@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar



Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at !taylorswift )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I watched the first on a plane, and even then I felt like it was a waste of time.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Premier was in 2018, so they don’t get to pull that card

Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative

I first joined Lemmy back during the big Reddit exodus of last year. I like many others wanted an alternative to Reddit, and I thought that this might’ve been the one. I made two accounts, one on lemmy.world and another on sh.itjust.works, in the June of last year that I used on and off for about 4 months....

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Then getting mad when we call them out on their trolling

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Right? Failed by who’s standards? For me, I’m pretty goddang happy here. I get enough content, I don’t feel constantly anxious or angry, the people are generally pretty nice. Is OP deciding it failed? Or are others?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Lol dude got the exact things wrong about Lemmy - clear they haven’t spent much time here. Fediverse is NOT privacy focused, in fact it’s the opposite. You blast your content out to everyone. The only privacy is your username, and that aint much. It’s user owned, that’s the saving grace, that corporate doesn’t own it. We sacrifice fake corporate privacy for open standards.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh so you’re saying all Reddit users literally eat babies?

/s. The vitriol on that site was just exhausting.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s great! Unfortunately for every one of them there’s 4x more who gladly would

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I can’t wait to see how Ubisoft will tank their brand more when they try to take this down

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Watch out, my Brit friends. The language here in the states takes hold subtly. If you post that to other sites you’ll get these (serious) reponses

  • Why were they in the street?
  • Where were the parents?
  • The driver can’t help it if they run in front of it

There is zero remorse or compassion from drivers - and it’s well known the larger the car the less compassion they have for a vehicle death. They see it as unavoidable that if a child is in the road that they are in an accident. They shouldn’t have been there. There’s nothing that could be done. The parents should have been there to stop it. This rhetoric is coming for your country too. After all, the car companies love these arguments.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

It’s all done by committee now, with marketers and lawyers in there cutting back anything that might remotely shy away the most tamest of movie goer.

Can’t have that plot! You might upset them! Can’t go that route, that’s untested, we don’t know how audiences might take it.

So we get these boring bland flat characters and storylines because there was zero risk taken in making the film. Nothing risked, nothing gained, movie industry. Then they wonder why no one cares about going to the movies anymore.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Hey here’s a game a lot of people are excited for, near unlimited potential for dlc, and you just have to do better than the only existing alternative.

Oh, it’s only going to be wildly profitable instead of insanely? Shut it down.

"Moderation tools are nonexistent on here. It also eats up storage like crazy [...] The software is downright frustrating to work with" - Can any other instance admins relate to this?

After a year online the free speech-focused instance ‘Burggit’ is shutting down. Among other motivations, the admins point to grievances with the Lemmy software as one of the main reasons for shutting down the instance. In a first post asking about migrating to Sharkey, one of the admins states:...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

(instance admin here, but for a small one) woof well, for me, I agree, but I wouldn’t use that wording.

Lemmy for sure isn’t a plug and play site. Setting it up took leaps and bounds, learning way more about nginx than I ever really cared to, and figuring out documentation that was very clearly out of date. Very little logging or error messaging exists to help with that problem.

Very little errors exist at all, it’s very much a “happy path” project. That’s why we get constant spinners everywhere, because when an HTTP error occurs there’s no actual error message. (Come on guys, just add it to your standard HTTP messages, if statusCode < 200 || >= 300 then show a toast message).

But yeah, the moderation tools have to be the worst. Lemmy has an amazing development group that’s separate from the main developers who have patched together a good set of tools, from automods to CSAM and illegal scanning, huge props to them - but these issues are routinely ignored by the main devs. I was shocked, honestly shocked that when we were under CSAM attacks that there was not an immediate roundtable of the head devs to try to solve the problem officially. Here was a problem that 99% of countries would immediately and gladly throw us, the instance admins, in jail over and they just handwaved it away. In fact, I don’t know that there was ever an official post about it, or even that there are things coming to help with it.

I love Lemmy and being here, and the devs have done a great job at building this platform for us, but we’re at a critical point right now. It’s no longer software that is just fun side projects and building stuff that looks cool, it has some real issues now that it has a real userbase. I’m definitely one to say “But it’s FOSS, and other people can pick up and submit a PR” - but it also says something when the head devs just completely ignore a massively huge issue with it.

Bugs and caches and that sort of thing I can overlook. Those I can wait on and see them get smoothed out over time. Actual issues that could land me in jail or get the feds to beat down my door? Those I kind of expect a fast response.

So, I’ll say I’m extremely conflicted. I want to host lemmy long term, and I’m happy to bring the fediverse to a few more people, but the csam attacks really altered my view of the devs.

