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Well I’m a PlayStation user, are you saying it’s justifiable for me to now pirate Starfield, Halo and every Xbox and steam exclusive game?

How, exactly, will you pirate those games to play them on your PlayStation?


I think the opinions of experts are more relevant than the trends of a generation.

Also consider that many millennials are having fewer children because of the rising cost of living. Personal, rather than worldwide circumstances.

otp, (edited )

I’m surprised Sonic is still around. I haven’t played a good Sonic game since Sonic Adventure 2 (except Mania). Wasn’t a fan of Shadow the Hedgehog, and never played some others I’ve heard were good like Herpes and Unleashed. Generations was alright.


Oops, forgot to mention Mania because it was in the parent comment. That was the Sonic game I was waiting decades for!

I forgot that I’d heard good things about Colors, too, but I have no idea what Frontiers is all about. I’ll have to look into that one.


Do “i”, “mini” and “new” really count as new consoles? i and new were just upgrades to the same console, I believe, and I’m not sure what “Mini” was even for…


None of those were direct successors, though



Uh, given that username, I don’t know if anyone should’ve missed you! Haha


I think you didn’t reply to where you meant to reply


I can’t help but read “$1 billion” as “one dollar billion”

otp, (edited )

If SK’s birth rate stays low enough for long enough, perhaps reunification might start to look like a decent option again!

Edit: Anyone want to explain why this was downvoted so much? Lol


My guess is that the market was flooded with too many games and controllers. People lost interest trying to keep up and no longer wanted the controllers taking up space.

People lost interest, bought less DLC, and then it became unsustainable.

Some people remained and went through enough controllers that they went from being thrift items to hitting collector’s prices to the right buyer. But there wasn’t a big enough market to mass produce the controllers anymore, and definitely not enough to license new music, let alone create a brand new game.

Guitar Hero: Live was the final nail in the coffin. A brand new game with a brand new controller (no backwards compatibility) and no backwards compatibility with players’ existing song libraries…and the promise that new songs would only be rentable, not buyable. It was dead on arrival.


Like The Flintstones, it’ll be a gay ol’ time!


Cereal is more of a dessert in my books. I’m very much a savoury breakfast person.


Not everyone has options, but a lot of people likely have more options than they think they do.

Especially when it comes to meat. Very few people live in a place or situation where they “must” get their protein or certain vitamins exclusively from meat.


We often have no choice, but to buy these products because that’s all that’s available.

This is the point that I’m arguing, which seems to be the foundation of your defeatist stance.

Companies have money because we give them money. Companies are allowed to pollute because we don’t really care that they do. Otherwise, we’d be voting differently, protesting differently, and so on.

I’m suggesting that it’s not often that we have no choice. Most of us have plenty of choices with each product we buy. But we’ll often buy the disposable one made in China because it’s 20% cheaper than one made more sustainably, for instance.


You think I want to buy fruits and vegetables that came all the way from Chile during the winter time because they don’t grow here in Canada under the snow?

Guess Canada was unpopulated before it could trade with Chile…or maybe what was grown and eaten in Canada centuries ago might still be grown there?

Yes, things are expensive. I’m not saying the choices are always easy to make. But I am saying that a defeatist attitude is generally just a way of saying “It’s too hard and I don’t wanna”. And if someone doesn’t wanna, that’s fine. There are options, and it’s not all black and white.

Why do you need a new handmade sweater? First of all, how often do you buy sweaters? They usually last years. Second of all, buying one used is more environmentally friendly than buying a brand new one.

Why are you buying the Tofu from China? This is a product of Canada. And even if it’s coming from elsewhere, reducing meat consumption likely outweighs the impacts of shipping. And hey, Canada can likely grown and produce its own legumes!

Again, I’m not saying the choices are easy, clear, obvious, or intuitive. I’m saying they’re probably there for most people.


I guess what I’m trying to say is that our way of living is unsustainable, but this condition is being imposed on us. There only so much we can do.

I think I’m in full agreement with you here.

We need the government and companies to make the changes to enable us to live sustainably.

I do believe I mentioned earlier that voting is one way we can “do our part”. And with companies, we vote with our dollars. And again, I know it’s not always easy to do so.

Unless we change the system, we can’t be sustainable.

I think the key aspect is that it’s not all or nothing. Changing the system is the only way to get us fully sustainable. And not just changing – a complete overhaul.

Since that’s impossible for any one person to do, I’m not suggesting anything of the sort.

We just need to vote with our dollars where we can. My suggestion is not to overhaul everything about our lives, but to be mindful and consider our options where possible. Because I think there are sometimes more options than we think there are at first glance.

I’m in Canada too. I know the cost of living crisis happening here now. And I know we have plenty of places with one grocery store that’s still a 30m drive away. There are fewer options for people who live in those places. For those who live in cities, they tend to have more options.

