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I used Backlogery, but Backloggd seems to be more popular nowadays. That forum discussion mentions a few others, too.

If you play retro games, then you could also look into RetroAchievements, which will track more than when you simply beat a game. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for all games though.

For more modern games, you could also use Achievements to track what you beat.

As for keeping track of what games you WANT to play… it’s called buying them! Don’t buy games you don’t want to play, haha

Seriously though, you could go through your Steam library and add games you want to play to a playlist, or sell physical games you wanted to support but don’t want to play.

But for multi-platform stuff, check out the linked forum post


Virtual Boy fails? Yokoi dies.

WiiU fails? Iwata dies.

Don’t fail Nintendo…

Exciting New Trailer Released For Gex Trilogy | Retro Gaming News 24/7 (www.retronews.com)

A new trailer for the Gex Trilogy has been released, featuring all three console games developed by Crystal Dynamics. The collection includes Gex, Gex: Enter the Gecko, and Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko, starring the anthropomorphic gecko protagonist. Pre-orders are set to begin in autumn 2024 with availability on Nintendo Switch,...


I think it’s silly too, but isn’t this a bit insensitive? People died. It is their own fault for making bad decisions in this situation, but they still died.

It’s also a lot easier to choose not to be Muslim when your entire family and maybe your entire support group isn’t Muslim. Hell, how many of those people who died came from countries where it’s basically required by law to be Muslim?


What I said was “basically required by law to be Muslim”, not required by state law to do the Hajj


ftr; also atheist, but decided not to be insensitive today, lol

Is there a simple way to severly impede webscraping and LLM data collection of my website?

I am working on a simple static website that gives visitors basic information about myself and the work I do. I want this as a way use to introduce myself to potential clients, collaborators, etc., rather than rely solely on LinkedIn as my visiting card....


That’s exactly what an LLM would say…


Did people stop washing their hands after using the toilet in Japan once the restrictions let up?

Did…they start?

Having lived briefly in Japan and for a while in Korea, most people left public (and workplace) washrooms without washing their hands. Even during the pandemic.


That was the weirdest part to me. In Korea, there was usually soap in the washrooms. But in either of those countries, you’d occasionally either find no soap in the men’s rooms, or you’d find empty soap canisters.

Telling a staff member there was no soap got the reaction that a tourist in NA politely telling a police officer that they saw some litter on the sidewalk over there, lol


Just let the babies have what they want, and they’ll stop committing violent, -motivated crimes! It’s obvious we should be voting for the far right! /s


Hmm. What is the difference between forced intervention and whatever Portugal did when it decriminalized hard drugs?


I see. Thank you!

Visitors to Greece appear ill informed about heatwave risk, warn rescuers (www.theguardian.com)

Over the past week, three search and rescue operations have been started for tourists who have gone missing during treks on far-flung islands, including one for the popular TV presenter Michael Mosley, who was found dead on the island of Symi....


I live in Canada and I’ve never lived in a place without AC

We built a mean game to test AI's ability to apologise (www.bbc.com)

The project was a test to see how artificial intelligence might change one of the most delicate types of human interaction: the interpersonal apology. The companies who make AI-powered chatbots suggest we should find ways to insert them into our lives when we don’t know what to say or how to say it. That’s all well and good...


Well, they did fly the flag upside down, in black and white, and next to Nazi flags…so I think they don’t want to be Canadian. Maybe part of the reason is that they’re not polite or apologetic.

Also, they were trying to overthrow the federal government, so I think this argument has a lot of merit.

To be fair, a lot of them probably didn’t know that, and were there because they were angry about something else and didn’t know who to blame. Plus they had nothing better to do with their time and money but to give it to a national-scale sham.


Taking a cut isn’t a big deal, but effectively forcing price fixing seems much more sketchy to me


If you sell the game yourself and provide the files, you can set lower prices. This is fair and valve doesn’t restrict that.

What about setting lower prices on other stores like GOG or Epic Games?


