
Other motions proposed included a call to “abolish abortion by immediately securing the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization.”

Do my preborn children count towards car passengers in the HOV lanes? Can I claim every fertilized egg as a dependent on my state tax forms?

“Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto. … supporters of the Texas Nationalist Movement, which wants the Lone Star State to become an independent country, were photographed holding signs which read TEXIT NOW!”

So the Brexit disaster is their role model now?


How to give land more votes than people. Not long before election results are measured in number of acres.

pbjamm, avatar

ah yes, the traditional democratic ideal of “1 acre, 1 vote”

mozz, avatar

Goes well right alongside “bribing politicians is free speech” and “peace rallies are terrorism”

BioDriver, avatar

Hahahahahahaaaaaaa get me off this ride if anyone in a blue state is hiring please let me know


“if you can’t win fair and square, then cheat. if you can’t win by cheating, then 1/6/20”


“we’re not going to do anything about anything”



What’s the difference between an abuser and an enabler? Very little, in my experience.
ps both sides

mozz, avatar

Why isn't it your job to do something? The conservatives certainly consider it the rank and file's job to get involved in changing the system to the way they want it to be; that's part of why they're having such an outsized impact.


the younger population is disgusted by all the crusty old white men in the government, so they don’t vote. i know, because i work at a community college. yet another consequence of deliberately hobbling public education while blaming all the world’s ills on abortions, mexicans, gays, women, and black people

mozz, avatar

Absolutely true. The propaganda that says "Everyone in government is crusty old white men and all equally the problem, it's not worth even trying to improve things, just be unproductively bitter and angry instead, while we're taking all your stuff"

Is very much of a piece with the propaganda says "All the poors and immigrants are the problem, it's not old white men in government, just be unproductively bitter and angry instead, while we're taking all your stuff." The target audience is just different.

And you know what? They both work real real fuckin' well. See, look all the problems.


it goes back to the intentional removal of critical thinking skills from an early age onward. it’s not “believe what you’re told to believe,” it’s “believe what WE tell you to believe. everything else is fake news”

mozz, avatar

I was very very lucky in terms of getting a good education (both from my parents and from the schools I went to), and it was absolutely shocking to me when I first started doing political arguments with some people I'd known for quite a while and realized they had no idea how to think for themselves.

Like even the basics of, if source X says one thing and then later on in the same article says some incompatible thing, then that source is not the truth. Never mind about even comparing one day's statements to the next day's, or against real science or anything like that.

They just go with who's real confident and forceful in their presentation and sounds like they have firm authority over what's going on, and then they go all-in on believing whatever crazy shit that changes day to day that that person is saying. Like I say it was real shocking (and also, how if I tried to break down inconsistencies with what their source was saying, they'd just get confused and upset and disoriented, and ultimately reject what I was saying.)


It goes back to bipartisan suppression of any leftist movements of any consequence.


What do you mean? We have better voter engagement among young people than any previous generation.

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