@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar



I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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inb4_FoundTheVegan, (edited )
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Plus who fucks an animal before you eat it?

Everyone eating dairy.

Cows are mammals. They produce milk for their calves, its not something that cows just naturally produce. So the dairy industry only exists from repeated forcible impregnation.


Y’all mad but this is simply biology.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar


How the fuck did you think milk was produced? This is literally grade school biology. Farmers rape cows for their milk, and you pay them for the privilege.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

They literally made cow tang their job.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar


What does that have to do with humans choosing to rape cows for profit? Total non-sequitur. Bears shit in the woods, does that mean you do too? Animals rape, therefore you should too?

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

It’s literally penetrating a genitals to impregnate them against their will for our own benefit, the definition of rape. Saying you don’t care about the rape of cows and will keep eating dairy is your opinion, but denying that it is rape is just straight up cognitive dissonance.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

You sound like queer people in the 80s and 90s.

“What does it matter if one person accepts me? Won’t change anything and it just bums me out.”

Now, acceptance is the default position for most folk.

inb4_FoundTheVegan, (edited )
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Well, as a queer vegan. Its really hard not to notice that bigots and carnists say the same sort of things.

“You’re just trying to feel special.” “It’s unnatural, your gentials/teeth were evolved for a specific use”. “Stop trying to convert kidsto your cult.” “Queer/vegan people always think they are so enlighted.”

But more to the point, defeatism is always an easy excuse to do nothing. But individual actions can have ripple effects through generations. Do you think that those at stonewall would expect an entire month celebrating their actions? Enough people making a choice not to support animal agriculture puts the concept out of business. Do I expect that or liberation soon? No. But it’s gotten LIGHTYEARS better on both fronts in my own lifetime.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

“Today, the Court puts bump stocks back in civilian hands. To do so, it casts aside Congress’s definition of ‘machinegun’ and seizes upon one that is inconsistent with the ordinary meaning of the statutory text and unsupported by context or purpose.”

“We conclude that [a] semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock is not a ‘machinegun’ because it does not fire more than one shot ‘by a single function of the trigger"

“When I see a bird that walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck,”

Ignoring reality in favor of weird essentialism to support your base, is like peak conservative. How dumb.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

That has nothing to do with “being a machine gun”. That is just how semi auto guns work.

This sort of "X is X no matter what changes, it is always X" essentialist thinking is why conservites are increasingly getting frustrated and loosing touch with the more complex reality the rest of the world occupies. This is the same line of thinking that keeps y’all upset about trans rights and understanding systemic racist.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly, this is hesrt breaking. Always expected from anyone “converted to straight”. But this guy spent his whole life denying himself and then made his profession pushing and reinforcing that shame on to others. He is absolutely a victim, but I imagine that accepting himself comes with a lot of regrets regarding others the people he… “helped”.

One can only hope he becomes a force for acceptance and self love moving forward. But, I imagine regrets will haunt him for the rest of his days. Poor guy.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

My first viewing I did mostly take it at face value. But in my defense, I was a dumb 11 year old kid. It wasn’t until Neil Patrick Haris came out in full SS uniform that I started asking questions.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Man with brain injury who recently had been publicly eviscerated for a rightward swing maybe is a little bit careless when driving

Yeah? And? There are accidents all the time.

Yeah it’s suspicious.

Total non sequiter.

Just come out and say what you think is going on. Was this some convulated failed assassination? Was he trying to murder suicide? Did the deepstate cut his brakes because he told Bill Maher too much?!

inb4_FoundTheVegan, (edited )
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Lol wut? You’re the one claiming something suspicious happened in this extremely boring non lethal non interesting event that happens every minute of every day, but now I’M the consisparcy blog nut?

There is no consisparcy here! You are making so many wild jumps here. I was laughing at you with those 3 “”“theories”“”.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Then what exactly is suspicious?!?

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

I’m saying I doubt it was an “accident.”

That is literally the definition of a conspiracy.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Jesus. You should’ve just said that from the start. Maybe he is, who knows.

But look at the mass downvotes and negative responses to your original comment. You need to understand that conspiracy nuts think everything is suspicious and part of whatever grand master plan they believe in. So when you talk like a nut, people assume you are one and treat you as such.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

should be able to be called “suspicious”

Its easy to say everyone misunderstood me, but you should look at the common factor in each of those misunderstandings. You can think you communicated perfectly, but if the net effect is so many people didn’t understand you, then perhaps it’s time to consider more precise word choice instead of vague thinks like “suspicious”.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar


“Everyone but me was wrong.”

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Or… classic arrogance. Everyone else can mishear but impossible for you to misspeak?

You sound like a teenager.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

I made myself very clear in responses to the original comment what I meant

Come back to this thread in a month and re-read. You were vague on top of vague.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Justice from the law usually, but not always, has one person thinking that their sentance was a miscarriage of justice.

So good. Cry Alex. Cry a fucking lot.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

I try not to hype over graphics, but I’m INTO that art style.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Good for him. As a queer woman, it’s always nice to see progress. But just like Pete Buttigeig, trash policies means I absolutely won’t vote for him. Nor commit his name to memory, despite libertians booing at Trump the other day, they are still conservatives so this dork championing their deregulation nonsense doesn’t move the needle for me.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Oh gawd no. I did tolerate a friend of a friend who voted Trump under the agreement we weren’t gonna talk politics.

