
Say no to authoritarianism, say yes to socialism

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“Complete Dehumanization”: Israel Killed Over 800 Palestinians in 11 Days (

From June 1 to June 11, Israeli forces killed over 800 Palestinians and wounded over 2,400 as they carried out bombardments and raids across Gaza, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported. This is an average of over 72 Palestinians killed each day at the hands of Israeli forces....


Hundreds per week


Hamas has agreed to a permanent ceasefire and hostage release for months. Israel has refused anything other than a temporary pause, because they want to bomb Gaza regardless

How many more people will die from this violent Apartheid State commiting genocide?


It’s obvious for anyone paying attention to the news. If you check the Ceasefire History, you see it every week.

Oct 9 2023 - Hamas official says group is open to discussions over truce with Israel - Reuters

Oct 16 2023 9:41 AM - Israel denies ceasefire in place to allow entrance of aid to Gaza - Times of Israel

Oct 27 2023 - Hamas official demands ceasefire for hostages to be released - Fox News

Oct 31 2023 - Fighting in Gaza intensifies as Netanyahu rejects calls for cease-fire - CBS

Nov 5 2023 - Israel rejects ceasefire calls as forces set to deepen offensive - Reuters

Nov 14 2023 - Hamas’ armed wing says it is ready to free 70 Israeli hostages in return for a 5-day cease-fire - Business Insider

Nov 23 2023 Temp Ceasefire Begins 24th

Dec 1 2023 Temp Ceasefire Ends

Dec 8 2023 - U.S. vetoes ceasefire demand as UN secretary general warns Gaza ‘at breaking point’ - CBC

Dec 12 2023 1:31 PM - U.N. General Assembly votes in favor of cease-fire resolution 153-10; U.S. and Israel vote against - NBC

Dec 20 2023 - Hamas insists on end to Israel’s offensive in Gaza before hostage talks can begin - The Guardian

Dec 25 2023 - Hamas, Islamic Jihad reject Gaza gov. overhaul for permanent ceasefire, Egyptian sources say - Reuters

Jan 3 2024 - Hamas says there must be a permanent ceasefire deal in order for remaining hostages to be released - CNN

Jan 10 2024 - US defends its veto of call for Gaza cease-fire while Palestinians and others demand fighting stop - AP News

Jan 22 2024 - Hostage talks continue as Israel rejects Hamas demand for full IDF withdrawal and a permanent cease-fire - NBC

Jan 31 2024 - Netanyahu rejects Hamas conditions for ceasefire, refuses to release ‘thousands of terrorists’ - India TV

Feb 7 2024 - Hamas ceasefire proposal details - Reuters

Feb 14 2024 - Gaza cease-fire and hostage release talks appear to stall as Netanyahu and Hamas trade blame - AP News

Feb 20 2024 - US blocks ceasefire call with third UN veto in Israel-Hamas war - Reuters

Mar 6 2024 - Officials say Hamas has continued to press Israel for a commitment to a permanent cease-fire after a multistage release of all hostages, but Israel has refused. - NY Times

Mar 22, 2024 - Why Biden Proposed a UN (temporary) Ceasefire Resolution That Was Vetoed by Russia and China - Time

Apr 3, 2024- Hamas sticking to ceasefire conditions including Israeli Gaza pullout - Reuters

Apr 9, 2024 - Hamas says Israeli proposal fails to meet demands, but is under review - Reuters

Apr 15, 2024 - Hamas Offers Phased Release of Israeli Hostages After Six-week Gaza Cease-fire - Haaretz

Apr 26, 2024 - Hamas ‘serious’ about captives’ release but not without Gaza ceasefire - Al Jazeera

May 4, 2024 - Report: Hamas Accepts Gaza Cease-fire Deal; Israeli Officials Reject Prospect of War Ending - Haaretz

May 7, 2024 - What’s in the three-phase ceasefire deal Hamas backs, but Israel does not? - Reuters

May 15, 2024 - Hamas chief says Israeli amendments on ceasefire proposal led to deadlock - Reuters

May 19, 2024 Why has an Israel-Hamas ceasefire been so elusive? A timeline of key moments in the search for peace - The Conversation

May 31, 2024 - Hamas says it ‘positively’ views Gaza ceasefire proposal set out by Biden - Reuters

June 4, 2024 - Hamas wants Israel to commit to permanent ceasefire, full withdrawal from Gaza - Reuters

June 11, 2024 - UN Security Council adopts a cease-fire resolution aimed at ending Israel-Hamas war in Gaza - AP News

Keeponstalin, (edited )

Ever consider that the people that brutally murdered over a thousand people a day might be capable of lying?

