@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar



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@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Edit: the linux-company thing is just for triggering people, sorry I didn’t know it was this effective.

So you’re a dick. Got it.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

He literally admitted to posting to trigger people. I’m stating fact that by doing so he’s being a dick. The motives of the person matters and he came in here with the purpose of pissing people off.

Clearly it worked for some.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I couldn’t care less about the original post, but I will also call people out in the hopes that they stop being a dick to others. Anyone who enjoys seeing people get agitated needs to have their head examined.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

The first step in fixing your problem is admitting you have one. Good job!

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

while making such weak arguments



@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

You asked for an example, he gave you one. Then you try to discredit it with a red herring illogical argument.

You should take your temporary ban and reflect on what is truly important in your life. Because you clearly need some help.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

You’re on beehaw, and are spouting that Trump/FOX-level inferiority complex bullshit?

Either you’re trolling and/or joking…or you can rightly fuck off.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Yep, he’s not anywhere near the visionary, the inventor, or the genius that he has made sure surrounds his persona in media.

He got handed money, invested it, and got lucky twice. A monkey could do that with a couple of levers.

I believed the hype as well, for quite some time. Then I listened to the bullshit he was saying and realized he’s just a copy of Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch — people who happen to have money and are able to fool millions of other people that they’re intelligent because they happen to have money.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I’m pretty sure many on the left know quite well that Trump and his followers are all pieces of shit.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

And if it’s written in C/C++ my trust is further reduced.

Do you trust Linux? Because if so, have I got news for you.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Jon “Maddog” Hall, instrumental in early Linux goings-on.


@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I’m going to buy an AMD video card this weekend solely so I don’t have to deal with the NVidia bullshit anymore. I’m eager to give hyperland a try.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Yes I know. I have read all about explicit sync. It’s going to take at least a few months to trickle into the various packages and distributions and we’re still trusting NVidia to give us a proper driver with it as well. And we’re assuming there’s nothing else that will cause yet more problems with Wayland/etc.

I’m at my wits end trying to be patient with them (on the order of years). I now understand why Linus flipped them off with a loud “F you”.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

And the moment a Republican administration is back, it’ll be gone again. This needs to be codified in law, not flip flopping every few years.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t disagree. And while I agree with the FCC continually trying to keep Net Neutrality alive, it’s a stopgap measure at best, one that will come and go until there is an elected Congress that isn’t full of greedy, sycophantic, whiny, spineless pieces of shit.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Well here’s a few off the top of my head…

  1. Interstate commerce is governed by the federal government. The internet is a bastion of interstate commerce.
  2. Schools now require the internet for kids. ISPs being allowed to be anything more than a dumb pipe means they have the control of what information is sent across their network.
  3. The internet is now a basic human right in the United States for numerous reasons, one of which is #2. Basic human rights have notoriously been mishandled by the states. See: slavery, indentured servitude, civil rights, voting rights, air and water treatment, etc.
  4. ISPs cross state boundaries and should be governed by interstate law.

An ISP being a business, especially a publicly-traded one, will sacrifice all manner of consumer/user-protection in order to maximize profit. And having the states govern against that will lead to a smattering of laws where it becomes muddy on what can actually be enforced, and where.

Net Neutrality, as a general concept, must be codified into federal law in order to help protect the common good and interest of such a basic utility – and yes, the internet is a utility despite in some places, very few in fact, where competition is available.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Clearly you are smarter than I. Enjoy.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I was there in darker times, with a modem that had no Linux driver, so no connection at all, learning from printouts from the library.

I may have PTSD from it.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

You are not wrong about Adobe. That is one of the main reasons I see given by many tech-minded people still running Windows or macOS.

Gaming is so very close to having no barrier to entry. With Steam (and Proton), Heroic, and others like them, the ecosystem and ease of discover -> install -> run have made it at least as simple as on Windows.

I know the NVidia woes will soon be a thing of the past (see all the work concerning explicit sync), but I would still recommend using an AMD video card to anyone getting a computer to specifically run Linux. I’m at my wits end dealing with my NVidia card and I’m about to shell out the cash for an AMD so I can run Hyprland and all the things without any graphical glitches (ideally).

