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I haven’t done any work for the military but i can say that all the legacy systems I’ve worked on were because the specific software they need was written only for Windows 98 and the developer or company that created it is long gone. Keeping it going is a chore but switching to literally anything else is out of the question.

I could see for military applications that having the known quantity of a working piece of software that isn’t changing anymore and can be swapped as an entire unit is an advantage, especially if it doesn’t touch the internet in any capacity. But eventually you run out of people who know what to do if any changes need to be made.

Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?

I have tried Linux as a DD on and off for years but about a year ago I decided to commit to it no matter the cost. First with Mint, then Ubuntu and a few others sprinkled in briefly. Both are “mainstream” “beginner friendly” distros, right? I don’t want anything too advanced, right?...


There are several things like that in Fedora, which is already a good reason not to recommend it to first timers. They most likely won’t know or care about nonfree codecs, they will just see a broken machine. Linux Mint understands that as a use case and has a “magic make it work” checkbox during install.

That all being said, I run Nobara and love it, but i wouldn’t recommend it for new people.


This is the concept of an episode of Nathan For You. Well, its a part of an episode about making real a fake story so he doesn’t get “A Million Little Pieces”-ed. Its a great show.


Jellico did nothing wrong. His great great great great grandfather in Detroit however…


Ill bet Toilet Truck and Baby Duff will be there in no time.


God i wish. And most everyone here could install a new operating system in about 20 minutes. But nobody else is going to because the learning curve for a regular user to install an os is basically perpendicular. Even if they had a linux installer already on a flash drive.

Oh just boot into the bios and find the option to boot for a flash drive and then boom installed.

Which requires a user to know, What a bios is

What booting means

What boot options mean

What the model of their flash drive is

What button on their keyboard they need to press to get to the bios

What secure boot is

Where they need to go to turn off secure boot

How and where to back up their important files

What a disk partition is

How to reverse the changes made to the bios so that it doesn’t boot to usb by default.

And that’s assuming they know why they want a different OS, why they care and that they know about Linux in the first place.

Most people dont and never will. All you can do is install Linux for the ones you like the most and say a prayer to your favorite deity for the rest.


Mostly just so they know which boot device to pick.

Admittedly that’s probably not necessary or the least of someone’s issues.


Absolutely. If Linux was pre installed that’s what people would use. Its the switching to Linux from something else that proves so complicated.


Definitely. I can genuinely say that the autotiling in PopOS completely changed my workflow for the better.


This is definitely the case. And by the time someone is willing to experiment with their PC its so old that the experience with Linux is hampered by the older hardware.


Fedora does btrfs snapshots on boot also, which is such a great feature that I’m surprised Microsoft hasn’t copied it for Windows.


Linux pre installed is the only way for most people to use it I’m afraid.


That would lower the barrier to entry significantly. It doesn’t address the issues with the bios but someone mildly adventurous would have a much easier time going forward.

I think something like that would have to be sponsored by and maintained by a big distro though. I’m afraid if it was a community effort the amount of bikeshedding would stop it before it even began.


They would most likely still have to disable secure boot.

Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post (startrek.website)

I don’t know whether it’s a popular opinion or not, but I think Dr. Pulaski was a great character and I found her much more interesting than Dr. Crusher. I don’t know if it was down to the writing or the performance but Pulaski is one of the best parts of season 2 and I would have been happy to see her character continue....


I agree. And its a real shame. I also remember seeing Pulaski sitting in the chair next to Picard relatively often where I think of Crusher being in the medical bay far more. That could just be my own memory though.


I think that’s something that gets forgotten. Season 2 gets skipped through a lot during rewatches I know. All anyone remembers is her being racist to data.

She starts out mean to Data but she comes around by the end of the season. She is also a former lover of Kyle Riker, which could have made for a much more interesting dynamic for and with Riker if it had continued.


This video sums up my feelings exactly. Thanks for the recommendation. They are a lot more articulate than I was.


That was my main take-away. You’re the CEO of the company. If someone writes a mean blog post about your business so what? Fix the issues with the product if they are legitimate things that need fixing. Otherwise leave people alone. If something constitutes libel then sue. Otherwise it’s just someones opinion which they are entitled to.

No I have a bad opinion about him as well (please don’t reach out to me either).


I think they mean Seth Grahme-Smith, author of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.

So I’m down. Please not too many pew pew space battles. You can include Abe Lincoln if appropriate. That is precedented and canonical for Star Trek.


I’ve got 110-130 dollars that says people will buy it anyway and the publisher will make a fortune.


Only 1000 times? It’s interesting that there’s such a bias there but it’s a computer. Ask it 100,000 times and make sure it’s not a fluke.


Sometimes that even happens to me. And the reverse happens to me with Star Trek V. I remember it being better than it actually is.


