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That was some pretty entertaining reading lol yikes.


Same. I’m still a little leery. Think I’ll give it another few months to settle down.


that atheism is a belief like any other, it is not fact, and it is not science, it is a belief.

For me, personally, I have not found or been presented with sufficient evidence to believe in the existence of any sort of deity. I don’t consider it a belief so much as a lack of belief until sufficient evidence is provided. Which is a perfectly sensible default position towards any claim, really. My reason for deconverting was due to adopting much more stringent requirements for believing religious claims.

Only science is science. One’s thinking and epistemology could be scientific or non-scientific, though. Science depends on using good quality evidence to inform our theories.


I appreciate the well thought out reply. I agree that choosing to believe in a thing does bring comfort in difficult times I know all too well. And I know the type to whom you directed your comment–the edgy atheist that is just rude and shits on anyone religious.

In an echo of your good faith… (And sorry for the lengthy post here). In case it is helpful to hear my perspective as it was for me to hear yours…

I admit that I have been less than kind about religion and have been the edgy atheist at times. That was wrong of me.

Your comment has given me cause to reflect.

I know my anger shouldn’t be directed at all religious prople. It should be directed at the religious right who display bigotry and judgement, and also to the religious leaders who abuse their power. I let my anger, bitterness, and personal hurt get the better of me and I have lashed out too widely sometimes. Not ok. And I am sorry for the times I’ve done that.

Relevant backstory: I was religious for most of my life, over 40 years. My experience toward the end of that felt like utter betrayal.

I had gotten caught up in an evangelical church. Most people I interacted with were quick to judge, lecture, and preach though I had considered them friends. It was hurtful to discover most were interacting with me out of obligation, not authenticity. They weren’t there to support me or be a friend, but just to police my actions.

(And while I get the biblical basis for what they did, they failed to act on 1 Cor 13 – doing everything out of love, the kind that requires commitment, genuine connection, a relationship with authenticity and vulnerability, not just calling people out without having any real investment in their life).

I left that church. It took some years after that before I deconverted.

I realize I have anger and resentment towards those specific people and too often let it bleed over to more than just them.

I have always felt frustration and anger towards people who use religion as a cover for hatred and bigotry. As I am sure is true for you. Nothing wrong there except directing that anger more broadly.

I am also angry at myself for being sucked into that church and for putting my trust in untrustworthy people. I’m angry for letting my religious belief hurt others and myself over the years.

And I sometimes allow myself to be angry and disdainful of all religious people and that’s simply not right or ok.

So I will do better. I will recognize my anger and deal with it more appropriately before commenting on religion or the religious.

Again thanks for the reply.


Religion aside, the topic about the speed of light is actually really fascinating, actually. I didn’t quite grok what it was all about until recently watching a particular video which I’ll link at the end.

The going theory (and here theory means our best model for how a thing works) is that the speed of light is constant in a vacuum. You may be familiar with the toss-a-ball-on-a-train (🚂) thought experiment?

If I’m traveling on a train traveling forwaes at 20mph and standing still relative to the car I’m in, and toss a ball at 10mph in the direction of the train’s travel (toward the front), an observer outside the train could see and measure the speed of the ball they would find it is traveling 30mph relative to the ground (20+10) in the direction of the train’s motion.

If I had thrown the ball in the opposite direction, toward the back of the train, the ball would be traveling at 10mph towards the front of the train (20-10)

Speed is measured relative to a frame of reference, ground or train, say.

Now if I were to instead use a flashlight, how fast would the photons travel if I were pointing the flashlight towards the front? The back? (And let’s assume everything is in a vacuum to illustrate the point)

They wouldn’t be 20mph + c forward or c - 20mph toward the back. The photons would travel at c.

Experiments have proven that c is constant-- that photons don’t go faster when being emitted from a source already traveling at a given speed (see: Michaelson-Morley experiment among others). (A number of experiments demonstrate the general theory of relativity holds up at large scale, too).

But anyway, how can light possibly be constant regardless of the motion of the emitter?? It’s a paradox right? It is because spacetime isn’t “constant”. That’s where the video comes in…

It may be more accurate to think of the process of science as: developing, verifying, and updating models based on the results of high quality evidence gathered from experiments that follow the scientific method.

That is to say that if sufficient, good evidence is gathered contradicts a model, the model is wrong, at least for the specific conditions of the experiments in question. In that case the part of the model addressing those conditions has to be updated. (In some cases the conditions are “all” essentially and so the whole model has to be tossed…like the aether theory).


Physics is so fascinating, right? I’m too dumb to be a physicist 😆 but videos like this are great. This channel is good. I also really enjoy and recommend PBS Spacetime videos to anyone interested. Another topic that is fascinating is how relativity and gravity relate. It’s kind of wild.


Which is why I’m calling them the rabid right from now on.


I mean, maybe he should try harder next time.


Any interest would be immersion breaking for me…


I installed it. Judging by the mass of blank info, I guess I’m the only person around here using it lol. 😳


Just getting back into gaming after eons. First up was Witcher 3… still working on it but damn glad I didn’t miss out on it. It’s been everything I had hoped for.

RDR2 is next. I started it. Not sure.

Stellaris was lauded on Reddit. Excellent game.

I have been wanting to play half life 2 since I first saw it but also never played the first. Am working thru that too. It’s been awesome.

X com UFO Defense is one I played but never finished. Tried to. Fuck that game lol


I needed that this evening. thanks. :) feeling better now :)


As well as LGBTQ people, and anyone else in the “out group”.


It may also be the case that there is no god. I have yet to see sufficient evidence supporting the existence of one.

The idea of atheism is just as pointless as theism. Its[sic] like being a hater just because you want to be a hater.

The analogy suggests there is no reason for being atheistic–for not believing in things for which no good evidence exists.

If your default position is to believe in things without evidence, one would have to somehow believe everything to be logically consistent. But believing everything means believing contradictory things which is also logically inconsistent. So one has to arbitrarily choose what to believe despite having no reason to do so or realize that believing in things with no supporting evidence isn’t rational.


Trans people are regular, real people. Like my college friend. Or my wife’s HS friend. Or that one kind soul I worked with once.

I’m so god damn sick of all the hatred and lies and bullshit and murder and sadistic laws against trans people.

I loudly applaud any space that actively supports trans people and gives them a place free from hatred and assholes.

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