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That’s a hot take I’d expect to hear from a 12 year old.


The FTC’s three Democratic members were in favor of adopting the regulation, while its two Republican members were against it.

Not surprising in the least. Of all the Republican hypocrisy their attitude towards workers using their value to increase their earnings is one of the worst. They claim that they support self reliance and building yourself up, but stuff like this shows that it’s clearly a lie. They support businesses maximizing their earnings by charging what the market will bear, but as soon as a worker tries to do the exact same thing they lose their God damn minds.


Reinstate? Both are still allowed in many states and Republicans have been blocking any attempt to stop it.


so what exactly are they doing wrong besides providing service to potentially questionable companies?

Well I think that is the main point of what is wrong. I think the big question is whether the mature content toggle is on by default or not. The company says it’s off, but some users said otherwise. Dunno why the author didn’t install it and check.


No no, they’re getting copies of digital images out of it. It’s a totally fair trade!


“Selling” it for digital copies of images and some variable tweaks


Haven’t heard of inpainting?


I think it would be too big of a privacy overreach to try to ban it outright as I think what people do on their own computers is their own business and there’s no way to enforce a full ban without being incredibly intrusive, but as soon as it gets distributed in any way I think it should be prosecuted as heavily as real non consensual porn that was taken against someone’s will.


My main concern is for kids and teenagers. They’ll bully people for no damn reason at all and AI porn allows for bullies to do more fucked up psychological abuse, and that could be made much worse if victims have no recourse to fight back.


You’d have to admit it. But if you have it on your hard drive, a hacker could get it and blackmail you with it, or just distribute it.

There are lots of sick fucks that will distribute it themselves and even send it to their victims to harass them directly. It’s already happening.

I don’t think it’s possible to ban it outright, and I think what people do on their own computer is their own business so long as they aren’t connecting to other computers, but we should have strong laws against distributing it and treat it the same as distributing secretly taken real nudes against someone’s will. Victims need recourse against harassment.


Ah thanks I think I forgot that sentence by the end of the article and thought it was just a user report that it was checked by default. I really don’t think that it should be checked by default, depending on where you are it could even get you in trouble. App setup for this kind of stuff isn’t necessarily only for power users now, it has gotten very streamlined and tested for conversion.


Thing is anyone health conscious already knows that you can have good nutrition with a vegan diet. Anyone generalizing veganism as having bad nutrition without looking at the specifics of what someone is eating has no idea what they’re talking about and probably don’t have good nutrition themselves if they’re that uninformed


Doesn’t stop them from voting against their interests


The technology required to do any of this would allow for so much stuff, and their first idea is how to use it to imprison people? What the actual fuck?


You mean something like a third Reich?

Original Fallout lead Tim Cain loves the new show, but remains baffled by how 'destructive' fans can act toward 'people who are trying to create things' (

Cain appreciated the performances and storytelling, but singled out how the show nailed the Fallout “vibe” as its biggest achievement. “I was just looking at all the props,” he said of one scene. “I realized after a few minutes went by that I had not followed the dialogue at all, because I was so engrossed by it...


Woke just means acknowledging that people you don’t personally like exist


I want to repeat this as much as possible because I think it’s incredibly important. When you vote for a president, you are not voting for one person, you are voting for thousands. You are voting for an entire branch of government, possibly 2. The president appoints an insane amount of positions, so when you vote for the one person you need to also think about all the other positions they will be nominating people for. Hundreds of federal judges, hundreds of secretaries, dozens of heads of departments and agencies, hundreds of ambassadors, and most importantly, potentially lifetime appointments of Supreme court judges, which can flip an entire other branch of government. There are also tons of lower level positions on top of those, and if that’s not enough already, many of these appointments span multiple presidencies, so you’re not just voting for the next 4 years, but potentially long after that.

So when you’re looking at the ballot, do not think about the names on the paper, think about the thousands of incredibly important, powerful, and influential roles that they will fill. As powerful as the president is, when you add up all those other positions, they are even more important than the one position of president.


Don’t just think about the position of president. Think about the thousands of appointments they make. It’s not voting for 1 position, it’s voting for an entire branch of government, potentially 2. Whatever you think about them, remember that it’s gonna be either Biden or Trump appointing all those positions, so even if you hate both of them equally, add up all the incredibly powerful positions they appoint and compare the sum of it all. It’s a compounding magnitude, so I cannot imagine how anyone can not have a preference when you are considering the full reach and impact that the 1 position has. Supreme court justices, federal judges, agency and department heads, countless secretaries, regulatory board heads, ambassadors and more and more, plus all the influence on positions those appointees have below them.


To be fair, lots of companies specifically point out ergonomics and give out onboarding materials with suggestions on exercises to do and office setup best practices.

Awareness is important, and most office jobs already raise awareness about it. I think the only time I’ve seen it in video games were those take a break reminders I’ve seen in some Nintendo games.


Exactly. Saying it’s a problem when playing video games doesn’t mean that it isn’t a problem anywhere else. For office jobs specifically, there is already plenty of awareness being spread and most offices give out onboarding material that gives tips on stretches you can do and on how to have a more ergonomic setup.

