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Gretchen Whitmer

“MAGA tried to kidnap and kill me” is a pretty good campaign narrative.

kromem, (edited )

Yes, they should have been fact checking Trump or better holding him to his answers - but to be fair maybe they should have been asking Biden to actually clarify if he’s beating Medicare or getting COVID passed.

This was a shit show.

And it was such a shit show that Trump was a complete clown and getting away with it - not just because of the moderators, but because his opponent was as on point as a tree stump.


“AI is going to do labor for millions of people and is probably going to take your job. In fact, look at my fancy new android robots!”

“Also, I’m worried that you aren’t pumping out enough wage slaves to support the rich.”

Yeah, sure Musk. Such a boy genius over there.


No, it was awesome. Went to like 12 over the years. Early 2000s was peak E3.


The thing about disease is that it spreads.

There are people today dealing with serious complications of COVID even years later who were infected by stupid people doing stupid selfish things.

Everyone suffers if morons become willing petri dishes.


So far. But the thing with viruses is they are susceptible to mutations.

We’re already seeing it jump across several mammalian lines. Probably only a matter of time.


Probably added after that update.

The new items stuff in particular seems like QoL considerations for “we just added a hundred items to the game for players coming back to it after months away.”


I think they largely do envy them and their social control and want the same, just for their religious beliefs instead.


I was genuinely excited for Obama. I strongly supported him during the primary, was thrilled he won, and was very hopeful when he was elected.

Quickly disappointed not long after, but at least when he was first being elected it was definitely a “I really like this candidate and am hopeful they’ll live up to their promises.”

kromem, (edited )

I just don’t get following false prophets.

It’s literally the easiest fucking litmus test in the world.

“How many things does this person say will come true that actually come true? How many don’t?”

I just ran into this the other day with someone talking about Alex Jones talking about an attack on the world trade centers in 2000.

A number of others also presented similar ideas before it happened, but more importantly - if you need to go back 20 goddamn years for an example of foresight for someone who makes wild predictions for hours every single day, that person isn’t a prophet.

The stupidity of a lot of people is disappointing to the point of being demoralizing.


He said “Oh I will know. He is in my heart so I can never be fooled.”

Ugh, I hate this one. Especially with the people that believe in demonic forces.

Like, ok - so everyone that disagrees with you has been misled by demons or the devil, but you’re right because you feel it, but that feeling can’t be the same forces you attribute to other people’s differing feelings, because you have the magic protection provided by your feelings being right. And they don’t have the magic protection but they think they do because the evil forces can trick people into thinking they are protected. But not you, because you feel it’s actually the good guys in your heart.

Jesus fucking Christ. 🤦🏼


I’ve always thought Superman would be such an interesting game to do right.

A game where you are invincible and OP, but other people aren’t.

Where the weight of impossible decisions pulls you down into the depths of despair.

I think the tech is finally getting to a point where it’d be possible to fill a virtual city with people powered by AI that makes you really care about the individuals in the world. To form relationships and friendships that matter to you. For there to be dynamic characters that put a smile on your face when you see them in your world.

And then to watch many of them die as a result of your failures, as despite being an invincible god among men you can’t beat the impossible.

I really think the gameplay in a Superman game done right can be one of the darkest and most brutal games ever done, with dramatic tension just not typically seen in video games. The juxtaposition of having God mode turned on the entire game but it not mattering to your goals and motivations because it isn’t on for the NPCs would be unlike anything I’ve seen to date.


Do you think this ban is fairly nonpartisan?

Would you also ban a user that only posts negative Trump stories and admits to that?

I agree r2o was getting to be a bit much, and the temp ban seems appropriate, but I’d want to see a policy like this applied fairly and evenly.


You mean the group that burnt down the Serapeum of Alexandria, and gouged out the eyes of Hypatia with seashells?

Yeah, this really seems a step too far for those guys.


Not really, and there’s often slight changes around news cycles that erase after a few weeks. Too early to say if this will actually stick.


No, they are depending on him just passing it along to Putin.


Eventually only a single straw can break a camel’s back.


They are definitely including casual mobile ‘gamers’ in the 1/3rd number.

The article says 55+ is only around 11% of console gamers, for example.


With the advances in AI this is no longer as reliable an option, and will quickly become less so.

But absolutely letting someone know where you are going and as many identifying details about who you are meeting is wise. As is having them check in on you by a certain time after.


This has been a fixed problem for about a year now.

You’re awfully talkative for the dead, btw.


A lot of them don’t shower, and after long enough of that sticking to their guns is inevitable.


The level of detail in Helldivers 2 is insane for the type of game and company size.

