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What about 2^31521281 - 1, I’m pretty sure that’s a perfect odd number


Damn, subscription services really got out of hand, even your glasses have one now


You see, there is exactly one person working for newspapers who is in charge of writing articles.

Whenever they write something criticizing something I am obsessed with, it’s the only article posted on a given day and meant to distract the sheeple from some other horrific thing going on at the same time. That’s not whataboutism, it’s different because I’m doing it.


Smh just learn Ancient Greek:

philosophy <=> φιλοσοφία <=> Phi Iota Lambda Omicron Sigma Omicron Phi Iota Alpha


Uh I had to quickly look at Wikipedia but apparently the reason it’s transcribed with Ph is:

At the time these letters were borrowed, there was no Greek letter that represented /f/: the Greek letter phi ‘Φ’ then represented an aspirated voiceless bilabial plosive /ph/, although in Modern Greek it has come to represent /f/.)

And so out of the various vav variants in the Mediterranean world, the letter F entered the Roman alphabet attached to a sound which the Greeks did not have.

So Greeks pronounced Phi differently from F and somehow someone decided that it should be transcribed as Ph because it sounded different from the transcriber’s sound of F. Maybe the Phi symbol just looked like a P.


What would happen if I were able to put your brain in a blender and then rearrange everything exactly as it was? Would you be the same?


We also know building nuclear takes 20 years and costs more than building thrice the capacity in renewables + Germany has no long-term nuclear storage, only temporary one’s a la Simpsons.



Display the exact value of pi with 64 digits in any base N number system.


How do you know they’re not in the toilet stall next to yours?


Do you think the people who fear migration care the slightest bit about anyone but themselves?

An awful number of them would support attacking rafts filled with refugees with military warships.


I’m sure people who accept the realistic risk of drowning - most cannot swim - will be discouraged by the threat of… being in a prison with better living conditions than their home?


Imagine not being turned into a puppy by feminism, sucks to suck


Can’t they create a law which says that the PM cannot do something without 80% of the votes and that the law itself requires the same amount of votes to be modified or superseded in any way?


But then parliament isn’t all powerful, is it? See the omnipotence paradox:

A similar problem occurs when accessing legislative or parliamentary sovereignty, which holds a specific legal institution to be omnipotent in legal power, and in particular such an institution’s ability to regulate itself.

And tbh, a parliament which cannot regulate itself is a fairly powerless parliament.


It’s weird, I absolutely adored Tunic, it’s one of my favorite games of all time, yet Outer Wilds was just “alright” for me? Like IGN 7/10 good but nothing to write home about.

Part of that was probably because I felt constant nausea due to being unaccustomed to playing 3D games with controller - the fact half of the game occured in space with two additional axis of rotation significantly worsened it.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan (

Many voters believe, with good reason, that none of this would have happened without Biden’s assent. Biden has continued to speak of Israel’s attack on Palestinian civilians using the absurd language of “self-defense”. He has insulted Jewish Americans and the memory of the Holocaust by invoking them to justify the...


I’m sure the guy Netanyahu named a settlement in the occupied Golan Heights after and who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, half of which is supposed to belong to Palestine will somehow support Israel less than Biden:


J is in lower case too, the line on the right of the i is shorter than the others.


Why would a woman tell you she’s better than herself though


Note that just because Marx said something doesn’t mean you should treat it as a gospel.

Marx lived from the early 19th to the late 19th century and didn’t witness WW1. Since then, the military has become almost infinitely more powerful compared to Marx’s days, where armed workers stood an actual chance against the military. Nowadays though? Not even remotely. Shut off the internet and electicity in a region, ban the press from reporting, send in the military and wipe out any protest, regardless of how many arms there are. Just take a look at Chechnya and how well they’ve been doing after declaring independence.

The US is an exploitative capitalist country despite having an awful amount of guns.

Northern European countries are significantly less exploitative, while still capitalist, countries without nearly as many guns.

The amount of arms in worker’s hands and the severity of capitalism has no relation anymore. Hell, by having so many guns, the US can reasonably argue for ever greater police budgets without much backlash. You wouldn’t want children to die in school shootings, would you, you monster?


Ban personal vehicles from cities and you can still order as many Amazon packages as you wish


You cannot ban cars without having a solid public transit network, obviously. Besides, in nearly all cases you’d take a child to a closer doctor anyways because visiting a doctor shouldn’t require car ownership, ever.


We can keep them indefinitely then, right? If they’re not doing anything there is no need to ever revoke them.


A prison sentence doesn’t make sense in these cases, since there is no risk of repeat offenses and therefore no rehabilitation required.

Just give them a 4 digit large fine and maybe deport them, unless you have a non-functioning justice system focused on cruelty, then give them a significant prison sentence.


You will change the Democrat-Republican duopoly as soon as you convince everyone to stop participating in consumerism (beyond one’s basic needs).