How are you so willfully ignorant that you can’t recognize how this applies to Israel, who has killed tens of thousands of people, the vast majority of women and children, and also injured three times as many people.

Israel has literally not agreed to the ceasefire proposal. Hamas has. Can you read beyond the title? The contention is that Hamas wants a assurance that Israel will follow the ceasefire. Israel wants to do the hostages swap, but only if they can continue bombing Palestinians afterwards.


Israel isn’t a good news source. You clearly don’t read anything else. News articles, human rights reports, and books written by Historians who have exhaustively researched this conflict all disagree with you.

Year before Oct 7 - Jewish Voice for Peace

2023 is ‘deadliest year’ for Palestinian children say human rights groups (Oct 6th)

HRW Events of 2022 and HRW Events of 2023

Reports about how Israel is an Apartheid State:

Amnesty International Report

Human Rights Watch Report

B’TSelem Report with quick Explainer

The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948 - Nur Masalha

A History of Modern Palestine - Ilan Pappe

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe

The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories - Ilan Pappe

The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi

The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences - Avi Shlaim

The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-development - Sara Roy

New Historian Aricles on One vs. Two State Solution:

How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution

‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe

Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal (

Following the UN Security Council vote to approve a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza, U.S. officials and other international allies of Israel are cynically placing blame on Hamas for a stall in current ceasefire negotiations — even as Israel has insisted on indefinitely continuing its massacre in Gaza and Hamas has said its main...


The Three-phase plan from the UN Resolution:

Phase one includes an “immediate, full, and complete ceasefire with the release of hostages including women, the elderly and the wounded, the return of the remains of some hostages who have been killed, and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners”.

It calls for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from “populated areas” of Gaza, the return of Palestinians to their homes and neighbourhoods throughout the enclave, including in the north, as well as the safe and effective distribution of humanitarian assistance at scale.

Phase two would see a permanent end to hostilities “in exchange for the release of all other hostages still in Gaza, and a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza”.

In phase three, “a major multi-year reconstruction plan for Gaza” would begin and the remains of any deceased hostages still in the Strip would be returned to Israel.

The Council also underlined the proposal’s provision that if negotiations take longer than six weeks for phase one, the ceasefire will continue as long as negotiations continue. No territorial change

In the resolution, the Security Council rejects any attempt at demographic or territorial change in the Gaza Strip, including any actions that reduce the territory of the enclave.


Better than a violent occupying force

Keeponstalin, (edited )

It’s no surprise Truthout is biased towards Palestinian Human Rights, but they are certainly more credible than Ad Fontes or MBFC suggests. If you look at the few articles that Ad Fontes shows as ‘low credibility’ you can see that the articles are well sourced and quoted. If you look at MBFC, they are rated as ‘Mixed’ on factual reporting despite no Articles failing a fact check.

Although Truthout has not failed a fact check by an IFCN fact checker, they have reported some stories that were not factual. For example, a reporter claimed that Karl Rove was indicted on charges when in fact, he wasn’t. The reporter continued to claim without evidence. See the link here. Although this is only one example, it shows that this source should be checked when in doubt.

Overall, we rate Truthout strongly Left Biased based on story selection and political positions that favor the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to publishing a false story and promoting anti-GMO propaganda. (5/15/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 12/01/2022)

The article listed here links to a broken Truthout link, with the article author being Jason Leopold. I’m not sure about the article since I can’t see it, but he has other articles here until 2013.

No failed fact checks for anything Palestine related. The one other article mentioned you can find here listed as an Op-Ed. Written by Robert Schooler in 2016, and the only article on Truthout written by him.

That’s certainly not enough for me to write off the entire news outlet. Neither of these people are the ones writing these articles about what is happening in Gaza. If you find info in the article you think may not be factual, let me know.


