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it’d be on the corporations deciding to change narrative independently, not being forced to by the government.

That is incredibly naive


Socialism would be if the inhaler companies were democracies that were owned by everyone who worked there, rather than dictatorships owned by a CEO.

This isn’t socialism. It’s social democracy, and arguably simply social liberalism


It’s not conservatives. Conservatives aren’t on Lemmy.

It’s the majority of Democrats who now believe Israel is committing genocide. And who can’t afford housing or groceries


The only attacks on minorities that I’ve observed on here are attacks on those who think Gazans should not experience genocide.

Plenty of people on here who simp for the American ruling class though


It’s abuse and a rule violation to call someone a sockpuppet without evidence


I don’t think Stein is still the Green Party candidate, if that’s what you’re referencing


Their point is that libertarians in the rest of the world are closer to anarcho socialists than Ron Paul

Kind of like how liberal means center right laissez faire economics everywhere except the United States


Which part isn’t true?

Everything I said is true. But idk which part you’re objecting to


especially how many white people don’t see Jews as white, but most non-white people don’t see Jews as non-white.

There are people who are Jewish and non-white though - Ethiopian jews for example.

Which seems to negate the (Zionist-created) argument that there is such a thing as a Jewish ethnicity in the first place, as opposed to Judaism simply being a multi-ethnic faith like Christianity or Islam.

Clearly though plenty of people who are Jewish are also white. And clearly there is a history of denying them this Whiteness once their faith is “discovered” by those they know. Same as Irish or, to a lesser extent, Italians and Slavs. Which is wrong - as is the concept of race/ethnicity/“Whiteness” in the first place


But there’s a difference between saying most Icelanders are white and saying whiteness is a necessary condition to being Icelandic.

Either ethnicity/race is a necessary component of belonging to a group, or it isn’t. And if it isn’t, then idk how one can claim that such a group is an ethnicity.

So long as human beings who are black, Arab, Asian, etc can be Jewish, then idk how we can say that Jews are an ethnicity


the Jews who are white are often not considered to be white because they are Jewish. It is the othering of Jews we’re talking about.

Yeah I agree. But those people would be white regardless of if they were Jewish. Whiteness as a social construct is determined by skin color or national origin or both. Religion doesn’t have anything to do with it, although clearly through history it has - which catholics have also dealt with to some extent, especially in the WASP areas of the southern US.


Yeah we’re saying the same thing. I recognize that there is a long history of denying Whiteness to people who have white skin. As I said, Irish, Italian, Slavic, and other catholic/orthodox peoples have been denied Whiteness at various points in history, in the US and elsewhere, in addition to people who are Jewish or Roma.

My point though is clearly the typical Irish person is white even if they are not seen as “White.” The typical Bosniak is white, even if they are not seen as “White.” And yes, clearly the typical Jewish person is white, even if they have not historically been seen as “White.” But that’s because really only White Anglo-Saxon Protestants are reliably considered to be White in the United States - which is a 3-part conjunctive test, of which people who are Jewish only satisfy, at most, the first two parts.

The point is that Whiteness doesn’t even objectively exist, and is a socially constructed tool used to maintain the historical/current superstructure of Anglo Bourgeois hegemony in the West. So we should reject the classification of anyone as White rather than merely try to expand its definition to include historically oppressed peoples with white skin

Nevertheless, my point originally was that you don’t need white skin to be Jewish. And because there are Ethiopian and Polish and Arab jews, it seems difficult to believe that there could be a Jewish ethnicity like the Zionists claim. And it seems that claiming that Jews are a distinct ethnic group is itself highly othering - and that othering is the intentional goal not only of White supremacist bigots, but also, for different reasons, is the goal of Zionist ethnostates such as Israel

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan (

Many voters believe, with good reason, that none of this would have happened without Biden’s assent. Biden has continued to speak of Israel’s attack on Palestinian civilians using the absurd language of “self-defense”. He has insulted Jewish Americans and the memory of the Holocaust by invoking them to justify the...


Actually it’s Biden’s fault that he is behind Trump is all major general election polls.

Somehow he has alienated both the left and the center. What a political mastermind

Can’t wait to think more about this while we all watch Trump destroy Western democracy and loot the remnants of America. Good job Dems


Biden, who is maintaining the same Israeli policy as every other President for the last 76 years

Why is he doing this?


Those are your two choices. You do not have an alternative.

You think this is a persuasive statement?

If the choice is between genocide and more genocide then voters are right to denounce the United States as a whole


The choice is fascism or neo liberalism

Why is that the choice in what is supposedly the most free country in history?


genocide is nowhere near that.

Never again meant Never Again


The United States is committing genocide against the Palestinian people in the same way that you would be committing murder if you hired a hitman to kill someone

We are knowingly providing Israel with the funds and arms to commit genocide. Therefore, we are committing genocide. Therefore, Biden is committing genocide.

Trump is worse. But Biden is the worst president since Nixon, and possibly since the Native American Genocides successfully ended.

