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Just another grifter loser pushing racist coonery bullshit to sell his soul to achieve success/power while also appealing to people’s gross homo/transphobia to fear monger to kiss the ass of a broke ass white dude who sits at the top of the conservative Ponzi scheme.

Fuck this dude and all like he, Trump, and all of their allies and minions.


The people running for the lifeboats are all of the Muskies and Elon brain chipped billionaires thinking that Mars is going to be their refuge. (It’s not, broken magnetosphere + toxic PCB soil = dead colony)


While possibly being the second dumbest person in Congress behind Boebert, but they’re a toss up.

DigitalTraveler42, (edited )

Meanwhile there’s literally an f’n school named the Bronx High School of Science, or better known around the city as Bronx Science, this school has literally produced Nobel prize winners, Neil Degrasse Tyson is one of the many notable alumni of Bronx Science:…/Bronx_High_School_of_Science

Also noted are quite a few Politicians and many more:…/List_of_Bronx_High_School_of_S…

I’ve known quite a few people that went to Bronx Science, obviously not all of them are famous people, but it’s a highly regarded school within the borough.


Dems like Hochul and Mayor Adams are the worst, truly representatives of modern conservativism within the party.

This is why if MAGA loses in November and if a GOP collapse from being broke and lacking support happens we’ll probably see the Dems go back to being the Right/Conservatives while a new Left/Progressive party emerges, or at least that’s what should happen in a functional adversarial democracy.


Autocorrect fails me again! 😂

But he definitely not like us, not like us, they not like us.


Hanks and SNL should give us a David S. Pumpkins comedy horror movie, with the villain/hero being Paul F. Tompkins.


Michelle Yeoh and Angela Bassett, the older lady threesome I never realized I wanted.


This fucking guy and his sycophants are causing a shit ton of damage to this state, and I hope this state wakes the fuck up and lets them know how unhappy we are on election Day. Fuck DeSantis, and the rest of the Republican party/right wingers in general.

The Tech Robber Baron who wants to take over San Francisco (

Balaji, a 43-year-old Long Island native who goes by his first name, has a solid Valley pedigree: He earned multiple degrees from Stanford University, founded multiple startups, became a partner at Andreessen-Horowitz and then served as chief technology officer at Coinbase. He is also the leader of a cultish and increasingly...


What in tarnation?

This shit was too wild for me not to post when I came across it this morning, I knew this organization existed but this guy’s vision laid out is dystopian AF.




Money hoarding and stories of the “greatness of the Indian caste system” while he was a boy broke this dudes brain.


I work tech in the states and Indian managers are usually f’n brutal, had to sit through a few tense meetings where my Indian director was practically yelling at one of the project managers, and this was one of his favorites. Indian interviewers are pretty harsh as well. However Indian coworkers are usually pretty cool, especially the few Sikhs I’ve met.


Love this for him, and wtf was he even doing there? Go back to DC and do your f’n job you stupid evangelical clout chaser, get tf out of our city.


Biden isn’t the one sending storm troopers onto UT Austin’s campus to crush pro-Palestinian protests, that would be the Republicans, remember on election day that both sides are absolutely not the same, and Trump sure as fuck does not care about Gaza or Palestine, or even Israel really if we’re being honest here. (Well or anything else but himself)


It’s crazy how you’re too dumb to see the difference between Ukraine and Israel, and I say that as someone of Jewish descent with a shitload of Jewish friends and family, as well as a veteran.

The people outright killing civilians are always the bad guys, sure collateral damage happens, but this ain’t it, this is the same shit that Ruzzia does where they purposely depopulate areas with the purpose of moving some of their people into those depopulated areas to lay claim to it, while literally squatting in some poor executed family’s home. This is trash human behavior.


It’s wild to me how these “God fearing Christians” basically want to put poor people into concentration camps, because that’s just like Jesus would do. /s

Maybe if we had more public housing, better healthcare, that includes mental and dental, and easier and cheaper access to higher education and more affordable housing while being educated, it’s not rocket science, sure we’ll have people who choose the nomadic life but most of these homeless people have been pushed out of society by debt or by their health issues and the addictions that come from those health issues and poverty.


Well, you see, bad things like poverty only happen to amoral people who aren’t God fearing so if they’re poor then they’re bad people and they deserve mistreatment.

Exactly, this is the type of garbage the “prosperity gospel” preaches to these people, and it’s disgusting and tries to elevate these people over others based on their stations in life, something that usually cannot be helped. The prosperity gospel is essentially class warfare distilled into religious brainwashing.


First I like how you are trying to shade people about not being able to work hard, I’ve known homeless folks who work their asses off but can’t get ahead, can’t get approved for a place to live. Also they can’t get hired because of their mental illness, which Reagan helped put millions of those folks out on the streets, raising crime rates, so how’s that for results? Then you have the millions of hard working addicts living life on pain killers because our healthcare is f’n joke, how’s that for results when the rest of the world has universal healthcare? Education system is completely unaffordable so you have people going homeless over their broken college dreams and/or their crushing student debt, yet hey the answer to education is voucher programs and only rich kids get to go to college, how’s that for results?