Cool. But no it doesn’t. Ive heard enough from him that I can imagine it just fine.


There’s a new proof of concept malware that when an AI processes it causes arbitrary code execution and spreads itself to everyone on the victims email list.

This requires no input from the user

Yes please put more of this crap into every crevice of the OS.


This seems like it might be a perfect use case for Tailscale. The open source version of the control plane is called Headscale but you’d have to host it in a vps somewhere if you wanted to use it.


What do you mean? Its easy!

Teams White and Purple=hotmail

Teams Purple and White=365 for business

Teams Lavender (new)=Electron App

Teams Mauve (with Knuckles)=Teams except you are talking exclusively to Copilot AI

Teams Royal Purple (360 Edition)= Used by the Kansas City Royals baseball team

Teams Sky-Blue and White (Me)=Skype for Business

Teams Periwinkle= Codename for Slack


Only some of it is sadly.


Failing to properly evacuate the city during a Tsunami because its easier just to clean up afterwards (Cities Skylines).


Hey at least you won’t have to sign in anymore just to get automatic driver update checking.


This is pretty much my setup anyway. I run Pop Shell on top of Fedora and add dash to dock.

I’m just absolutely hooked on the autotiling built into pop shell.

If its an official spin all the better.


I can’t wait. As long as they keep the autotiling feature working as well as it does now I’m down.


According to Wikipedia.

Tuomey assumed a central role in the ensuing investigations, and, with fellow Aldermen E. Harrison Reed and William Tucker, shielded the dairies and turned the hearings into one-sided exercises designed to make dairy critics and established health authorities look ridiculous, even going to the extent of arguing that swill milk was actually as good or better for children than regular milk.

Ah war politics, politics never changes.


Wow! Spoilers much?! I can’t believe they spoiled the “Beer Ending” in the trailer…

I will say though that even though I know it will just be a text adventure, I kid of want to play it now.


Y’all know that Ready Player One was a DYS-topia right guys?


Analogue is doing the lord’s work. Software is easy to copy infinite times but hardware isn’t prevalent or going to last forever.

I hope someday things like this will end up at a more commodity price


It will be interesting to see what sort of branding changes come from this. Will the WD Red blue and black names remain for the consumer parts? Will they change back to SanDisk? Will they go to something completely new like Toshiba did with Kioxia? Will their portable SSDs still break immediately after they get halfway full? Only time will tell.


The game as-shipped clearly has some technical issues, but it has at least been upfront about them and what it’s doing to improve the situation: given its long-term support for Cities: Skylines, which released in 2015, you’d expect it will eventually get to the root of this.

Or, hear me out cause this is a wild idea. Finish a game before you ship it?


I was listening to the Security Now podcast a couple of months ago and Steve Gibson spent a fair amount of time talking about the challenges arising from trying to communicate with a spacecraft from that far away. Random but fips can happen from all the crazy space radiation along the way or it can just be written to memory incorrectly because of said space radiation and you’re not going to replace the hard drive on a 1977 space computer that far away from Earth.

Last time they had an issue with data corruption the communication antenna ended up pointed the wrong way and they had to “shout” the command and hope that the probe would “hear” it so that they could get the antenna pointed back the right direction.

Hard to imagine that those 2 have been out exploring space for 46 years.


As someone with literally thousands of hours in RCT 1 2 and 3 combined this looks genuinely awful to me.

OpenRCT2 (RCT2 Mod) has better animations and most likely more quality of life features. Really RCT1 looks better and smoother than this and it did so on a pentium 4 CPU in 2003.

I don’t understand how a 24 year old game is making this new one look so awful. To be fair, Chris Sawyer captured lightning in a bottle for the first game, but come on! You’re telling me a huge studio with millions of dollars and tops of personnel can’t do better than this?



I’ve always liked the idea of running a set of parks like 6 flags or something. Parks your friends can visit and ride the rides like RCT3. Amazing. Heck even proper multiplayer could be fun on a game like this. Yet another feature or OpenRCT2. Especially when Parkitect and Planet Coaster exist, why even bother if you aren’t at least going to try?

Current PC is too bad for Cities Skylines 2. Can anyone judge the PCPartPicker list I've put together?

This is based off the “Great tier” AMD build, but I’m waffling a bit on the price. I don’t really know a whole lot about PC specs, but I read this is supposed to be a good long-lasting build based on the DDR5 and something newer in the CPU or Video card. That being said, I’ve only really ever build mid-tier and while I...


I can personally guarantee you how nice ultrawide is and beats 2 small monitors every day. I have had one for 6 years and can’t go back. Windows makes it easy to snap left and right.

I use a program called PowerToys FancyZones to divide my ultrawide monitor into 3 equal sections that I can snap to as well. I suggest checking that one out no matter what you end up going with

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