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I automatically think your talking about RFK “voters” now.


Thank 50000+ is a huge logistical challenge. Things go wrong fast if you aren’t set up to handle that.

Think how many bathrooms are needed?


No this is somehow weirder. He seems to be confusing movies and real people, and possibly thinking it’s still the 1980s, when silence is the lambs was popular.

Like mid stage Alzheimer’s dementia.


Just another example of his desire to make up facts, regardless of the actual facts.

“He is young, I would say, 17”

Fucking moron can’t remember that his son turned 18 about 2 months ago.


and was fathered by a sentient half used roll of toilet paper.


They’d all have to move north and emancipate the slaves though. Something tells me they’d be on the wrong side of that history too.


Gonna have to get Satan on that list if they want my kid pledging in it.


During the eclipse in April we were considering Austin, but conflicted about spending money in TX.

We had planned out how to spend as little money and time there as needed to view it, but thankfully the weather closer to where we live was unseasonably clear and we had a great view in a much friendlier state, Maine!

Anyway, fuck Texas and the other backwards states who don’t respect women and all peoples’ rights to privacy and healthcare.


And rich parents usually.

There was a kid like that in my highschool. Crashed (drunk) his dads Viper (this was the late 90s, when they were still new). Beat up lots of people culminating with kicking in the teeth of a friend of mine who was parked on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. The guy randomly stopped to attack him. They didn’t know each other either.

Macklemore Attacks Joe Biden On Pro-Palestine Song "Hind's Hall" (

He hasn’t released on streaming yet or YouTube only insta and Twitter. Once it’s up on streaming he said all proceeds will go to The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)....


Run the jewels and Zach DelaRocha’s collab was pretty close. But yeah we need new RATM.


That’s only like 14 cops emptying their handguns.


Bought a PS 2, Gran Turismo 4 and the GT4 Logitech steering wheel and pedals when I graduated college.

Just dug it all out to show my 6 year old how fun driving can be. Looked better than I expected even with component cables.


This fits the test of their playbook. Be afraid of those big scare weak lazy liberals.


Yeah, after listening to NPR’s “divided dial” it feels like a lot of how the US ended up where it is was when we he fairness doctrine was dropped or ignored.

And now citizens United has magnified and worsened it all.


And the AIP was still trying to get rid of LGBTQ marriage rights in 2021.


Don’t forget the narcissism, sociopathy, and exploitation


He’s primarily a conspiracy moron. Secondarily he’s running to be a spoiler. I’m not sure how far down the list lawyer belongs, but probably still more than 4th or 5th.


Biden sounds better and he’s battle a speech impediment his whole life.

Trump is starting to sound like my gramma in her last years.


No he has fucking dementia.


Well, he doesn’t help my erection, but if he’s working for your friends I’m not gonna judge.


Unless they have a dictator-president and ineffective congress.

It feels a lot like they’re getting for that possible outcome—so they have a sympathetic king when the time comes.


Trading for a shitty enough VP that Dems might actually be afraid to impeach him.

Trump aught to be impeached for the emoluments after the first month, but if a full fledged fascist is set to take his spot…


Hydro also creates methane releases as the flooded forests rot in the water.


Trading orphans for food would be a nice fallback, if I ever get sick of my kid, and a bit peckish at the same time.


All that I understood on that page was too keep Môôsës away from my sïstêrs.


He’s not electable this term, so he’s doing all this to try for Trump’s VP.

The Tech Robber Baron who wants to take over San Francisco (

Balaji, a 43-year-old Long Island native who goes by his first name, has a solid Valley pedigree: He earned multiple degrees from Stanford University, founded multiple startups, became a partner at Andreessen-Horowitz and then served as chief technology officer at Coinbase. He is also the leader of a cultish and increasingly...


It’s hard to know, these tech guys are pretty cloistered in their lives in many cases. Many also start that way at private schools and in higher Ed. This is a Stanford dude, which might not be quite as bad as a Harvard dude, but still messed up in subtly different ways.

I have a bit of experience with the east coast elite, living and working with many in Boston for 15 years. They go to a big private high school, like Philips Exeter. It’s got amenities and educational opportunities that are hard to believe, and basically ingrains how much better and special their rich students are than the rest of society (us plebes).

There are seriously fucked up things going on in those places that are teaching these CEO’s kids that they will control and profit from the world, at the expense of everyone who isn’t in their in-group.

It’s really hard to imagine how we’re going to get out of the economic and power structures that got us where we are. Voting reform and real progressives that aren’t part of the existing elite and are willing to do the tough work that won’t set them up in the oligarchy class (or the as the oligarchy’s lackeys) are probably the best chance we have to do it peacefully.


Joining the Face Eating Leopard party is a fucking stupid alternative. Pushing for rank choice voting in their local and state elections to normalize 3rd parties is what can change things.


The leopards eat everyone’s face if they win. And in a first past the pole election, sitting out helps them eat all our faces.


unless they go “president is immune for the rest of their lives” which is even more insane.

Alito pretty much did argue that.

He said presidents won’t leave office peacefully if they aren’t able to retire to security without threats of prosecution.


It didn’t line up with the Formula One season, so he had to drop it.


Boards don’t like it though. They’d rather spend $100 million (maybe way less though, politicians are cheap) to fight to save $400 billion in the long run.


I nuked some frozen veggies last night. Maybe they mean, she warmed the SCOTUS in the microwave.


My great aunt put them on a bed of lettuce with a layer or cottage cheese.

We didn’t touch them either and always laughed at calling them salads too.


Why would he want to? Trump wants to give Ukraine to Russia anyway. Which is probably Mikey’s reasoning anyway.

That and the fact that most of the billions of dollars ends up back on US arms producers’ balance sheets anyway.


I actually live there (but not born there). We used to say it should be “dying, to live free”.

There still isn’t a seatbelt law for adults (there wasn’t one for kids when I moved there), you don’t need car insurance, no helmet law for motorcycles, and no income or sales taxes, so schools in poor towns are criminally underfunded (like they cancel everything but the “3 Rs” if the budget is short).

I’m only there to care for elderly parents. Off to one of the nicer NE states after that.


His image is actually the only thing he really cares about. Which sadly makes sense because it’s also the only thing he should have when this is all over.


Yeah Hillary called them deplorable. Not that I consider that going low either though.


Wouldn’t it make it seem like a bigger place?


I believe that’s the origin of “tits or GTFO” came from too, a cringey way of saying that they don’t care if your a girl if you say something dumb online. Though predictably it morphed into incel taunts and male chauvinist bullshit once the meaning was lost.


It’s got a British plug so it’s at least 200 volts.

But yeah, probably ok if the water isn’t too salty and you stay away from touching the electrodes.

I’m still not getting in with one though. At over 6 feet, I take up the whole tub + most of the time anyway.


Ok yes he did technically run in 2 states in 2000, for 2 months:

In 2000, Trump ran in the California and Michigan primaries for nomination as the Reform Party candidate for the 2000 presidential election but withdrew from the race in February 2000. A July 1999 poll matching him against likely Republican nominee George W. Bush and likely Democratic nominee Al Goreshowed Trump with seven percent support.

But in 2011 he just talked about it without ever doing it:

In 2011, Trump speculated about running against President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, making his first speaking appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February 2011 and giving speeches in early primary states. In May 2011, he announced he would not run. Trump’s presidential ambitions were generally not taken seriously at the time.


That is going to fucking suck. Welcome back to the goddamn 1960s.


What can’t that sort of history repeat? We just keep getting economic crashes, pandemics, and racism.

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