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They run articles like these monthly at this point an I think it’s just the media doing two things. One they’re rage baiting for clicks just by using Trumps name. And Two, they’re pretending America is a place where the guilty go to jail even when they’re rich.


You don’t even need to go as far as engineers. How regular people trust all the science that makes their cell phones and cars and fast food, but none of the tech that scares them or challenges their understanding is hilarious. They’re like Amish people who got addicted to cell phones and mass produced food.


The US should follow it’s own laws and stop sending weapons to them.


By asking the Dems not to fill a vacancy they had every right to fill and watching the Dems self implode instead of filling the vacancy.


Wierd how theres always enough Democrats willing to come out at just the right time to prevent progress or outright claw it back, but never enough republicans swapping over. Doesn’t seem accidental when it only goes one way.


So if you vote blue, at any time without warning, your chosen candidate could flip and vote opposite of their what their constituents wanted like Sinema and Fetterman did. Manchin was always Manchin but the Democrats ability to run to the right after they get power is staggeringly consistent.


Gotta love how far too many are going to believe him anyway and there’s really nothing you can do about it. Wild times.


You know what probably costs more carbon that rebuilding a place where people live? The thousands of fuckin bombs and fuel they used to destroy it, but yeah rebuilding is the environmental issue.


If he croaks first of all Id be partying but I’d also think this make the election even more of a crap shoot as many light conservatives will go with the Republican candidate instead of Biden or abstaining, not to mention Bidens campaign centers how bad Trump is, if hes gone there goes the effect of millions of campaign dollars.

nondescripthandle, (edited )

Republicans are banning RCV faster than Democrats are pushing for it (which is easy because almost no democrats and no on influential to the party is actively pushing RCV). Probably because RCV hurts Democrats too, but either way at this rate if the time ever comes for a national discourse on a national RCV the red states will already be propagandized to disregard facts and hate RCV. The Democrats are not your solution to RCV, once again they’re the party of ‘too little to late’ incarnate. Go vote for them sure, but stop acting like they’re pro RCV and will advocate for a solution that takes power away from them because they aren’t and they won’t.

A new poll shows trouble for Biden with young voters, especially among voters of color (

It found that just one-third of all young Americans said they would back Biden if the election was held at the time the survey was conducted. The poll also reflects a virtual tie in the race. Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points, and 34% of respondents are currently backing a third-party candidate or said...


I keep beating this drum every time they use a fake concern for people of colors well being as a reason to vote Biden but they don’t want to hear it. It’s so wild they’ll stick their heads as deep in the sand as MAGA when it’s news they don’t like. They’re so terrified any bad news means trump will win they’ll drown out and censor shit like this and then don’t realize why people call them Blue MAGA. The Republicans hate any facts that dont let them be racist and Democrats hate any facts that make Biden look bad. Cant wait until they tell us ‘no on could have seen this coming’


The things shes done to women trying to tell their stories, and the propping up of Trump because she thought it was a layup, yeah I would have to delusionally convince myself that Im always right in order to keep living without a self harm level of guilt too.

Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid | CNN Politics (

“The issue, now before Cannon in the Southern District of Florida federal court, is likely to remain in the political debate at least until Cannon holds a hearing on the legal power of the special counsel to prosecute a defendant, on June 21.”


There’s not enough of us, and definitely not enough of us with actual force, or any skills useful to applying or upkeeping that force. I’ve spent a lot of time finding my local revolutionary minded kin and what I learned is aim small. Have a small circle you can sustain, learn to grow food, get good at running, and keep a well maintained weapon. When shit hits the fan build parallell societies or camps or communes or whatever. Keep your network big and your goals small. Also learn ham radio. With a car battery and a wire antenna placed high enough, the 20m and 40m bandwidths can propagate worldwide day and night. Most people would rather watch fascism win and be in peace than try to fight it but be in conflict.


Democrats are not The Left.


Not even close and im tired of people like you trying to obfuscate that. Democrats are liberal, liberals believe in capitalism. The Left does not.


Nice try patronizing anyone who doesn’t agree with you, but words have meaning and the Democrats are not The Left.


Makes me chuckle to think that Russian propagandists are like ‘Well no one will believe us if we call him a bad actor’


Okay and if that ‘Democrat’ opposes the whole party agenda and literally prevents movement toward the Democrats party goals, then it doesn’t really matter if he says hes a democrat or not? May as well run someone who will work with your party because Manchin was functionally a Republican.

nondescripthandle, (edited )

Based on what hes let slide in Gaza Ukraine should be asking if they can bomb civilian blocs in Moscow though. Who cares about popularity when your people are dying?


Still won’t get you a better president unless you live in a swing state.


Sometimes I wonder if it’s even possible to be a good person when at the end of the day I’ve been funding this military for decades. Like why even bother trying to be good if I have little choice but to materially support genocide, how would one even ‘balance that out’?


There is absolutely no pressure on Biden to stop aiding genociders, just empty words. Nothing is going to happen to Biden if he doesn’t change course, there are no consequences. There is more pressure on Biden to sanction the ICC with the maga republicans because those comments are coming from Netenyahu and he can actully evoke material consequences by fucking with the AIPAC funding.


Gotta love how the big tent of the Democrats has space for pro life dems but no space for anti genoceide dems.


Give Ukraine the budget and free passes the world gives Isreal and the war would be over in a month. And Ukraine is fighting against an actual military.


The fight for 15 started in 2012, 12 years ago. Inflation alone puts that above 21 bucks in post pandemic dollars, rising with inflation and rising worker productivity should get us to somewhere close to 27.

Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden (

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....


Everything costs more, housing prices near me still rising, and my wage stays the same. If this is what a good economy looks like then give me a bad one.

Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population (

None of the aid that has been unloaded from the temporary pier the US constructed off the coast of Gaza has been delivered to the broader Palestinian population, as the US works with the UN and Israel to identify safe delivery routes inside the enclave, the Pentagon said on Tuesday....


Fucking idiots spent time and money building something that does not need to exist while Israel steps over evey line Biden gave them. The US is basically just delaying so Isreal can continue with their final solution. Theres no way in hell any sane statesman could continue to give Israel the benefit of the doubt. After example after example, the choice to continue supporting this becomes the intentional and continuation of everything the Israeli state does.


Feels like the conclusion to draw is that attacking the government is okay, but once you signal out someone really rich, you’re fucked. Also apparently never do crime alone, you get much less severe sentences if you go as an angry mob.


Remind me who the capitol rioters were looking for? Ahh right the guy first in line for the presidency. Neither group found their target and instead attacked others, so I’m still struggling trying to understand the difference. Be in a mob and be targeting the poorer person even if there higher in line for the presidency. The guy who killed the cop on their way to the Pence hunt got 6 years.


Who’s gonna enforce it? Nothing happend last time Texas broke federal law and had a little standoff with federal immigration officers.

Republicans Flock to Trump’s Trial, Risking Control of the House Floor (

"The House was in session at the Capitol on Thursday, but thanks to the latest procession of Republicans reporting for duty in front of a Manhattan criminal courthouse to show support for former President Donald J. Trump at his trial, the party risked ceding its control of the floor,” the New York Times reports....


They know the Democrats don’t have the balls to try and sneak legislative actions by when they’re not there. They’re too focused on decorum and wanting a strong Republican party to undermine the Republicans.


Good call. I fell for the trap I was upset about, it’s literally just their job, but they won’t do it the same way they didn’t want to confirm judges near the end of Barrys second term.


Im sorry but “I made a tacit verbal agreement about choices that deeply shape the law of the entire country with an untrustworthy group of people who went on to break it when everyone was warning they would break it” isn’t better. In fact that changes the narrative from ‘Dems being too stuck to principles to make the right choice’ to ‘Dems are simply not intelligent enough to make the right choice’, and either way they got played.


Another poll showing nonwhite voters as some of the people most likely to be breaking from Biden. Can’t wait for lemmy to tell me how privileged they all are for not liking Biden.


The lower one side goes, the lower the other side goes. How are you gonna vote out fascism when the Democrats go a low as they can simply because Republicans go lower. Trump doesn’t even need to win at this point for fascism to continue encroaching because Dems will continue to strip liberties like fair debates away under the guise of stopping the other sides fascism. Every day we march rightward.


As long as someones left to buy the bombs they’re selling, they don’t mind who or how many die.


If people wont break the duopoly when the lesser of two evils turns into the lesser of two genocides then they will never break away. Nothing will convince these people to actually support other parties and Im tired of hearing them pretend that’s not true.


The Republicans are turning all of America fascist, including the Democrats. Ratchet effect in full motion, the lower the Conservatives go, the less Democrats have to do. As long as one of those parties keeps getting votes, the other will move rightward. Rinse and repeat until the government and corporations complete their merger. Its no mistake they pay for both sides.


The average human will blame immigration for that as if immigration is a self contained problem and has nothing to do with the conditions they themselves are creating in other countries.


I both envy and salute the gusto of the poll worker who looked that man in the face and said “Sorry, rules are rules” and made his ass go home. But maybe that’s just my American showing how not used to seeing powerful people have to follow them.


"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action;” who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a “more convenient season.”

MLK jr. on those who prefer order to justice, from the opening paragraph of Letter from a Birmingham Jail.


There’s a law on the books preventing the US from doing buisness with the countries that have been accused of what Israel has been accused of, all Biden needs to do is execute that law as written which is well within his power as Chief Executive of the Executive branch of government.


First up, that’s not what execution of laws means. In regards to the executive branch, execution means for formal signing of bills I to law, and has nothing to do with actual enforcement.

It’s literally then job of the executive branch to enforce the law. Even cops are part of the executive branch, please cite a source that claims the executive branch of the government has nothing to do with enforcing the law.


Oh yeah I bet they always make sure to make their employees comfortable and not just the times when they can do it for free by excluding people.


This is not righting a wrong if he’s still giving Israel money. This is like paying for a bandaid because the guy you keep giving a bunch of knives to is stabbing people. It’s a small damage control move when he himself is funding the damage in the first place.


That’s the problem, Trumps worried RFKs gonna attract more people who would otherwise vote for him, and honestly he should be. Hating democrats, or ‘liberals’ is akin to culture in conservative circles, RFK being an option to not vote for trump and still ‘own the libs’, or at least not vote for them, is a problem for him. At the same time, his attack tries to paint RFK as someone who is at the core still a lib.

Uncommitted voters are not apathetic. The Democratic party is (

What happens in November is up to Biden – it will not be the fault of the protest voter if Trump is elected. The questions remain: does the Democratic party fear Trump as much as we do? And does it value its voters enough to shift away from an approach to the onslaught in Gaza that a majority of Democratic voters are against?


Why do you assume I’m defending them? All I’m saying is you’re wrong too, nothing about talking nice got us anywhere, and you must know this implicitly because you refuse to answer my questions with anything but your own detracting questions. Reread my first comment, and try answering it instead of making the conversation about something else.

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