Which is to say: never.

The last time neither a Republican nor a Democrat was President was more than a century ago. Good luck changing the people’s habits as well as the monumental support structures both parties have erected to prevent any third party from gaining traction, ranging from super PACs to literally the entire American news network, including social media.


Besides, what would a union even be for? Since the company is owned by the workers (because it is owned by the state) any union action would just harm the workers themselves! We don’t want to encourage economic self-harm, do we?


What the fuck is a “sex offender locator app”, how is this even legal


never seen someone failing this badly at being gay and doing crime


“Variedades de español”

During much of its history, and especially during the Francoist dictatorship (1939–1975), the Catalan language was ridiculed as a mere dialect of Spanish.[60][61] This view, based on political and ideological considerations, has no linguistic validity.[60][61]

Wikipedia: Catalan language


The history classes are alright.

The education system is abysmal.


What’s a footjøb, is it something like a Danish variant?


False, the ‘=’ is transitive, meaning:

A = B and B = C implies A = C

The symbol you meant to use is the implication arrow: =>

Trans women => women

Cis women => women

Black women => women

Lesbian women => women

This means: If the left statement is true, the right statement must also be true. If the left statement is false, you don’t know whether the right statement is true or false.


You’re right, I don’t have that on my keyboard though

Besides, a ∈ A ⊆ B => a ∈ B, so what I wrote is not THAT nonsensical


Killing 50% of any one people is genocide, right? For example, the Nazis killed up to 50% of European Romani people and it is classified as a genocide.

Let’s assume killing 50% of n peoples is genocide.

Since killing 50% of n peoples is genocide, killing 50% of n+1 peoples must also be genocide, else a number N would exist such that killing 50% of N - 1 peoples is genocide but killing 50% of N peoples is not. The existence of such a number N would be quite contradictory, as it would imply one could undo genocide by killing more people. Additionally, if one were to first kill 50% of N - 1 people and then kill 50% of one more people some time later, both events would be classified as genocide, since killing 50% of one people is assumed to be genocide.

Therefore, Thanos did in fact commit genocide.


Which sub are you talking about, there are quite a few in this community


Since when is it in June?'s_Day says it’s on November 19th.

Are there two international men’s days or why is there a spike in June?


the people who killed Jesus

This is clear-cut Christian antisemitism, the justification for more than a millenia of discrimination and ultimately culminating in the Holocaust. You are implying present day Jews have the collective responsibility of killing Jesus.

Also, you are equating Judaism with Israel, which is done by both zionists and antisemites.

are trying to destroy his homeland and take it over

Palestine the country is not Palestine the region. Israel has control over large parts of Palestine, the region. Palestine, the country, does not. Jesus lived in Palestine, the region. Jesus did not live in Palestine, the country or modern-day Israel, the country. His “homelands” have not existed for nearly two millenia since they have been taken over countless of times, be it the British, the Ottomans, the Crusaders and everyone before that.


I don’t quite understand the point you’re trying to make. I responded to a comment stating:

“The JEWS™ are destroying Jesus’s homelands just like they killed him, why is any Christian supporting the Jews™???”

Additionally, the comment conflates Palestine (region) with Palestine (country). Israel is currently destroying and invading Palestine (country). Israel has controlled large parts of Palestine (region) for many decades and has ethnically cleansed those parts of many non-Jewish Palestinians (region) who have mostly fled into neighboring countries, including Palestine (country).

What I’m trying to say is: It’s a contradiction to argue Israel is destroying Jesus’s homelands because Israel has controlled large parts of Palestine (region) for 80 years. They would’ve either destroyed his homelands already or they wouldn’t have. If it’s the former, Israel cannot destroy “Jesus’s homelands” anymore. If it’s the latter, you’re implying that the current borders of Palestine (country) is “Jesus’s homelands” - which is false, as Palestine (country) only controls a portion of Palestine (region).


Depends on the language, though they’ll probably pronounce it in a way disregarding every language with ö’s rules.


Not the Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft though, as it’s referring to a company which was established prior to 1996.


Yeah, and Russia clearly committed 9/11 while putting Iraq’s WMDs inside the planes to make the following US invasion look ridiculous.


You can edit your post and upload a version without credit, if this allegation happens to be true.


Yeah? The swastika is illegal too, yet Buddhists and museums can display it.


The goal of emulation is to make the console work for every game that was released on it.

After all, if one or more games don’t work, the emulation cannot be accurate. And with imaccurate emulation, how can you ensure your other games are correctly emulated? In fact, if you know the emulator isn’t perfect - which it isn’t if some games have issues - how can you know any game is correctly emulated? You can test the game but it would take an infinite time to test everything. If you only do a few runs of the game, how do you know you haven’t missed anything?

In other terms: The language L containing every perfectly emulated game is undecidable.


Huh, I didn’t realize exclusive is an auto-antonym

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