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I am just destroyed by this. I genuinely had a little faith in humanity that people wouldn’t fall for this bullshit but I guess I sorely was mistaken.

Laitmer is a conservative, racist piece of shit who is going to take over Manchin’s job of fucking things up for progressives. Fucking hell this sucks.

To top it off, Israel just successfully dropped a political nuke on a critic and will likely have everyone running scared in the future.


You can abuse your position as a holdout and potentially fuck everything up in either chamber. Bills require passage in both chambers… but I’m sure you knew that.

I just hope there are enough gains in the house to make his ass irrelevant.


At this point I feel like it’s akin to art that people just don’t get. The average person doesn’t understand the message or point.

These protestors are committing simple acts that threaten to damage something that people value. People are so very angry that biodegradable paint was sprayed on an ancient monument, or that soup was tossed onto the glass protecting a famous painting.

Yet they continue on with their lives and refuse to hold many corporations accountable while those corporations make our planet less habitable. This would become a wall of text that nobody would read if I tried to just outline the existential threat human society faces thanks to the reckless behavior of many of the organizations. The suffering, loss of life, economic damage… unimaginable… yet we are basically barreling toward that inevitability at full steam.

But I’m sorry, how silly of me. How could I forget that some scientists might lose the opportunity to study undisturbed lichen on Stonehenge this year.


What is so maddening about this comment is how much it proves my point that you don’t see.

This was literally the first sentence of my post. I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear enough and “maddened you”.

At this point I feel like it’s akin to art that people just don’t get. The average person doesn’t understand the message or point.

I personally don’t often enjoy art. In particular, the art where the artists are creating some kind of layered metaphor like a blank canvas with a cryptic title or something. The artist might be trying to communicate that consumerism will never fill our need for social contact or whatever but the message is lost on me.

The same thing applies here for most people I think. However, for once I actually see a meaning in it. I get horrified by the act, then I read later how little actual damage is done. Then I reflect on it and realize there is no way the protestors didn’t know that the Mona Lisa was protected by glass. There is no way they accidentally used the least harmful bright paint they could find on Stonehenge… and it occurs to me that I was so immediately upset at the perceived harm but have become desensitized to news of the actual harm of climate change.

I’m not stating that this message is obvious or that people are stupid if they are angry - I’m stating it gets lost and most people don’t get it. Yes, I’m a bit angry that the media often never mentions up front how little damage is done in any headlines I see. It’s usually “climate activists throw soup on Mona Lisa, arrested, condemned by bystanders and art lovers everywhere” not “activists harmlessly throw soup on painting protected by glass to demonstrate humanity’s questionable priorities”. Sure, the glass can be in the article somewhere but nobody bothers to read that far.

Regardless, I agree that the end result isn’t helping because most people don’t understand. I, however, sympathetic with the activists and felt compelled to explain the message as I saw it.

What is most interesting to me is that the “powers that be” have so much influence over the news that I feel like harmless acts of protests have lost their power and are demonized by default. Climate change, income inequality, police abuse, Gaza… I’m honestly concerned that people with very legitimate concerns (at least, in my mind) will have to further escalate their actions in order to feel heard. This is just the beginning I think.

“I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard.” MLK


It’s not “tries to assassinate” it’s “tries to have assassinated”. Something tells me Trump couldn’t assassinate a stuff deer.


The Palestinians are already on the verge of famine.…/index.html

Northern Gaza is experiencing a “full-blown famine” which is rapidly spreading across the strip…the World Food Programme warned

Gaza is not that big. The situation is already horrific and it’s about to get so much worse.


While I agree with your sentiment, I do feel like it is a step in the right direction and will help a great many people in poverty.

Going straight from one economic system to another is likely to be an extremely violent process. I’m hoping that this would act as a stepping stone towards socialism rather than a life preserver for capitalism.


This is a ridiculous argument and, honestly, reminds me of corporate thinking. Is the line going up this quarter? That’s all that matters. Yes, assuming inflation is CPI, the last year has seen wage growth. For two years before that, it showed an even more severe wage decline. It seems a bit out of touch to say “Hey, look, I know your savings are dry and your spouse dropped out of the work force because childcare costs outpaced their income but it’s starting to get better! If we use this particular method to examine your well-being the last year was back to normal so quit whing and be grateful!”

