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SupraMario, (edited )

The left isn’t who made him a cause célèbre. That was the right wing media. He wasn’t interviewed by fucking Jacobin or whatever. He was interviewed on Fox News. And he didn’t “defend” himself unless you ignore everything that happened leading up to the killings. He got driven across state lines with a AR-style rifle “to protect businesses” like a dumbass.

The left went after him with teeth, they wanted to turn him into another mass shooter. Kid was a fucking idiot, but you wanting to hitch your wagon to felons and child molesters who attacked him is a bit silly.

If you arm yourself and appoint yourself a vigilante, you are no longer acting in self defense.

How come the left didn’t apply that same logic to grosen or whatever the fuck domestic violence guys name was that got his arm smoked? He was carrying illegally, and was part of the crowd burning down buildings that had nothing to do with the police.

You are an untrained dumbass creating the conditions for violence. It’s like showing up to an Alabama - LSU game and going into the LSU student section in a Bama jersey. If you get a beer thrown at you and it ends in a brawl, nothing you do is self defense. It’s your own dumbass fault.

No that’s called being a child, but it’s not ok for the other side to not act like adults and be violent. The fuck is wrong with you, you sound like a damn gang member “well he was in our hood wearing the other gangs colors, so we shot him”.

Grow up.

%100 need single payer though.


Where did I defend him? I’m not the one acting like the 3 people he shot were angels, and I sure as fuck am not the one who is completely ignorant to the case. There are still tons of people on the left who seem to think he shot minorities…hell even in this thread someone said it.


Because Boeing let everyone know that the roads where icy this time of year, and windows let in a lot of air.


Boeing: “naa fuck that. They’ll be fine coming back down”


Yep I don’t see anything wrong with it. All the kids know is someone is cheering for them and that their dads are there way more often and more involved than ever. It’s a win win…


They also don’t actually do anything for gun rights, it’s why all my homies hate the NRA and support SAF and GOA and other smaller organizations that actively support the 2nd.

Fuck the NRA.


I love how they’re going on about this crap, while giving BJs to the russians.

The red scare you dipshits was about russia…


Confused what the complaint is here, they ruled that you can’t be a criminal and own a firearm.

We have a bigger issue that abusers are rarely forced to give up their firearms.


So it’s more bullshit take on the Bruen ruling that anti-2a groups are still salty from? This has nothing to do with the Rahimi ruling at all…

SupraMario, (edited )

I read the article, it’s exactly as I described it, bitching from the anti-2a crowd about Bruen

You all can down vote me all you want. That’s literally what the article is. The 2nd isn’t going anywhere, you’re a minority of people who want it repealed. And your group got even smaller now that people on the left are becoming gun owners more and more.


People don’t take issue with Bruen because they want to repeal the 2nd Amendment. They take issue with Bruen because it’s an insane precedent.

Lol no that’s bullshit. Plenty want it repealed, usually the loudest do. It’s also not an insane precedent, there has been zero gun control laws that have actively helped drive down crime. It’s all been feel good legislation that’s done nothing but try and kick the can down the road for meaningful progress.

Bruen argues that there hasn’t been meaningful discussion or growth of laws and rights for 200 years. It’s a really dumb test. The constitution and amendments are really short. Not because they were written by divine geniuses, but because it is the founding document, it was never meant to be the entire body of law. That’s why it sets up 3 bodies of government to continue to govern and not just a judiciary to impose the constitution like divine mandate.

They’re really short because convoluted laws don’t do shit but target those who can’t hire expensive lawyers and lobbiest to avoid them. They’re rules for the working class not for the ruling class.


Laws are complicated because people are complicated.

People can be complicated all they want, actions are what are judged not how complex a person is. It’s literally why we have a judicial system. So people can be judged on their actions.

This guy having those tools means other people are more directly in danger of having to defend themselves. His personal rights don’t overshadow theirs, so his rights will be restricted based on his past actions. Claiming that’s impossible because 100 guys didn’t think of explicitly saying that in regards to this specific issue in the first few years of constructing an experimental government from scratch is insane.

What are you talking about? The ruling here is exactly that, if you’re a criminal, you can’t own firearms.

There have been lots of gun control laws that have helped drive down crime. That’s why we support mental health care, do background checks, and make people separate unsupervised children and guns.

No there has not, mental healthcare is completely lacking in this country, background checks fail all the time, and kids find their parents firearms a lot more than they should.

It’s why “arms” doesn’t include suitcase nukes and howitzers.

It actually does mean exactly that. The revolution was fought using mainly private arms. There wasn’t even a standing navy, we literally had people who owned the equivalent of a battle ship today. To act like the founders didn’t realize technology was going to advance is ridiculous.


I’ve always held this belief as well, if dems dropped the gun control issue, they’d basically wipe out the republican party.


It has nothing to do with that, gun owners aren’t the ones running around saying the AR15 should be banned, when it contributes to around 50 deaths a year…the paranoia is on the anti-2a side.