Water Control, Gaza Blockade

Israel has been holding the Gaza Strip under blockade for more than a decade, since June 2007. It does not allow any materials in that it considers “dual purpose”, i.e., that can be used for either civilian or military purposes. This includes construction materials, such as cement and iron, and other raw materials. All these are needed to repair Gaza’s water and sanitation infrastructure, which were heavily damaged by Israeli bombings, especially in Operation Cast Lead (which began in late 2008) and Operation Protective Edge (the summer of 2014). The estimated damage amounts to some 34 million dollars. As of the end of 2015, more than 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza were still cut off from the public water network.

This is just some of the systemic violence that happens under an Apartheid State, on top of the direct violence


Further, the report found that Israeli forces had, themselves, added to the civilian death toll of October 7, killing at least 14 Israelis as part of the so-called Hannibal Directive that instructs Israeli soldiers to undertake any actions necessary to avoid capture by enemy forces, up to and potentially including the killing of fellow Israeli soldiers.

In this case, Israeli forces killed 13 Israeli civilian hostages who were being held in a house in southern Israel via tank fire on October 7, the report found, while an Israeli helicopter killed one Israeli civilian while she was being abducted.

14 Israeli Civilians confirmed dead from friendly fire


Socio-economic gaps between Palestinian and Jewish Israeli citizens are the result of discriminatory policies pursued over decades. Historically, Israel prevented its Palestinian citizens from accessing livelihoods under its 18-year-long military rule, and used them, at different times, as a source of cheap labour in order to preserve the interests of the Jewish majority. In addition to cruel land seizures, other discriminatory policies have led to Palestinians’ social and economic deprivation: the exclusion of Palestinian localities from high priority areas for development, the discriminatory allocation of land and water for agriculture as well as discriminatory planning and zoning, and the failure to implement major infrastructure development projects in Palestinian communities.

The blockade and Israel’s repeated military offensives have had a heavy toll on Gaza’s essential infrastructure and further debilitated its health system and economy, leaving the area in a state of perpetual humanitarian crisis. Indeed, Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza’s civilian population, the majority of whom are children, has created conditions inimical to human life due to shortages of housing, potable water and electricity, and lack of access to essential medicines and medical care, food, educational equipment and building materials.

Other reports about how Israel is an Apartheid State:

Human Rights Watch Report

B’TSelem Report with quick Explainer

Israel Has Carried Out 464 Attacks on Gaza’s Health Care System Since October 7 (

More than eight months into Israel’s devastating assault on Gaza, the territory’s healthcare system is barely functioning, with the World Health Organization reporting this week that there have been 464 Israeli attacks on Gaza’s healthcare system since October 7, affecting 101 health facilities....

Israel Bombs Gaza After UN Security Council Passes Binding Ceasefire Resolution (

As the UN Security Council passed a binding U.S.-sponsored resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on Monday, Israel continued to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza — despite U.S. officials’ insistence that the ceasefire is backed by Israeli officials....


I hope you’re wrong, Palestinians deserve human rights like everyone else. Colonialism is far from peace

Day After UN School Attack, IDF Brags About Striking Another Refugee Camp School (

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) bombed a UN school-turned-evacuation center in Al-Shati refugee camp, near Gaza City, as they carried out an intense series of bombardments on Friday. Palestinian officials have reported that three Palestinians were killed and 15 were injured....


Seems like Israel only apologizes publicly for its massacres when there is enough international outrage, otherwise they brag about it


The slogan From the River to the Sea is about Palestinian liberation that started in the 60s by the PLO for a democratic secular state, not Genocide. The Syrian leader Hafez al-Assad in 1966 maybe, but he’s not Palestinian.


Do you want to discuss the over 500 incitements of genocide? When it comes to intent, Israel’s intent has been documented more than most

Since the commencement of our investigative efforts on October 7th, 2023, Law for Palestine has meticulously amassed a compelling body of evidence exposing the proliferation of incitement to violence and genocidal intent perpetrated by Israeli officials and public figures, against Palestinians. Our documentation encompasses over 500 incitements of violence and genocidal incitement, appearing in the forms of social media posts, television interviews, and official statements from Israeli politicians, army personnel, journalists, and other influential personalities.…


Except, it’s not. Look for yourself

Hamas 1988 Charter and Revised 2017 Charter

The 1988 Charter, which is certainly unreasonable in its fundamentalism with Sharia Law and is antisemitic, does not call for the extermination of all Jewish People. Hamas wants an end to Israel as an Apartheid State, not an extermination of all Israelis. Under Ahmed Yassin in the 1990’s, truces were offered in exchange for Israeli to withdrawal from Gaza and the West Bank to the 1967 borders. The 2017 Revised charter explicitly accepts a Two-State Solution of the 1967 Borders. Check Article 7 and 13 of the 1988 Charter to see yourself, compare it to Article 20 and 24-26 in the revised charter.


