
We invented “the free market”

No, the free market is what naturally exists without any government whatsoever. We add restrictions on top to make sure everyone is playing fair.

We should only restrict options that are unfair, such as fraudulent transactions, anticompetitive behavior (e.g. monopolies), etc. Convincing someone to buy your thing isn’t unfair or fraudulent, so it should be allowed to happen imo.

actively defending

There’s a difference between defending something and refusing to attack it. I’m not saying these are good practices, just that they shouldn’t be illegal.

fire codes are tyranny

When did I say that? I merely said I should be able to buy something that doesn’t pass code, not that the code shouldn’t exist.

The vast majority of people won’t buy something that doesn’t pass code, especially if it comes with a bunch of restrictions, like increased liability for any injuries due to not being at code. Building codes have a ton of value, but they don’t need to be proscriptive.

I know I wouldn’t buy a house that’s not up to code (and I passed on one with foundation issues), but that doesn’t mean it should be illegal. It should only be illegal to claim a house is up to code when it isn’t.

When you care about people besides yourself

I care about all people, especially the poor. What I don’t care for is restricting individual rights just because some people make stupid choices.

There are plenty of people who genuinely like the MTX model. I think their shallow and vain, but that doesn’t mean I should take something they enjoy away because I don’t it, or because some people can’t handle it.

Should we make alcohol illegal because alcoholics exist? I don’t like it, I’ve seen plenty lives ruined by it, and the US felt strongly enough about it to pass a constitutional amendment banning it (and later reversed it).

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