When he took the pre-orders, he hadn’t started writing it yet. I expect end of this year or mid next year for news on the release.


Dems need to get off their asses and solidify rvw into law.


Literally what they’re paid to do. I’m so tired of them getting a pass because the GOP will cause problems…they seem to constantly let the gop pass shit laws.


The Republicans seem to be really good at passing bullshit laws, the dems just don’t seem to be able to get it together. And yea they have had a few sessions where they were filibuster proof majority…


I’m sorry that you give the dems a pass, while the repubs seem to be just steamrolling shit into law. Either this country is not as left leaning as people think or the repubs get shit done with less support.


You’re joking right? Literally turned the SCOTUS red, and removed RvW all within the last few years. The red team continues to steamroll the blue team, all while the blue team just says they can’t do anything cause they’re going to get blocked by the red team…


Which was written by the insurance companies, and hasn’t done really any good. They should have crammed through single payer while tossing up their middle fingers to the red team.


Dude what the fuck are you talking about, tons of negative shit was passed by trump and the repubs just in his 4 years. Do you want me to go back to bush era?


Lol you didn’t even read the first few lines of that link. But w/e man. We’re in this situation because people like you give dems a pass.


They won’t say it out loud…even though it’s a massive part of it. The youth are staring at a shit load of immigrants from hard right religious countries yelling at how they want to turn their country into a Shira law shit hole…but no it’s the social media…


I think you’re missing my point, I’m not defending what we have done over there, I’m explaining why the right has gained more traction. It’s got nothing to do with the other crap they’re trying to explain away as the cause. It’s literally because of immigration, the amount of new violence that has shown up in the last 2 decades because of how they’re letting in these extremist.

Rising fascism in Europe is not a defense against the religious extremists. It is due to desire for continuity of personal comfort and freedom in the face of reckoning day, by ensuring those who they fucked over can’t come near and try to share in their abundance of resources.

It absolutely is, and the extremist who are showing up and marching and wanting to bring the issues and rule of law into democratic countries. The people see this, don’t like it and vote for the group that says they put a stop to it.

The truth sometimes hurts, but that’s what’s happening here.

Tobacco, alcohol, processed foods and fossil fuels ‘kill 2.7m a year in Europe’ (

Tobacco, alcohol, ultra-processed foods (UPFs) and fossil fuels kill 2.7 million people a year in Europe, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), which has called on governments to impose tougher regulation of health-harming products....


Because prohibition works so well…


And you’ll go to your dealer to get what? High? Or is your dealer going to drive you to work? Literally telling people to drop one vice and replace it with another.


Good, it’s less the right can point to and say biden is a hypocrite on.

SupraMario, (edited )

That saying of you don’t stoop to your enemies tactics means a lot here. Just because they do illegal shit, doesn’t mean everyone else should just say fuck it. Someone has to uphold the law. If the law is unjust then change the law


Do not lump the NRA in with gun owners. FUDDs are basically the only people who donate to the nra anymore. They’re a trash ass organization that just shills for repubs. Every gun owner who isn’t suckin the nras tit, thinks that the Castile case was bullshit, same with the Taylor shooting. Those cops should be in jail for murder.


Sure that I can’t say they wouldn’t, but they’re not the NRA type anymore. A large portion are not the racist assholes the NRA stands for now.

Do remember there are a lot more gun owners now that are on the left. There are also a lot more minorities that are gun owners as well.


Yeah that what I’m reading from it as well, I don’t know how much I believe the chode, but if he’s suggesting we put our foot up putins ass, then I’m all for it.


She…she doesn’t know that… because she’s a fucking idiot.


They’re absolutely right…but it doesn’t mean we should just keep on going with climate change…

SupraMario, (edited )

Unfortunately even the dems don’t want a different voting system.

Down voting me doesn’t magically make what I say untrue people.


O absolutely, local elections are where it’s at.


They do it only because it shows the rich elites might actually face consequences of their actions. Red or blue they’re part of the same coin and us plebians aren’t welcome in their club, so they protect their own.


I’m really glad that the trump presidency woke up a bunch of my liberal/progressive friends, as for the longest time I was the only one with firearms. Now, it’s like 85% who have firearms. I don’t think the meal team 6 guys know the rest of us are packing a lot more heat now.


Let me in! Looks fun, guess I’ll have to wait for the next round of beta entries.


Biden needs to refer to the turnip as his felonious opponent from here on out.


Why any company still puts all its products directly in china is beyond me, COVID showed them that you should have multiple countries of product sourcing.


We already have tightened regulations. In the USA you can no longer buy antibiotics off the shelf. You have to now get an RX. We here in the US aren’t really the main driver of this. It’s been mainly foreign beef production in countries where there is little regulation.


You militant vegans are hilarious, meat eating is not going away, get over it. You know how people don’t like when religious people try and cram their shit down your throat? Yea… you’re doing the same thing and it’s really fucking annoying.


The majority of places that women wear this are forced to. Let’s not pretend it’s something the majority just love to do. Iran is literally killing their women because their women do not want to wear this.

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