The first article linked is alleged to demonstrate that wages have exceeded inflation for over a year. That article includes text like this after this graph:

if we look at the fourth quarter of 2019, which was the last quarter before COVID, the real wage is $362. Now nearly four years later, it sits only $3 higher at $365. Four years of zero wage growth is also something that could perhaps bother people.

So instead they looked at a longitudinal study from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, which assumes CPI is the rate of inflation. They ended up with this CPI adjusted wage growth graph.. Even with their metric it shows wage growth being in the red from early 2021 and not recovering until 2023.


There is literally a video of Trump bragging to random Jews in Mar a Lago that he got them more Palestinian land during his presidency. Trump’s only criticisms have been delusions that “October 7th wouldn’t have happened because Hamas wouldn’t dare piss me off” and telling Israelis “You guys have to fix the optics of what you’re doing because you are losing public support.” He doesn’t give a fuck about the genocide - he just wants it done more quietly so fewer people notice and get upset.


There is a difference.

…but I expect you couldn’t care less and just want to dissuade people from voting for Biden so Trump can lead the US into Fascism.


in a fair and free world you will have different opinions and both sides need to be respected

This is true when it comes to matters of reasonable opinion. The problem is that opinions are not facts. You cannot tell me that the sky is green and that I need to respect your opinion or the world is not free. In truth, the world can be endangered by your incorrect understanding of reality.

Joe Biden literally leveraged aid money as per US and European policy to have an ineffective guy fired. Do you think the Obama administration and the IMF and many European nations were all pressuring Ukraine to protect Biden’s son?

Mike Carpenter, who served as a foreign policy adviser to the then-vice president, told USA TODAY that Shokin “never went after any corrupt individuals at all” and “never prosecuted any high-profile cases of corruption.”


As a result, Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid as “a stick to move Ukraine forward,” Kupchan said. “He was acting alongside our European allies. Everybody was of a single mind that this prosecutor was not the right guy for the job.”…/5991434002/


Your clip is Biden saying he did exactly what I said he did and exactly what my source says he did. The US administration, Europe, and the IMF was displeased that the prosecutor wasn’t going after corruption and wanted him fired. The United States, via their chosen representative Joe Biden, threatened to withhold aid if they didn’t fire the guy and find someone who would do the job.

You are saying Biden did something for reasons that were not in the interest of the US and it’s allies in order to benefit himself and his family. I’m saying he did that same exact thing because it was, in reality, the US and it’s allies’ literal goal. Biden saying he did that thing does not support your false statement regarding why he did it.

It’s clear you aren’t reading any sources being shown to you. It’s clear you aren’t even reading the quotes from my sources that I included in my response to save you the trouble. It’s clear you aren’t addressing any other points raised in my response.

It’s clear you are not engaging in discourse. You are willfully spreading disinformation and think a link and insincere politeness makes you look like a reasonable actor. My response is here, not because I think you will respond with anything relevant but because I want the audience you want to misinform to understand what you are and what you are doing.

Please step outside and touch some grass. While you are at it, please tell whatever foreign power is paying you to spread this nonsense that you need to improve your script or flowchart or whatever.


This explains this one lady I often see dancing along the sidewalk on my commute home. She actually looks remarkably similar to this lady, just with grey/blond hair.

There is at least one person out there still keeping the art alive.

'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans (

Adding to the mountain of evidence that Israel is engaged in a genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, Al Jazeera on Thursday aired footage of what the news outlet reported was an Israeli drone targeting four Palestinians in Khan Younis last month....


We hear aid is provided, we hear aid is taken away from civilians by Hamas beating people, we hear people selling aid packages to others civilians. We hear all sorts of things.

Which of these potentially terrible things negates what has been done to the people of Gaza? The destruction of their infrastructure - housing, universities, hospitals. The killing of civilians. The living conditions. The starvation.

So there is some, but not nearly enough aid. So some bad actors are taking advantage of the unimaginably fucked up situation there. How does that change the fact that Israel is at best using collective punishment (a war crime) and at worst committing genocide?