Keep things to last as long as possible. Buy used. Re-use or repurpose things. Buy less junk. Have fewer things delivered. Eat more protein from non-animal sources. Not everything 100% of the time. But I think we should all try as much as possible for our given situations.

I think it’s more important to try than to give up. It won’t change everything, but it’s how we can vote with our dollars.


The DS even had backwards compatibility with the GBA. I think it didn’t work with GB/C games though for some reason.

Someone else already pointed out that the Super Nintendo wasn’t backwards compatible. The SNES’ competitor was backwards compatible though – an optional accessory for the Mega Drive/Genesis allowed you to play Master System games!


I don’t think the SP was a different console though


The GBA DS wasn’t a console! /s Haha


Would they work if you managed to get them plugged in?


“Well, we thought we had some losses, but they all just became founds!”


Your original reply seemed like you were talking about the comment, not agreeing with it


Yeah, and the other commenter got it, but the other other one thought that that other commenter thought you were serious. But the other other commenter was wrong; that other commenter knew you were joking. And so did I.

Man, this is getting confusing. But everyone understood your comment, at least! Lol


No, I think we’re both wrong to the right.


I guess I’m not surprised that the bible is racist /s

‘In the US they think we’re communists!’ The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living (www.theguardian.com)

When Marisa Fernández lost her husband to cancer a few years ago, her employers at the Eroski hypermarket went, she says, “above and beyond to help me through the dark days afterwards, rejigging my timetable and giving me time off when I couldn’t face coming in.”...


almost got shot in a truck stop in Elk City OK

Sounds like Elk City isn’t OK


Huh. I built my PC with mid-level specs 3 years ago and haven’t upgraded anything but RAM and storage. Didn’t even need either for gaming…


Thinking about it, the recommendations are all over the place. It’s probably because the Mother franchise resonates with so many people, but for completely different reasons.

So since you said your favourite parts were…

I love the music, quirkiness, style, pacing, simple yet rewarding tactics in boss battles.

I’m going to recommend the Mario RPGs.

The Super Mario RPG remake is very friendly, and the original was commonly up there with FF6, Chrono Trigger and Earthbound as the best RPGs on the SNES.

The Mario & Luigi games are a lot of fun, and the battle system is really involved.

Paper Mario is another quirky series, but only the original and TTYD (getting a remake on the Switch soon) are truly great imo.

Or if you want something non-Mario…

Bug Fables!

It’s a sort of spiritual successor to the Paper Mario franchise (before it strayed from its RPG roots), and it actually has the emotional impact of the Mother games. (I think it’s up there with Mother 3…just don’t skip out on the side quests!)

I forget when I played it, but it was the game of the year for me!


“Pleonasm” is a word I’ve never seen before, and won’t look up because I don’t expect to see it ever again.

/altTextOf course, now that I’ve said this, I’ll be seeing it at least weekly all over the place.


I’d be pretty hot there too. I’m most comfortable at like 15°C

Monster Rancher 2 will appear at Combo Breaker: Live In-Person monster tournament! (kbin.social)

That game where you popped your Music CDs into your PSX, generate a monster, then raise it and battle it? Yes, that game! Combo Breaker is one of the largest Fighting Game tournaments in the world, and MR2 will be there in under All In Together....


That’s amazing! I had SO much fun going through my parents’ CD collections to see what monsters I could get! Haha


Thanks for that! I was aware of the Steam release. Does it still allow you to use real discs on PC?


Thanks for all the info! It sucks that I can’t do the same thing (physically swapping the discs was fun), but I’ll definitely be picking up the Steam release!


The consent is entirely missing


Ah, right, sorry. The first part of your comment makes it seem like you’re leaning the other way.


I guess that goes to show how “Most Successful Console Add-on Ever” isn’t that prestigious of a title! Haha


I loved the Dreamcast. It was a great console that was ahead of its time in so many ways.

The problem was, that despite being a lot, it was too little too late.

Sega was trying to run after shooting itself in both feet with its failures (particularly in the West) with the Saturn and the 32X.


The worst is when they can’t even be uninstalled.


I wasn’t going to vote on this post, but now I’m going to upvote it, comment, and spread the word that Modi needs to get out.

I’m not in India, but the world needs less fascism.


Booo… he needs to get out of power


No…not Maggi!!


In poorer countries, they might not buy non-essentials like sweets and chocolate as much as in the West. This ensures the sugar addiction starts early!


In the days leading up to the game’s release, I was flooded with ads calling Palworld “Pokemon with guns”. They kind of brought it upon themselves.


In the time I spend figuring out what happened, I’m probably also getting stabbed. If not, I’d be wondering if it was targetted (and therefore I’m safe) as I’m running away, but I haven’t planned an escape route yet, so I’m just as likely to crash into an obstacle as I am to run away.


Final Fantasy 13 disc-only for $0.33 (CAD). It was.3 games for a dollar from the local library when they were clearing out old stock.

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