
These new Conservatives are just insufferable.

As a Canadian growing up we would take pride in being able to put aside differences and be kind to each other no matter what. These toxic American politics leeching into our society have changed people into hate machines.


Your comments and abusive phone calls hurt me,” Brewer’s Pantry posted on social media Friday.

This is the exact opposite of how to deal with right wing assholes.


I’m not sure positive reinforcement will deter them

FunderPants, (edited )

Same thing happened here in PEI.…/pei-politics-prime-minister-hate-filled-…

Conservatives react to Trudeau at a pub by flooding it with misogynistic sexually abusive and violent language aimed at the wait staff.

I mean, this newest happening isn’t a shock, this is the rape Greta until she is happy about climate change group, the women don’t deserve bodily autonomy group, not surprising at all given their long history with this gross behaviour and mindset.

The worst part is how normalized it has become among conservative politicians and supporters. I expect more and more of it because the Conservatives actively stoke this at worst, turn a blind eye at best. Will Pierre condemn it? Or should we expect him in a picture with these people next week?


“Rape Greta until she’s happy about climate change” what the fuck? Did someone seriously make that argument?? What the fuck is wrong with these people? How does causing additional trauma fix anything?


What the fuck is wrong with these people?

A whole lot, mental illness, mob mentality, poor education, conservative ideology, religion excuses and forgives their behavior, poor upbringing by shitty parents, ingrained racism, poverty, we can keep finding the usual patterns with these people, regardless of the country.

FunderPants, (edited )

The argument is so normalized in those ‘free speech’ conservative spaces / social media circles that sometimes it bubbles into the physical world as stickers being handed out at oil company functions.…/greta-thunberg-sticker-canada-oil_…

Oh, this story is from when she was a minor. The sticker is not custom either, it’s taken straight from a sexually abusive meme about her that I will not find and share here, but that I have seen.

If you want to know the general meme format, click through the spoiler tag

::: spoiler test spoiler

:::it’s angry still a minor in pigtails Greta with a caption like “how dare you” - > some sexually explicit still frame from a porn where a young woman in pig tails is being taken roughly from behind - > Still a minor Greta smiling with a caption like “what climate change”

It’s gross and that’s just one of the tamer things they create and circulate.


Oh, and the “I’ll fix her with my dick” attitude and violence is something lesbians, bisexual and trans people are already very familiar with, unfortunately.

ZC3rr0r, (edited )

Yeah, I’d heard that bullshit before, but at least there’s at least some relationship between sex and sexual preference/orientation/expression. Not saying I’m agreeing or condoning that sort of thinking, but I can say least somewhat connect the caveman dots there.

I’m just stuck on how is raping someone going to make them be okay with a climate apocalypse. I can’t logically tie those two things together, and I’m actually kind of scared of the mental gymnastics required to get to this point.

I’m probably overthinking it to a level beyond the amount of thought the people that came up with it put into their position though.


They think that somehow if they rape her it will magically make them better than her and that she will submit and agree she was wrong. It’s a mentality only the truly weak have.

FunderPants, (edited )

It’s an outward expression of Conservative hierarchical values (I rant about this too much maybe…). Conservatives conserve the traditional hierarchies of society, for example God over man, men over women, straight over lgb, white over PoC, self over society, rich over poor etc. For them, people listening to Greta represents a perversion of the traditional hierarchy. Why would they listen to a young woman, advising the betterment of society? She’s not an older man, she’s not saying get rich and think of yourself, she occupies a low spot in multiple hierarchies so she must be wrong. But it isn’t enough for her to be wrong, she needs to be dominated because that’s how hierarchies work, the higher levels dominate the lower. Sexual violence is one of the classic forms of human dominance, so they don’t imagine beating her in an argument, they imagine raping her into submission instead.


Right. So it’s less “rape her until she’s happy about climate change” and more “rape her so she shuts up and knows her place”?

Because that does make sense to me, it’s just an expression of violence against those you disagree with.

They’re not intent on “fixing” her like those weirdos who think you can “fix” LGBTQ people with rape, but good old misogyny expressed through threats of sexual violence.

Man, now that I wrote that out it’s even more depressing.


I’m pretty sure that the people that want to “fix” LGBTQ people with violence don’t differentiate between being forced to submit and be silent versus actually being converted/fixed/whatever. It doesn’t matter if you are satisfied with your role in the hierarchy, only that you submit.


Somehow, conservatives still manage to surprise me once in a while. I’d say this is a new low but i would probably be way off

pbjamm, avatar

Will Pierre condemn it? Or should we expect him in a picture with these people next week?

I know which I would bet my loonies on.


Well this is all… concerning and sad. I always wonder… what can we do about it? Is this soemthing that can be addressed or changed? Because I don’t like it happening here. I would like to help before we get to “chanting with tiki torches” type thing.


It’s addressed and changed by introducing consequences for their actions.

The police won’t do anything, because they’re enablers whenever it suits them, so instead they need to be publicly identified, and their or their employers businesses boycotted.


Arrest the people responsible

Go back in time and prevent Harper from replacing the Conservative Party with the reform party

Prevent websites from having more than a few thousand people of reach

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