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Why was it majority male before? Because of male privilege?


I’m trying to figure out why I keep having dreams where I find out I somehow accidentally didn’t finish high school and have to go back to finish it to validate my college degree, but I didn’t go to class all year and I’m trying to figure out how I can pass.


You pretty much need to be a millionaire if you want to be a home owner in a lot of places, although the problem is the inflated market.


I’m convinced the only reason this myth exists is because writers with a pee fetish were trying to come up with a way to shoe horn it into a story.


Maxis was bought by EA. The End.


I’m aware. It’s not like you tank a company as soon as you buy it, but I’m certain Sim City 2013 would never have happened if it weren’t for EA.


Not only is it cheaper than in the past, if you just wait a little it costs barely anything to get great games.


Huh? It’s well known that it’s good to have carbs after working out. The problem is when you’re just eating carbs without using the energy because then it gets stored as fats.


That’s not what it was doing behind the scenes


More like large guessing models. They have no thought process, they just produce words.


Or they are so agreeable that they’ll agree with you even when you’re wrong and completely drop what they were claiming.


They didn’t ask it to produce incorrect output, the prompts are not leading it to an incorrect answer. It does highlight an important limitation of LLMs which is that it doesn’t think, it just produces words off of probability.

However it’s wrong to think that just because it’s limited that it’s useless. It’s important to understand the flaws so we can make them less common through how we use the tool.

For example, you can ask it to think everything through step by step. By producing a more detailed context window for itself it can reduce mistakes. In this case it could write out the letters with the count numbered and that would give it enough context to properly answer the question since it would have the numbers and letters together giving it more context. You could even tell it to write programs to assist itself and have it generate a letter counting program to count it accurately and produce the correct answer.

People can point out flaws in the technology all they want but smarter people are going to see the potential and figure out how to work around the flaws.


There are techniques to make these kinds of errors less common already today. For example, you can ask it to think through its answers step by step using first principals. If you and an LLM to do that it will write out the letters line by line which gives it enough context to correctly answer using the improved probability the context window gives it. You can even ask it to write programs to answer questions so it could write a quick script to do it programmatically.

The main reason you don’t see AIs doing this today is that producing all that extra context is slow and expensive and it’s unnecessary a lot of the time for most prompts. As the technology gets faster and cheaper and the use cases get more complex these techniques will be used more and more often.

While the technology does have fundamental flaws, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to work with those flaws to avoid the problems they have when using the raw output.


I’m equating probability with guessing here, but yes there is a nuanced difference.


I pointed out general strategies to make it more accurate without supervision. Getting LLMs to be reliable enough to use without supervision will be a matter of adding multiple layers of safe guards.

Who, in your opinion, is the most annoying character in any game?

Personally, it’s Faith from Farcry 5 for me. Uninteresting dialog that can be summed up to “I was bullied once” and that’s it. Literally every other character is so much more interesting. Jacob gives you a sequence where you run through a gulag which he then uses against you, John tries to kill you and is openly hateful...


People probably remember the memes more and it replaced their real memories.


Looking at them all, I don’t hate whitesmiths. Keeps all the associated block on one line which makes it a bit easier to parse


I want a bunch of new gun restrictions, but I’m not against gun ownership. I want required training, required gun safes, background checks, and extra strict laws around higher magazine and fire rate weapons. So while most people would describe me as “anti gun”, (I think it’s just common sense), I totally support responsible gun ownership especially if you’re in a marginalized group that is legitimately in danger.


Many countries with gun control do have a tiered system. There are normally still some guns that are totally prohibited, but there are normally distinctions between hunting rifles and handguns and semi autos.


This seems like a fair trade as long as it stops people from throwing a shit fit every time a black actor plays a traditionally white character.


I know it wouldn’t, just saying if that got people to shut up, but I know it wouldn’t get people to shut up in reality.


Just checked my old elementary school, and surprisingly they’re gone and what looks like new permanent buildings in another location! They were there as of 2 years ago, but now it’s extra blacktop and and even more recently a solar panel array. It took about 3 decades but they finally did it.


You think corporations keep people on doing busywork just for social control? They can and will fire every single one of them the second that job is automatable. They want control over their workers, but they’d rather pay for a robot to do it instead if they can. Robots don’t cost them payroll tax.


The biggest reason eggs are refrigerated in the US is because they’re not vaccinated for salmonella, so refrigeration is needed to inhibit growth. The US was able to do that since they have the infrastructure for end to end refrigeration. It’s not necessarily wrong, it’s just another way to do it. Since salmonella can also be on the outside of the egg they need to be washed, and since they’re refrigerated the loss of the protective layer doesn’t matter. I guess in Europe with the vaccination it also lowers the chance of salmonella on the outside of the egg allowing the outside to remain unwashed and protective of the inside making refrigeration unnecessary. There’s just not enough of a reason to change things in the us now since the refrigeration method is already in place and switching would cost more up front. The main downside is that you can’t eat raw eggs in the US which means some dishes can’t be made, but the vast majority of the US isn’t interested in raw egg dishes anyways.