He is a monster. No matter how much student debt he forgives or how many roads he claims to build


Trump would openly ENCOURAGE such genocide.

And what is Biden doing by continuing to supply arms and funds to Israel? And by threatening the ICC and ICJ?


Why is that acceptable?

It implies that we are controlled by Israel. If true, shouldn’t we as Americans demand that our country extricate itself from such a relationship?


So what?

Biden is arming and funding Israel and is protecting them from international agencies.

Which is far worse than verbal statements

Trump is a fascist. But he never committed a genocide. Biden has.

Which is so foolish, as it makes fascism in America significantly more likely to occur, to disastrous results


Biden believes, sincerely believes, that Israel is allowed to defend itself.

You have no reason to believe that because you do not know Biden, nor do you have the ability to see into his mind.

The power of AIPAC and the usefulness of having a middle eastern port to place our aircraft carriers in range of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey is a more compelling reason than any argument regarding Biden on a personality level


Biden is not as bad as Trump

Agreed. Though there is the argument that neoliberalism leads to Trump/fascism. So a vote for Dems/Neoliberals/Biden is just prolonging the inevitable - which, even if true, is still worth prolonging

I might end up voting third party

Unless you live in a swing state, then you might as well - there’s really no reason for voters in California or Oklahoma, for instance, to vote blue/red. And 2000 and 2016 demonstrate that popular vote victories have extremely limited moral/political significance.


Biden has said it over and over again

I agree that he has said it. But why does that make it true?

Repetition of a statement does not create truth



Politicians lie more than any other profession, and they do it to shape public perception and achieve their political goals, not to express their deeply held personal beliefs.

There is no reason to think Biden is being truthful here, especially in the face of overwhelmingly evidence of Israel’s genocide. It’s his ineffective attempt to save face as he engages in genocide denial and serves as an accomplice to genocide


the origin of one of the international courts in The Hague, specifically the one that prosecutes individuals, the International Criminal Court, comes from the Nuremberg Trials.

The ICC was created in 2002, just FYI. So long after the Nuremberg Trials. And the ICJ predates Nuremberg via its predecessor entities.


You’re meaningfully correct in everything you’re saying though. Just saying this for full context


Herein lies one of the innumerable differences between democratic socialists and liberals


Why should we believe that a more equitable voting system would solve this issue? Or any similar issues?

To be sure, ranked choice voting would result in some improvements to the United States, and should be supported on that basis. But it would do nothing to modify the current structure wherein oligarchs rule the United States with impunity. It’s just that this would empower the neoliberal Democratic oligarchs rather than the fascist Republican oligarchs. Which is harm reduction and is therefore preferable, but is not a meaningful solution - especially to something as entrenched as Zionism


I agree.

And, again, RCV and campaign finance reform would certainly be an improvement.

But the root issue would remain untouched. And eventually, the ruling class would find ways to grossly manipulate that system to their own ends as well - or would gradually chip away at it through the judiciary that they control

These proposals should be adopted nevertheless. But we should be clear-eyed about what they will and will not accomplish


Pretty good for maintaining the interests of the ruling class though


Why is Minnesota red in your maps? In reality, MN is about as solidly blue as Ohio is solidly red.

And MN is a significantly bluer state than Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Wisconsin

Also, why tf is West Virginia blue? It’s the second reddest state in the country behind Oklahoma


Their governor is a Social Democrat and is popular

Trump is not winning Minnesota

Although MN does also have a sizable Muslim immigrant population, hence Ilhan Omar’s election. Which means that perhaps Biden should pivot hard on Gaza if he wants to firmly win there or Michigan

nuanceposting rule (

seen this post elsewhere? click for explanationThis post got banned from !memes for reason “Troll Posting” which is Very Disrespectful in my opinion. 😕 I mean this meme with full respect and love to my fellow community members and I was proud of the discussion and support it was creating. EDIT: POST RESTORED YAY. (Thank...


It’s time for men like you to realise that

Why are you talking to a 15 year old like that?


Men don’t run the world, oligarchs run the world

The homeless men you walk past on your way to work do not run the world


Muslims need to sack up and realize there’s a lot of Muslims out there that are creepy. It’s up to you as a stand up Muslim to call these creepy Muslims out when they act up. Normal people don’t owe you anything, you stand up for them because it’s the right thing to do, and not because you want acceptance.


Neoliberals are Zionists


Israel is a democracy, or so we have been told.

Which means sanctions would motivate the voters to elect a new government that opposes genocide. Which is the result we want.

Therefore, sanctions are justified because they would stop Israel’s genocide of Gaza by forcing Israeli voters to face the consequence of voting for genocidal fascists


No, it’s because of the truth that continued support of genocide will cause Biden to lose Michigan and other states as well. Which means Trump wins.

