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Helldivers 2’s Politics Appear To Be Flying Over The Heads Of Some (www.forbes.com)

There is currently a very funny, kind of sad dust-up over Helldivers 2, in which self-proclaimed “anti-woke” gamers have previously heralded it as a rare game where they believe “politics” does not play a factor. Their faith was been shaken by an Arrowhead community manager they believed they found to be (gasp)...


I wouldn't play this game because of my very "woke" anti gun and anti-war sentiments. I think whenever I see a game ad with someone holding a gun, what a sad thing that the video game industry has evolved into - everyone has to use a gun to solve their problems or get "points" in life. Pretty disturbing when you see how young males are groomed to be gun lovers. And really, it's the worst possible sort of image to be feeding them.


Oooohkaay this is all about as slimy and gross as human communications can get.


Actually he's an octopus so he's always been a lot more of a hands-on person.


With the same reasoning it's never logical to assume that things we can't always identify or put a label on are strange or foreign or from other planets.

The most logical, and most mentally healthy mind, would first try to explore the most plausible explanations and first assume there is no miraculous visitation involved.

If a mountain springs up in the middle of the Pacific and a comic sans message pops up saying LDS is the true religion," I can guarantee it's because the multi-billion dollar corporation called the LDS Church has put money into a new kind of marketing campaign.

And if you're stupid enough to give that corporation 10 percent of your income, maybe you're too stupid to be trying to solve UFO mysteries in the first place.


Ugh not me. I've been through the SLC temple and it's one horrifyingly bland white cold interior throughout. If that's what mormons see as their 'destiny' in the afterlife, I'm kinda glad I'll be roasting in hell instead. To me that kind of austerity doesn't smack of godliness, it smacks of sterility and coldhearted lifelessness.


Well I'm sure it wasn't Israel's fault, he probably got in the way of their bullets. Of course killing humans at Easter is what the Jewish state is best at, so we should shove our easter eggs up our butt and thank jesus for this wonderful world of bloodshed and murder that israel helps make happen.


All of us are in the pre-world War III era and we're gearing up quickly for it. In many ways it's already underway, and we're just now starting to get ready go make it even more massive and global.

Welcome to the 21st century where men have evolved into nothing more than war mongering utter pieces of filthy shit. This is what will be all our legacy, a world scorched into oblivion and not a trace of humanity anywhere left on the planet. Perhaps that's for the best, really.


I've never understood exactly what makes the male sex supposedly so superior. From what I've seen they are decidedly mediocre as a sex, very egotistical, gun loving, hate-filled, quick to anger, slow witted and quite dirty minded, with brains that make war and other filth. Extraordinarily gutter-type people.

A Filipino villager is nailed to a cross for the 35th time on Good Friday to pray for world peace (apnews.com)

A Filipino villager has been nailed to a wooden cross for the 35th time to reenact Jesus Christ’s suffering in a brutal Good Friday tradition he said he would devote to pray for peace in Ukraine, Gaza and the disputed South China Sea....


What a sick idea that we should celebrate a human being nailed to a cross, yuck. Another example of how religious beliefs are grotesque in the extreme and I'd rather believe in humanity instead of some supernatural shit like this.

There was no such person as Jesus and there never has been and there never as any such thing as "god" either. Stop being ignorant blind fools, people. Leave your shackles of religious nut-jobbery behind, go out and enjoy life and have some fun. Turn this "good Friday" into a GREAT Friday.


Well it's sort of like Mohammed - I'm sure that a person with that name DID exist around that time at some point. And maybe they were a teacher and a self-proclaimed "speaker for god." But so was Charles Manson and David Koresh and Jim Jones and Joseph Smith and many other horrible cult leaders.

There never has been any "god" in the way we mean it, so there could never actually be such a thing as the son of God, nor any need for one. If we were smart as a species, we'd see why it's more important to support human beings than go around believing in religious nut jobbery.


