
30 years for sucking Mr Pelosi’s pee-pee, which Lonnie said was the truth. I hate him so much.


Please do elaborate


Stupid people don’t get sarcasm if you don’t spell it out for them. Some nutbag accused the two of being in a sexual relationship and Lonnie replied, “Interesting if true.” That’s who I hate so much, you daft dorks. Lonnie.

Sometimes I’m just too subtle about my sarcasm for the internet but I’m sick of having to spell it out.


Well, the great news is these forums are vastly inconsequential.

Jaysyn, avatar

Trump will pardon this guy if elected.

elbarto777, (edited )

Trump would* pardon this guy IF elected.

Edit: downvoted by Trumpers lol!

PoastRotato, avatar

How is this substantively different from the original comment?


Would is generally used for future events that will occur under only certain conditions.

At least, I think that's the pedantry that they are going for.


That is correct.

Yes, I’m being pedantic in a way. But Trump won’t win, period. He already lost in 2020 while being a sitting president. People wised up. They won’t be complacent.


Hoo boy I wish I shared your confidence.

elbarto777, (edited )

To be honest, I’ll feel more confident when that professor, who has been predicting the winner with almost 100% accuracy, announces his predictions.

Edit: some articles report that he said that he’ll make a definitive prediction in August.

KairuByte, (edited ) avatar

Will and would are all but interchangeable here. Would only “feels” like it fits better because it’s a hypothetical event, but it’s a cause and effect being talked about. Well, effect and cause but the point stands.

Edit: I’d like to point out that “will” is future tense, and “would” is past tense.


You’re of course right.

It’s just that I prefer to use “would” because it sounds less… hopeful?


Remember all the pardons he did


Wasn’t this guy and ilegal alien from Canada? Can we deport the crazy?


You sure you wanna do that? US prison might be the just punishment he needs.

Sanctus, (edited ) avatar

This guy gets 30 but not the insurrectionists? I’m sure there are legal precedents but that doesn’t feel right. The insurrectionists should be getting the same at a minimum.


Feels like the conclusion to draw is that attacking the government is okay, but once you signal out someone really rich, you’re fucked. Also apparently never do crime alone, you get much less severe sentences if you go as an angry mob.


This is not some random rich person. This is the officer 2nd in line for the Presidency of the United States. It’s a wee more serious.


Remind me who the capitol rioters were looking for? Ahh right the guy first in line for the presidency. Neither group found their target and instead attacked others, so I’m still struggling trying to understand the difference. Be in a mob and be targeting the poorer person even if there higher in line for the presidency. The guy who killed the cop on their way to the Pence hunt got 6 years.

Sanctus, avatar

And the mob was in the capital. That has to be on the same level as an official’s home, right? This all seems so insane. This guy is away for the rest of his life, sure that’s not the gripe. The gripe is the insurrectionists were doing at a minimum the same thing and most of them will be out to make another coup attempt? What the fuck is happening? Their leader got 22 years, 8 years less for an insurrection? What the fuck?


My first thought. While I agree with the sentiment, and I’d have prepared nooses for the insurrectionists, this is not that.

Almost none were charged with sedition, guess the prosecutors didn’t feel they could make it stick, and that’s 20-years max.

attempted kidnapping of a federal official

Kidnapping is taken very damned seriously in the US, automatically an FBI concern, and they will come down like devils. Probably an extra hit for attacking a fed.

he broke into the home of a public official, an unprecedented act in the history of the country

That seems hard to believe, but I don’t know of a precedent.

Cherry on top, his lawyers allowed him on the stand?! Am I reading that right? All he did was further incriminate himself. Hell, he might have slid on the kidnapping part if he shut the fuck up.


They could be sentenced to life and Trump would still pardon them. Vote in November.


I’m amazed he got any/didn’t go for insanity

fartington, (edited )


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  • don,

    The former automatically entails the latter.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    attacking her husband with a hammer has been sentenced to 30 years in prison.

    One could say he got the ‘ban hammer’.

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