Edit - because my favorite manager said “Bring me solutions, not problems” a few things that would really help immediately -

  • Integrate db0’s CSAM checker natively, more or less a plug and play option, or a checkbox. His checker sits at an endpoint. The admin page of lemmy could easily have you plop in the endpoint and it would start checking
  • Have an image management portal, with capabilities to:
    • Auto remove images after X time (to help with ballooning storage costs)
    • Perma-delete images and users (maybe blurred too if the CSAM checker flagged it, so I don’t need eye bleach) (Edit again, 0.19.4 might have fixed this, I need to upgrade so I’ll see)
    • Federating image purges, so one purge on one server will force purge it on everyone else’s
    • ~~Disabling of caching other server’s images ~~ (Edit again, I see 0.19.4 just dropped which has this, so this is good). This way I’m only responsible for my own users.
    • View images that are not related to a post (DM’d messages that I’m hosting, or people just uploading images to my site)
  • Bring in a logging system into the UI itself, so I can keep tabs on the error logs. I can pipe them somewhere, but this would be a major plus as an admin
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I fully understand that, and I explained it in my reply to nutomic. It’s not that I wanted to just pile on, but rather at an emergency like that, an all-stop would have been justified in my opinion, to stop all work and go into emergency “What can we all do to stop this and prevent it”. All other issues were secondary in that moment compared to stopping CSAM, and it didn’t feel that way. They added it to the pile of issues, and I’m glad to see changes came out, but in that moment I didn’t see much if any support from them

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Big companies will constantly work against open standards.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’m sure they will be slightly inconvenienced for the duration of a single meeting

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Thank you. You’re not there because you’re winning an Oscar, you’re there to make a quick buck and have a bit of fun while you do it. Cate Blanchett I guarantee didn’t go into Thor because she thought it was going to be some revolutionary experience.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s probably because of how Shakey inquisition was with it, and then how much of a flip Andromeda was, which admittedly I still liked. Me2 and 3 were mission focused and are 2 of my favorite games of all time

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

This is the same guy who said full auto driving out of beta in 2 years 10 years ago and that we’re going to be living in Mars in 2. Skeptical is an understatement

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

LoL is some or the worst for sure. All gaming has gotten more toxic. I don’t enjoy any multiplayer now, there are many reasons but one of the worst is just how terrible people are.

Early 2000s people weren’t great, racist and homophobic jokes were rampant, but the saving grace was that for the most part it was ribbing. Bad taste, but everyone was there to have fun. Trolls sure, but it was so cool to hang out, meet someone from the other side of the world, and game with them all night.

Now it’s just immediate griefing. Constant attack, if you miss one shot your entire team will come down on you. If you are only there to have fun and not make a career then why are you there

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Shocking: Game company is making games. More at 11

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I would have expected this like, 7 years ago when discord became the standard for voice chat. I’m shocked it’s just happening now

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Xbox failed at game streaming. Nvidia failed at game streaming. Steam failed at game streaming. Google catastrophically failed at game streaming.

But I’m sure Netflix will be fine.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Which hey, if they focused on that and party games, maybe that could work. I don’t know of anyone who uses them though

They need a “are you with a group of friends and drinking? We got the thing for you”

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

OKAY, I knew someone was going to call it out. Yes, Steam Link failed. I loved it, we all loved it, but commercially it was a flop. They thought everyone who had a steam account would jump at the opportunity to stream their games, and many of us did, but it wasn’t as huge of a deal as they thought, and it’s why they stopped making them.

However the technology was good, and paved way for modern steam streaming and with the controller gave us the Deck today. They pushed forward. The Link though, was a commercial flop.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

And gaming companies wonder why gamers are so negative. Helped by crappy articles like this. The only thing I saw that I don’t like is the more mass effect control over your squad. However, I love mass effect, so I’m willing to give it a shot.

A lot of negativity and assumptions about what gamers want from this article when the game isn’t even out yet. From a story and narrative aspect, I’m cautiously optimistic.

Also “forgot its roots” and “stuck in the past” can’t be used in the same sentence, PC gamer. They literally mean opposite things.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

From the two downvotes you have already, apparently not. I think the rule is if we don’t preorder based on trailers and marketing hype, we also shouldn’t trash something based on trailers. We have no idea what it is.

It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. If you go in with a negative outlook - you’re going to have a negative experience. Go in neutral and you will probably have a decent time.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

preaching to the choir man. I got ripped apart a few months ago for my incredibly hot (apparently) take the Starfield was an okay game.

People were just loving the bandwagon they were on, telling everyone the game sucked, it was trash, that Bethesda was dead. Meanwhile I was … playing the game. And you know what? It was fine. It wasn’t amazing, it wasn’t revolutionizing the player experience, but I had a decent time in it. Mechanics weren’t perfect, it wasn’t the absolute best game I’ve played, but I got my money’s worth with it.

That’s what I hate. Nothing can be “okay”. It’s either Red Dead 2 levels of perfect - or absolute garbage. It’s either the best game they’ve played or the developers didn’t even try.

Then they wonder why companies aren’t willing to go out on a limb and try new things.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I tried things like character AI to play with talking to “celebrities”. It was novel, it was fun. For about 15 minutes. Then… Eh. It’s not the person, and your brain knows it’s not them. It’s always an imitation. I got bored talking with people I’ve always wanted to talk to.

