bquintb, avatar

Blah blah blah…oh Newsweek, oh Nate Silver-Hillary-is-gonna-win-90%-chance

That_Devil_Girl, avatar

While I’m willing to concede that Biden is unpopular now due to recent events, the claim thst he’s the least popular president in 75 years is laughably false.

Newsweek seems to conveniently forget about Trump, who’s currently has 90+ pending criminal charges.


Trump had higher approval numbers than Biden currently does with Democrats


To be fair, the only people that respond to poll calls are the retirees with land lines that mainstream Faux News all day, everyday. I can say I have recieved a few calls that my caller ID says are political calls and I don’t answer


Pollsters usd a variety of methods, and do sampling bias correction.…/addressing-the-landline-only-polling…


to be fair

Only a small portion of polling results now come from land lines. All the methodology used in the polls is included with poll results.


What a crock of shit


As predictable as ever, the propaganda train rolls on down the line.


As usual… a hit piece devoid of any actual information. Just more propaganda…


That’s exactly what it is. Their post history is full of almost nothing but this type of nonsense.


I could guess who the poster was based on the headline alone

jordanlund, avatar

Looking solely at approval rating (% of people saying ‘I approve!’).

If you look at DISAPPROVAL rating (% of people saying ‘I disapprove’) he comes across MARGINALLY better.



Truman - 56%
Nixon - 66%
Carter - 55%
W. Bush - 61%
Trump - 62%

Biden? 62%…/joe-bidens-approval-ratings/


I seriously don’t know why you allow this blatantly bullshit type of hit piece here.


It is a valid question. I think ozmas antics among others have worn out a lot of generosity and goodwill on many peoples parts. I had a good laugh when Ozma themselves responded elsewhere that they post propaganda to spark debate. Honestly the main debate I’d seen on many of their posts was if they were genuine. But just an easily manipulable tool. Or if they genuinely had malicious desire such a accelerationism trying to get as many people as possible hurt. Though there’s always the third option. Kind of like Shapiro and aoc. I’m not 100% sure that ozma doesn’t just have the hots for Biden.


They’re a clown not to be taken seriously.

return2ozma, avatar

Personal attacks for simply posting political articles in a politics sub? Tsk tsk


It’s what I think of anyone that tries to pretend they’re not sharing propaganda when it’s so painfully obvious.

It’s insulting that you think people are stupid enough to buy it.


So it’s propaganda when pointing out Biden is another run of the mill Republican?

Mastengwe, (edited )

It’s propaganda when someone does nothing but post bad-faith half truths and fully untrue bullshit targeting one person all the time and to the same community.

People recognize patterns. OP is a well known poster here that does almost nothing but post anti-Biden propaganda.


Liberals don’t look for truth, they seek confirmation bias. The exact same thing republicans do.

Liberals wont hold Biden accountable, someone has to do it. If trump were doing the exact same things Biden is doing right now, and he will, democrats would be in an uproar.

Mastengwe, (edited )

And socialists do what exactly? Cry online and suggest everyone withhold their vote? How is this fixing anything. None of you bother to show up to vote anyway, so everyone pretty much writes you off as no big loss.

You believe in an untested/unproven system that has a VERY poor track record, and yet you smugly shout from the rooftops that you know of a better way while the only suggestion you all seem to have is guaranteed to destroy democracy- not voting.

And you wonder why people accuse you of being right-wing trolls.

So forgive the rest of us when we show it back that you’re not to be take seriously.

VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT- because they do.


And you call us smug.

Votes should be withheld until they are earned, that’s how this democracy thing is supposed to work. With the current system your rights are held hostage by your own party for ransom in exchange for power. But in the end you never get rights, you get bread crumbs with more promises of rights which never materialize. When you are defending someone funding and condoning genocide you and your party are not the lesser evil.


Yes. I call you smug. And suggesting that people don’t vote is about the most selfishly ignorant thing you can do.


Don’t forget manipulative and unethical.


I’m not saying don’t vote. I’m saying you don’t have to vote for either right wing senile pedo.


Name one third party candidate that can beat Trump in November.

I’ll be waiting.


Based on polling, your main line right wing senile candidate can’t win either


So you’re not going to name one, eh?

Oh and anyone with a brain knows polls are bullshit. It’s been proven.


Yeah, polls are bullshit unless they contribute to the echo chamber and provide confirmation bias


So not only do you admit you have no answer to my question, you also admit that the poll you showed is either bullshit, or contributed to your echo chamber and served to prove your confirmation bias.

Not very bright man.


the poll you showed

What poll did I show?

Not very bright man

You can’t seem to differentiate me from OP

The only polls liberals think are accurate are the ones that provide them with dopamine hits of confirmation bias


Based on polling, your main line right wing senile candidate can’t win either

The poll you referred to. Look man, you’re way out of your element here. I asked you right off, what third party option you think had a chance to beat trump, and like a typical socialist, you balked and tried to distract with typical socialist insults.

You’ve been called out man. You lose.


The poll you referred to

I didn’t refer to A poll, all polling shows Biden’s numbers suck.

I lost nothing, im not the one breathing a dead horse calling it progressive. Things will continually get worse because liberals have no proverbial balls to do the right thing and end the status quo


Kick some rocks man. This is over.

Theprogressivist, avatar

A leftist refusing to vote for the status quo, which is not not progressive, is no more apathetic than a Democrat refusing to vote for a Republican. You have to decide if you want progress or keep things the same, because you can’t have both.


Provide content worth discussing. And you will not become a subject of the discussion. Behave obsessively and people will notice.


I’m not 100% sure that ozma doesn’t just have the hots for Biden.

