
‘unhinged campaign of revenge’

is how I would describe Israel’s actions in Gaza with Biden’s full support


He can’t get re-elected without moderates.

They just left, and screaming bloody murder at them isn’t going to get them back.


…Did they just figure this out now?


Maybe if Biden wasn’t a piece of shit he could get more voters?


A lot of people voted for Biden because they were horrified by what Trump was doing, things like the border prisons. Nothing fundamentally changed, they were just rebranded.


I really wouldn’t be surprised if Biden pardoned Trump after the election to “help the nation heal”, sadly.




Yes but if TFG gets elected, what happens to Biden?

They are not the same.


Oh if Trump wins, I fully expect Biden to be in cuffs or publicly executed, depending on how much power his Supreme Court hands him… either a lot or a fuckton


If the Biden campaign thought that hish payment felonies were going to cost Trump the election, then they haven’t been paying attention for the last 10 years


If he wins, just ignore it and have Democrats rule anyway. This NEEDS to be done for America to be safe from neo-nazis.


Don’t mistake this, he will now do anything and everything to win the election. It’s his only chance of avoiding prison. Cornered rat and all that – it’s more important than ever to get out the vote.


Do not underestimate how badly bigots want Trump to get rid of gays, transgenders and stoners.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Dem turnout is depressed and fascists are a hill of kicked ants. Its 2002 all over again.


Joe Biden only won by like 43,000 votes across swing states in the electoral college. This journey is not over

retrospectology, avatar

It’s wild to think he’s willing to potentially lose to a literal felon just to protect a genocidal right-wing zealot.

It would be the most final indictment of neoliberalism one could imagine.

eldavi, (edited )

i think he’s betting on the pro-isreal-no-matter-what people who vote more reliably for the establishment than the left-leaning young who usually don’t vote for the establishment.

the later is a is chicken and egg problem because there’s not much reason for a progressive to vote for a centrist, so the centrist doesn’t try to reach out to the progressives; cementing a lack of votes from progressives for a centrist.


The good ol’ I’m not my opponent so vote for me strategy. Let’s see how that plays out for them.


Brandon definitely has his game hat on. Doesn’t matter what the distractions say or do. Get tf out and vote.


Biden needs to refer to the turnip as his felonious opponent from here on out.

AllNewTypeFace, avatar

Some 10% to 27% of Americans, depending on whom you ask, want the full Trump program: mass executions of liberals, bans on contraception and homosexuality, Christian nationalism, the whole Unified Reich thing, and plenty of opportunities to denounce annoying neighbours/coworkers/acquaintances as “woke” and have then taken away. Another 10-20% are low-information voters who “aren’t political”, but know, from news headlines, that things are in some way not going well, and based on vibes, believe it’s time for a change of administration. Being nonpolitical, they don’t care who replaces Biden, as long as it’s someone else, and of course, don’t understand Duverger’s Law and the Electoral College and thus don’t see why it couldn’t be literally anyone else.


You’re forgetting a decent subset. Ones who are informed but would rather vote 3rd party, which due to not having Teddy Roosevelt won’t do shit, rather than vote for either of these guys

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Ones who are informed but would rather vote 3rd party

Or not at all. The Biden first term has been deeply depressing and demotivating. At some point, people have to live their lives and can’t be entirely subsumed in politics.

If they’re struggling to make rent, if they can’t get health care after picking up the Long COVID or caring for a relative to did, if they’re still crippled by student debts that never got relieved, if they’ve got loved ones abroad or in border detention centers who are being brutalized by US foreign policy, if they can’t afford a new car because Biden just slapped a giant tariff in cheap new imports, or who are simply too overworked and underpaid to afford the luxury of a political fixation, I can see people tuning out this election cycle as another media circus.

If Biden’s truly changing the lives of millions of people with his public policy, maybe none of that will matter. Maybe there will be legions of staunch Biden-heads bellying up to the polls in support of their savior. But I see a step gulf between what Democrats say is happening and what people sick of this administration are experiencing. I suspect that gulf will be what sinks him in November.


I completely agree that’s what I meant by the 3rd party. Those who will refuse to vote for either and I tend to find that more common from those who would’ve voted Democrat compared to the ones that would’ve voted Republican

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

You find lots of defectors in homogenous states. Texas is flush with libertarian conservatives who believe they aren’t served by the GOP. California has it’s fill of socialists disgusted with corporate shills in the “liberal” party.

Swing states have to play friendlier with these types of voters, producing lots of oddball candidates like Dennis Kucinich and Ilhan Omar. One reason Dem Senators are running so far ahead of Biden is due to their moderate appeal in their states relative to his extremist views.


I suspect that gulf will be what sinks him in November.

i suspect abortion is the life line that will give biden the victory he wants


duverger’s “law” is a useless tautology.

snownyte, avatar

It's already started over in Twitter. MAGA Cultists are already thinking that America has 'died' lol.

return2ozma, avatar

It would certainly speed things up at least.


And of course, they’ll all be treated by the FBI with kid gloves, while leftists pointing out the impending need for self defense from their treasonous aggression will be persecuted as terrorists.


while leftists pointing out the impending need for self defense from their treasonous aggression will be

Called NRA shills?


The SRA exists; actual leftists know and understand that the second amendment is not limited to maga hogs


I’m aware, try spreading the gospel of self-defense here on lemmy and see how receptive the audience is.


I’d expect people on lemmy to know better; anywhere else though, yeah, fair


I’d expect people on lemmy to know better

This has not been my experience here while advocating for the left arming and preparing.


You think the audience isn’t receptive, so you try to prove it by joining them with your worthless previous comment?


Brother I know the audience here isn’t receptive to “arm yourselves and learn how to use them.”

I’ve been called an NRA shill multiple times by braindead internet leftists right here on lemmy.


And so you try to fix that by calling me one? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Read harder instead of taking offense at every imagined slight.

“while leftists pointing out the impending need for self defense from their treasonous aggression will be”

To which i replied “Called NRA shills?” which has been my experience here on lemmy.

You could’ve even just read the back and forth with the other commenter and figured out what I was saying. Nothing feels as good as indignation I guess though.


Do you understand what I was saying now? I realize it wasn’t very clear, it was early in the morning.


Yes, I now understand that you were intending to lament it. I’m glad you’ve finally realized that the accusation implied by your tone accidentally reinforced it instead.

(By the way, now that we’re done bickering: I’d say that people who are privileged enough not to need to understand the value of self-defense are very likely to be liberals, not leftists.)

nomous, (edited )

I’d say that people who are privileged enough not to need to understand the value of self-defense are very likely to be liberals, not leftists

It never stops with you people, no true Scotsman.


American a died a long time ago.

Brunbrun6766, avatar

No it has not don’t be stupid


In the sense of what it supposedly represented, and in the sense of it’s land and people, it most certainly is. What we call America today is nothing more than a machine, a meat grinder that has superseded what came before it in all but name.


America has been a meat grinder the whole time and never really represented any of the things we claim it did. All men were created equal but slavery and genocide were fine? If anything we’re closer to that ideal now than we ever have been


What came before was a slave state created so that tea smugglers wouldn’t have to pay taxes.

tsonfeir, avatar

Maybe the education system.


It was always just a business proposition


American a died a long time ago.

This is such a stupidly lazy thing to say

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