@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

and it works. conservative, rural humans actually believe the lies, and theres no proving to them that its a lie even from their own party.

were all fucked because we defunded critical thinking and let faux news destroy the simple folk.


MAGA believes the lies. Conservatives go along with it because it will benefit them financially. They’re two different flavors of complicit.

@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

'rich' conservatives. theres a lot less of them than you would think compared to the unwashed masses voting red across red states.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

I know several. They’re not rich, just conservative. They’re very common in business. They prioritize their economic desires over everything else, while maintaining the narrative that they believe in social equality. The hypocrisy is real.

I was suggesting your use of conservatives may need to be reconsidered. MAGA Republicans are not conservative. They’re two distinctly different ideologies on the right.

@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

yep, they put memorial day flags on their lawns and then continually de-fund social safety nets for veterans.

they care soo much

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

Nailed it. “Why should my tax dollars…” begins every counterpoint.


This is why people are not ready. What the republiQan party is contributing to - the kind of chaos and instability they’re willingly agreeing to inflict in order for a shot at more power is unconscionable. The massive uptick in narcissistic sociopaths in the GQP is no coincidence.

Your parent’s republican party should be ashamed, but that’s never stopped them before and it sure as shit won’t stop them now.


The problem is our parents Republican party has become todays Democrat party. There is no longer anything resembling Democrats of previous generations


I think it’s been fairly obvious since there have been effectively 0 consequences for the organizers of this coup that they’ll try again.

I think the difference this time is the degree of normalization, and the fact that Fani Willis blew the case in GA, the Judge Canon blew the case in FL, and while the NY case is probably around an 80/20 chance of conviction versus hung jury, it’s not actually about this period of crime that Trump engaged in.

Basically, Merrick Garland has opened the doors and laid down the precedent that could and election interference can proceed, by not going after these crimes on day one of the Biden term. Sitting his hands for two and a half years basically means these cases were DOA because Trump’s lawyers would easily be able to stall for as long as they needed.

So Trump has the proof points to bring a much bigger leadership force to bear (more high profile Republicans) who are just going to lie and say the election was stolen. They’re outing themselves as much right now. Democrats, as is tradition, are busy hand wringing about decorum, so we can’t expect them to come to the defense of the Republic.

Where that leaves us is that Biden would basically need to crush Trump at the polls in such a way that no single state can get to the Supreme Court. What the polls are telling us is that the opposite is happening. Trump is currently winning this election. It’s not even clear they’ll need to trot out some stolen election shit story, because the ght now, they are on track to win it.

I had Biden at 2:1 a year ago and 8:1 6 months ago. I’d give him 20:1 today. If you value your liberty, you should be assuming that be it by hook or by crook, Trump’s going to be in the oval office next January. Trump is crushing Biden in the polls rn. Beyond that, he’ll try and cheat at a state level (fake electors). Beyond that he’ll find a challenge he can take to the supreme Court (bush v gore 2000 set precedent that SC can decide elections). Beyond that Ya’ll quaeda will march on Washington (again, with fewer mistakes and more confidence).


I highly recommend the book The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America by historian Timothy Snyder. It gives a much bigger picture of what is going on, what the goal is and how it is being accomplished.

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