You’re right, their intent is the same, an end to the systemic supremacy and human rights abuses of living under an Apartheid Regime. Hamas began twenty years into the occupation during the first Intifada, with the goal of ending the occupation. Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.

Israel is the one that intentionally conflates the two in order to deflect from criticizm. When Israel commits war crimes, or human rights abuses, or land grabbing, they are the ones that claim they do so for all Jewish people. When Zionist actions are criticized, they call it antisemitic. The conflation of the two is genuinely antisemitic, as the actions of Israel in no way represent all Jewish people.

If you don’t want to be naive, I suggest you read the reports by human rights organizations.

Year before Oct 7 - Jewish Voice for Peace

2023 is ‘deadliest year’ for Palestinian children say human rights groups (Oct 6th)

HRW Events of 2022 and HRW Events of 2023

Reports about how Israel is an Apartheid State:

Amnesty International Report

Human Rights Watch Report

B’TSelem Report with quick Explainer


I am an advocate for a Bi-National One-State Solution, where Palestinians and Israelis have equal rights, including right of return. Where Historic Palestine can be a safe haven for all Jewish, Christian, and Islamic people from persecution. A Two-State Solution is no longer viable due to the land grabbing of Israel, that has divided the West Bank into hundreds of isolated enclaves surrounded by military checkpoints and violent settlers.

I do not think Hamas nor Fatah should govern the Palestinian people, both are corrupt for different reasons. However I don’t think any meaningful change in governance can happen until an end to the Apartheid/Occupation, for the same reason of how Fatah and Hamas are corrupt. A free and fair election cannot happen under an Apartheid State.

Your fear is understandable, however I think it is misplaced. Anti-LGBT+ is shared between all conservative reactionary governments, regardless of religion. American conservatives are just as anti-LGBT+ as any middle eastern conservatives for the most part. Neither Muslims or Arabs are monolithic, there are still advocates for LGBT+ rights in middle eastern countries. In Palestine, for example, there is ASWAT and JOH. Israel is a little better for LGBT, however there has been some pinkwashing.

Right now, no Palestinians in the Occupied Territories have rights, neither basic human rights nor civil rights. I’m an advocate for all people to have those kinds of rights, regardless of whether they agree with all my views or not. So, even if the majority of Palestinians are anti-LGBT, I will still advocate for them to have those rights. I will also advocate for LGBT+ rights within Palestine.

I do have a Bachelor’s in STEM, however I’m not a historian. A year ago I had no idea about the situation in Palestine/Israel, nor the history. The best resource I’ve found by far for extensive research on the history and on-the-ground investigations are New Historians and Human Rights Organizations respectively. Here’s a list of the ones I recommend.

List of Books by New Historians:

If you don’t have access to a library or want to view these for free first, they can all be found on the Library Genesis. I believe a few are on audible too

The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948 - Nur Masalha

A History of Modern Palestine - Ilan Pappe

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe

The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories - Ilan Pappe

The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi

The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences - Avi Shlaim

The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-development - Sara Roy

New Historian Aricles on One vs. Two State Solution:

How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution

‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe


Not sure where you’re getting the idea that Christian conservatives don’t want LGBT people dead, because that’s not the reality.

How the rise of anti-LGBTQ+ hate and violence is impacting the community

Christian Right

Similar to Apartheid South Africa, internal and external pressure is necessary. But unlike Apartheid South Africa, Israel is committing Genocide. So significantly more external pressure and hopefully intervention will be necessary to stop the genocide and begin the process of emancipation.

Despite the British and American governments classifying the ANC as a terrorist organisation during the 1980s, the growing international criticism of Apartheid, spurred by disruptive resistance in South Africa, and the undermining of the anti-Communist imperative due to the end of the Cold War, also moved those states to finally implement trade sanctions against Apartheid.