But… Then roe v wade got over tuned and he was openly laughing at me loosing basic human rights. Anyways, he is in jail now anyways for trying to shoot his GF while blackout drunk.

And that’s the story of when I decided to have standards for people I let in to my life.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

It would be a smart move by larian, but there is worry that wizards of the coast/hasbro, owners of Dnd, would not allow that. Currently they are pushing their micro transaction subscription “Dnd beyond” tabletop game. While not quite the same thing as BG3, I wouldn’t be the most suprised if some core coop features from the base game aren’t fully Implemented.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar


Hillary, come on. I swear she is lab grown to be smug and unlikeable.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Trump was booed especially loudly when he called for the Libertarian Party to nominate him, instead of its own candidate, in the election.

Or you can just keep getting your three percent

Not that I care, but what the fuck was your plan here? Just roasting libertarians for the fun of it?

Which to be fair, is a hobby of mine.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

It’s always hilarious and frustrating when people who don’t understand a topic try to disprove it. This is the same energy as flat earthers pointing to the horizon and going “See!?!” or anti-vaxxers pointing out people who still get sick.

Anyone who thinks this logic is compelling should actually crack a book. I’d recommend Judith butlers gender trouble, but this sort of meme is peak dunning kruger. Literally too ignorant of a topic to actually argue against it.

inb4_FoundTheVegan, (edited )
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

“Uniting Atari and Intellivision after 45 years ends the longest-running console war in history,”

Sure, but they both lost the war long ago. This is just some archeologist coming along to display both their bones in a museum hoping to boost gift shop sales.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Speaking of Tommy Tallarico, the Hbomberguy video on him was hilarious, sad and eye opening.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

I clicked the link and was really surprised not be on the onion.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

The advertisements for the game didn’t mention it at all. But as soon as the game starts I was like “Wait is this Whidby Island”?

Which actually kind of backfired on me since for work I had to regularly drive through Whidby late at night. Some of the games monsters were hard not to think about alone at 3 AM. 😂

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

If that’s what the devs said, sure. But the game does literally start with you taking a ferry to an island which always see very whidby/orcas/san juan.

But I’ll admit to my bias, I was driving through whidby at night on a regular basis when I played the game so they always seemed linked to me.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Jurgis recollected how, when he had first come to Packingtown, he had stood and watched the hog-killing, and thought how cruel and savage it was, and come away congratulating himself that he was not a hog; now his new acquaintance showed him that a hog was just what he had been-one of the packers’ hogs. What they wanted from a hog was all the profits that could be got out of him; and that was what they wanted from the workingman, and also that was what they wanted from the public. What the hog thought of it, and what he suffered, were not considered; and no more was it with labor, and no more with the purchaser of meat. That was true everywhere in the world, but it was especially true in Packingtown; there seemed to be something about the work of slaughtering that tended to ruthlessness and ferocity-it was literally the fact that in the methods of the packers a hundred human lives did not balance a penny of profit.

  • Upton Sinclair

I read The Jungle a few months ago and its aged so depressingly well. Nothing has changed, it was obvious what was happening long ago, but we’ve done nothing but watch it get worse.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

it was influential.

But only on one topic. Yes the FDA was created in large part from outrage over food condtions described in the book. But that really is only one chapter of the text, the majority of it deals with the exploration of workers in ALL sorts of industries (not just food), how preadatory home loans lead to finical ruins, how voting systems are rigged and how our policing system only produces more experienced criminals, not reform.

The last 2-3 chapters are explicitly socialist talking points that are still being said, for good reason, today. If the book was as influential as Sinclair wanted it to be, then we would’ve seen FAR FAR FAR more than the FDA.

I mean, heck, reread the passage I copied in. It’s not really about food.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

intentionally exaggerating


You can “uh actually” my phrasing if you really want to, but playing tone police is to miss my actual point how these are long standing and well known problem that Sinclair spoke about extensively.

If you don’t have anything meaningful to contribute to the conversation, it’s okay to just keep scrolling.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Jesus. Leave me alone. You aren’t saying anything of value. Don’t make me block you over this.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Literally the opposite. Why would they ever do that? You are underestimating how easy it is to do nothing, game progress is beyond negligible in terms of storage space. And deleting it would reduce any chance of returning customers.

Look at it from sony’s PoV, if they did delete saves and then the community becomes less upset next year, why would they want to preemptively prevent people for giving them another chance?

Not only would it be a terrible business and PR move, there is just no precedent for this type of thing. Do MMO’s delete your characters once you unsub? Or do they just sit tight and wait for you to come back?

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

I knew you would say that, but seriously, stop and think about how its literally the same situation. There is no reason that Sony would delete data from a customer that might potentially give them.

Especially when the data is probably just a handful of MB.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

“It’s so convenient for both work and home. I have essentially reached a state where the office and my home have become one,” she said.

This is what happens when companies expect you to live and breath for their bottom line.

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

You only notice the things you notice.

If a trans person walks past you, and you you don’t clock them, do you realize you assumption might be wrong or do you notice nothing and contuine being the textbook definition of confirmation bias?

@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Someone of so little notoriety, they didn’t even make it in to the headline.

Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation (www.lgbtqnation.com)

In commemoration of the upcoming Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), President Joe Biden issued a statement praising trans people’s contributions to society and describing actions his administration has taken to counter transphobic bullying and extremism. Additionally, many members of Biden’s Department of Health and Human...

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