Do you daily drive Wayland, if so since when, if not when will you?

I’ve been on Wayland for the past two years exclusively (Nvidia).

I thought it was okay for the most part but then I had to switch to an X session recently. The experience felt about the same. Out of curiosity, I played a couple of games and realized they worked much better. Steam doesn’t go nuts either.

Made me think maybe people aren’t actually adopting it that aggressively despite the constant coverage in the community. And that maybe I should just go back.

ElectroLisa, avatar

Ye, since Plasma 5.24 I think. Used to occasionally switch to X11 for competitive gaming, but as of Plasma 6 their Wayland compositor supports fullscreen tearing, so now I have no need to use X11 anymore


Been on it for about a year now, both with my desktop’s A770 and my laptop’s AMD iGPU. Experience has been pretty much flawless.

Andromxda, avatar

Wayland has been very stable for me since 2021, never went back to X.

invisiblegorilla, (edited )

I’ve switched nearly all my computers to Linux with wayland in the past 2 years with the last device coming over in the last couple of months.

I run a headless fedora/kde /wayland gaming desktop (with a nvidia GPU) which I use exclusively over steam links dotted around the house. That took a bit of tinkering tbh but flawless operation since. Edit: Turns out its actually still on Xorg. Still some work to do here getting this moved over. I forget why I didn’t stick but must’ve been some combination of headless and steam link streams

I use arch/hyprland on my daily driver laptop and arch/sway on my work laptop.

The wifes laptop is also fedora/KDE on wayland.


I tried for a bit and it was great, no complaints. However, I was having issues getting NixOS set up as quickly as I would like, so I went back to Pop!_OS. I’m looking forward to the next release of Pop, which will have full Wayland by default.


I’ve been running wayland on popOS for a year now. Works great. It’s already installed, you just have to into a file and either delete a line or change false to true. Takes about 2 minutes.


I’ve thought about making the leap, but this is a work machine so I want to make sure it’s rock solid.

oscardejarjayes, avatar

I’ve been on Sway for a while now. Also have a computer on Plasma (Wayland).

(Intel iGPU, AMD APU, and AMD graphics card)


Plasma 6 fixed a lot of issues I had with Wayland, mostly multi monitor, but I’ve been using it since steam on X11 would cause your entire desktop environment to freeze up consistently every time. I read it was because steam was constantly pinging your display ports to see if there was another monitor connected, but I don’t know how true that is. Moving to Wayland fixed that probably because of xwayland

drasglaf, avatar

KDE Wayland is an epilepsy inducing flickerfest with my Nvidia GPU, so it’s off limits until they fix it. Games usually run fine on X11, but one exception I noticed is Noita, it runs like crap on X11, and runs great on Wayland for some reason.

Communist, avatar

If you don’t know, the fix for that is here:…/967

drasglaf, avatar

I had no idea, thanks.

Shinji_Ikari, avatar

I was using it on a new work machine, it was fine.

The main issue is all the good tiling wms are X11 based and I don’t really want to use a wayland version of i3. I want some dynamic tiling goodies.

Communist, avatar

You’re looking for Hyprland!


Generally I have when I use Gnome or KDE on Linux, though I have started to prefer MATE, which doesn’t have Wayland support yet afaik. I also started using FreeBSD on one of my computers a bit more, and I believe Wayland support is still a bit wonky on that right now. But as soon as Wayland support is there I’m definitely switching to that on the daily.


There is a Wayland WM that’s specifically developed on FreeBSD called Hikari


Zero issues for me. Been daily driving it for years. Play Steam games regularly, but have not tried switching to X. Performance on Windows is MUCH better with my 1080ti playing D4, but I’m prefectly content with preformance on Linux and don’t want to keep switching.

KindaABigDyl, avatar

I have been for the past month now. All of my games are now working.

Previously no and the reason was bc of Nvidia issues, but they all seem resolved now for the most part


Niche, I know, but I’m waiting on full functionality in Input Leap (Barrier fork which was a Synergy 1.x fork). Right now it sounds like it’s 90% of the way there but lacks clipboard sharing. I’m running Wayland on my desktop, but this soft kvm is pretty fundamental to my workflow on my laptop.


You’re not alone, it’s the same reason for me.

bruhduh, avatar

When I can use mtp connections with cli apps instead of only gui apps


I’m on AMD, so I’ve been on Wayland since around 2021. Haven’t really experienced any issues.

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