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Because that’s the bias the media you consume wants you to believe.


I believe that’s the problem, AAA studios can put out shit games, the game content should dictate that.

My eyes are getting sore from all these studios popping up claiming they are making AAA games, maybe put something out first mate.


That’s also partly because Microsoft is buying customers with gamepass, it’s unprofitable in the long run, but they just need to do it long enough to kill off competitors. Exactly what Netflix did basically.

Youve been able to start to see the ripples forming a few years ago. Devs aren’t making as much from the deal of being on it vs private sales as well.


It’s not profitable. They say they spend over 1billion dollars a year, but you read some of the deals and they are $200 million for one game… they also say they make $230 million a month. So if they only make 2.7 billion and spend more than a billion a year with some games costing $200 million….

How is it profitable? It’s being supported by Microsoft itself so they can bleed money to crush competition. They are being intentionally vague and not releasing intimation as it would show they are doing very illegal things.

Lots of this stuff came to light during the merger and is available online to view now.


Dude… they spend over 1 billion, but they also have 6 games that cost 1.2billion (200 million a piece). Their costs are far more than 1 billion and probably exceeds the 2.7…. Use some critical thinking here.

You have Phil Spencer saying they are profitable by telling your their sales, but only they spend more than 1 billion, they could also spend more than 10 billion, but they omit that specific information. Why? Because it would show the lie….

Please read


Why are you talking about game budgets? Microsoft is paying completely finished games 100-300 million dollars to be on games pass. If they are doing that, do you seriously think that they aren’t spending more than 2.7 billion putting games in the service…? It’s obviously far far more than 1 billion dude….

Game pass isn’t profitable, or Microsoft would tell you the full financials to prove how good it is. So why haven’t they…?


Games leave gamepass since when it comes to renewal they don’t want to since streaming cannablizes sales and leads to lower revenue (already said this) so it’s not Microsoft deciding it’s not profitable, it’s the game wanting control back.

Investors don’t care, Microsoft itself is profitable, the gaming division can bleed money and they won’t care, since the parent company will just give them the difference another way.

Some games cost that much….

Not actually pricing, estimates, but if they were estimating that much, they were liking willing to pay close to it, even half these numbers and it doesn’t look good. Just this collection of games that a drop in the bucket of total games, would cost 1.5 billion dollars. That’s over half their revenue, without even accounting for any operating costs or anything, or the rest of the library.

So, no it is not profitable and it’s hilarious that you’re defending Microsoft for claiming this, why isn’t anyone else other than Microsoft saying the same thing? In fact lots are claiming the opposite since this leak came out and they started looking at the numbers and taking directly to devs involved. Devs hate it


Jedi Survivor, Suicide Squad, and Mortal Kombat account for $800M of this list, and none of them came to Game Pass, meaning Microsoft did not opt to spend that money.

Or… no amount of money was enough to make those games cannablize their sales, why do you think it’s only Microsoft making decisions…?

What truth? That Spencer says it profitable, but won’t provide the information to prove it…? Yet all the leaks and information point the opposite direction…? You want the truth, don’t listen to Spencer and read between the lines lmfao. The last person you should be listening to on this, is the one at the top of it.

Provide anything other than Spencer claiming it, I bet while you attempt to find that you’ll find the mountain that’s behind you.

schmidtster, (edited )

Once you’ve watched the required amount of time during the relevant periods, or gifted the subs required for the sniper rifle, you’ll see a pop up to tell you and you can claim whatever you’ve earned from your Twitch drop inventory here.

To claim the Yasha sniper rifle you will need to gift an eligible Twitch partner two Twitch subscriptions of any tier.

Spend money on our partnership to receive “free” in game guns. They made content, you need to pay to receive, ie a microtransaction.

schmidtster, (edited )

Ah yes, defend them for making a microtransaction And lying about them not belonging.

So it’s okay since it’s now free? It sounds like you’re trying to excuse and defend the microtransactions they’ve made before. Did they or did they not have content that you had to pay to access?


Ah yes, defend them for making a microtransaction And lying about them not belonging.

It’s not misleading, if I’m misleading they are too my saying what they are about microtransactions, they’ve done it previously.

They will keep doing this, and lying about it, since their fans will just excuse them and try to convince others for them. Give your head a shake lmfao.

schmidtster, (edited )

More like a movie script being pitched to multiple studios and one of them putting up the risk/money to fund it.

A lot of these “exclusive” games are passed up by studios, not paid to be exclusive. Not saying that doesn’t also happen, but it’s not always the case, nor is it even the norm.


