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That’s the way it is with every platform, you only have a comparatively small proportion of people who do a huge share of the posting.

Reddit has the advantage of being absolutely massive that the power posters is also still a huge number. I’d imagine even the biggest of entire Lemmy instances is smaller than some of the major subreddits, which personally I’m fine with. This emmy instance isn’t some major corporation beholden to growing value for shareholders at all costs, but on the other end it still doesn’t mean the admins can do everything without monetary or labor support from us.


Honestly as much as the lifetime appointment wasn’t the worst idea the drafters had in terms of something for long term stability when the positions in every other branch have varying degrees of volatility, not having some process baked into the Constitution to deal with bad actors in the judiciary was a gross oversight.


It doesn’t have any protections about and entire political party colluding to grab power.

I suppose I was a bit small in the scope of what were dealing with today and entire party willing to disregard democracy to accumulate power.


How can anyone make assurances when congress is literally outside the President’s control?


I’m really sorry that you’re such a moron, I’d like to formally apologize to everyone in this thread who has seen your words and walked away just that much stupider.


We do such a shit job at teaching our own actual measuring system that nobody has an intuition what a pound feels like, what an inch and a foot look like and how to scale those up. So we resort to objects and comparisons instead of actual measurements.


It’s not that it’s hard to learn, it’s that we don’t have a strong intuition. It’s not that difficult to know there are 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard or that metric is entirely based around factos of 10. But its the intuition of what an inch looks like, what a pound feels like to hold in you hand. Most people wouldn’t be able to pick up an object and say, “that weighs about a pound” or look at an object and say “that’s about 3 feet long” but a lot of people do have an intuition what an energy drink can looks and feels like and can imagine getting hit by one, a lot of people have picked up a pineapple at the grocery story, people have the intuition of how big a football field is or how big a city bus is.


Not quite that silly, but you get the idea.

You joke but this bullshit tactic has been historically used to suppress voter’s rights for over a century. Charge someone with a bullshit felony and they lose their right to vote forever.


Yeah that’s been the joke since the Witness was first revealed in With Queen just over 2 years ago.


Who? Like I looked her up… but I’ve never heard of her. She’s certainly not nearly as high profile as Tucker Carlson. Maybe a more apt comparison would be if someone like Rachel Maddow left MSNBC and went to Russia for RT.


Yeah but the entire point this is newsworthy is that Carlson is a huge figurehead for conservatives with a huge audience going working for Russian state media.

This woman is a relative nobody, even in lefty spheres. Her moving to RT isn’t going to make the same political waves as the former FOX News darling that is Tucker Carlson


I understand who you were replying to but you gave an example of some random vaguely left leaning conspiracy theorist with very little following in general and compared her basically unknown presence to the absolute massive media presence that is Tucker Carlson, where nearly every person in this country has probably heard about him. He’s not on the fringe, he is the mainstream.

Pointing out she’s a leftist example of what Carlson is currently doing is just a straight up false equivalence. She doesn’t have the media following Carlson does, she doesn’t have the political sway Carlson does, she didn’t have literally millions of people watch her show every day.

Dont bury the lede, say exactly what you mean. What was the point you’re trying to make? Some leftist nobody joining RT is the same thing as the biggest media face of right wing propaganda? There’s only 2 reads for that line of logic, either left-wing conspiracy theoriests have just as much political sway as the oil baron funded propaganda machine? Or Tucky McNear Swanson-heiress Carlson, face of conservative media, joining Russian state media just isn’t that big of a deal?


I dont particularly care about your personal politics, it’s still disingenuous to compare a relative nobody going to RT to the biggest right wing pundit going to RT and insinuating them as the same. There wasn’t a need to bring up a random left leaning nobody with orders of magnitude less political sway and smaller following to a conversation about Carlson’s viewers figuring out he’s an asset to the Russian government.

blackbelt352, (edited )

I get thar duopoly sucks but that is the final end state of FPTP voting.

So until we implement a more fair voting system and eliminate the electoral college or rework it so that electors are divided closest to the population vote across all 50 states and numbers reworked to accurately reflect populations, we’re stuck with voting for the electors to hopefully choose the less shitty option.


I see it as they’re like master painters, just because you can see their brush strokes on the canvas, doesn’t mean it wasn’t masterfully done.

