Deceptichum, avatar

Fun time to be Chinese if you’re the fastest to be replaced by a robot in the world. Theres already abysmal social services to support the unemployed.

Zuberi, avatar

I mean… they will 100% increase the equity of everybody in China.

Deceptichum, avatar


Zuberi, avatar

You’re not going to read it, but check out the wealth inequality in the states vs somewhere like China.

I bet it surprises you so much so, that you hand-waive it away as lies lol. Enjoy the 20th least equitable country on earth, be my guest.


I see that the US is bad and that China is rushing to catch up. However, I’m not a USA apologist and one graph can’t tell you all the disparities between governments.…/wealth-inequality-by-…

Shows the US at worst and China at worst.


People are just upset because they’ve recently had to switch arguments from robots aren’t good to robots are too good. These are the same people that think we should all have access to everything we want, they complain at gas prices or the cost of food while also wanting to stop using oil overnight and everyone to get fair pay…

Automation brings huge efficiency benefits that make it possible for one person to oversee the creation of resources which will serve many people - this has been happening for about two centuries now so it’s baffling that they can’t understand it.

Yes this increased production capacity will make it easier for them to create more infrastructure and cheaper goods which will benefit everyone, even those of us outside China.

Zuberi, avatar

I agree, but China benefits the most from getting to repurpose its workers. The American take on it is that the gov would “obviously” abuse their power over the people. But the stats of China’s wealth inequality don’t lie, at least they have food/houses and a very-clear knowledge that they are being oppressed.

In the states, you’re also very oppressed and typically any automation (over there) means they lose their job/healthcare. That’s just not a thing over there, and these types of machines will definitely increase equity down the line (once the capitalists stop bleeding the 99%) for everybody involved in the supply chain.


If a robot can do your job, you’re useless. Get used to it

Deceptichum, avatar

Yeah fuck blue collar workers! Their worth as a human is only the value they bring the company.


Yeah, this is not the USSR


What’s the USSR? Is it a capitalist hellhole or something?



Deceptichum, avatar

Authoritarian hellhole.


Blue collar? All collar. Automation has been wiping out high paying white collar jobs for years, well before AI. Paralegals, healthcare admin, HR, accounting, tons of places.

If you wear any collar, i.e you dont have capital, youre in danger.


In my humble opinion, China grew too fast and their citizens didn’t get a chance to catch up before getting replaced by robots. Check China’s GDP and how it’s now pretty stagnant and will likely continue to drop while being replaced by automation.

Japan was a similar example of their citizens experiencing dramatic growth after WW2, but unlike China, their citizens caught up and their citizens have a healthy GDP.

Add this plus a bursted housing bubble. They have a big problem.

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