Secondly how about we tax the rich? That’s where I expect the money to come from, we used to have a 50% tax on the wealthy, and it helped create our education system, library system, highway system, yet again Republicans constantly want to lower taxes on literal billionaires, eventually trillionaires, because when the fuck do you have enough money? Bernie Sanders said billionaires shouldn’t exist, they should be able to get to $999,999,999.99 and get a plaque that says they win capitalism, ans I whole heartedly agree with that statement. Oh and it gets even worse for your beloved Republicans where Trump’s tax plan that he put in place during his administration financed giving the wealthy their tax cuts, by increasing taxes on the lower and middle classes for the next four years, we are currently in year four, how about that for results bud?

I’ve worked hard since I was twelve years old, ran a whole kitchen including dish duty at thirteen, I served this country as Marine, and I am currently upper middle class, yet I don’t begrudge these people help, because I’m not a selfish fuckhead, but also the way I see it is we can provide healthcare, food, housing to our military, we should be able to do the same for those that we are supposed to be protecting, and do protect, especially during natural disasters.

You my friend and all of your selfish libertarian/Republican dipshits can go fuck yourselves, and doubly so if you’re a MAGA cultist.

DigitalTraveler42, (edited )

“Hillary Clinton used a similar tactic against me when I ran for president in 2020, accusing me of being ‘groomed by the Russians’.”

I guess no need to be groomed by Russians when you’ve already been groomed by fanatical Christian Extremists so your values basically align with the current Russian regime’s:

Opposition to LGBT rightsedit

Gabbard became an anti-homosexual activist before the same-sex marriage debate took hold in Hawaii.[3] Between 1991 and 1996, Gabbard founded the organizations Stop Promoting Homosexuality Hawaii (renamed Stop Promoting Homosexuality International), Stop Promoting Homosexuality America, and the Alliance for Traditional Marriage and Values.[10] Gabbard became well-known for his advocacy for Hawaii Constitutional Amendment 2 (1998). This amendment, approved by voters 69.2%–28.6%,[11] gave the state legislature “the power to reserve marriage to opposite-sex couples” under the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), signed by Bill Clinton in 1996.[12][3][13]

DigitalTraveler42, (edited )

Of course he was, he’s a skirt chasing country boy from Arkansas, however, he was at least compassionate enough to open some of those doors for our LGBTQ allies, DOMA was shitty legislation but after it’s passing many other steps were made to help these folks.

I’m not sure how old you were in '96, but I was a Jr in Highschool at the time, most people still used “fag” and “homo” to joke around about stuff still. We only had two completely out gay dudes in my highschool, I was cool with both of them and knew them through some girls that we all were mutual friends with. At one point some of the more "white trash/racist kids that I’d already had a problem with started harassing these gay dudes pretty constantly and pretty aggressively and the girls we were mutual friends with got my friends and I to handle the situation for them, we out numbered the homophobes by quite a bit and they chose not to fight at that time.

Now mind you, this is on Long Island, just a short train ride to NYC, the Village, and Stonewall, and Pride parades happened each year at this point, so while there were only two out gay dudes in my school most likely many of us had a LGBTQ person we knew back then that was out. Now imagine how this situation would have gone down back in '96, in Arkansas, I can tell you exactly how it would go down based on my experiences living in Florida during the early 90’s as well, but also by how it would go down even now in Arkansas.

So sure saying Clinton was as homophobic as the rest in 1996 is pretty much saying that water is wet, most people were ignorant, and even worse many of us still believed the HIV based homophobic conspiracy theories, because AIDS was a huge problem at the time.


Meanwhile the Right loves to call Michelle a man, but both sides are the same amirite? I’m just saying both Clinton and Obama are absolutely more accepting of homosexuality than their right wing counterparts, whatever bias you may feel towards them, that should be clear, because the other side wouldn’t want to use you, hell most of them just want to end you, so maybe keep that in mind for some perspective.


You should see how many American politicians are just as corrupt for less money, I was surprised when I saw Devin Nunes was only making $15K from one of the bribery schemes that was supporting him while he was in Congress. I guess it all comes down to knowing your worth to the scumbags you work for. 🤷‍♂️


Just greedy short sighted fools who are willing to abase themselves to scum, or they are sociopathic monsters who don’t care about anything but whatever they want.


This should have been a no brainer once these idiots started calling the Baltimore Mayor the “DEI mayor”.

These racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and anti-Semitic/islamophobic assholes are always looking for a new dog whistle to use or a new popular thing to corrupt, or even seemingly innocent things to corrupt.