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

GitHub isn’t what kernel developers use as the source tree, they use kernel.org. If you see any kernel development through GitHub, you’re just looking at a mirror.

I’ve not watched the video yet so I’m unsure of what point the video is trying to make (it looks click-bait-y to me).

What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?

I’m working on a some materials for a class wherein I’ll be teaching some young, wide-eyed Windows nerds about Linux and we’re including a section we’re calling “foot guns”. Basically it’s ways you might shoot yourself in the foot while meddling with your newfound Linux powers....

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Renamed a drive mount folder, while it was mounted. Back in 1999 with big box Redhat 5.1, it said “okay!” And I lost all data on that drive. I was just learning Linux at the time, without an internet connection since the PCI winmodem I had didn’t work in Linux.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

In much of what he said, he’s not wrong.

I feel that until the republic is actively dying (successful coup, turning military against own citizens, etc), Americans will sit idly by and armchair-criticize what they perceive as “the other side.”

And while the media is certainly at fault for so very much, along with money in politics (Citizens United decision, lobbying, etc), fundamentally the blame really rests on us American citizens for becoming, on the whole, so uneducated, so apathetic, and so accepting of the us vs. them mentality that it will require some kind of revolution to shake things up.

My only hope is that I’m either dead before that happens, or that it’s not the Trump fascists (or any fascists) who succeed in the revolution they have already attempted once.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I kinda feel like we said the same thing, just differently worded, except that it is my opinion that people are capable of advancing their own education once they reach the age of reason, assuming they have no disability that would interfere. People can critically think, and learn how to. They choose not to at some point. They choose the easier path of parroting what they hear on television and let others do the thinking for them.

This is why I feel me and my fellow American citizens are very much to blame for allowing this nonsense.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

hugs his Switch and the many physical Switch games he owns

also hugs his Steam Deck

The two aren’t mutually exclusive nor does one random opinion on the internet a fact make.

OP asked for what specific games to get, not some anti-Nintendo rant.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

It’s a good point. I would say I don’t use them often enough to justify owning them, but I use them just enough to be okay with it. I go in spurts. I get on a Mario Maker kick and play a ton on the switch, and then I get on an emulation kick and load up a lot of retro stuff on the steam deck. But I have gone weeks or more without touching either.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

What I find hilarious is that these are just minor hiccups. The emulation scene has existed for a long time and will continue to exist for a long time. None of these recent measures will do anything to stop it as long as the emulator devs aren’t trying to make money off Nintendo IP.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Pretty sure they’re referring to “poof” which is a derogatory term for a gay man in British vernacular. In any case, the context in which it was used clearly wasn’t intended as the derogatory term, rather to mean “suddenly”.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

No, I don’t think I will, nor does it make any sense to suggest such a nuclear option. Like the person you replied to, I’ll wait until it shows up in Manjaro stable repos.

I tried Plasma 6, after its release, on Wayland with my nvidia card and many things were still broken.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

The article in no way describes any actions taken by Valve that leads me to believe there is any impending enshittification. They simply have made decisions, a lot of which they have stuck with for many years.

Enshittification has to do with bait and switch, effectively. It’s luring customers into a false sense of loyalty and then abusing that to their financial gain (see: Reddit and Spez from 2023).

The article basically says “there are some decisions by Valve I like, and some I don’t.” That in no way provides any path toward some bomb going off. Perhaps time will prove the author right, of course, because any company can easily decide to screw over their customers, but the article is click-bait and completely speculative as to what may happen.

And due to all of the above, I think the bomb is about to go off where elephants will fly out of my refrigerator and steal my soda.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

So the author both wants notifications and doesn’t want notifications.

Got it.

Sure sounds like a problem of their own making. And I find iOS’s notification taming rather simple to use. So I use it, and amazingly I have less notifications because of it!

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I find there is no shortage of delusional nerds who like to think they’re better than everyone else. Even here on Lemmy.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I’ve been a Linux user since 1999. It was considerably worse back then because not having just the right hardware meant, for example, wasting hours just trying to get ppp to work (note to my past self…ISA hardware modem is the way to go).

