
They’re gonna allow the seven fundamental tenets too, right?

@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Establishing a more visible role for Christianity in public schools, including more prayer led by both teachers and students.

I hate these people just so very much. They aren’t just happy with keeping their stuff in their houses of worship and their homes and inflicting it on their own children; they want everyone else to join in on their little book club, with the power of the State enforcing this.

Fuck them. This is a secular nation - not one mention of the character of Jesus in the Constitution.


Even better, a big chunk of the founders put their name to this treaty paragraph:


@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Treat of Tripoli, yes?

I understand what they were doing there when it comes to diplomacy and pointing out the facts about our country’s founding, but I do wonder if they knew about the “People of the Book” thing within Islam.


Yes, the 1796 Treaty of Tripoli, English version

I don’t think that much of Congress knew much of anything about Islam, though a few had in fact read a translation of the Koran


The Handmaid’s Tale perfectly describes the kind of society they want.

@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I do so look forward to a day when I never, ever have to give one thought in the world about what this rabid minority wants.


I wouldn’t get my hopes up, Chuck.

@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I fear that you may be right.


When I was still watching that show, I was perplexed that Democrats would say that’s the world Republicans want and Republicans would say that’s the world Democrats want.

I’m firmly in the former camp and cannot for the life of me figure out how a conservative could agree with the latter.

@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Wow, haven’t heard any cons making that claim, but I certainly believe they have.

I think it’s much the same way they know something is deemed a bad thing and don’t want to be called out for that thing, so they hilariously try to flip the script, all the while demonstrating they don’t really understand the term and why it’s problematic. See: racism and fascism. They claim Democrats are the real racists for…some inane reason (for supposedly “cancelling” some white man, for instance, or because they are seeing too many brown people on their screens, or…). Or that Democrats are the real fascists because…donnie is facing questions in court for his illegal activities, or because a xtian saw a rainbow flag somewhere, or…

I guess they heard normal Americans talking about how Handmaid’s Tale is a rabid winger’s wet dream, and just did a “no u” on it…


Ah yes, democrats are widely known for their support of christofascism. Always out there forcing their religious beliefs on society, claiming America as a birthright theocracy.

@ThePowerOfGeek@lemmy.world avatar

It was just Democrats expressing their (accurate in this case) analysis. And Republicans projecting, as per usual.


Oof. WaPo wants an email address to access an article a subscriber gifted access to. Here is the archived version instead https://archive.is/3jOgi


Yeah, they started doing this several days back, when the new management came in


The enshitification will continue until profits improve.

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