All of our countries should be imposing bans on ANTYHING being imported from Israel ever again, and from anything they produce being brought overseas. Israel is a cesspool of murderous hate, and we cannot and should not support hem in any way, in any form, at any time.


Just because no one holds you accountable for doing it, how can you justify being sick and evil enough to want to flog or stone somebody. What is going on with these middle eastern assholes?? Is it something in the water they drink or the food they eat that turns these bigoted males into such flagrantly mentally abberant pieces of utter walking dog shit??

Well, my advice is, if you're a middle-eastern woman, arm yourself any way you can and strike first. Throw the first stone, you might just crush the worthless skull of one of these misogynistic women-hating anti-human pieces of maggot infested filth, and do the world an immense favor.


No I'm not saying the West is much better, but at least here we treat women with the same dignity as men. We spit on all of them, but at least we TRY to say we treat men and women equally.

No the situation is not much better anywhere in the world.


I expect that kind of reply from a woman-hating and self-hating person like you. So, I don't really value your opinion very much.

Settler leader calls for military action in West Bank 'with the same force as we're using in Gaza' (www.timesofisrael.com)

“The Palestinian Authority is waging a war against us, and only action with the same force as we’re applying in Gaza will eliminate all threats throughout the West Bank,” he says in a statement cited by Hebrew media.


Settler leader should be stoned and beheaded for licking Nazi buttholes and savoring the taste. Israel has become worse than Nazi germany at its most utterly grotesque.


I dunno though - I think eating the Saltines themselves would be tastier than eating the sleeves, if only marginally.


I think I'm scared enough to go hide now myself. I'm not sure I want to know what the "pinky gourd' Thing is all about. But I'm a-scared.

Don't hug me.


You're only as tall as your total height, you know. Enjoy your own favorites and don't waste much time not enjoying your non-favorites.


Yick who wants to climb up a mountain packed with shit. Why do people want to climb Everest anyway? It's such a stupid thing to do. I can think of five million things I'd rather do than climb a frozen tundra of rock and human poop.




Wait I think I see two micro dots on that guys chest. Are they suggesting that men have nipples and engage in frantic hyena sex with monkeys here?? I'm appalled and offended by this image. I think this is child pornography. This is going to warp the minds of our kids. How can we ban this image from all future posts. I think this image is promoting pedophilia and naked aardvarking.


Hmmm. I WASN'T attracted to plates until I saw this post. I wonder what would happen if I touched it with my penis.

Waiter: Sir please don't do that in here, this is Chucky Cheese.

Me: Then why aren't there signs saying not to do it.


"Pan" sexual!! GAWRF HAR HAR HAR HARRRRFFFF!!! It's funny because it's true.


I'm the person who, when they say the plate is hot, I always have to grab it to find out for myself. I don't think my chances for immortality are too good.


Lobsterkey. Deliciously offputting and brillianty difficult to eat.


AI could be a creative tool for good, in the right hands; unfortunately, most people will use it to produce crap and to spread sick disinformation that, in many cases, will be libelous if not downright corrupt. The art of persuasion should have guardrails because, essentially, most people are pimps who stink excuses.


Non-distressed calm jeans, I think I need 450 pairs. They'd go well with my calming stress reducing straight jacket.

And my little smiley face lapel button that says "I really wish I weren't here right now."


So why, ya see - why when we visited china, did they sing "Take me home, country roads" on the little boat down the Yangtze river? Our tour guide started singing and everyone joined in, and we're going down this little river into the deep jungle on both sides and I'm not even sure they knew what the words meant.

Why that particular song? I have no idea. It was kind of surreal. And there were no toads involved but I did see some weird looking insects.


In Utah they're so frightened of social media that they have made it almost impossible for any social media companies to thrive here. Tik Tok is now in their crosshairs because it's the fashionable GOP target, but previously it was facebook and the internet in general. Now they've passed laws to restrict internet usage for anyone under 21 - on the off chance some kid might see a cartoon of a bare butt or something, and their head might explode.


