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The romance aspect is a complete waste of time and the time spent on it could have added so much more to the game.

Mastengwe, (edited )

I’m talking about the time the developer put into the whole thing. The coding, the animation, the VO… all the time could have been put to better more useful things.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it (

On the issue of Gaza, Biden is dramatically out of touch with the voters he needs to win re-election. If he will not be moved by morality to stop his support of this war, he should be moved by vulgar self-interest. Gaza is not a distant foreign conflict: it is an urgent moral emergency for large swaths of voters. Biden will lose...


The SJWs that refuse to vote every election year because of single issue nonsense are already counted out with regards to polling and forecasts as I understand.

This is why their votes actually can count. Because any vote from them will help tip the balance in favor of democracy over dictatorship-

but should they all make good on their threats to pout and stay home-

It’s just going to be status quo.


100% agree these people need to be shamed. And it needs to happen as often as it can’t until it’s understood what is at stake.

Action isn’t initiated by the lack of action. The mere thought that by doing nothing- something will happen is so incredibly ignorant… I can barely hold on to the concept of it let along try and sympathize with those that subscribe to it.


Holding democracy ransom because one feels the need to virtue signal about something they more than likely didn’t care about a year ago?

Yeah. Shame.


I honestly don’t think so. Again, single-issue non-voters are already not counted in the demographics- as I understand. I could be wrong, but I think this has always been a thing. This is why most polls aren’t accurate- because they don’t account for this. The remaining numbers are a result of who is expected to vote.

This doesn’t mean that the gEnOciDe jOe kids can’t help America from falling into absolute chaos, and Palestine from becoming a golf course…

But it’s already assumed they won’t. Again, they’re part of status quo and they don’t even realize it.


Why is this shit not considered an act of war?

Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bid (

WASHINGTON, May 18 (Reuters) - Several top White House aides say they are confident protests across U.S. college campuses against Israel’s offensive in Gaza will not translate into significantly fewer votes for Joe Biden in November’s election, despite polls showing many Democrats are deeply unhappy about the president’s...


There’s a good chance that most of the protestors weren’t going to be voting anyway. As I understand demographics, every election year, the “SJW” types aren’t counted on to participate.


I’ll absolutely be blaming them if the margin is close enough to make a difference. Because that is how it works. The votes are needed until they aren’t needed and we won’t know what’s needed until someone is elected.

You shouldn’t need this explained to you.

I will say however, that like previous election years- all of you anti-[whoever is the democratic candidate] folk will predictably disappear the moment the election is called.

I wonder why that is….


And what exactly do to think not voting at all gets us? Because third part voting is essentially the same thing as not voting. The only difference in a third party vote is that you at least can’t be accused of pouting and staring home.

But you know this already. Don’t you?


Nope. I’ll be blaming singe-issue voters. You can blame whoever you want. When you’re ready to understand nuance and how Biden has little choice in this matter and how congress actually works, we can talk.

But until then, yeah… if you’re not voting, or voting third party because you think you’re teaching someone a lesson- I’ll be blaming you.

But we both know you’ll just reroll as a victim of Trump come November when you help him win.


You don’t have the point you think you have. It only makes you look like you don’t understand how things work. And trust me when I says this…. Even one is aware of it.

And no, I’m not going to explain any of this to you again, so don’t bother with your questions. I and many others have been trolled by you and your bad-faith responses where you rewrite the talking points so that it suits whatever it is you’re trying to say, only for you to pretend to be the victim.

I’m sure you and your many sock puppet accounts are going to report me now so…. Do your thing.


Not exactly how I would put it, especially here- but yeah… I don’t know how they can expect to do nothing and create change. But they’re young and naive.

Hopefully they don’t ruin so much shit for themselves that can’t be undone when they begin to understand how things work.


And if you had a point, you wouldn’t need to change the topic or rewrite what people say to you.

We’re done here.








Fun with the sock puppet accounts? It’s interesring how the upvotes are flooding in for your little “friend” there so quickly.


The onus shouldn’t be on the user to block trolls. That’s YOUR job if you read the rules.


Anyone else notice how quiet the bOtH siDEs camp is on articles like this? Seems they only like to talk about how bad both sides are when Biden is the subject being discussed- but when any of the right wing lunacy is brought up, they’re vapor.