Deformable terrain and buildings, enemy animations when you shoot off different limbs and they keep moving towards you, your cape burns off more and more as you use your jetpack, etc.

Call of Duty has 3,000 devs working on their titles.

Arrowhead has around 100 employees total.

I very much believe this game took that long with a team that size, and it shows and is a large part of why it’s been so successful.


If you saw Jordan Klepper’s Russia special, John Bolton straight up says he thinks Trump will pretty much end democracy.

And then mentions that he’s going to write in a candidate when he votes.

I don’t get it man. I’m not going to be happy voting for Biden, but I’d vote in Caligula’s horse if it meant avoiding fascism overtaking democracy in the US.


I can’t fathom how you didn’t manage to win a seat in government.


And the swastika is a Hindu religious symbol.

And yet if Trump’s Truth Social account reposted a swastika, I probably wouldn’t think he was promoting Sanskrit.

Context matters.


I support religion as long as it gives people a sense of community, hope, and strength.

I used to feel this way. Then 2020 happened and I realized just how damaging any degree of magical thinking and faith based reasoning was for a society.

I no longer think there’s an innocuous amount of irrationality. Just varying degrees of social harm that come with any of it.


Don’t talk about the Emperor that way. The Senate forced his hand.


Not at all. I have never believed in the supernatural, so that’s not related to my interest or lack thereof in the material.

I am actually toying with the idea of writing out some of the Thomas research in more depth soon, actually.

Still not under a real name like with a book or anything, but some longer posts vs just comments.


“Have you accepted the al pastor into your heart?”


I mean, you probably are in a simulation, if that makes you feel any better.

But it may well be a simulation of the history leading up to a society capable of simulating the past.

And as anyone who has ever sat through a history class knows, you tend not to be forced to study the chill parts of history where everything is awesome.


That’s sweet she came in from Canada to visit him.


It’s hard to see the point of the story with only one eye.


The follow-up question should have been: “Does that mean you’ll reject the results if there was massive cheating from your own side?”


Just means wesker will need to marry an AI.


He’s trying to say that the people coming into the country are dangerous criminals, but he’s done the talking points so often by now that neither he nor his audience need the connective tissue between the ideas.

“Oh, now he’s doing the Hannibal Lecter bit? Yeah, screw illegals or whatever.”

They have their own coded language at this point where as Trump slips more and more into dementia they still understand what their adoptive hate spewing neo-Nazi grandpa dictator is talking about.

“And then the blargabaghehhhh…

“Exactly. Fuck the blargabaghehhhh…”

Edit: I don’t think I’ll ever stop laughing when I see that clip, btw.


It’s outstanding, but even right now at its best it still isn’t perfect.

I’m very, very much looking forward to what they can eventually do using UE5 as the base in an era with generative AI to fill out the edges.

When the polish (pun intended) is there, the game is beyond everything else. But when you end up just a bit past the edges of where it holds your hand, it quickly loses the veneer, which is the key difference vs something like a Rockstar open world (but also very different budgets and aims).

There’s a handful of studios I think will adapt especially well to the future of game development, and CDPR is one of them.

Because it is going to be possible to have CP 2077 main scenario style interactions across an entire open world within the next decade. And who better to curate that experience than the people delivering it in a diagonal slice?


It’s critical for the USA that he win this next election - Trump is an existential threat to Democracy in the US.

It’s critical for the world that Trump not win.

Trump is immediately going to stop any support for Ukraine and hand that to Putin on a silver platter, is going to weaken NATO and the UN as much as he possibly can, and is going to flip the US from the virtual ‘allies’ to ‘axis’ before the end of his first next four years. Which will go on as long as he is alive, as once he gets power he’s not giving it up.

He isn’t even playing coy with his praise for megalomaniacal current dictators, especially Putin.

With Trump in charge of the US, you can expect him and Putin together actively working to spread Christian fascism to Europe using subversion and eventually force where needed.

It’s not just the US that’s on the line in November.


I mean, I absolutely will be ashamed when I vote for Biden in November.

Ashamed that the best this supposed bastion of democracy could offer up for me to choose between are:

  • The oldest person ever in the running for the job who makes everyone hold their breath he doesn’t do something addled each time he’s in front of a podium.
  • A guy in several criminal cases at the same time who tried to overthrow the government and is simultaneously beloved by conservative Christians trying to ban books on sex while having had sex with a pornstar who he said reminded him of his daughter.
  • A guy denouncing modern science who admitted that he had a worm that ate part of his brain and died.

There’s a lot to unpack there, and pretty much all of it makes me feel shame, irrespective of my ethnic background.


Right-wing media has really done a number on critical thinking.