France votes to ban ‘forever chemicals,’ exempting frying pans (

The French National Assembly on Thursday unanimously adopted a bill aimed at restricting the manufacture and sale of products containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — also known as PFAS or “forever chemicals.” The MPs, backed by the government, voted to exclude kitchen utensils from the scope of the text....


I use all those pans and love them but I have never gotten them to be remotely non stick for low heat cooking. They’re great at searing, and you should never sear in a non stick, but for low heat cooking I haven’t found anything that remotely comes close to Teflon.


I like french omelets and haven’t once come close to being able to make one successfully on anything but a non stick pan. Even chefs like Jacques Pepin uses them for dishes like that, and a lot of french dishes are low heat, so I understand why they’d want pans that can perform well for that. Personally, I’ve had my non sticks for many years now and they’re still in great condition because I take care of them. I don’t overheat them, I only use silicone or wood on them, and I hand wash them (because dishwashers can’t physically scrub, dishwasher detergents have abrasives in them to dislodge food from surfaces which will scratch up the pan and make it deteriorate. It’s also why you don’t put knives in the dishwasher.). Every time I’ve been over at someone’s house with bad quality non stick pans and observed them cook, they’ve been doing everything wrong, metal utensils, high heat, dishwasher. Those things will destroy your pans immediately, and you’re not going to know that unless you’re already into cooking, and another part of the problem is that the people who will benefit from the pans the most, are also people who aren’t good at cooking yet. Used correctly, they’re still a very good tool to have in your arsenal for many dishes for even an experienced cook.

I do think it’s a big problem that people use the pans incorrectly all the time, it’s bad for the environment to not take care of the stuff you own and have to trash them early, but that’s true in general. In the case of non stick pans it’s extra bad because of the chemicals used in them and that they also will impact your health since the fumes that can be produced by using them wrong is dangerous, so maybe these pans need to come with instruction manuals, or maybe people are just too irresponsible for us to have nice things, but I personally really like them for a lot of specific dishes that they excel at, all dishes that require non stick at low heats.


How would it solve divisions? Wouldn’t it just heighten them?


A smart VPN will avoid going to jail for you by not storing any of the data law enforcement wants in the first place.


Old MacDonalds was a trip gone bad


Telling people to suck it up and just do it is a great way to feel smug while achieving nothing.


I’m not sure how to sing Mr moskeeto


If it did a good job freeing it up when needed then sure, but it doesn’t.

fidodo, (edited )

What do you think most clothes were made out of before polyester? Most people wore cotton, linen, or wool clothes. The first two are from plants, the last one doesn’t kill the animal. Hemp was also a major source of textile. Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?


And most people wore clothes that came from plants, like cotton and linen. Leather and fur were not for commoners, and are not sustainable compared to plants.


We thank you for being our beta testers, now fuck right off


I thought the on device camera based positioning was developed after Facebook bought them and hired John Carmack


It makes sense if you’re used to 70 being a C average like in school


Assuming it’s a real tweet my guess would be that the last reply appeared on their inbox out of context so they thought they were responding to the original tweet. Since Twitter is a shit platform with shit conversation structure I think it’s likely assuming it’s real.

Can you tell excel sheets which were created using a pirated version of MS Office?

My friend works for a company which requires her to use Microsoft specific application, she didn’t really want to switch to Win 11 and choose to just use Wine Linux package and install a 2016 version of MS office on her Linux laptop. That’s all well and good, but this company she is working for servers other clients at...


Why isn’t the company paying for it? Anyways, you could just export it to a different format and then back to Excel depending on which features you’re using. But also, I think this is being paranoid. Microsoft isn’t the NSA


I rotate delivery apps so they constantly send me coupons. The coupon doesn’t actually save any money over the restaurant cost but basically cancels out the delivery fee.


Did you edit the title or did daily beast edit it after you posted it?


Public posts on the Internet can be scraped by anyone for free. Reddit is more selling easy to consume access to that information via structured high bandwidth APIs. You should do as they said, and tell them to delete all your data so they aren’t allowed to host or profit off it anymore.

Isn't religion really just an opinion?

So, recently I was talking to a friend and somehow we got to talking about religion and stuff. When I complained that religion is often put on a huge pedestal and that it’s really just a glorified opinion and should be subject to the same criticism as any other opinion, they told me that that was a really hot take....


I agree with you on fundamentals but I think there’s something in their argument that should be considered that they couldn’t really articulate. Researchers have found that there are specific portions of the brain that are associated with spirituality. I agree with you that it’s fundamentally an opinion, but it’s important to recognize that it does light up people’s brains differently than a standard opinion, and that sense of spirituality does impact how people connect with other people through that feeling.

Now, of course that’s just entirely internal to our brains and our internal world simulations and has no impact on the real reality around us, but it’s still important to take into account our brain functions when considering how people feel things.


All governments produce propaganda, even all people produce propaganda. But to treat both countries the same is ridiculous. The magnitude of propaganda Russia creates is way greater than most countries.


A very important part of this is it allows for federal studies into the benefits of marijuana which is not allowed under schedule 1 status.


That’s literally the first step that needs to happen to reschedule it.


There’s some studies that found that bone density could be affected, but considering the suicide rate of trans people I’m going to say that’s a tiny sacrifice for the assurance that you can have the body your brain wants to be in.

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