How many times do you need the wool pulled over your eyes before you see this company for what it really is? Lol


It is kinda funny how people have no issue paying for it all together as bundle, but separate it so people can pay for things individually is silly and everyone is suddenly offended?

I would rather have a story for $10 and $1 outfits I can ignore, than to spend $30 on a story and bunch of cosmetics that don’t add to the game.

This is just marketing, nothing more. They make more money forcing you to buy everything than letting you pick what you want.


That’s also just an affect on the market of people wanting more choice and not wanting to be forced to pay for stuff they don’t want.

Of course it can be swung in a negative light too, because it affects developers bottom lines, and they always want the most money possible. CDPR is no different.


The outcome of splitting the content is that there are a lot of people who want to have everything and they will end up paying far more for a la carte than for an expansion

So if they want the content, they can support the devs so they make more.

The people who wouldn’t have bought the expansion still buy nothing, and pretty much nobody just buys a couple of things to save money.

So no lose there, but they could buy an outfit if they liked it and want to support the dev.

…… that’s actually the majority of gamers…… 2% of the player base accounts for most of the purchases, that means the other 98% is still buying stuff, just not everything. So that’s not even remotely close to reality, most people pick and choose the content, which is literally why this because a thing, because the market wanted it….


People had different issues with those, that was because online was a portion of it, and people thought devs were holding content back just to make more money. Obviously some did that, but they started painting every dev with that brush and they needed to adjust to save their bottom line from being affected.

Every change has been a reactionary effort to adjust for the market changes and people suddenly not wanting what they just wanted a few years ago, and using it to their marketing advantage. Of course not everyone is going to be happy, it’s just funny that certain devs get defended for doing what everyone else does since their marketing gets eating up.


They still buy full games though, using old as seats to make new content for an “old” game is a great way to have more income come in. Most would probably prefer to make a new game, but that takes longer as well.

So if it’s a dlc a year at $15 for 4 years, or a game every 4 years for $60… what’s the difference in the end? Other than what you think is going on inside your head? It’s the same content, same price, same everything, you just get content yearly instead of every 4 years. Bonus for everyone since they can than use that money after the first year to maybe make the other better.


What…? Most people want more content more often with more options, not everyone wants a release every 4 years that’s the same content and story rehashed.


without any significant performance gains by upgrading

Unless you’re buying n “upgrade” from the same year that you bought your original from, there will always be a significant graphical upgrade.

What the hell kind of argument is that lmfao.


The person you responded to was…. If you want to argue a tangential point to derail a conversation instead of adding to it, that’s entirely on you.

After 4 years the upgrade would be substantial, so I don’t get why you would even compare the two to begin with? It’s apples and oranges regardless lmfao.


It’s gonna inflate the costs, if you want to use a union actor, the rest of the actors need to be too, and they all have to be paid a minimum.


You know what’s cheaper? Having Steve the mail guy do it for $1,500, if they even give him a bonus.


More why would valve spend money.

Valve is profitable since they don’t spend money, they could make some games, but than they would lose the marketing, the games would never meet expectations either. Blah blah blah.

Basically valve works because they just sit on their pile of wealth hoarding it. The only thing they’ve done in a decade is the steamdeck. Big whoop, any other corp would be blasted for what they do. But they get a pass for some strange reason.


So it’s acceptable for them to hoard their wealth? Strange distinction.


no but they just don’t have the pressure to grow like public companies

Huh? Who’s pressuring public companies to grow? People take offense to them paying their ceos more money or hoarding it (like Newell…!?!? Himself)

So it’s on Americans to elect leaders to change the Tax Law to incentivize Valve to use it or lose it.

So they move overseas and now you lost the labor they created too, good job.


Valve, being privately owned, only answers to its own shareholders

Which is Newell controlled…. Privately owned means nothing, it’s actually worse since they can’t be audited so you don’t know the specifics.

It’s funny that people think a private company can line one persons pocket (or multiple), but not a public company… what’s the legitimate difference? Not just some excuse that is being used to justify it, what is the actual difference that makes it okay.

SpaceX is private, and musk gets ripped on, yet Newell does the same and he’s revered? Where’s the logic in that? Lmfao.


Customers are far from happy, they want sequels to their games, they want a better store, they want new IPs from valve.

Sure if you bury your head in the sand everyone’s happy, but don’t ignore everyone else’s opinion since you think Gabe Newell is any different than Musk.