Considering the relationship between heat and aggression, plus the impacts on the ecosystems of the world, climate change is probably a factor in this. Which suggests this might just be the peak…“so far”.


Don’t they also take PayPal?


You’re right. They do take prepaid credit cards, so you might be able to find a way like that


Another user to the pile here to say that their response fully answered your question.


Sorry, you’re going to have to keep looking. Somehow, everyone else got the answer to your question.


This meme is getting ridiculous.

What is a “Mario-like”?

A platformer? 2D or 3D? Kart racer? A party board game?

I don’t get why tech writers are afraid of genres.


So it’s a 2D platformer?

And it’s very different from Mario 64, which would also be a “Mario-like”…

So this game is a “Mario-like”, and also not at all a “Mario-like”. And that’s not even getting into the Karts and the Parties…


Some guns are better for different situations, but most guns are useful in any situation.

Why’s that boring? It sounds better than rock-paper-scissors with different guns


“Find another job ASAP or we might shut the branch down. Also if you quit, you’ll get a severance package and we’ll give you a glowing recommendation for your new job.”


the composter of Minecraft

Sounds like this game will be environmentally friendly!


OTOH, as long as they exist, physical games can be resold…and physical games are pretty rare on PC


I got to the word “Bullfroglike” and stopped reading


I’m very familiar with Bullfrog. Loved a lot of their games.

I hate the trend of gaming journalists using “-like” to describe genres of games


No hate towards Bullfrog or the game featured in the article. I just hate the meme of using “X-like” to describe a genre.


I hate the meme of using “X-like” to refer to a genre


We call them first-person shooters now. And I think they were usually called Doom-clones. But it makes sense that they’d use a word like that when a word for the genre hadn’t really been codified by that point.


I saw another article describing something, perhaps this game, as a “Theme Hospital-like”. Theme Hospital-like is not a genre.

Souls-like is likely in a similar situation as Rogue-like or perhaps “Doom Clone” from back in the day, where a new genre is emerging and there isn’t yet an agreed-upon term for it. Rogue-like stuck around probably because it was such a niche game/genre for so long and people had been calling it that for maybe decades before the term went mainstream. Doom Clone died out because the genre branched out so much.

I wouldn’t necessarily want to reduce “Souls-like” to another genre, because it may very well be its own genre. It may end up “growing” a new name like First-Person Shooters did, or it may end up sticking around because “X-like” may be the new thing to do.

I’m just getting annoyed by seeing things like “Stardew Valley-like”, “Dragon Quest-like”, “Theme Hospital-like”…those tell you nothing if you don’t know the game they’re talking about, and if you DO know the game they’re talking about, you might get the wrong idea what the game is about because the author is making a bad comparison.


Yeah, Rogue-like is a notable exception. The difference is that it’s an established term for a genre, whereas a single journalist saying something like “Theme Hospital-like” is not a genre.


My dislike of it stems from the marketing ploy aspect. It feels like clickbait; authors trying to get hits from people looking up (or “interested in”) a certain game even if it may not be an accurate description.

I think the Doom-like FPS’s are getting called “Boomer Shooters” now, lol…but we’re ironically in a situation where we need a new term again. Or we would be if that genre were popular in the mainstream.

I think describing the game in the article as a “Management Sim inspired by Theme Hospital/Bullfrog” would get across the same concept, for example. I don’t think it’s difficult. I think it’s just becoming a popular thing for gaming journalists to do


Is there really no other way to say that? Lol


Given the choice between an online community with assholes being moderated away and an online community without asshole moderation, I’m going to choose the one where assholes get warned, muted, and banned.

My favourite subreddit had a rule, “Be Civil”. I much preferred that sub over ones that didn’t have that rule (or one like it). Too many people don’t know how to behave in public forums, and those people make the internet a lot less pleasant. See Facebook and Instagram comments if you’d like some examples.

I don’t play many online games, except with friends exclusively, or where there is no chat (especially voice chat). If there were games that had moderated communities that banned assholes, then I’d be more likely to venture into that world…and maybe I’d even start turning on my mic.


