
It feels like we're getting toward the end of the switch life cycle, but sales are still strong and Nintendo probably would love to hold onto this install base they have. Wonder if we get some acknowledgement of that life cycle or potentially a new console soon.


Maybe, but unlikely. I've seen a couple articles about it being likely next year. Nintendo wants to sell most of their current stock first.

Here's a link to most of the rumors


Honestly I hope it's just a Switch 2. I know Nintendo likes to really think outside the box and do different things with their consoles (DS, Wii, Wii U, Switch), but the Switch is basically the coolest gaming device ever. When they showed that the controllers came off and there was a kickstand so you could play Mario Kart with friends wherever, it blew my mind.

Just update the hardware and fix the joycon drift, and I'll be happy.


I know it is basically a dream at this point, but I'd love to see a port of Xenoblade X. One of the best games of the Wii U, and the exploration feeling it gave remains unmatched by X2 and X3.

grizzzlay, avatar

I'm excited to see what they're going to showcase. The rumor mill is running rampant on Twitter that a new 2D Mario game and an SNES remaster will be shown.

Assuming these are true, I hope we're getting a 2D Mario that isn't a "New Super Mario Bros" title since that franchise is nearly 20 years old at this point. Give us something new. Call it "Super Mario Bros. 5", even. Just something that isn't part of the "New" series.

As for an SNES remaster, Super Mario RPG in a tilt-shift style Link's Awakening remaster would be lovely. A Chrono Trigger remaster in the style of Octopath or Live a Live would also be lovely.

But ultimately I'll just wait it out with hopeful optimism that they have some good stuff in the pipeline.

harasho, (edited )

I never knew I wanted a tilt-shift style Super Mario RPG but now its all I can think about. It'd be an interesting challenge to redo those old games, but they proved it doable with Link's Awakening.


Super Mario RPG Remake was announced! You called it!


Yaaaaaaas! It looks like they stayed true to the original game, so this is a day 1 pickup for me.


@dan96kid I saw that, is this their big E3 type direct?

dan96kid, avatar

Somewhat... They tend to have 3 big ones every year, and this is one of them.

troyunrau, avatar

My uncle at nintendo told me that they'll finally tell us how to teach Pikachu Surf so we can find the Mew under the truck.

I've been so attached to Tears of the Kingdom that I've barely even considered other games. What an open world masterclass. I feel like I could spend another hundred hours in that game and still find some interesting spot hiding somewhere.

GraceGH, avatar

Did you know some guy on youtube made a mod/virus for red and blue that makes it so if you trade with a cart that's infected too? The only other thing it does is make it possible to use strength to push the truck and catch a mew.

very fun video

Polkira, avatar

Come oonn new Animal Crossing! 🤞


Any chance of them announcing they're getting out of the hardware business? As much as I love me some Nintendo, I really don't think I'll be buying another console from them.


Based on the sales of The Switch, I highly doubt it. While I agree that it is due for a refresh, Nintendo doesn't really chase high end graphics. They'll put out new hardware eventually that is more powerful than the current Switch, but less powerful than a PS5. They have a bunch of IPs that they know will carry it regardless of if it's cutting edge or not.

grizzzlay, avatar

I sincerely doubt they'll leave the hardware business. The Switch is their most successful home console of all time, ranking third in overall video game console sales.

It's annoying to have to buy multiple consoles to enjoy the best experiences that video gaming has to offer, but I wouldn't bank on Nintendo leaving anytime soon.

NekomimiNebula, avatar

I'll still ride the copium train hoping for a Wind Waker HD port or something similar. New Mario game would also be pretty neat.


Earlier this year I gave up hope of a Wind Waker Switch port and just bought a Wii U specifically to play Wind Waker HD.


yup I'm very interested to see if Fashion Dreamer makes an appearance, given the corporate drama around it and the fact that it's scheduled for a 2023 release yet we haven't gotten a release date yet.

Volfkha, (edited ) avatar

I miss being excited about Nintendo games.. they just don't seem to live up to my hopes/expectations anymore ☹️

sab, avatar

I'm getting older and feeling the same way about a lot of things, but I still can't wait to have time to check out the new Zelda game, and I have no doubt it's going to blow my mind. :)


As an old man who has clocked 150 hours, yes, it will. :)


What do you think is missing/has changed?


i would do truly unspeakable things for a wind waker switch port...


Might want to put a disclaimer that the WiiU port doesn’t count


that's why i said switch 😇

randomnick, avatar

It was really good to be honest.

LegendofDragoon, avatar

My dream announcement is a new golden sun game or a remake of the first 2/3.

Beyond that pipe dream, I always get excited to see the buzz around things like this!

bird, avatar

I would love a Golden Sun port or new game! I LOVED the one on GBA! Such a fun puzzle rpg. It did have a TON of dialogue though....

LegendofDragoon, avatar

Yeah, it was campy and long winded at times, but the puzzles were great, the class system was unique and creative, and the music was second to none. It's a small magazine and a small community altogether, but I'm proud to be the moderator.

noodlejetski, (edited )

Any Nintendo fans

looks like there are:


to choose from.
wait, .world is one that Beehaw has defederated from, hasn't it?

ultrasquid, avatar

According to leaks, there's going to be a new 2D Mario game (It will not have "New" in the title, thankfully) and a "remake of a SNES Classic" (I believe it'll be a Chrono Trigger HD-2D remake).

kavides, avatar

As long as they don't change too much, a Chrono Trigger remake sounds amazing!


a new 2d mario that's not an nsmb title? that's hype af honestly.

my hopes:

  • more info on fashion dreamer (curious to see how nintendo responds now that the marvelous showcase happened and clarified officially)
  • a comment/bit on pretty princess magical garden island which is literally releasing the day after the direct
  • some other new girly/femme game would be nice, though I know nintendo is kinda shying away form that
  • I'd like to see a 2d zelda too.

Style Savvy Switch when, Nintendo?


have you not heard? style savvy was murdered by nintendo. Syn Sophia, the developers of style savvy, wanted to make a 5th game and got shut down hard by nintendo. They then did a complete ip rebrand and struggled to find a publisher, at which point marvelous stepped in. It's called Fashion Dreamer and is planned to be a continued fashion series by syn sophia. It's basically style savvy, in all but official ip/branding. Same dev, same goal (fashion game), etc.

Given Nintendo's hard rejection, Style Savvy is dead for the foreseeable future. And if Fashion Dreamer does well (which it should if all style savvy fans buy it which they should if they like style savvy), Nintendo might realize it's good to have style savvy and revive; but if that happens I sincerely doubt syn sophia will return to develop them.

tl;dr: style savvy is dead, and nintendo murdered it. a revival might happen if Fashion Dreamer (marvelous/syn sophia game) does well, but if it does revive, it almost certainly won't be syn sophia developing it again, so not really the same.

Buy Fashion Dreamer if you like Style Savvy


Oh no, I hadn't heard! Definitely putting Fashion Dreamer on my list, then! We need more "girl games" that devs have actually put effort into.

Cylinsier, avatar

I would be down for a CT remake and I think it's eventually inevitable, but it would blow my mind if they gave the Dread treatment to Super Metroid.


Oh that would be amazing. I like that idea but I'm not sure if it's likely

troyunrau, avatar

I kind of wish Chronotrigger got the FF7 remake treatment -- full HD cinematic experience. But I'll take what I can get if it's on the switch and isn't messed up too much.


Awesome, thanks for the heads up.

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