so it’s sole purpose is to be a weapon against the working class.

The system is designed to enable rich criminals to prosper.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

Both are required to drop the price and return to affordability as building new housing takes time and has hard limitations.

The reality is that the level of immigration should be dictated by the level of new housing and overall service and infrastructure investment. If you add people without alignment to these you’re just degrading the housing security, quality of service, and overall quality of life for the vast majority of existing residents.

This also means that millions of immigrants could be accommodated per year if the level of new housing and investment were sufficiently high enough.


“Republican …”

“Ah, a garbage person!”


That’s why wealth redistribution should be applied as indiscriminately as possible based on wealth, instead of discriminate cash payments based on cherry picked events that occurred more recently. Most people born into the rat race aren’t there because of their own failures, but because their lineage were historically screwed by the wealthy stretching back thousands of years, and everyones ancestors contributed to the current state of civilization, so rather than discriminate cash injections which create a new generation of people left behind and continue the imbalance, it should be focused on reducing the deviation from the mean and median both domestically, and internationally.

Do you really believe that cash injections to developed economies will benefit the people instead of their domestic oligarchs?


I’d argue it’s a “back the military industrial complex unconditionally” policy, which is on brand for “traditionally” conservative neoliberals and old guard democrats like Biden. Israel is just a mechanism for the MIC to fan the flames in the middle east, and continue creating an enemy (extremists) the nation can rally against — Remember! They kill babies and rape women, so now is NEVER the time to acknowledge our own historic crimes or injustices, but now is ALWAYS the time to spend billions on the war machine and provide unconditional support for a genocidal ethnostate!

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