Refrigerating the eggs end to end costs money too, possibly more. I don’t think it’s about ongoing cost but rather upfront cost to switching.


Are you sure? Waffles made in a waffle iron are fluffy so just because it’s made in a waffle iron doesn’t mean it can’t be fluffy.


They’re not as fluffy as waffles, but they’re denser even out of a waffle iron. A waffle iron doesn’t really compress what’s in it, it just moves the batter around into veins, so that veins hold the fluffiness so I don’t see why it would suddenly be too dense just because it’s made in a waffle iron. The whole point of waffle irons is to get a combo of fluffy and crispy.


The original statement isn’t wrong, it’s just not actually interesting and just trying to sound smart.


If you like vanilla ice cream, but don’t like chugging raw vanilla extract, then you like cream and sugar more than vanilla.


In cooking, the result is greater than the sum of its parts, and ingredients strength matters more than raw volume. Here’s a more direct example. You probably don’t enjoy chugging raw vanilla extract, and vanilla extract is highly concentrated in a small volume. Just because you don’t like the concentrated form and it makes up a small volume in recipes, doesn’t mean you don’t like vanilla.


Sounds like you get it. They’re all dunking on their dumb logic


You can also refute it by inverting the logic. If you like milk chocolate but don’t like eating a bowl full of sugar, you like chocolate more than sugar. Curious what the name for that would be.


Sorry, but the people using the original definition are definitely the minority now. It’s just how language evolves, niche terms that get popular get generalized. Developers aren’t misusing the term because original rogue likes are just that popular, they’re misusing the term because the vast majority of their audience misuse the term and couldn’t give less of a shit about the original definition.

fidodo, (edited )

I saw some comparisons of unrigged models from pal world overlayed with Pokemon models and they had nearly the exact same pose and proportions with some geometry tweaked. The chances of them matching up that closely by chance is practically impossible, and there were several examples. One rip off model is not enough to win a case, but if there’s a lot of them I think there’s a pretty good case that can be built. Gameplay and concept wise, I don’t think there’s a case, but with the model infringement there may be enough to show a deliberate pattern of ripping their model files.

EDIT: Found the post:…/1749462735291859423

The silhouettes minus the the extra details are nearly identical.


Sending data over audio was how dial up Internet worked. My guess here is that the audio playing hardware loses the ability to come to a stopping point at the end of the audio file after a crash and starts playing the data in the memory after the audio file ends as if it were audio.


Why would you debug over audio when you can use a cable?


I had a major brain fart and forgot you can connect audio over a cable too. Yeah, now that I’m thinking about it more it wasn’t that uncommon to transfer data over aux back in the day. I was imagining using a microphone which would have been silly.


They own 1/3rd of Pokemon, but the games are made by game freak which also has 1/3. The final 1/3 is owned by creatures Inc which is a joint venture.

Nintendo doesn’t make the games, they just publish them, game freak is responsible for the games.

IMO there are a few problems with how Pokemon is developed. First, they impose an intense release cycle with release dates that are inflexible. This is because Pokemon is a multi media experience with tons of merchandise and media that depends on the next generation coming out, and despite the games now needing a much larger scope, they have not slowed down the release cycle.

Second, they haven’t really expanded their development staff since the DS days. It’s not that they’re cheap, it’s that the director of the games prefers working with smaller teams and never adapted to building a larger team which is necessary for the bigger scope of the games.

I actually think the developers themselves are very talented as they’re still putting out games with large scopes with a ridiculous release cycle and team size. I think their issue is mis-management, not talent.


It’s a great game despite them, but I can imagine their presence only hurt their sales given their target demographic. Tactical RPG fans don’t strike me as rabbid fans.


What’s wrong with worms? They’re not knockoff minions.


Sure but my point is that it’s still not in the realm of the rabbid demographic.


Consoles are basically just pre built PCs with an OS dedicated to games. There will always be a huge audience that wants an easier to use purpose built device for games. The situation might change though with steam os getting better and allowing for PC games to compete with consoles on the same footing.


Why not just call it something else? Valve doesn’t own the concept of portals. Swap out the models and textures and then accidentally release a separate conversation mod when the project is done.


While the ultimate issue is Nintendo’s IP, obviously you can’t remove Nintendo’s IP in this case since it’s for the N64, so the only other option is to remove valves. I understand why valve doesn’t want to implicitly endorse an N64 game with their IP by saying nothing, but if they remove valves IP then all that’s left is a generic N64 hobby project which Nintendo wouldn’t bother acknowledging.


What the fuck is wrong with people? It’s been common knowledge that hp is trash for decades now. The whole idea of capitalism is that the bad products fail when customers go to the competitors who do a better job, but hp is not a monopoly and there are better competitors that exist, but people keep in buying HP because frankly, they are too fucking stupid. Capitalism is a lie because consumers are too stupid to pick the best products.

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