What about the content generators who earn their living from Tik Tok? Banning it is not the solution to fixing the problems with it.


Me: Excuse me waiter, do you have crab legs? Waiter: Sir my legs are as normal as yours. Ta duh, DUM.


What about the Grinch? It's interesting how, in the original animated special, he was creepy and gross looking, but over time he's become this silly, wide eyed and cute little green feller.


Hey, I ordered one o' those! And it cost me $85 online!! I figured when else will i get a deal on a metal popcorn bucket with a fleshlight attachment?

But the bucket is metal so, you'll need your light saber to make a hole for your dick in the bottom of it.


Said no one ever: Oh JEEZ WE'RE OUTTA LUTEFISK!!

Said most probably everyone ever: YAY WE'RE FINALLY OUTTA FUCKIN' LUTEFISK!!!


Well I sure am glad I lived to see this day. Finally! I can cross off my bucket list, "see man eat spongebob stickers in alleyway." I can die in peace now.


Phhhb, what a loser. Anyone who can't eat more than 70 spongebob stickers in an alleyway, will NEVER get ahead in this economy!

And anyone who DOES eat spongebob stickers likely won't be going to the head anytime soon after their butthole gets plugged up. But hey that's a sacrifice we should be willing to make to keep the spongebob products a-rollin.


They are pretty cool creatures. Imagine if you were from some other planet, came here and saw an octopus for the first time (assuming you didn't have such things on your own planet). You'd not know if they were truly the intelligent rulers of the planet or not, but they sure would look very alien and scary.

At any rate, I've always wanted a pet squid. Though apparently I'd have to turn most of my living room in a giant aquarium with water recirculators.


Well of course, he or she would have to have a full time job and pay for their room and board, I'm not running a charity here.

I can see it now. "Whatever happened to that guy in the apartment up there who had the pet squid? Nobody's seen him in 15 weeks and something big is sloshing around in the dark up there."


Some of us living now in states downwind from where they constantly did nuclear bomb testing in the 50s thru the 90s. We are what the government refers to as "expendable for the sake of research."


I think most of that is true, (born in 1959 myself), but I'm not remembering them being such happy days. Maybe less well informed days would be a better way to put it; before we had instant news of every bad thing happening, we lived in a kind of blissful ignorance.

Everyone on earth is racist, make no mistake. It's hardwired into our brains to see other certain groups of people as lesser or less deserving. Maybe it's a holdover from primitive times, we're not that far out from having been cave-people, maybe being tribal was a way of protecting ourselves. At any rate, everyone has some racism and/or phobia about others inside themselves.


A stupid thing is dismissing new information without considering it because of your own prejudices, you've just proven what I was saying, everyone has racism or phobia (and you certainly do).


It is actually part of the survival mechanism of us recognizing that we might be endangered by something unfamiliar to us. We DO have racist tendencies, all of us - including the tendency to call people "stupid" just for bringing up the idea of something new or challenging.

We like to think we're all above that, but in truth we're still very primitive in many ways.


Do you have documentation proving (beyond doubt) that racism is only a learned behavior? As an anthropology student I read so many textbooks that state otherwise, and I agree with their conclusions that racism is inherent in the "reptilian" human mind. If you don't know what that is, you need to do more reading.


And I wonder if you just can't accept any other point of view, because it challenges you and threatens you in some way.


He might win, and it's a sickening possibility, because it would signal that the democracy that once was America is now dead and beyond salvation. It caused me a lot of nightmares also, but knowing how it will hurt the very people who elected him is some measure of smug satisfaction. Watching americans turn their backs on ethics and morals and intelligence though - that's the worst part in every way.


It doesn't say I can't touch it with my whole body, if that's what they intended they should have printed it on there, then that would pretty much guarantee I'd do it anyway.


Or they could be tiny spiders! EEEEEEEK!!!

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