Germany to resume funding of Unrwa aid operations in Gaza

Germany has said it will restore cooperation and funding to Unrwa operations in the Gaza Strip after an independent review said Israel had not provided evidence to back up claims that hundreds of employees of the UN agency for Palestinians were members of terrorist organisations.

The absence so far of evidence presented to underpin Israel’s allegations has raised questions about the snap decision by 19 donor governments to cut millions of dollars of funding to Unrwa, the main channel for humanitarian support for Palestinians, even as the death toll in Gaza soared, the health system collapsed and famine began to loom.


Is America now the only country left banning Unrwa?

Linkerbaan, avatar

I think at least the UK is left. But Germany is the most important one after America


That’s still a big chunk, hopefully other countries step up the aid. So far it doesn’t seem like the US will do anything meaningful to prevent this genocide, unfortunately.

Linkerbaan, avatar

The US is doing everything to make this Genocide possible. They aren’t going crash their own party.

Deceptichum, avatar

Quarter of a year later after stopping it with zero evidence beyond Israel going “just trust me bro” they’ve finally fixed their mistake?

How many lives could’ve been saved with that funding in the interim, Germany should be ashamed.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Well on the bright side UNRWA did not run out of funding in the meantime.

The reason people in Gaza are starving is not because UNRWA was lacking money, but because israel is blocking food and water from getting into Gaza and mass murdering aid workers.

The Genocide has been going on for half a year now. The UNRWA block is more damaging to the future of Gaza since they are now missing a massive amount of money from their yearly budget (which Biden kindly donated to israel so they have more bombs to commit Genocide with.)


Not just Germany. As said in the article 19 donors stopped payment with nothing but “trust me bro”.


Shame is what made them stop funding it in the first place, one can guess.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Too bad America cannot resume funding because the Genocrats lied about evidence and quickly passed a bill to ban UNRWA funding.

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