Also, not to mention the cut they take from every sale for doing nothing, they’ve been caught in internal emails saying they could charge 7% and still be profitable, but every just accepts 30% and gets mad at others for pushing for cheaper cuts. The hypocrisy of defending Valve and Newell is just hilarious from people.


Please let me know what bit of steam’s business model would be improved by them constantly chasing a higher profit every quarter?

Pardon? Thats literally what they are doing by hoarding their wealth instead of investing it in products and changes.

And what’s all this goalpost moving about public companies?

EA just added classics like Dungeon Keeper, SimCity 3000, and Populous on Steam (

There hasn’t been a lot of good news out of EA lately, but here’s some: the company just launched a bunch of classic games on Steam. The new (old) releases include nine games in total, spanning franchises like Dungeon Keeper, Populous, and SimCity....


literally in the bloody article lmfao.


are already available through the classic game service GOG. But more choice is always a good thing. This is particularly true when it comes to making older games more accessible on modern platforms, something that’s becoming increasingly rare for all but the biggest titles.

They were on GOG, more access to more people and compatibility.

The article isn’t that long and you missed that?


are already available through the classic game service GOG. But more choice is always a good thing. This is particularly true when it comes to making older games more accessible on modern platforms, something that’s becoming increasingly rare for all but the biggest titles.

They were on GOG, and it’s for more access to more people and compatibility.

Article was only a few paragraphs, I thought Reddit was bad for people not reading articles, fucking shit lmfao.


Trump would do far worse, so no it’s not the same? Their stance may be the same, but Trump would absolutely go over the top and do something extra instead of maintaining the status quo like Biden is.


It’s more like do you want to be shot by a 9mm, or shot by an implement determined by the person shooting. And it could potentially be a nuke taking out 5 square miles of collateral damage.


FWIW you can lawfully play pirated games, so that means nothing.


That’s a funny one too me, because they are the original source when you dig your way down, so how are they doing anything wrong there?

Yeah it’s someone else’s work… which isn’t there’s anyways… so isn’t it always nintendos then?


It’s illegal if you don’t own the rom or decoded it with their keys. If you have the physical copy of the game, and a way to decrypt it, it’s not illegal to play the rom on an emulator.

So it’s not illegal, it becomes illegal when you don’t have the physical copy, or decode it with their stuff.


Define “fly”

I’ve been airborne due to me not jumping or falling, carrying a sheet of plywood and windy days are fun. Airfoil goes WHEEEE.


Wait so you let them use the money how they wanted and now you’re mad at them for spending it how they wanted and how you told them…?

That’s a fucked up lesson and a half, you clearly didn’t learn your lesson and are now teaching the kid they will be punished for following instructions.

Well fucking done.


Yeah you mentioned the kid spent their gift card how they wanted with permission from their parents, and you do the same thing, and is now being punished for it. Thats shitty parenting, you’re not banning them because they spent a little money.

This was just the excuse you needed, be a better parent and don’t make up shit.


You started you post off just making fun of the game, we know your biased intent here.

You said a kid blew a gift card, and you let your kid spent money on microtransactions already. This is called a parallel, you don’t seem to comprehend you let your kid already do this as well…. What difference does the game make? You already let it happen, fornite, Roblox, Minecraft no difference. Yet you took offense to one single game.

The issue here is your parenting, it has nothing to do with the game, you said it yourself lmfao.


Sometimes, just sometimes a company also patents it so no one else can use the terrible idea, not even them. Sony has done it a few times in the past. They patented yelling at ads to do something iirc.


Between epics free games and the games you get from ps/xbox for being subscribers its really not that large of a list.

Just between those 3 you would have a library of about 120 games. 1-2 a week for epic and 3 a month for each ps and Xbox.


No one asked for live service and I don’t think they mentioned it until now themselves.

If it was as good as they thought it was, they would make it work, sans live service.


Works better from a marketing and PR angle to spin it that it will be soo good that we need to focus everything on it vs. it’s gonna crash and burn like the first so let’s cut the losses now.


Why does it have to be a parody only of games? Parody in general is protected, as the games show.

Uhh… because that’s what we were talking about here….?

Where does it say it’s a parody of GTA…?

And that proves nothing but another person has your opinion, the only way to prove it would be a source from the developer, but that won’t exist since if they say it, they would be cease and desisted.


No it was never announced as a parody of gta or they would have been cease and desisted.

Just because a game is in the same genre doesn’t suddenly make it a parody.

You responded to my comment about specific game parodies, I’m sorry you can’t converse properly.

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