The CIA wants people to know what they’ve done but without giving away what they’re doing now and that’s what the CIA is really good at. It’s why things like Trump taking the classified documents with him to Mar a Lago was such a huge deal, because they contained secrets that are still in use today and has led to a number of our own agents getting captured or killed.


Because our perception of ninja is based around kabuki theater and not historical accuracy. Kabuki theater stage hands were always dressed in black to blend into the background. When an ninja assassination would happen in a show, the “stage hand” would do the assassination because the audience knows to kinda ignore the stage hands during the production.

IRL ninja would just look like normal people, waiting for the right opportunity to strike at someone.


Citation needed.


Nobody’s hating him, we’re pointing out his arguments are untrue and pushing harmful rhetoric. People who hate him would be calling for his banning, not trying to argue against his rhetoric.


At least the president in Idocracy had the humility and self awareness let the smartest guy in the room advise him on policy.


Her district. She has no competition, they’d never vote someone with a D next to their name and they’re into her shtick.


I mean, it’s still true that Cuba has likely made significant advances in the cancer medicine, but it hasn’t passed the standards of the FDA yet. And it’s still true that the embargo between Cuba and the US is upheld to this day by politicians despite the potential good that could come from opening up trade again.

The first comment to me reads as more just overly enthusiastic, more than explicitly bad faith to me.


As much as the presidency does have sway in politics, we also have a house of representatives just literally not hearing bills, is on Speaker number 2, with threats of speaker number 3, and they can’t even get the votes for new speakers, they literally cannot pass a bill about eliminating daylight savings time that has been sitting for nearly 3 years.

Like the presidency does have power but exercising overriding power is just going to open the door for the next republican president to take that power and just fucking run with it and destroy as much as they can.

I will agree there is a lot more Biden and his cabinet could have done in over the last 3 years but compared to the shitshow of the last guy, I’d rather take what we currently have over that cluster fuck.


First up, that’s not what execution of laws means. In regards to the executive branch, execution means for formal signing of bills I to law, and has nothing to do with actual enforcement.

Secondly, if he were to “enforce” it, it would basically be a DOJ recommendation to conduct and investigation and present a case to the Judiciary, which is likely to be go nowhere considering the current state of the US courts system. And every one of those steps takes time to do and that process then has to be repeated for every company that is doing business with Israel.


My citation. I trust Cornell Law more than any random person on the internet and my point still stands that enforcement is still a lengthy process involving the DOJ building a case that still requires the Judiciary to actually make a ruling. And with how much of a cluster fuck the US courts system is, I don’t have much faith that the process will end favorably, especially with a SCOTUS thar is so heavily in favor of business interests.

Biden can’t just snap his fingers and punish a business for making dealings with Israel, that’s a unilateral power the presidency does not have.

Read my whole comment, I outlined exactly what the president would have to do in that scenario instead of picking and choosing what you reply to.


Its a high effort, high quality shitpost and honestly a good example of storytelling without any dialogue or text, told completely through action.


There’s legitimately good twists and turns to it as well.


I’ve usually seen this meme used as the generic old white guy cosplaying as a blue collar worker.


TSO turning Christmas music into boss music since 1996


There’s no real right answer to the situation. Deplatforming is an incredibly effective tool to reduce his reach, but deplatforming also only does so much when he can just create his own platform (like truth social, doing rallies) or other platforms just promote him harder in response to deplatforming (see OANN, FOX Newsmax).

On the other side, it’s also important to shine a light on what he’s doing, so he can’t just go back to doing exactly what he’s been doing without any public acknowledgement or challenge.


If trump was honestly reported without emotion and click bait and outrage, he’d be a joke.

Again until you run into the absolute informational silos that are FOX, OANN, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Wire, etc.

The people that watch those sources are almost exclusively getting all their information from those sources. To Murdoch its not just about the money and the ad revenue, its the control over public perception and opinion. So unemotive boring reporting just gets left behind as the more bombastic sensationalized reporting gets more popular.

Unfortunately journalistic integrity doesn’t sway public opinion.


A few things, more exposure/advertising space, and redundancy, especially in a time where mics were really inconsistent, if one mic goes down, you have another still recording.


Maybe like an indie game publishing coop sort of thing. Sort of like what Nebula does where the content creators also have ownership in the company.

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