Correlation is not cause and effect.

It’s more likely that the lack of critical thinking was there in the first place and served as the soil for right wing media to sink its roots into.


In general I love the idea of the US moving more and more towards only supplying defensive munitions to countries (such as the long list of really fucked up countries we deal arms to that would surprise most people).

We could always take special action to supply offensive arms in response to justified conflicts such as in Ukraine, but let’s not let authoritarians build up a stockpile of offensive capabilities from US sweat during times of peace. That’s a recipe for less peace.

But by all means we should let allies buy as much defensive capabilities as they desire.

Being an ally to the US should be more associated with the benefits of protection from bullies than capacity to bully.

(And most important IMO is that we don’t allow selling tech officially or privately by US corporations to enable authoritarians to abuse their own citizens. Something we very much do and I really wish we didn’t.)


“More Inclusive Scouting America” is a bit wordy but I guess has a nice ring to it.

“M’ISA like it.” - Jar-Jar


Many, but not all.

It only takes a few percent of a political party to reject a candidate to tip the election one way or another.


Can’t believe this shit-hole country was an actual threat ever.

We have representatives of the US political party leading for President right now echoing Kremlin propaganda on the floor of Congress and their candidate is cheered on and welcomed for saying he’ll be a dictator who will undermine Western diplomatic relationships opposing Russia and would even encourage Putin to invade those countries, all while state level party representatives are literally saying that ‘democracy’ is a bad word that they oppose.

How the fuck is Russia not an “actual threat?”

There’s more to modern warfare than nukes, missiles, and tanks. And by the end of November Putin stands a very good chance of having won the kind of megalomaniacal victory that Stalin or Hitler couldn’t have possibly dreamed of.


It’s clear to me reading this that if people really want to further humanitarian concerns over the Palestinian civilians they should avoid the literal tribalism around the topic and the false dichotomy of ‘sides.’

It would be a lot harder to criticize a protest branded as a “pro-civilian” protest that simultaneously called out the human rights abuses on the Palestinian people and the Israeli hostages.

That asked the university to divest from any investments funding either Hamas or Likud as long as either were carrying out war crimes against civilians. Yes, in one of those two cases it’s a moot request, but by requesting both it furthers the comparison and similarities between the two and their extremist methods.

It would also give no cover to extremist voices calling for the destruction or harm of civilians on the “other side” of the conflict (as sampled in the article). It’s no safe space for pro-Palestinian voices calling for the killing of Israeli citizens nor for pro-Israel voices calling for (or turning a blind eye to) the bombing of the Palestinian civilians. True antisemites or Islamophobes would have no safe harbor there.

It takes the conversation from being about two opposing political sides to the ‘sides’ of “protect civilians” or “kill civilians” which is a position that’s incredibly hard to justify being on the other side of no matter one’s political beliefs.

And as has been discussed in various literature about the importance of reconciliation, it creates the space for victims of violence against civilians and secondary trauma in this conflict to feel their trauma can be heard without facing minimization to justify the trauma of the other political side - something that’s been happening far too much on both of the current sides of this discussion.

Disavowing violence against civilians should not be a political statement, and it being packaged as such is clearly a huge factor in how that message is being subverted and suppressed. Even the way Finkelstein straight up gave a messaging shift that would have improved the success of the core message he’s been supporting for years before this and then immediately had someone lead a chant of the very message he pointed out as undermining the narrative was ridiculous. Polarizing messaging might find solace in either a “pro-Palestinian” or “pro-Israel” protest, but wouldn’t be a good fit for a “pro-civilian” protest.

It would also be nearly impossible to brand a counter-protest to. What the hell do you call yourself if you are protesting against “pro-civilians”? The “pro-authoritarian” protest?

As long as the call for humanitarianism is wrapped up and divided into political sides and literal ethnic tribalism I have a feeling that the call is going to continue to get ignored and suppressed while local tribalistic tensions and conflict becomes more and more center stage instead. It might be smart to rebrand the messaging where the focus on humanitarianism is center stage and the only ‘tribe’ being championed is ‘human.’


Literally just after talking about how people are spouting confident misinformation on another thread I see this one.

Twitter: Twitter retains minimal EXIF data, primarily focusing on technical details, such as the camera model. GPS data is generally stripped.

Yes, this is a privacy thing, we strip the EXIF data. As long as you’re not also adding location to your Tweet (which is optional) then there’s no location data associated with the Tweet or the media.

People replying to a Twitter thread with photos are automatically having the location data stripped.

God, I can’t wait for LLMs to automate calling out well intentioned total BS in every single comment on social media eventually. It’s increasing at a worrying pace.


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