Fuck Nazis and all of their allies and enablers.


Rest in piss, fucking idiot.


The guy is literally a wannabe Stalinist Communist from Austin freaking Texas, he’s been there since 2014 fighting and propagandizing alongside the Russians this whole time, he’s apparently been an avowed socialist since he was 16, yet you’re trying to act like the CIA had anything to do with this fucking idiot.

He was arrested over selling pot in the 90’s and started hating America and was too brainwashed, desperate, or mentally inept to realize that Russia was never really a communist country, especially not under Putin, and kept working with the Russians despite all the bad shit they do.

DigitalTraveler42, (edited )

I guess you haven’t seen all of the news reports and government outcry over Russia basically luring these guys to Russia then kidnapping Indian and Nepalese dudes and forcing them to fight, same with North Koreans, a whole bunch of South Americans, and several other Americans.…/Foreign_fighters_in_the_Russo-…


Mercenaries fight for money, these kidnappings and enslavements, along with the Russian conscription process in particular, are more along the lines of a slave army, since it’s absolutely not voluntary for many of those people.

Wagner are the mercenaries they use:

Senior Russian soldiers basically rape and murder new conscripts as a training method:


Alan Ritchson pls don’t stop giving me reasons to love you, lol.

This dude is definitely my favorite Hollywood rising star.


Which would be even funnier that it would be Tom Cruise’s version of Reacher since Alan’s version streams on Prime as a TV series.


He has three main shows that he’s part of, the first is Blue Mountain State, it’s a raunchy college football comedy, not that great, but Ritchson steals the show, the next is a comic book series, Titans, based on DC’s Teen Titans, he plays Hawk and as someone who read Hawk & Dove he plays Hawk near perfectly, so the third is Reacher, this is the first series where he’s the star, very good detective style series about a former Military Police Officer who headed a special investigations squad, but now lives a “Billy Jack/Rambo-esque” lifestyle of traveling and putting down villains.

All three are fantastic in their own way, Ritchson also has a few movies he’s been in as well.


Every “real” Christian I know can’t stand Trump and all of this other garbage, it always seems to he the fake Christians who tell people that they should go to church while they themselves don’t, and similar folks who seem to love Trump and the prosperity gospel.

Don’t get me wrong, I know there are whole congregations of idiots, but I’m just saying the ones I know personally who are very into their religion yet retain their open mindedness seem to be the ones who are against this crap, meanwhile “religious types” like my own father who never go to church and constantly try to push religion on me and the rest of the family, always seem to be the Trumpers. (Also not surprising my dad is a retired LEO)


Solter-Hunt thinks that the perturbations caused by the conductive shell could poke holes in Earth’s protective magnetic shield, potentially allowing more harmful cosmic radiation to reach the planet’s surface. An extreme, almost apocalyptic scenario could see the weakened magnetosphere allow solar wind to begin stripping away Earth’s atmosphere as it had done to the atmosphere of Mars billions of years ago. That, however, is certainly not an immediate threat.

Imagine we go extinct because satellite and plasma dust allows our atmosphere to get stripped by solar winds, similar to what it’s like on Mars, that is a wild f’n scenario to consider, life is just so delicate to maintain.

The Smothering of Abortion Rights Reveals Something Else About Republicans (

The states’ rights case for determining abortion access — let the people decide — falters on the fact that in many states, the people cannot shape their legislature to their liking. Packed and split into districts designed to preserve Republican control, voters cannot actually dislodge anti-abortion Republican lawmakers. A...


It’s far nore about women having rights than that, they see women’s rights as the core problem that stuff like that are just symptoms of.

The immigration, education, and abortion fights are all about power and control, and that can probably be extended to several other political topics.


Honestly I don’t think it’s as thought out as that, I think they just want things like spousal rape and child sexual abuse laws to be undone.

You have to remember that a lot of this is being fueled by incels of one type or another, these are dudes that hate women because of ex-wives, hate women because they can’t get laid, hate women because they age out of being the young girls they are attracted to, hate women because they aren’t the domestic slaves they were before Susan B. Anthony helped change things.

I’m sure some of them are thinking very similar to how you think they are, but the majority just seem to want to own women and minorities, and Trad wife/Pick Me women think they will get to be Serena Joy, as if that’s some kinda good thing.


He’s such a fascist piece of shit and there is no bottom with him, just a complete garbage human being being propped up by other sycophantic garbage humans.


It really feels like the FL GOP just hang out around the legislature thinking about new ways to fuck with people, just a bunch of bullies looking for targets.


Oh but he will sure be that much richer for running and getting Trump elected tho…


I love how every guy Trump backs is a complete asshole who says and does complete asshole shit.


I read a lot of news and connections are important, like how Vladimir Putin and Rupert Murdoch are Eskimo brothers over Wendy Deng, it shows the kind of circles people travel in, as the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

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