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gregorum, (edited )

This person is openly telling you that the only thing stopping them from being a shitty person is some myth about otherworldly punishment after they die.

Which, of course, means they’ll be juuuust as shitty as they believe they can get away with.


exactly. i understand that doing bad things is bad because i feel guilt and shame when i do bad things. conversely, i feel good when i do good things. I also understand the broader implications of both-- not to mention that i have empathy and can see the impact of my actions upon others while caring as well.

i don’t need a fairy tale to threaten me with eternal torture in order to not be a sociopath.

gregorum, (edited )

because they’ve been taught that life is a zero-sum game: if anyone else’s life improves - even just a little - it must necessarily come at the cost of someone else’s life getting worse. this isn’t true, of course, but they can’t see life as any other way, so the ideas of equality and working together to improve society are antithetical to their worldview. they’re to be fought. They have an “every man for himself” philosophy, and it’s nothing but selfish, self-centered solipsism.


There is no form of effective protest of which is “acceptable”. Protests are meant to disrupt, to get as much attention as possible in order to spread a message and bring action, and those who oppose the protest will always object to that no matter what. That’s the point.

For protesters to act so socked that they’re getting arrested for protesting against the power elites at their schools while on private property seems pretty naive to me. They should have known that this would be the eventual outcome and to have been prepared for it. Not to say it should have stopped the protests from happening— just that, for protests to be effective, it has to piss off the right people, and you’ll likely get arrested, free speech be damned.


I never said I was confused


I think you forgot the /s


He should start practicing the window swan-dive into a cup of polonium tea now. The real trick is hitting the two bullets in the back of your head on the way down!


Next, they’ll ban toilet paper because cleaning your butt is “gay”


Mirror Kira, on a couple of occasions, entertained the idea of fucking herself. She wasn’t subtle about it.


Because Mirror Garak is a jealous bitch, lol


Def Mirror Garak. He was jealous for the Intendant’s (Mirror Kira) affections.


They’ve already mentioned it once or twice. It’s time they actually have an episode about it.


“You’re a Starfleet officer, Harry. ‘Weird’ is part of the job.”

— Janeway


Of course, it’s all about her, not her victims.


She can express empathy for the victims as well as shame and remorse, without naming them specifically. Apparently, she only regrets the consequences that she, herself, is suffering.

The responsibility to keep the victims’ names obfuscated is that of the publisher(s)/media, not her, and could easily be edited from any statement she made containing them.


Oh, my, no. The identities of the victims should certainly be protected. I was just commenting that the teacher appears to have no concern for the impact of her actions upon her victims, only that of the consequences upon herself.

gregorum, (edited )

It’s revelatory of her grasp (or lack thereof) of the power dynamic which exists in these situations, and how she doesn’t understand the imbalance— and the impact/consequences on the victims. There’s an element of both narcissism and general sociopathy involved in some types of pederasty and pedophelia.

But there’s a lot that’s unknown about the disorder, and it’s also a field that carries tremendous taboo fin mental health (those who try to treat it and/or research it rather than simply punish it severely meet massive resistance, professional blacklisting, etc.), so learning about it - and how to treat it - progresses slowly. Which is a bad thing, for everyone because ignoring the problem won’t make it vanish. The public just wants to pillory and execute pedophiles, butt that doesn’t help with things like treatment and prevention.

If we want to stop pedophiles - or, better, identify them before they act so they can be treated and victims can never be created - we need to know more than we do now.

  1. If murder is wrong, then murder is wrong. Just because the State does it doesn’t magically make it ok.
  2. The death penalty has never been proven to be a deterrent to any crime
  3. the death penalty had been proven to cost many times the cost of lifetime incarceration, sometimes between 300%-700%, all being paid by the taxpayer, sometimes resulting in the release of the perpetrator.
  4. in car too many cases to be considered a “simple mistake”, later evidence has been used to exonerate death row inmates, proving that lives would have been lost due to failures of the justice system which could not have been rectified should the defendants had been executed. In such cases, the justice system would have failed. 5.vengeance is not justice. Anyone claiming relief from witnessing the death of a criminal perpetrator: beware of anyone who thirsts for blood, for they do not discriminate as to the source.

Are they opening a new Haunted Mansion ride?