World politics explainer: the end of Apartheid

Again, there are audiobooks available (free with an audible membership too) if you don’t want to physically read. I believe you can find some on Spotify too.


It’s not right, but neither is the apartheid. There is no right way to fight against an Apartheid or Occupation. If you don’t understand the land grabbing, you don’t understand the conflict.

Before 1948, Palestinian Leadership repeatedly advocated for a Unitary Binational State for decades: Palestinian Arab Congress advocating for Unified State 1928, Arab Higher Committee advocating for Unified State 1937, Arab League advocating for Unified State 1948

After the founding of Israel, the Two-State Solutions were utilized to further annex the Palestinian Occupied Territories and enact military control over Palestinians while denying them human and civil rights. This is apartheid. Despite this, both Fatah and Hamas have accepted a Two-State Solution on the 1967 borders, with the two most important factors being the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees and an end to the permanent occupation.

Oslo Accord Sources: MEE, NYT, Haaretz, AJ

History of peace process - The Intercept

The settlements represent land-grabbing, and land-grabbing and peace-making don’t go together, it is one or the other. By its actions, if not always in its rhetoric, Israel has opted for land-grabbing and as we speak Israel is expanding settlements. So, Israel has been systematically destroying the basis for a viable Palestinian state and this is the declared objective of the Likud and Netanyahu who used to pretend to accept a two-state solution. In the lead up to the last election, he said there will be no Palestinian state on his watch. The expansion of settlements and the wall mean that there cannot be a viable Palestinian state with territorial contiguity. The most that the Palestinians can hope for is Bantustans, a series of enclaves surrounded by Israeli settlements and Israeli military bases.

  • Avi Shlaim

How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution

‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe

One State Solution, Foreign Affairs

Israeli Airstrike Kills Dozens at Gaza School-Turned-Shelter (

The strike came after the military said it was launching new air and ground operations in central Gaza in an apparent widening of its nearly eight-month offensive, launched after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. An international medical charity had reported soaring casualties even before Thursday’s strike....


Let’s do our best to not ignore them, spread awareness, and pressure our Representatives however we can

The No Thanks app is a great and easy way to make an individual impact


It can’t be any more obvious that the ‘human shields’ excuses have no substance and are used to justify killing and terrorizing civilians


Supporting a racist apartheid regime commiting genocide is evil. Supporting an end to the apartheid and equal rights is not.

Report: Vast Majority of Children Under 5 in Gaza Going Full Days Without Food (

According to a food survey conducted by humanitarian aid groups in May, 85 percent of children under 5 were deprived of food at least one day over a three day period. Official death counts reported by Gaza’s government do not include deaths by starvation; at least 30 children have been recorded starving to death in Gaza so...


On top of the blockade, Israeli forces recently lifted a ban on commercial food deliveries entering Gaza, meaning that commercial deliveries from Israel and the West Bank are now squeezing out aid trucks attempting to enter border crossings.

“By the time a famine is declared, it will be too late. When hunger claims many more lives, nobody will be able to deny the horrifying impact of Israel’s deliberate, illegal and cruel obstruction of aid,” said Sally Abi Khalil, Middle East and North Africa director for Oxfam, in a statement. “Obstructing tonnes of food for a malnourished population while waving through caffeine-laced drinks and chocolate is sickening.”

I had no clue about Israel utilizing commercial deliveries to further obstruct humanitarian aid from entering Gaza before this article


I still see some people blame Hamas / Palestinians for the famine, as if Israel doesn’t have complete control of all imports/food/water and hasn’t been deliberately targeting humanitarian aid / aid workers

Keeponstalin, (edited )

From the commercial deliveries Israel replaced aid trucks with, it’s $700 for a tent. I don’t know if it’s a full tent, Israel has been preventing the tent polls from being allowed in Gaza. If you watch any footage of Palestinians in the camps you’ll notice they all use wood or plastic.

I’ll add an archived version to the post so you can view it.

Extortion of Palestinians during this genocide isn’t new either, here’s an older article discussing the cost of leaving Gaza

‘We try every day to escape’: Palestinians struggle to afford Gaza exit fees

Continued Israeli Assault Forces 1 Million Palestinians From Rafah (

The assault on Rafah, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, has left the displaced in “unspeakable” conditions, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said on social media. Approximately 1.7 million displaced people are now in Khan Younis and “Gaza Middle Areas,” according...

