xkcd rule

xkcd comic where a bald stickman (Person1, pressumably male) is walking up to the open door leading to a medium length haired stickman’s (Person2, pressumably female) apartment

(First panel)

Person1: “Hey, I was wondering if you had plans for-- Holy crap, what happened to your apartment?”

Person2: “I filled it with playpen balls!”

Person1: “I… What? Why?”

(Second panel, from the point of view of Person1)

Person2: “Because we’re grown-ups now, and it’s our turn to decide what that means.”

In the third panel Person2 is out of frame and Person1 is seen staring at the ball-apartment, then in the fouth panel he’s out of frame too, the balls are spilling out of the door and a pink heart is flying out of the room

Perma-link to comic: xkcd.com/150

I think this was too cute to not be posted here :3 Also did u know xkcd has a youtube channel?! :O



and then they fucked.

@TheCoolerMia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

hehe didnt want to be so direct >u< maybe they’re just very good friends tho! :3


Whatever they did, it launched little floaty hearts across the room and out the door.

@TheCoolerMia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

uhhh… balloons! :D


Why does it matter if one or the other is male or female?

@TheCoolerMia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

it doesnt? :p It’s just what was likely implied and I translated that to text


I have a framed and signed copy of this one on my wall.

@TheCoolerMia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

:O that sounds cute! added to my list of ideas to make my room prettier >u<

Edit: wait, signed by Randall Munroe? :O


It would be awesome if it was signed by like Tim Buckley


Yeah, by Randall. Years and years ago he had them on his website. My wife got it for me.


my all time favourite xkcd. if i was to get a tattoo it would be from this

@TheCoolerMia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Omg yeah it’s so damn cute and has such a nice message 💕 Def my fave so far too >u<


I liked angular momentum better, but this is a super close second. While I still love xkcd, those early strips were special.

@kittykittycatboys@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

yes yes yes !!! dream house id hav somuch fun !!!

@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I imagine it would be quite fun for a while, but that the novelty would wear thin about the time you woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom for the first time.

Filling a basement den with them, though… lounging in a sea of balls while watching TV or something… I am not seeing the downside.


I mean you couldn’t snack while in then - too much risk of crumbs and it’d be difficult to clean with them all around so risk of bugs. I guess you could just vacuum blindly !


I’ll convince people there’s some sort of creature living under the balls as my roomba moves around under them.


Imagine the flora and fauna that would slowly grow in there


Just make it a sauna or something so you can cook them dead every now and again


In my house it would be full of silverfish in no time. Bleh.

@AdrianTheFrog@lemmy.world avatar

He said in the blog that they’re kind of expensive and very hard to clean, so he had a rule of no food/drinks in the ball pit.

@skylestia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i need to know how i can buy these balls

@Atelopus-zeteki@kbin.run avatar

First have to decide what material and size. DDG is your friend: https://www.plasticballsupply.com/

@skylestia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i had no idea there would be so many options! lol

will bookmark this, thanks


Where is the environmentally friendly option though?

@Atelopus-zeteki@kbin.run avatar
@TheCoolerMia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Hell yeah! Also kissing and snuggling in that sea of balls sounds so fun :3


They can also provide extra support for holding various positions.

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