You want players who are invested in winning.

Yes. Players who are invested in winning. Not players who have poor emotional regulation or social behaviour and are invested in being assholes.

It’s called sportsmanship. Yet some online games sound worse than middle school sports games… probably because, for years, nobody got punished for acting like a middle schooler who can’t control their emotions or behaviour.

As for your statement on toxicity preventing you from playing multiplayer doesn’t seem true. There are plenty of games where you will never see toxicity and you still don’t play any of them so that can’t be what’s stopping you.

I’m fascinated by how you know so much about the games I don’t play! Lol


As long as people aren’t breaking the rules regarding hate speech

Hate speech and threats of violence are what the article is about.

So if you agree that rape threats and certain words (that constitute hate speech) are ok to ban, then you’re in agreement with the article and other people saying “People shouldn’t need to grow a thicker skin”.

Unless you’re against hate speech, but in favour of threats of violence, but I don’t think you are just because you didn’t explicitly say it, haha


Some Chinese 80’s and 90’s kids are going to be ecstatic to find this out

What are some excellent free games/total conversions that are worth playing the whole thing?

I used up play a ton of Doom mods years ago and a lot of the TCs were fun but lacked substance beyond the surface. Some of the new ones are cool but overly complex. (The Sonic cart game has an hour long tutorial before you start). I was a big fan of Simon’s Destiny, the Castlevania mod for Doom....

otp, (edited )

uqm-mods.sourceforge.net/Download – Best version to play today (free)

…steampowered.com/…/Free_Stars_The_UrQuan_Masters… – Steam download of the “no frills” version (also free)


This comment chain is actually about HL2.


Isn’t the rape capital South Africa?

  1. Most companies are not international, and don’t have to deal with verifying the death certificates from 100+ countries.
  2. The challenge is that dividing it up would add overhead to Steam support, especially if the estate does try to break up an account into games. Not to mention that there’s really no “cash value” on digital games, since there are things like sales, giveaways, bundles, etc.
  3. It obviously won’t bring them down, but assuming extra work and liability isn’t something they’d do our of the goodness of their hearts.
  4. We pay to license Steam games and put them in our Steam libraries. This isn’t a new idea…it was a criticism of Steam when it was new, and it was why there was so much pushback. If you’re buying expensive brand-new games on Steam rather than on a DRM platform (or waiting until the cost lowers enough to be worth getting only a license), then you’ve been using Steam wrong.

I’m not even defending Steam here. If you want DRM-free games, buy from GOG. Steam has more games, and sometimes lower prices…but you’re not buying a game that you own. It was never a secret. Hence why they marketed it as a Steam Library. You can use whatever you want in the library, but you own none of it.


Lol…your personal library at home is composed of physical objects that you bought and assembled into what you call a library. A better word might be a “collection” rather than a library, but we’re getting into semantics here.

You seem to be getting very emotional about this. Your anger should really be directed towards Steam, or maybe yourself for not reading the T&C.

DRM is used for copy and piracy protection, yes, but it encompasses many kinds of digital rights, including access. Steam itself is DRM – they manage the rights of which account holders can access which digital games. Even with Steam’s Offline mode (which not all games support), you can run into situations where you can’t play your game offline because of update issues.

Give the Steam T&C a skim, and find out whether you own your games forever. And if I’m wrong and you find something in the T&C that invalidates what I’ve said, then I’d be happy to see it.

Digital content doesn’t fall under the same rules as physical items, for better or for worse.


In the EU there is legal precedent to give access to every account of a deceased person to their next of kin.

I thought we were discussing whether or not a game purchased on Steam is something that the purchaser “owns” just like a physical game…

But if that precedent is there, it’ll be interesting to see it play out. Steam users in the EU have definitely died before, but I guess nobody has ever put one in their will yet? Or tried to do an account transfer?

It’s one thing to share the credentials, but I don’t think we’ll see Steam games going from one account (owned by a deceased person) being transferred into an existing account of someone named in the will.

…which, of course, would be perfectly possible to happen with physical games.

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