Keeponstalin, (edited )

Still, an April report from Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, drawing on interviews with hospital workers, said doctors at the facility faced “ethical, professional and even emotional distress.” Barilan said turnover has been high.

There is a lot more in the report than the article mentions

Security forces at the field hospital require all detained persons to remain handcuffed and blindfolded at all times, including during medical treatment. Media reports indicate that Gaza residents held at this military facility endure harsh conditions, being restrained with their hands behind their backs and occasionally bound to a fence for prolonged periods, spanning entire and consecutive days. These circumstances lead to substantial physical and psychological harm.

As per a report from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), interviews conducted with approximately 100 released detainees revealed that they were blindfolded, beaten, robbed, sexually assaulted, attacked by dogs, and denied access to medical care and legal representation.

Supremacy and cruelty everywhere, nowhere is safe in Gaza


The difference is due to the military control Israel has over the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Palestinians are tried in a military court with no civil rights or representation, tortured into false confessions, and incarcerated with routine torture, sexual abuse, and denial of basic medical care. That includes hundreds if not thousands of children.

Palestinians denied civil rights (HRW) including Military Court (B’TSelem)

Palestinian Prisoners in Israel including Child abuse - Save The Children

Torture and Abuse in Interrogations - B’TSelem

Thousands of Palestinians are held without charge under Israeli detention policy - NPR

Urgently investigate inhumane treatment and enforced disappearance of Palestinians detainees from Gaza - Amnesty

Israel/OPT: Horrifying cases of torture and degrading treatment of Palestinian detainees amid spike in arbitrary arrests


You could always read up on guerilla warfare and Resistance Movements as well as the details of the occupation, if you want to talk literal.

Abandoned by Israeli state, Palestinian citizens face crime wave (

Some may say this is an exaggeration, and insist that Palestinian citizens of Israel lead normal lives, better than most Palestinians and Arabs. But in addition to widespread discrimination against and increasing political persecution of Palestinian citizens by the Israeli government, the number of Palestinian victims of...

‘The smell of death and blood wafts throughout Jabalia camp’ (

On the morning of May 11, the Israeli army spokesperson announced that the military had begun a new operation in Jabalia, the city and adjacent refugee camp in northern Gaza. Evacuation orders were issued to Palestinian residents of several neighborhoods, but many have been unable to leave; others have decided to stay, given the...

Captain Janeway - Hair Master (

My favorite part was how her hair was in a beautiful and much more complicated knot in the premier episode, then it was a mangled mess after Voyager was thrown to the Delta Quadrant, but they make a show of her fixing it into the simpler knot with her bare hands while walking the corridors from one disaster to another....

Ireland, Spain and Norway to recognise Palestinian state (

Ireland, Spain and Norway have announced they will formally recognise a Palestinian state on 28 May, triggering an immediate response from Israel, which said it would retaliate by recalling its ambassadors from Dublin, Madrid and Oslo, and withholding vital funds from the Palestinian Authority....


Dismantling Israel as an apartheid state and replacing it with a secular binational state that has equal rights for Palestinians and Israelis?


You’re right, Israel should not get a free pass for genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Hamas began twenty years into the occupation during the first Intifada, with the goal of ending the occupation. Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.

Hamas 1988 Charter and Revised 2017 Charter

The 1988 Charter, which is certainly unreasonable in its fundamentalism with Sharia Law and is antisemitic, does not call for the extermination of all Jewish People. Hamas wants an end to Israel as an Apartheid State, not an extermination of all Israelis. Under Ahmed Yassin in the 1990’s, truces were offered in exchange for Israeli to withdrawal from Gaza and the West Bank to the 1967 borders. The 2017 Revised charter explicitly accepts a Two-State Solution of the 1967 Borders. Check Article 7 and 13 of the 1988 Charter to see yourself, compare it to Article 20 and 24-26 in the revised charter.

The slogan From the River to the Sea is about Palestinian liberation that started in the 60s by the PLO for a democratic secular state, not Genocide. The Syrian leader Hafez al-Assad in 1966 maybe, but he’s not Palestinian.