Linux kernel and distros have come a very long way. People using it today take so much for granted, which is actually a very good thing. But it still has its quirks and it’s partly why I still, to this day, run Windows as well (and I use a Mac for work). While gaming in Linux has made enormous strides the past number of years since Valve ramped it up with Proton in Steam, it’s not perfect…not yet.

It all boils down to how much continued patience you have for it, and how useful Linux is to you compared to Windows, etc. There is nothing wrong with wiping and reinstalling Windows. There is nothing wrong with dual booting or keeping Linux as the sole OS.

Do what makes you happiest and gets the job done.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

While that is a thing, I agree, the issues on Linux for gaming, for me, is more around how much has to be tweaked to get the framerates to work out well, or which GloriousEggroll build to use, etc.

For gaming on Linux to truly usurp Windows, it has to be as easy as click, setup, and run with no quirks or weirdness for a game or across a swath of games. It really isn’t there yet. I am glad of the great strides that have been made, though.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Take comfort that it won’t be long before we’re seeing the final headline notating his death. And I can’t wait until the day after that.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Yes, this is what happens when you take a big shit in people’s cereal. They tend to leave. I, too, could be an analyst.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

He already looks like a piece of shit loser. It also happens that he actually is a piece of shit loser: Report.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Like everything else concerning that moron Musk, I won’t be wasting my time.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I sure hope not. I cannot wait for the day Reddit is crumbling in its own ashes with piece-of-shit Huffman burning in the center.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Until one of the RAM sticks went bad, my parents, who are in their 60s ran Ubuntu Linux for years without an issue. I set it up in 2016, as a dual boot with Windows. They almost never booted into Windows, and told me they preferred Linux.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Yes, 16.04 LTS. And they updated as I helped them update, but never went beyond some patch level of 16.04. The point here is that they ran for many years with complete stability, no viruses or malware, and preferred it.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

(To preface, when I say “Linux”, I’m referring to the effectively established colloquialism that “Linux” means kernel + utilities + distribution = operating system)

Right. In fact, at home, I run all three operating systems. To me, it’s using the right tool for the job. Windows is a great OS for gaming (though Valve is working to make it as viable on Linux, it’s still not…quite…there, but close). Mac is great for UX, media work, and as a work PC (software development or otherwise). Linux is great for tinkering, software development, and running services.

The “issues” that the OP even refers to are usually not so much real issues, but rather a person simply trying to learn. And that’s what is great about Linux for someone who doesn’t yet know it – there’s a LOT to learn. I’ve been using Linux since 1999 (big box Redhat 5.1!) and I still often learn something new about it.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Oh I get it, you need a cipher. But I’ll just take a guess.





Yeah that’s it. SACR unencrypted is NAZI.

In layman’s terms — fucking pieces of shit.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I’ve run into a number of toxic asses on Lemmy, but I chalk it up to Reddit bleedover. I sincerely hope they all stay on the sinking Reddit ship, but inevitably the Fediverse will be inundated with them.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Completely agree. I miss Reddit from 2007.

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

It seems one of those life goals are to drive 15 miles per hour lower than the speed limit in the passing lane, and not passing anyone. Every single time I take to the road.

What is your unbiased opinion on Manjaro?

I am a Linux noobie and have only used Mint for around six months now. While I have definitely learned a lot, I don’t have the time to always be doing crazy power user stuff and just want something that works out of the box. While I love Mint, I want to try out other decently easy to use distros as well, specifically not based...

@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

It does! But I recently gave Bazzite a try…yeah I’m not ready for this so-called atomic distro (it’s based on Fedora). I’m now, for the moment, settled on Garuda Linux (based on Arch). I’m liking it thus far, but if anything goes awry, I may head back to Manjaro. Garuda is much closer to Arch prime (running 6.8.9 linux-zen kernel where Manjaro is on 6.6.x still). And the chaotic-aur is actually kinda nice. Time will tell if I stick with it!

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