Best take. They want Biden’s feet.

jordanlund, avatar

Technically, it’s not incorrect and it’s valuable for people to see what the opposition is saying, we aren’t running an echo chamber.


I wouldn’t expect it to be an echo chamber, but it IS incorrect. And I would think you’d at least shoot for accuracy here. It’s good to know that this community essentially has a “both sides” Fox News-like approach to political news.

jordanlund, avatar

The statistic itself lacks nuance and context, that’s where the downvotes and comments come in.

It doesn’t do anyone any good to pretend everything is hunky dory for Biden when it very clearly is not.


I never said it was, nor would I suggest anyone believe as much. But when someone posts nothing but disproven bullshit and overtly biased nonsense….

It absolutely needs to be called out.

The downvotes and comments come for people who are tired of this guy plastering your community with this propaganda.


I think it’s very telling that your statement of support was that it’s not technically incorrect. Though I honestly do sympathize with you a little bit. It’s hard to police a lot of this b*******. Thankfully in this instance it looks like the community definitely stepped up hard for it.

Frankly there’s almost nothing of less value for discussion than polls. This far in advance they’re rather meaningless. And this one’s not telling us much we didn’t already know. People are terrifyingly ignorant. The fact that one of the best presidents of the last 50 years ( though perhaps not consequential. Carter) is technically the lowest ranked in popularity. Makes that glaringly clear.

Unfortunately though there isn’t much that can really be done by mods with regards to someone being annoying and beating a dead horse into the dirt. Out of some need to gain attention or push some false narrative.


Well fucking said man.


Could we have a weekly polls megathread? Though that likely just pushes more work into the mod team.

I think what we have today is good, the community speaks, and the mods hopefully don’t burn out.

Mods: you’re doing great.


Frankly I don’t think that’s a solution either. As I posted earlier. There really isn’t much here for a mod team to sink their teeth into. This really is much more the realm of the community policing itself. Which it did with a Vengeance in this case.

Having a weird fetish or an obsession is not a bannable offense. And there could be actual polls worth discussing at some point. To be clear I would be just as annoyed with anyone else obsessively virtue signaling about other things as well. Like some Linux advocates. And I say that as a heavy user myself. I think people are just getting tired of scrolling and seeing ozmas multiple daily “Biden bad” posts. Generally linking to a specious poll. Or hyperbolic opinion piece not worth discussing. All in furtherance of pushing a message/agenda.

It’s especially weird too. Because I do see them post other things that are often more reasonable. As long as it’s about anything other than Biden and Israel.


The mods aren’t your pet censors.

You just want an enforced echo chamber where things you don’t want anyone to read are verboten.


You know me so well?

Since we’re making observations….

It’s funny how you seem to always show up in defense of OP and their propaganda, but never for those that takes heat from the myriad socialist kids that think they run this place.

It certainly makes one wonder.


It’s almost as though I don’t like punching left.


You should defend punching in ANY direction where there’s bad actors trying to dilute the waters with propaganda.

The fact that people like you refuse to punch left illustrates the facts that it’s desperately needed if we ever want to have a balanced and honest view of how things really are.

Learn nuance. Then practice it.


“Propaganda” is what you call stuff people to your left say.

All you do is punch left while screaming that you’re punching right.

“Nuance” is when everything you want the mods to censor for you is “propaganda”.


It’s not just something that people only to my left say.

Propaganda is something to call stuff that is either a bad-faith half-truth or fully untrue that is created for no other purpose than to route public opinion towards whatever agenda the creator of it intends.

And how many times am I going to have to argue with your little sock puppets over this?


It’s not just something that people only to my left say.

As far as you’re concerned, anything to your left is propaganda that you want immediately censored forever.

And how many times am I going to have to argue with your little sock puppets over this?

I have only one account on world, and one on nsfw that doesn’t do politics at all. That’s it, that’s all. I have zero sockpuppet accounts.


So you know how I’m concerned? How do you know this exactly?

I’ve said that propaganda is propaganda regardless of what side it comes from but somehow, you seem to be hell-bent on being some kind of proxy victim to OP.

This is how I see it. This is how MANY people see it. This is not how you see it. That is fine. You are free to support a propagandist all you wish. But when I say that propaganda is something that isn’t reliant on what side it is spread from- and you think you have the authority to edit my comments to say that it only comes from the left- especially after I have explained to you that this isn’t the case…. several times across several posts-

You’re only showing everyone how desperate you are to be victimized. This isn’t helping your agenda. That is actively hurting it.

And again, the fact that you ONLY come to the defense of those that share it, and not those that stand against it illustrates how you’re here in bad faith to troll anyone to the right of you.

How’s that feel?


And again, the fact that you ONLY come to the defense of those that share it, and not those that stand against it

You identify anything to your left as propaganda. I’m under no obligation to punch left just because you want me to.

and not those that stand against it illustrates how you’re here in bad faith to troll anyone to the right of you.

I’m not here in bad faith, and I’m not trolling just because you don’t like that what I have to say is to your left.

If you want someone punching left here, you have that covered. Punching left is all you do.


ROFL… were done here. I can’t exist within the made-up world you live in and simultaneously make any sense to you. You’re going to rearrange whatever I say to mean whatever you need it to.

At least anyone reading along will see this.


ROFL… were done here

Yeah, I’ve heard this lie before from you.

I can’t exist within the made-up world you live in and simultaneously make any sense to you.

You make perfect sense. You don’t want anyone to be exposed to any ideas to your left, so you call it all propaganda in the hopes that it will be removed for you.

You’re going to rearrange whatever I say to mean whatever you need it to.

And you’re going to imagine that lemmy is vast and important enough to be a target for propagandists.


Okay, victim. Bye now.


I see your definition of “done” is constructed from the same self-serving bullshit as your definition of “propaganda.”

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