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From the article:

When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Western governments froze about $300 billion in Russian assets — including money, securities, gold and bonds — held mainly in banks in Europe.

Leaders of the G7 economies have agreed to use the interest generated by the assets — about $3 billion per year — to help Ukraine.


For those that don’t know, this isn’t even a sneer. Its literally true.


Say what you want to about the French, but they understand how to interact with politics.


A transporters just a replicator with a targeting addon.

Assuming it can replicate a nuclear reactor but not uranium, we have enough natural uranium to last for 1000s of years.

Even if we went back to coal, the end of all industrial manufacturing might make up for the new pollution.


Not a settled grammar rule.

It was basically the preference of one prominent guy in 1770, and is not inherently correct in a historical sense.


Im betting the “not fair” would still have been an issue as it draws attention to race, which was pretty taboo at the time.

Her and Shatners kiss was the first interracial kiss on television, and it caused all sorts of issues.


They announced it at summer game fest a couple of days ago, then announced it would be released in 24 hrs.

Bit of a double whammy, but a well received one.


They were literally named after a song lyric from the movie “Aladdin.” You get “beat in” to the group by having your cohorts hit you until you can name 5 boxes of cereal. Masturbating is strictly prohibited, and the founder once fucked himself in the ass with a dildo on a live stream to prove they were not “homophobic.”

I made up zero of these things. These are all real proud boy facts.




Right after he was elected, tuberville named the 3 branches of goverment as the the House, the Senate and the Executive.

One of the most powerful people in our goverment cant name the 3 basic branches of it, and Alabama will 100% re-elect this clown until he is dead.

mosiacmango, (edited )

Corrupting the legal system to criminalize political opposition does very little to make a political figure less popular. Often, it just makes them martyrs.

It’s a good thing that didn’t happen. Having an independent state prosecutor bring state crimes in front of a jury of his peers in a public trial has been a great example of democracy working as intended.


This did it for me. When she wore this specific jacket for the first and last time when on a “humanitarian” tour of the child border immigration camps. A tour that was promoted by the brutal “familiy separation” policy that separated migrant families and kept NO RECORDS about family relationships when they did so.


You can shoot first and last, so it’s technically still correct.


7 is fine, it’s just a rehashing of 1 for a new generation. It just needs to be followed up with a “and then Poochie died on his way home to his planet” single animation cell that explains what happened to luke.

The end.


Shes a famous dancer and choreographer as well, but TNG does play that up.

She was the dance choreographer and in charge of puppet movement for Labyrinth as an example.

mosiacmango, (edited )

You can claim the IDF has no regard for human life, so they don’t care if they kill innocent Gazans (I would disagree, but whatever). But to claim that they try to eradicate them is crazy.

The IDF absolutely does not care if it kills innocent civilians. You do not establish invisible “kill zones” in a civilain occupied area and indiscriminately fire on men, women and children if you care about human life. These zones are so ubiquitous and so ill policed that the IDF killed 3 jewish hostages that escaped captivity, hostages that striped themselves shirtless, called out in hebrew, waved white flags, had large signs saying they were escaped hostages, and still the IDF ran them down like dogs to kill because they violated a invisible “kill zone” boundary.

Also, Israel evacuated 800,000 people from Rafah before entering, why do that if they just wanted them to die?

After months of intense and very public pressure and a first in decades withholding of weapons from the US, and after very publicly murdering humanitarian aid workers that cost Israel a great deal of international support for this war. Even then they barely setup any services like tents, water or sanitation for those 800k forced refuges moved into a “expanded humanitarian area,” i.e concentration camp, all while your ministers like Ben Gvir call for the literal genocide of the Palestinian people to continue.

These are not the actions of a country that cares for civilain life.


The conspiracy theorist’s in the recruiter episode bring it up.

Mariner semi confirms it to Boimler.


The US, and likely Israel, want no US military on the ground. The risk of an international incident is too high with Israels indescriminate bombing.

Thats why the air drops and the pier exists. Even US soliders driving aid trucks, or maybe especially US soldiers driving aid trucks, would cause huge issues for both countries, even as it would likely save lives overall.

One “accidental” airstrike on a US military aid convoy and you have real shit happening. Not to mention Hamas, fucks that they are, would be glad to kill some Americans if they could.

Its a 70+ yr mess, and ain’t no one is solving it unless everyone involved is on board.

mosiacmango, (edited )

A dem Florida state senator lost a race by like 31 out of 250,000 votes because of this tactic. The spoiler took 6000+

Those directly involved were arrested and are awaiting trial, but it still worked.

It was apprently coordinated by the state GOP and the largest state utility company, who had a grudge agaisnt the incumbent state senator.

That same company CEO apprently funneled money into 5 different spoiler attempts, each agaisnt a political that was advocating for climate change policies or for energy deregulation, and has since resigned because of it.


Even in your defense, you point out that someone at the company made the explict choice to sell devices with defective cabling. At no point did he blame the engineers who designed it for that choice.

That’s a shit company that doesnt deserve anyone’s support, regardless if it was “engineers” or “bean counters” that opted to continue to sell what they knew was a defective product.

The fact that it happened over and over with multiple devices means it’s a culture issue with the company, not a one off mistake.


Intentionally selling a defective product without informing you customers beforehand is malicious, no matter the justification.