History of Hamas supported by Netanyahu since 2012

No I don’t support Hamas as a ruling party, I want Palestinians to be able to have free fair elections.


Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, or religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making the society ethnically homogeneous. Along with direct removal such as deportation or population transfer, it also includes indirect methods aimed at forced migration by coercing the victim group to flee and preventing its return, such as murder, rape, and property destruction.

Forced expulsion of Palestinians has been central to Zionism since the 1880’s

There are a lot of factors of the Jewish exodus from the Muslim world, but your conflating of the two as justification or minimization of the Nakba doesn’t work; unless you somehow think all Arabs or Muslims are the same. But it’s pretty clear your racist towards Palestinians or Arabs or Muslims when your argument boils down to ‘they are violent primitives and deserve to die,’ just going straight to dehumanization and ignoring all material conditions of Apartheid

Iraqi-born Israeli historian Avi Shlaim, speaking of the wave of Iraqi Jewish migration to Israel, concludes that, even though Iraqi Jews were “victims of the Israeli-Arab conflict”, Iraqi Jews aren’t refugees, saying “nobody expelled us from Iraq, nobody told us that we were unwanted.” He restated that case in a review of Martin Gilbert’s book, In Ishmael’s House.

Yehuda Shenhav has criticized the analogy between Jewish emigration from Arab countries and the Palestinian exodus. He also says “The unfounded, immoral analogy between Palestinian refugees and Mizrahi immigrants needlessly embroils members of these two groups in a dispute, degrades the dignity of many Mizrahi Jews, and harms prospects for genuine Jewish-Arab reconciliation.” He has stated that “the campaign’s proponents hope their efforts will prevent conferral of what is called a ‘right of return’ on Palestinians, and reduce the size of the compensation Israel is liable to be asked to pay in exchange for Palestinian property appropriated by the state guardian of ‘lost’ assets.”

Israeli historian Yehoshua Porath has rejected the comparison, arguing that while there is a superficial similarity, the ideological and historical significance of the two population movements are entirely different. Porath points out that the immigration of Jews from Arab countries to Israel, expelled or not, was the “fulfilment of a national dream”. He also argues that the achievement of this Zionist goal was only made possible through the endeavors of the Jewish Agency’s agents, teachers, and instructors working in various Arab countries since the 1930s. Porath contrasts this with the Palestinian Arabs’ flight of 1948 as completely different. He describes the outcome of the Palestinian’s flight as an “unwanted national calamity” that was accompanied by “unending personal tragedies”. The result was "the collapse of the Palestinian community, the fragmentation of a people, and the loss of a country that had in the past been mostly Arabic-speaking and Islamic.


What are you talking about? A free and fair election is impossible under an apartheid regime

Edit: oh I think your comment was sarcasm lol, i can be hard to tell without the /s

Keeponstalin, (edited )

Why do you blame the occupation on the occupied? Do you think the existence of the Warsaw ghettos were the fault of the Jewish prisoners too?

The escalation in violent resistance to occupation in the OPTs over the decades has been a reaction to the increasing enforcement of the occupation, not the other way around.

Israel has had control of Gaza with the occupation and blockade since 1967, enforcing policies for the de-development of Gaza’s economy. The Israeli imposed closure on Gaza began in 1991, temporarily, becoming permanent in 1993. The barrier began around Gaza around 1972.

With the Blockade, Israel controls all the sea, airspace, and border. Fishermen can’t fish outside of 6-12 nautical miles before getting arrested or shot. Israel controls all travel in and out of Gaza. Over 60% of people were already food insecure before October 7th because Israel deliberately restricts food entering Gaza. Israel’s policies of Water control left everyone in Gaza with half the water of the emergency WHO standards, now significantly less. Internationally, Gaza is recognized as Occupied.

Israel has shut off all food, water, electricity, and aid to Gaza. Because as occupiers they have that power over occupied territories. They’ve also repeatedly targeted refugee camps, hospitals, safe zones, and aid trucks.

“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly"

  • Minister of Defense - Yoav Gallant

The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development - Third Edition by Sara M. Roy

Israel claims it is no longer occupying the Gaza Strip. What does international law say?

The Gaza Strip − why the history of the densely populated enclave is key to understanding the current conflict

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