This is a very clear indication as to what their motives are here.

VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT. There are a lot of people here hoping you don’t so that Trump can win November. Don’t give this to them!

Mastengwe, (edited )

That you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. There are tons of people posting daily the bullshit about both sides. I’d name them, but then I’d be banned for it.

Tons of people urging others not to vote. Tons of people saying both sides are the same- because of a single issue. And one they barely understand.

Don’t confuse the insistence that people get out and vote, and the calling out of bad actors anything other than what it is- an attempt to prop up American democracy and keep us from having to endure another four years of dictatorship.


Bingo. And they think people are falling for that bullshit. More than likely what’s happening is they’re all just bullshitting one another without even being aware of it.


Oh they see it. They just like pretending it’s not a problem.


How funny! I was just permanently banned from that same community this morning for disagreeing with one of their trolls. And yet, said mod was recently in a discussion about being fair and moderating civility.

Meanwhile, they allow all sorts of accusations and bullshit from the far left.


They don’t want to be disagreed with here. This is what happens when you allow teenagers to moderate communities.


I challenged the mod that banned me- told them that the mod logs show their bias…. and I was told to get “anger management.” ROFL!


I’d at least respect the honesty. Assuming that I’d believe otherwise after seeing their work in mod log is insulting.

That community has a reputation.


But he isn’t. You just think he is because you think everyone that disagrees with you is a fascist.


False equivalency: the weapon of the terminally outraged.


What helps me sleep at night is not buying into the manufactured outrage of teenaged idealists that won’t listen to reason.


Okay. Provide the name of a candidate that can beat Trump. Noting more than a name. No excuses, no bullshit.

I want you to type out- in letters, the name of a person currently running, that can win against Trump. With no “If” statements and no “but what about” statements.

A name.

Just a name.

Currently running

Qualified as a candidate.

Anything less is admitting you have no clue what you’re talking about.


Thanks for playing. You can show yourself out.


I dismissed you. You’re done here.


Okay… bye bye now.


Which is why Bethesda locking all current and future work behind MS/Xbox is quite possibly the dumbest fucking thing they could do.


News flash: to them, it’ll only be fair if they win.


Another idiot leading the charge to do nothing and expect results. At least this isn’t out of character for her.

Mastengwe, (edited )

Yes. This has been explained to you every time you post your anti-Biden propaganda.


Nothing will change. You’re not doing anything that hasn’t been done many times in the past- provenly with zero results. All you’re going to do is help us get Trump- but you know this already, don’t you?

And the fact that you don’t care, shows how little respect you’re deserved in this.


Dude. If you can’t see that’s she’s bandwagoning you’re blind as blind gets. This is all about her brand. Nothing more. She doesn’t give a shit. But since you never listen to anyone and think you know everything- you go ahead and look at the world through whatever lens you feel you need to.


You’re shilling an article about someone who has a proven track record of being selfish, shallow, and as fake as they get. It’s Hilary’s that you think this is making some kind of point in your favor.

You aren’t even aware that this further illustrates your agenda here to everyone. Trust me when I say this, you’re doing yourself NO favors here.

But that’s not why you’re here, is it?


People like Ozma don’t seem to care about any of that. Their disingenuous agenda appears to have no other purpose than to smear Biden and nothing else. Many people have tried explaining how things work just as you have, and many even brought proof to support their argument.

This dude just shuts down and stops responding when he runs out of excuses to not vote. This is about as bad-faith as it gets. You’re better off just citing how it’s wrong than trying to get this person to listen to reason.

Cardi is a fraud. She’s trying to boost her brand. Nothing more.


Oh I know why… we all know why. You’re not nearly as clever as you think you are at hiding it.


Seems no one here believes you.


This has been explained to them time and time again. They have made it very clear that they’re not here to debate it.

It’s a misinformation campaign and not much else.


There’s nothing there to disagree with, but the propaganda team here isn’t concerned with nuance.


Then it looks like your propaganda campaign is going to work, eh?


There tons of LGBTQ + that wish they could be around to disagree with that ignorant statement. But you don’t really care about that do you?

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