To prevent that, Biden needs to change policy immediately

If people are mad at a government then they will not vote to re-elect that government. Which is how democracy is supposed to work. Not that it matters, because our democracy is not long for this world anyway


Sure. Which leaves us with democrats. Who are the ones currently arming and funding a genocide


Bidens actions have a direct effect on if he wins

If he wants to win then he needs to change his Israeli policy


Genocide is a crime. Crimes have elements. Tell me how Iraq meets all of those elements

Its why Maos great leap forward isn’t genocide. Did millions of people die? Yes. Did the CCP intend for those people to die? No. As opposed to the holocaust wherein the deaths of 9 million people were the clear intent.

Here, Netanyahu wants to exterminate the gazans and is doing so. Which makes it genocide

Mens rea/mental intent is a necessary and critical element of all criminal law. It’s the distinguishing factor between murder and manslaughter. Or between genocide and neoconservative “nation building”. It isn’t semantics


“According to the IHRA, that definition also encompasses the “targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity”.

The group also includes certain examples in its definition to illustrate anti-Semitism. Saying, for instance, that “the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor” would be deemed anti-Semitic under its terms. The definition also bars any comparison between “contemporary Israeli policy” and “that of the Nazis”.”

Also the tiktok ban is because of its contributions to anti-Israeli sentiment among young people.


It is determined when the elements of a crime are satisfied.

A murderer has committed murder even if they are never arrested by law enforcement. Shoplifting has still occurred even if the thief is never prosecuted. Israel is committing genocide even if the ICC and ICJ (which are overwhelmingly funded by the United States and the West) never obtain a conviction.


That bill hasn’t been signed into law yet

The antisemitism bill was passed with veto proof majorities.

The anti-BDS laws are currently in effect in many states, and have been for years

Tik Tok is only able to blast anti-Israeli content onto the screens of Americans because it is owned by China. This is because China wants to destroy western international institutions such as the ICC ICJ UN etc. They plan to do this, in part, by eroding all of our moral credibility by pointing out that we have no interest in stopping genocide when it is perpetrated by our (white, settler colonialist) allies. This is designed to contribute to their longterm plan of destroying the Bretton Woods system and the western rules based world order that was created after WWII. Which is also the goal of BRICS, which is to replace the dollar as the world’s currency.

Highlighting Israel’s war crimes, and the West’s support of such, is one of the many steps to achieve those longterm goals - and tiktok helps them achieve that result.


If Biden’s support of genocide makes him unacceptable, then people will not vote for him. They will not vote for trump either. Which means they will either vote 3rd party, vote uncommitted, or not vote at all.

All of which certainly increases the likelihood that Trump wins. Which is Netanyahu’s goal.

Biden should change US policy on Israel to mitigate these losses. Otherwise he will lose Michigan, and likely the election.

The point is that, for many people, Never Again actually meant Never Again. Funding a genocide is a nonstarter for many who were taught that the Holocaust must never again occur


Bush didn’t do this. War crimes may have been committed at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib relating to torture and unlawful treatment of prisoners. And murder certainly occurred via Blackwater’s massacres. But no targeted extermination of Iraqis as a group occurred.

During the Iraq War under the George W. Bush administration, there were significant allegations and documented instances of war crimes, particularly concerning the treatment of prisoners and the use of torture. However, the term “genocide” is specific and typically refers to acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group. There is no consensus or legal finding that genocide occurred during the Iraq War under these definitions.

Regarding war crimes:

  1. Treatment of Prisoners and Torture The most notorious example was the abuse and torture of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, which came to light in 2004. Photographs showing U.S. military personnel abusing and humiliating Iraqi prisoners sparked global outrage. Investigations revealed that the abuses included physical and sexual abuse, torture, rape, sodomy, and murder. These acts were violations of the Geneva Conventions, which protect detainees from inhumane treatment.
  2. Legal Consequences: Some soldiers involved in the Abu Ghraib scandal were court-martialed, convicted, and sentenced to varying terms. However, higher-ranking officials and policymakers were largely not held accountable, leading to widespread criticism and allegations of impunity.

The broader context of the Iraq War includes other allegations of war crimes, such as the use of disproportionate force and illegal weapons.

However, genocide has a precise definition.

The crime of genocide is defined under international law by specific elements that must be present for an act to be legally recognized as genocide. These elements are outlined primarily in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) and are further refined in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998). Here are the critical elements:

  1. Intent to Destroy: The perpetrator must have intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such. This is known as the “special intent” or “dolus specialis”.

  2. Protected Groups: The targeted group must be identifiable and protected under the Convention, specifically as a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group.

  3. Prohibited Acts: The Convention specifies the following acts, when committed with intent to destroy a protected group:

    • Killing members of the group.
    • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.
    • Deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the group’s physical destruction.
    • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
    • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The Rome Statute also includes the forcible transfer of a group as an act of genocide when it is intended to destroy the group’s identity.

These elements combine to form the legal framework that courts and international bodies use to determine whether acts constitute genocide, focusing heavily on the perpetrator’s intent alongside the nature of the acts committed.

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