‘It is simple. You name the crime’: AOC has contentious exchange with Biden probe witness (

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked former Biden family associate Tony Bobulinski about what crimes he alleges he witnessed President Biden commit during a House Oversight Committee hearing. CNN’s Melanie Zanona breaks down the exchange.


But if they just keep posting trending videos they can fire more journalists. Writing more articles means they’d have to hire them and they are expensive.


While I agree with the sentiment… if you are referring to Nathan Wade, my understanding is that it was way more than “going on a date”.

More like fucking your boss (the DA, who assigned you this case) on the reg (behind your wife’s back), going on trips with your boss and being reimbursed by her for her expenses in cash, and perjuring yourself at your divorce hearing where you lied about when you started fucking your boss on the reg. There’s more that I’m sure I don’t remember. Lots of drama.

Admittedly not super relevant to the trump case but still enough of a shit show that looks bad and shouldn’t be happening. If he didn’t resign, I believe the entire office would have been kicked off the case since it’s under the DA/boss he’d been fucking. Now some other lawyer needs to take it over.


What are you doing to them?

Something most people don’t do. It’s like how Apple can often hold your hand so hard that you can’t leave their preferred path. Windows lets you think it will let you stray without a fight. In niche cases it doesn’t.


I expect that, like me, most of the upvoters see that as a joke/mockery of our stereotype… and no, obviously, we can’t help but make the joke.


Same for my “XFinity” (Comcast) service. Literally the only plan with more than 20 up is the most expensive tier with 1200/35. Sadly, it has been that way for several years… but this year they had no choice but to jack up all rates across the board so the most expensive tier is now $30 more expensive ($90 -> $120). No other competition so… that’s that.


I’m fairly positive that there are a lot more Democrats in Congress more than willing to destroy and water down any progressive bills. Manchin was just from a conservative enough area that he could safely be vocal about it. I am really curious to see who would be next once he’s gone and if the Democrats manage to get majorities again.


But do you condemn Hamas?®

Most people don’t support war crimes.

But, at the moment, it’s war crimes vs. bigger war crimes. The question is, is the perpetrator of war crimes willing to stop war crimes when it’s the only conceivable leverage to stop bigger war crimes? Big war crimes likely doesn’t give a fuuuuuck about the little war crimes though - they literally killed the hostages in several situations. They are just pitching a tent because it’s an excuse for them to do even bigger war crimes.


I see people cosplaying as Hamas as Palestine protests. Cosplaying as genocidal maniacs.

I can’t take you seriously.

First, Israel has committed war crimes against Palestinians for decades. When nobody plays by the rules there is no point in quoting the rules.

Very few people condone killing civilians or taking hostages. Most people support the liberation of the Palestinian people and peace.

Which is why it’s only the young and naive that support it.

Only the naive think that the situation is anywhere near as cut and dry as you seem to imply it is. And only the gullible think any fraction of the population worth mentioning are cosplaying as or celebrating the actions of Hamas.


Naive and gullible, like I said. Or, alternatively, just a disgusting person willfully attempting to spread disinformation.


Allegedly, British strikers in the 40’s, maybe earlier. The phrase itself is older.

Might have been used by any number of groups upset with police. It’s anti police.

Why are you trying to associate it with racist skinheads?

Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder (

A statement from a Google employee, Dov Zimring, has been released as a part of the FTC vs Microsoft court case (via 9to5Google). Only minorly redacted, the statement gives us a run down of Google's position leading up to Stadia's closure and why, ultimately, Stadia was in a death spiral long before its actual demise....


After committing to several Google services only to have them shut down I wasn’t willing to risk it again.

Did they refund the subscription fee? If I knew they’d refund it all, I might not have cancelled my pro preorder.

I was willing to potentially be let down again but once I heard you had to buy almost all your own games (again, if you already own them) to play them on the service I cancelled. I was aware that they’d give you Destiny (a game I have zero interest in, especially with a controller) for free. I didn’t seem worth sinking money into the service.


It was not advertised as a game-pass like catalog when I was cancelling my preorder. I literally cancelled because it wasn’t that. It was Destiny and 4k 60Hz with TBD games coming in later months.

I only had a gaming computer and a Shield TV so Stadia would have been pointless for me unless it was in the living room with a controller and some interesting games.

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