I haven’t shit on you at all. Re- read my comments and point out one negative thing I’e said about you or engineers.

Ive only talked about buisness ethics, and the pervasive negatives that come from misleading customers. If you feel that’s a dig on you, some self reflection might be warranted.


Like seriously. Rip it up with your hands like a person. Put some vigor into your vigorous denouncement.

To bring up a tiny shredder to tiny shred things is basically a farce.


Alana Pierce has a great take on this. Her pount is that all games are a risk, but live service has a chance at infinite upside.

Suits dont give a shit about anything but risk/reward, so live service always seems like the right choice to them, even if 99% of them bomb.


Literally yes. There was a weapon shipment of bombs that was scheduled last week and they withheld them.

Biden’s comments and his decision last week to pause a shipment of heavy bombs to Israel are the most striking manifestations of the growing daylight between his administration and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. Biden has said that Israel needs to do far more to protect the lives of civilians in Gaza.

The shipment was supposed to consist of 1,800 2,000-pound (900-kilogram) bombs and 1,700 500-pound (225-kilogram) bombs, according to a senior U.S. administration official

mosiacmango, (edited )

Fucked up, but literaly true.

Europeans pushed the whole world to the edge, and now if anyone else does the same thing we all topple over.


Yeah, it’s just a way to legitimize attacking and arresting trans people for living their lives openly.


How much profit is Redis or Hashicorp kicking back to the people the contributed to it when it was FOSS? It’s just “Fair code” now to allow its “creators” to profit, right?

mosiacmango, (edited )

He didnt found paypal, his company was merged with another one that became paypal. He was the CEO of PayPal early on, but was so universally disliked he was booted after 6 months.

He then took his Paypal money and did invest it in a fledgling startup named Tesla that had a working prototype of an electric sports car based on a Lotus frame. He later sued the actual founders so that he could claim he was a founder.

SpaceX is there because he had money to fund it and to entice Gwynne Shotwell, a renowed name in aeronautics, to his new space startup. Shes run it the entire time.

Musk is a “money guy” who lies a lot and has had some lucky hires. Hes a pitch man who has lived his entire life with a silver spoon in his mouth, which makes it easy to gamble on high risk projects.

Dont buy the hype hes selling.


Adding all those helldiver’s players into the “Sony account to PlayStation now subscription service” sales funnel is the financial goal here, likely along with selling any data they collect about you to any bidder.

This does make Sony money, but it likely doesn’t make them more than an indie becoming the 7th most successful game this year, but here we are anyway.


He was on the news a lot during his time in congress. Just pick any clip at random and you’ll see this lying face.


Honestly, probably second only to Regan in pure destructive effect, and part of that is because Clinton got caught with Monica, derailing Newts negotiations with Clinton to privatize social security. These talks were apparently pretty far along at the time.

Monica Lewinsky, besides being an absolute champion and a power house public speaker about what shame can does to people, also inadvertently saved social security.


Stardates should be a standard calendar at least amongst themselves.


And that number was just the cases voluntarily reported or with legal cases that the AP could find.

Since we have literally zero reporting requirements at a federal level for police departments, it could be 10-100x as many deaths.


Apparently the story was known locally in south dakota political circles, so there is conjecture this is her trying to get out ahead of it if she was nominated.

mosiacmango, (edited )

Thr article leaves out the detail, but this is the guy who charged into a bathroom and threatened to kill Tapp at a halloween party after someone told him he offered his step daughter drugs. The party was hosted by an F1 driver apprently, but that may be speculation.

There was then a bang and a scuffle sound. Rodimer apprently slammed Tapps head into a table and was chocking him out until his wife intervened. After that, the murderer left. Tapp was then laid out on a bed for hours with party goers tending to him, including Rodimers wife. Someone finally called the paramedics, and he died in the following days.

Rodimers wife texted rodimer that night that no one should have to witness their husband kill a man in front of them and then filed for divorce soon afterwards.

Here is an article with more detail.


There will be an abortion amendment initiative on the Arizona ballot.

The abortion access measure needs about 384,000 valid signatures from Arizona voters by 3 July to make the ballot and has reported collecting more than 500,000 so far. But the state applies strict scrutiny to citizens’ initiatives, with intense requirements for each signature and the people collecting them. In recent years, groups have sued, at times successfully, to remove signatures for various reasons in attempts to keep measures from reaching the ballot.

“We know the Republicans in the next three months are going to do everything in their power to try to take that initiative off the ballot,” the former Democratic lawmaker and congressional candidate Raquel Terán said at an abortion rights rally last Friday. “So we should not count on just half a million – we need to turn in a million signatures or more. Do not stop. We cannot stop, nor take any signature for granted.”

The issue is alive and well, this is just a tiny positive that reiterates the point that a sweeping change is needed to prevent further fuckery.


Raise wages and more people will join the pipeline.

Yes, paying people appropriately really is a silver bullet.


She wanted to drop down to a recurring character instead of a main character, I think for family reasons. A recurring charector would be in fewer episodes, but still be part of the show.

He killed her off instead.


The element of suprise is an integral part of warfare.

If your spies lack the ability to gather intelligence or your sentries are not alert, then that is a failure of your warriors.


King county means shes been getting her ass kicked for 30 years and is still showing up for more.

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