North Carolina bill to curb mask-wearing in protests could make it illegal for medical reasons too (

People wearing a mask during protests in North Carolina could face extra penalties if arrested, under proposed legislation that critics say could make it illegal to wear a mask in public as a way to protect against COVID-19 or for other health reasons....


public toplessness is legal in NYCm and has been since 2010 for everyone. i’m guessing that it’s not in Dublin?


It’s legal to be topless in NYC as long as it’s not for “sexual reasons” (whatever that means)— so this particular case might be something of a legal debate… but I don’t see any cop bothering to arrest her for it. Shockingly, they don’t care.


Yeah, you’d be surprised about how much that wouldn’t fly with the NYPD. I watch Matthew Silver run into the Union Sq. Whole Foods in a Speedo in a legit performance art piece.

The cops had little respect for that.

I did, tho. After he managed to escape, we met up after and smoked a spliff. Then I made it to class at Parsons.

That guy was very interesting to know while I was an undergrad at design school.


Do you think those two things are separate?

What year do you think this is? 1830 whatever?


for full clarification:

The United Nations on Monday clarified that the overall number of fatalities in Gaza tallied by the Ministry of Health in Gaza remains unchanged, at more than 35,000, since the war broke out between Israel and Hamas on October 7.

The clarification comes after the UN humanitarian agency OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) published a report on May 8 with revised data regarding the number of Palestinian casualties in the war. The UN agency in its report reduced the number of women and children believed to have been killed in the war by nearly half.

The number was reduced because the UN says it is now relying on the number of deceased women and children whose names and other identifying details have been fully documented, rather than the total number of women and children killed. The ministry says bodies that arrive at hospitals get counted in the overall death count.

UN says total number of deaths in Gaza remains unchanged after controversy over revised data

gregorum, (edited )

I get where this guy is coming from, but for someone so… opinionated, (and I really respect this guy a lot) he can hardly place all of the onus on Biden for his positions, especially as a public figure. And - of particular importance - taking a stand, most often for the right thing, has its costs.

We do what’s best right because it’s the right thing to do, not because we expect a payoff or because we think it’ll make us look good. And if you do, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons.

Edit: ok… on second thought: maybe it’s his pretty eyes that have bamboozled me into not noticing that this guy is kinda full of shit.


They are willing to die for a cause they believe in.

Ok, but, in this case, that’s not likely to accomplish much… which makes it a wasted effort— and wasted life.

In other words: this is a poor choice as a form of protest, as it’s unlikely to accomplish its goals while also potentially being fatal to the participants.

gregorum, (edited )

None of it matters (what happened, or even if it happened) in a legal sense except that Trump committed election fraud (a felony in NY) due to the manner and timing of the payoff to Daniels.

The purpose of Daniels testifying is to establish that there was good reason to pay her off, that indeed, the nature of the allegations - whether true of not - would have influenced the 2016 elections, as did silencing Daniels with the payoff under question. This establishes the motive for the alleged crime, which elevates a misdemeanor business fraud charge to a felony election fraud charge.


They never sold Linux afaik, and I spent a lot of time there. The only place I saw Red Hat being sold was Babbage’s


NEWS FLASH: Trump doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself!


Moving on…


So she’ll be allowed back as soon as she declares herself a profitable gas pipeline?

Who cares? She was dead in the water as soon as the puppy killing story came out.


Ok. I’m very glad for those people.

I apologize for not adequately, recognizing their victories. That was very insensitive of me.


How many times do you need it explained to you?

gregorum, (edited )

Well, you’re well past your 3rd explanation., and if you “don’t get it” at this point, it’s either because you’re too dumb, or — obviously — arguing in bad faith. Both are your fault, and nobody else’s obligation to deal with.

Just like all conservatives, You blame everyone else for the consequences of your own failings. Because if you can’t win on merit, just smear shit on the walls until everyone runs away.

Well, I’m not running away, asshole


Vote for Trump then, since you’re willing to ignore any concept of reason or sense


How dare I not be able to predict the future!


And who are you voting for?


A YouTube link is not a counter argument. If you have an argument to make, make it. If you need to back up your claims, use reliable and verifiable sources. YouTube is not one of them.

For a guide to reliable sources, see MBFC

Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins (

A conservative plan for Donald Trump’s potential transition into the presidency calls for dozens of prisoners to be executed, according to HuffPost. An 887-page plan by Project 2025, led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, says that if elected, Trump should make a concerted effort to execute the remaining 40...

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