I can’t imagine it being a lived one who has passed. It would feel hollow, empty, and wouldn’t make the pain leave. Idk, it just wouldn’t be good at all

Let’s Skip The Dragon Age: The Veilguard Vs. Baldur’s Gate 3 Comparisons, Yeah? (kotaku.com)

*Dragon Age: The Veilguard *is going to be divisive. It already is. When you’ve spent ten years waiting for something with an idea of what it would be in your head, if it’s not that thing, you’re bound to be disappointed. But ultimately, *The Veilguard *is not trying to accomplish the same things *Baldur’s Gate 3 *did....

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I agree. They’re two different games. Both fantasy sure, but they really are apples to oranges.

I for one judge any game mostly on two factors. One, did I have fun. Two, what was the cost per hour to play? Beyond that, it’s hard to compare two completely separate games.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Just in terms of timeline, Dragon Age 4 was teased at about the same time with the same level of teaser trailer. It’s releasing this fall.

So a full modern RPG being fully developed in that time by a smaller studio, and for elder scrolls we haven’t heard squat.

Who knows how DA will turn out, but we know modern Bethesda quality thanks to starfield. Not having any news in 6 years proves this trailer was made just to shut fans up

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Based on this trailer. If you’re right then yes I’d be upset too, but it not making it into the trailer doesn’t mean it’s not there. This is obviously the first mission, some of those mechanics may not be explained yet.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh for sure, I’m going in with - minimal expectations. But I’ve seen enough trailers in my time to not trust them at all, positive or negative. I’ll wait it comes out

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Good call out. So rage bait here has hit lemmy

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Lemmy just added the ability to add on server plugins. That would be a prime case for a server plugin

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

So is this a full new game, that I have to rebuy everything for? Or will this be an upgrade like train simulator where my stuff comes with me?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

You know what? I like that. I think that’s respectable. I’ll happily pay another $60-100 for a quality game upgrade like this, even if it does melt my PC, as long as I get to keep my marketplace items through the upgrade. That also makes me more likely to purchase marketplace items, so I get to keep them for the next iteration.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I hate Linus, but he did a great bit l On the 3000 series graphics cards hitting 8K. And how ridiculous it was

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Overall see nothing wrong with this. Encourages users to support alt-text more, which we should be doing for our disabled friends anyway. I really like the confirmation before applying.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yeah I’ll admit I was freaked out at the beginning. So I learned about models, used them, and got familiar with them. Now I’m less freaked out and more “oh my god so many people are going to get scammed/tricked”.

Go on Facebook and you’ll see it’s a good 50-70% AI garbage now. My favorite are “log cabin” and kitchen posts that are just images of them with blanket titles like “wish I lived here” with THOUSANDS of comments of people saying “YES” or “it’s so beautiful”. Of course it is it has no supports! The cabinets are held up by nothing! There are 9 kinds of lanterns and most are floating. Jesus people are not ready for it.

How is everyone handling the 2FA requirement for GitHub? (docs.github.com)

Just wondering what people are using to meet the 2FA requirement GitHub has been rolling out. I don’t love the idea of having an authenticator app installed on my phone just to log into GitHub. And really don’t want to give them my phone number just to log in....

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

SMS is the least secure form of 2FA, and sim swaps are a very real thing. Whatever you’re issues with 2FA apps are, I can 100% say that you should be more concerned about actors getting access to your account.

And this isn’t just GitHub. You should be using a 2FA app for allllll of your services. Breaches are a daily thing, your passwords are online and are available. 2FA may be the only thing defending you right now, and SMS 2fa or email 2fa I wouldn’t trust.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Steam is okay in my book because steam was the OG 2FA provider. They forced 2FA on everyone, all the way back in 2007, they took security seriously before anyone else really cared. So, they’re grandfathered in.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

But it should be the last resort. It makes sense why it’s being phased out

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s minimal to me. I chose 1password for this exact reason, read all of their technical docs.

1password uses encryption with a 2-part key, your password and your “Secret key” which is essentially a salt. Combining those two, they encrypt your entire storage blob and store it. They’re very clear that there is no backdoor, there it is encrypted using your keys, and they do not store those keys anywhere - and that if you lose your keys you’re out. There are zero recovery options. Which I love.

So the secret key is similar to a guid, can have that written down somewhere, and your password should never be written down anywhere, and be completely unique. Doing those two things, I feel confident that keeping my 2FA in my most secure area is safe. There is minimal chance that someone is able to log in remotely to my 1password, even if they got my key, my password isn’t written down.

The convenience of this is x1000, while the risk to me is negligible. It’s why when I worked in fintech it was the manager of choice, and I recommend it for secrets in kubernetes. Until they prove me wrong, security is truly number one with them.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’ll happily take that chance for the convenience. Even if 1password leaks, they don’t have the keys to my vault. They would need my key and password to unlock it. The only time that isn’t needed is if it’s unlocked, which only is on my linux computer, which means they need to find an exploit with their app. In the 7 years I’ve used them I’ve never even heard a wiff of something even small happening.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

WB? Of course it’s going to be cancelled. What is their executive department thinking? Why would anyone be looking forward to anything WB right now? 70% chance it’s going to be cancelled - the remaining 30 percent is going to be that it was cheapely done and rushed out crap

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